Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Hey, remember back when people thought we might need to remove Borek so he didn't get us all killed? And now we just want the fucker back so he can answer some questions...
If you make a new vote it counts as changing your vote right?

Making my vote more exclusive to try to get the info I'm interested in:

[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
I know it's too late, but...

The checkmark is the result rolled, 'canon' is the situation in Gotrek and Felix.
Could it that the axis on this is Space-Time displacement?

Vertical is space and horizontal is Time?
One thing we know from that - situation there halfly canonical. Horizontal axis, I mean. And halfly not canonical at all.
Horizontal axis cannot be "what they tried as defense measures". Duh. I think that's about amount of survivors.
Vertical axis... I think it's about "how/why". I.e. canonically "everything fine, they did nothing wrong", and here "they're did something so fucking fucked that even Chaos can't unfuck that (yet)".
If necromancy is alright, does quest or WHF canon explain who this is? (i know who the referenced unrelated wizard is but this person is suggested to be of similar prominence to Elspeth von Draken and Algard.
As someone else said, he's the Patriarch of the fire wizards.

The reason he's called "No-relation" is because there's another wizard with a similar name that was the first wizard to be Pacified. Basically a magic lobotomy?
Assuming their active seeking of favour through combat does not make the dice be more like
5: Bugger off, we're busy.
6: Join the assault or go away.

Probably not that bad, but the situation here is different from our previous dealings with Kurgans.
My guess is that the different tribes split based on worship of different gods. We've seen 1 for Dragon Ogre, 1 for Slaanesh, and 1 for Khorne. So Tzeentch and Nurgle remain.

If you make a new vote it counts as changing your vote right?

Making my vote more exclusive to try to get the info I'm interested in:

[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
Yes, the new post overwrites everything in your previous post.
Oh, I actually have an answer to why the Dwarfs call him Cor-Dum!

...They don't. Both the 6th and 7th Beastmen books say they call him Gor-Dum. The 6th edition book has a G that looks like a C and the wiki must have gotten it wrong.
Haha, you're totally right. They even have the C right there for comparison purposes. Check it out:

And what that other guy was talking about:

With the dash it's even clearer that it's Gave, not Grave.

What's it that Algard didn't know again? That Rupert wasn't actually a member of a schism? Or?

Middenland's alliance with the Eonir was supposedly built on the violent expulsion of those living in Laurelorn's territory. Instead of killing these villagers the Winter Wolves left the Empire with them, and they became the founding population of Ulrikadrin. That's why the Ar-Ulric isn't seeking to punish them, because it's a neat solution to an unsavoury requirement, even if he can't officially sanction it. Nobody outside noticed it happening because refugees leaving a warzone isn't really notable.

It's explained more fully in a later update, but I wanted to tease the thread by seeing if they could realize what Mathilde did.
Okay, let's actually do science to this.

What are the major hypotheses and how could we falsify any of them?
  1. The divine power that's transmuting the rock is sourced from...
    1. An Elven Deity is transmuting the rock
    2. Cor-Dum is transmuting the rock
    3. Power stolen from the Ancestor Gods is transmuting the rock
  2. The Beastmen are...
    1. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by Cor-Dum
    2. The Kurgan, transformed by Cor-Dum
    3. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by a ritual of some kind
    4. Perfectly normal Beastmen
  3. Cor-Dum...
    1. Serves Karag Dum voluntarily
    2. Serves Karag Dum unwillingly, bound by runecraft or similar
    3. Does not serve Karag Dum; the situation has just been engineered to keep him there
    4. Isn't present, this is just something that looks like him
2.* could potentially be falsified by observing a one of the Beastman up close or by observing a Beastman early in the stages of the process. Talking to the Kurgan would help. Not sure how to differentiate between 2.1 and 2.3, since that would have happened a long time ago. Try to figure out Beastmen population levels over time?

1.* are going to be hard to nail down. We might be able to gain some information by seeing if different materials respond to the field differently? This would be a lot easier if we had any Runesmiths. I would like to see if we can figure out precisely where the desert is centered.

