Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The Chaos Wastes is a quick trip. The comparison is in the levels of ambient Badness around and to what degree being a wizard there is good.

We should absolutely not be facing armies of daemons there, unless the Everchosen is early.

We aren't there to salvage the Chaos Wastes, and no one intends to try. Does a land where the dead spontaneously raise from their graves and wizards get constant whispers to reach just a bit further not sound comparable to you?

I think the Chaos Wastes are inherently more corrupting than Sylvania, yes.

My conclusion comes from looking at the strategic context. Why is Sylvania being reclaimed while KD isn't? Sylvania's been lost for far longer than KD(according to my wiki searches, at least) and encompasses a wide area, while KD is a single defensible mountain fortress and still has holdouts. Therefore, the former should be a lot more dangerous to retake, right?

But looking at the events that are happening, KD is considered unsalvageable, while Sylvania isn't. Why is that?

I can only assume that the corruptive force in Sylvania is weaker than the corruptive force in KD/the CW. And this makes some sense, because Sylvania is home to necromancers and vampires, whereas the Wastes are the place where Chaos is literally trying to eat the planet. After all, the forces of the former are trying to resist the latter.

Edit: I have 0 setting-knowledge outside of this quest and wiki searches. If anybody has more information that supports or contradicts my points, please do chime in.
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I have a couple of questions.

1. The odds of recreating the Snake juice box is 1 in 100 right?
2. How much would the odds improve if you had the full backing of the Celestial college who used their future sight powers to even the odds?
3. how much would they improve if the High elves in the white tower of Hoeth did the same?
4. If you were trying to recreate the Snake juice box would you need to roll a natural 100 specifically? and if so could the coin of ranald be used to add +20 to that roll? cuz that would turn it into a 1 in 5 change of succes.
5. how much would they improve if the High elves in the white tower of Hoeth did the same? and you used the coin.
5. Does Mathilde think any of the above options could feasibly work or does she think that playing silly buggers with wisdom asp's like this would be a bad idea.
Yeah, RPG armour scales linearly, it's more complex on the tabletop.
The scale we get for Magic -> Armor save follows the X+ format of the TT tho.
At the low end it did, yeah, though the character sheet still has us at 4+. (I know it's rarely updated, but it does have Branulhune.)
Then we have the limited 50/50 mounted 'pseudo-ward save' if we're on the Shadowhorse.
Aethyric Armour - Grants 4+ Armour Save
The KD expedition is there to loot, and we're trading lives for treasure.
Yeah, it sucks, demographically speaking.
5. Does Mathilde think any of the above options could feasibly work or does she think that playing silly buggers with wisdom asp's like this would be a bad idea.
This, it's this one. All of the other ones are about shifting the odds some unknown amount, and then fishing for nat 50s. Fishing for nat 50s has been explicitly described as a bad idea, because it's obvious to other warp denizens and gives them a free shot at fucking everybody in the vicinity over.
The currently winning plan only fulfills all three if our Anti-Chaos training course counts as indirectly involved.
Does it @BoneyM ?
No, so it would fail at the second criteria.
So this is an oops on my part.
I'd hoped the Anti-Chaos class was broad enough to help us in 'coming up with the uncoventional', as Belegar asked us to do. With that denied, I think I have to change my vote to a plan that discharges our job responsibilities.

[X] Plan Fulfilling Obligations
[x] Plan Keep It Classy But Do the Job

And a revised plan, incorporating the new option to study the Lighting Mechanism with Adela, which uses the 350 personal gold just spent on engineering books, and synergises with her Johann lessons. Also EIC ciphers. OpSec is important.

Second Job action is seeing if we can make an advance booking for good weather with the Ice Witches, and nail down the departure date. Also meeting them will be cool.

[X] Plan Do you want to meet an Icewitch?
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-[x] DUCK: Study an artefact with one of the Journeymen: Lighting mechanism, stolen from Clan Skryre with Adela
-[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey. (Overwork)
-[x] Try to contact the Ice Witches of Kislev in the hopes they can provide clement weather for the Expedition.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Runes and Runecraft
-[x] Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin
--[x] COIN: The Gambler
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I think the Chaos Wastes are inherently more corrupting than Sylvania, yes.

My conclusion comes from looking at the strategic context. Why is Sylvania being reclaimed while KD isn't? Sylvania's been lost for far longer than KD(according to my wiki searches, at least) and encompasses a wide area, while KD is a single defensible mountain fortress and still has holdouts. Therefore, the former should be a lot more dangerous to retake, right?

But looking at the events that are happening, KD is considered unsalvageable, while Sylvania isn't. Why is that?

I can only assume that the corruptive force in Sylvania is weaker than the corruptive force in KD/the CW. And this makes some sense, because Sylvania is home to necromancers and vampires, whereas the Wastes are the place where Chaos is literally trying to eat the planet. After all, the forces of the former are trying to resist the latter.

Edit: I have 0 setting-knowledge outside of this quest and wiki searches. If anybody has more information that supports or contradicts my points, please do chime in.

Sylvania is literally part of the empire and you can march there without much problem, Karak Dum on the other hand is several months away and even if the expedition managed to take it without heavy losses they wouldt be able to keep it due to logistical problems.

I have a couple of questions.

