Remember when we barely knew Roswita and were mostly following her exploits through the EIC Rumor mill? And when people lost their minds and wrote effort posts on how insane and dumb she was to make that economic deal with the EIC? And it turned out that yeah she actually had some idea of what she was doing?
Or with Johann being super sus only to end up as a serious contender in the romance bowl?
Or Max being a whiny manchild only to become our most beloved paper pusher?
In this quest, historically, writing off a character as boring or reasonably understood after a single meeting has been the incorrect assumption.
In all fairness, none of those assertions were wrong per se, they were incomplete.
Roswita did bad moves because she was hyperfocused on Sylvania. Said moves were not completely stupid (the economic agreement with the EIC was temporary) and did give her enough fuel to advance her goal somewhat (she still had to be saved by Mathilde andthe College, so not enough fuel), but they were not by any stretch good moves, they just weren't catastrophic either. And she seems to be doing better with experience.
Johann WAS doing something fishy, its just that said fishy thing was a fishy thing we genuinely had no actual objection to other that "dont get caught and torpedo our relations", where in the thread's mind "fishy" meant "CONSPIRES WITH THE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY"
Max is not a manchild, but he does like his grumbles, its just that reducing a multifaceted person's personality and talents to that is inherently reductive and unjust towards the rest of the person.
Our assertions weren't wrong, they were incomplete. They had part of the picture, a fragment of the whole, and that can mislead worse than outright falsehood, but they were not wrong.
In the end though, I agree with your conclusion. The same partial picture applies to Rupercht and Borek too. Why make this dinstiction, then? Because we should still be aware of where the actual flaw in the thought process is, rather than second guessing ourselves just because.