3.* I'm not sure about. Talking to Cor-Dum would probably do a lot, but I'm not sure how to swing that. Observing him interacting with the Kurgan would help.

It'd be nice if we could find Borek to see what's become of him.

I think that my vote will be...

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Ask for a volunteer to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with

Basically, try to sneak in to gather more data about the Beastmen, without committing too hard.

Also, if we don't figure anything out now, I'd like to commit right now to coming back to investigate more deeply with Cython, a Runesmith, and a priest of the Dwarven Ancestor Gods.

  1. Added 2.4 from @Guile
  2. Added 3.4 from @Godwinson
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Okay, let's actually do science to this.

What are the major hypotheses and how could we falsify any of them?
  1. The divine power that's transmuting the rock is sourced from...
    1. An Elven Deity is transmuting the rock
    2. Cor-Dum is transmuting the rock
    3. Power stolen from the Ancestor Gods is transmuting the rock
  2. The Beastmen are...
    1. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by Cor-Dum
    2. The Kurgan, transformed by Cor-Dum
    3. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by a ritual of some kind
  3. Cor-Dum serves Karag Dum...
    1. Voluntarily
    2. Unwillingly, bound by runecraft
    3. Unwittingly, the situation having been engineered to keep him there
Don't forget 2.4.: The Beastmen are actually Beastmen, drawn from over thousands of miles to Gor-Dum.

It's happened before.
It's explained more fully in a later update, but I wanted to tease the thread by seeing if they could realize what Mathilde did.
I forget, did we actually succeed in that, or did you have to explain it?
Unlike the defences of the Colleges, no attempt has been made to obscure the nature of these magics and you're quickly able to deduce the right trees to walk between, and you find yourself in a fold of tamed forest that you suspect would make Panoramia's jaw drop
Also, if and when we end up working with the Eonir we should totally introduce our girlfriend to them and maybe take her for a visit should we be invited to Laurelorn. Not for her magical expertise, but just because she would totally love getting to see places like this.
Okay, let's actually do science to this.

What are the major hypotheses and how could we falsify any of them?
  1. The divine power that's transmuting the rock is sourced from...
    1. An Elven Deity is transmuting the rock
    2. Cor-Dum is transmuting the rock
    3. Power stolen from the Ancestor Gods is transmuting the rock
  2. The Beastmen are...
    1. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by Cor-Dum
    2. The Kurgan, transformed by Cor-Dum
    3. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by a ritual of some kind
  3. Cor-Dum serves Karag Dum...
    1. Voluntarily
    2. Unwillingly, bound by runecraft
    3. Unwittingly, the situation having been engineered to keep him there
2.* could potentially be falsified by observing a one of the Beastman up close or by observing a Beastman early in the stages of the process. Talking to the Kurgan would help. Not sure how to differentiate between 2.1 and 2.3, since that would have happened a long time ago. Try to figure out Beastmen population levels over time?

1.* are going to be hard to nail down. We might be able to gain some information by seeing if different materials respond to the field differently? This would be a lot easier if we had any Runesmiths. I would like to see if we can figure out precisely where the desert is centered.

3.* I'm not sure about. Talking to Cor-Dum would probably do a lot, but I'm not sure how to swing that. Observing him interacting with the Kurgan would help.

It'd be nice if we could find Borek to see what's become of him.

I think that my vote will be...

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Ask for a volunteer to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with

Basically, try to sneak in to gather more data about the Beastmen, without committing too hard.
while I'm not sure about your 'findings'..

I do like your thinking.

falsify is a strong word for something we need to do fast, but we do have theories, so let's start eliminating them before adding in something new.

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Ask for a volunteer to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with

Tentative votes until someone can convince me that something else can check off one of the 3 big theories.
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I guess it's also possible that rather than be transformed on site or drawn from elsewhere on foot, they came with the mysteriously-appearing old-growth forest. Like some deity dropped a big ass forest into the Chaos Wastes (probably while flipping the bird at every Chaos God simultaneously with both hands), and it just so happened to include Gor-Dum and an army of Beastmen. Oops.

But there's no way to test that that I can think of. Even if we killed a Beastman and counted the rings, it only proves that he's an old Beastman, not where he came from. Unless there's region-specific Beastmen mutations. I guess we could ask Seija and the Taalites.
Okay, let's actually do science to this.

What are the major hypotheses and how could we falsify any of them?
  1. The divine power that's transmuting the rock is sourced from...
    1. An Elven Deity is transmuting the rock
    2. Cor-Dum is transmuting the rock
    3. Power stolen from the Ancestor Gods is transmuting the rock
  2. The Beastmen are...
    1. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by Cor-Dum
    2. The Kurgan, transformed by Cor-Dum
    3. The Dwarves of Karag Dum, transformed by a ritual of some kind
    4. Perfectly normal Beastmen
  3. Cor-Dum serves Karag Dum...
    1. Voluntarily
    2. Unwillingly, bound by runecraft
    3. Unwittingly, the situation having been engineered to keep him there
2.* could potentially be falsified by observing a one of the Beastman up close or by observing a Beastman early in the stages of the process. Talking to the Kurgan would help. Not sure how to differentiate between 2.1 and 2.3, since that would have happened a long time ago. Try to figure out Beastmen population levels over time?

1.* are going to be hard to nail down. We might be able to gain some information by seeing if different materials respond to the field differently? This would be a lot easier if we had any Runesmiths. I would like to see if we can figure out precisely where the desert is centered.

3.* I'm not sure about. Talking to Cor-Dum would probably do a lot, but I'm not sure how to swing that. Observing him interacting with the Kurgan would help.

It'd be nice if we could find Borek to see what's become of him.

I think that my vote will be...

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Ask for a volunteer to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with

Basically, try to sneak in to gather more data about the Beastmen, without committing too hard.

  1. Added 2.4 from @Guile
The thing I keep coming back to is the desert. Why a desert? Why not more forest? What purpose does the transmuted desert serve, and why is it transmuting instead of powdering the rock?

A nature god would *want* more forest right? Like I buy Cor Dum generating a forest, but a desert seems the most anathemic location to a nature aura.
The thing I keep coming back to is the desert. Why a desert? Why not more forest? What purpose does the transmuted desert serve, and why is it transmuting instead of powdering the rock?

A nature god would *want* more forest right? Like I buy Cor Dum generating a forest, but a desert seems the most anathemic location to a nature aura.
Presumably you have to burn out the old growth before bringing in the new.
The thing I keep coming back to is the desert. Why a desert? Why not more forest? What purpose does the transmuted desert serve, and why is it transmuting instead of powdering the rock?

A nature god would *want* more forest right? Like I buy Cor Dum generating a forest, but a desert seems the most anathemic location to a nature aura.
I think that the desert may not be intentional. The sand is a side result of the bit-by-bit transmutation - if the rock was transmuted all at once it'd be solid, but because it's being transmuted a tiny bit at a time it's flaking off into sand. The temperature is because that's how deserts work, sand has terrible thermal mass so the area cools off extremely quickly at night and heats up extremely quickly during the day.

@BoneyM, something else to look at: What happens to vegetation that's on the edge as it's transmuted? Grass, moss, lichen, anything.
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Adhoc vote count started by tapkomet on Jan 9, 2021 at 4:59 PM, finished with 1314 posts and 202 votes.

Seems like we're either waiting around or talking to Kvellige. Personal preference for the latter, since I don't like relying on waiting.
The thing I keep coming back to is the desert. Why a desert? Why not more forest? What purpose does the transmuted desert serve, and why is it transmuting instead of powdering the rock?

A nature god would *want* more forest right? Like I buy Cor Dum generating a forest, but a desert seems the most anathemic location to a nature aura.
It could be a buffer zone between the forest and the chaos Wastes, so to expand the forest you would want to expand the buffer at about the same rate.
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