1. The odds of recreating the Snake juice box is 1 in 100 right?
2. How much would the odds improve if you had the full backing of the Celestial college who used their future sight powers to even the odds?
3. how much would they improve if the High elves in the white tower of Hoeth did the same?
4. If you were trying to recreate the Snake juice box would you need to roll a natural 100 specifically? and if so could the coin of ranald be used to add +20 to that roll? cuz that would turn it into a 1 in 5 change of succes.
5. how much would they improve if the High elves in the white tower of Hoeth did the same? and you used the coin.
5. Does Mathilde think any of the above options could feasibly work or does she think that playing silly buggers with wisdom asp's like this would be a bad idea.
I'm not Boney, but there's been a lot of thought along these lines in the thread before. The answers tend to be along the lines of "Try it and find out", "Do you really want to ask for help in daemon summoning?", and "Wisdom Asps aren't stupid, and can figure out something fishy is going on when too many go missing/one escapes". So as far as we know, it's not impossible, but we also don't know that it's possible, and we don't know if it's feasible. And figuring out will take going further down the tech tree, and possibly a good bit of luck.

Also, the base odds aren't 1 in 100. They're are 1 in 100 for getting exactly 50 for the Schrödinger state, plus the odds of the GM deciding to use a d100 for a coin flip, plus the odds of the GM making a slight error in how he wanted to translate the d100 to a coin flip, plus the odds of getting the Asp to manifest in the box.
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Noble is a legitimate Clan occupation. They generally focus on things like leadership, management, and settling disputes, as well as any task that needs doing but for whatever reason can't be handed over to the relevant Guild, like K8P's bank. Most Holds also have a prominent Guild that the Nobles often go into, like Zhufbar and Engineers.
And that's what Angrund is planning on doing? Mediating between clans (and currently especially between locals and okral), leading mixed clan endeavors, showing the ropes to Clan Huzkul, restoring the bank and other odd but prestigious jobs?
And I assume that K8P doesn't yet have any one Guild that overshadows all others.

Speaking of, Belegar is also head of Clan Angrund with all that that entails, right? How much have his Goraki, Umgongr,
1. The odds of recreating the Snake juice box is 1 in 100 right?
Those are the odds because BoneyM happens to use d100s. But even accepting that, he is completely within his rights to have an exact 50 yield different results next time, maybe by rolling a "fun" d6 in addition to that.
The KD expedition is there to loot, and we're trading lives for treasure.
It's not merely loot. Loot is the worst case full success. This expedition is about lost knowledge, history, heritage and maybe even hope of saving the lives of those that remain. All in all it is a statement that the Dawi are on the rise again and the Age of Vengeance is more than just a dream.
I don't want to have to spend actions learning how to use a Lance, and I'm not sure if Lance Branulhune will be good enough to justify using it as a lance instead of a sword when we are fantastic with swords and have never used a lance.
It's not merely loot. Loot is the worst case full success. This expedition is about lost knowledge, history, heritage and maybe even hope of saving the lives of those that remain. All in all it is a statement that the Dawi are on the rise again and the Age of Vengeance is more than just a dream.

Lost knowledge and history(which is a kind of knowledge) is loot, in the same way we looted our way into a skaven tech tree and Queekish. Trading lives for lives is a numbers game, in the same way that Thorgrim not sending aid to K8P was. The Age of Vengeance is Thorgrim's way of going out with a bang because the Runes of Valaya were failing. The thing is, they aren't failing anymore.

Sylvania is literally part of the empire and you can march there without much problem, Karak Dum on the other hand is several months away and even if the expedition managed to take it without heavy losses they wouldt be able to keep it due to logistical problems.

Hmm. My reasoning is that part of those logistical problems is the quality of the corrupted terrain(Schultz could actually build and man a road without it moving on him), but I suppose sheer distance could be used to explain it away. I still suspect it's a mixture of both, but I can't prove it one way or the other.
one of the things we need to do before its time to go is talk to the Ice witchs.

not only would it be handy to have good(ish) weather going, but its an excuse to widen our magical contacts outside of the colleges.

there is no reason to not benefit while doing your job, its just efficiency.

plus, they are the most 'powerful' of Theurgy users among humans. getting some exchanges going would be useful later.
The Chaos Wastes... aren't salvageable(by us). It's literally the manifestation of the Realm of Chaos slowly corrupting the planet. The KD expedition is there to loot, and we're trading lives for treasure.

I would argue long term the chaos wastes are salvageable, it would involve being able to expand the waystone network to channel the excess magic of the chaos wastes into the existing waystone network to siphon it off.

Theoretically the end game for success here would be expanding the network enough to clear the contamination to the polar gates.
It's quite possible it can't do it even at the Asurs' level of understanding, otherwise they would not have a monetary system based on precious metals.
Or they could be competitive with miners in terms of overall time and effort put in relative to gold production. WHF Elves seem like the sort of people who would rather spend fifty years learning how eight of them can combine their magic to turn a tiny piece of copper into gold rather than spend one week mining to get the same amount of gold. Mining is for dwarfs. :tongue:
I would argue long term the chaos wastes are salvageable, it would involve being able to expand the waystone network to channel the excess magic of the chaos wastes into the existing waystone network to siphon it off.

Theoretically the end game for success here would be expanding the network enough to clear the contamination to the polar gates.

Still not salvageble until we get, like, 10 to 50 levels.
I mean, restoring KD to the waystone network would help, right? :V

Also, it's interesting that Karak Vlag is shown on the map of the planned route. So KD is further north than the Karak that literally disappeared without a trace.
plus, they are the most 'powerful' of Theurgy users among humans. getting some exchanges going would be useful later.

I thought it was deliberately unclear how their magic worked?

I remember that one of the more popular theories were that they were somehow tapping into the local part of the Geomantic Web.

Definitely still worth looking into, but I don't think we can guarantee that it's Theurgy unless the GM said something that I missed.
Turn Three
Direct: Scouting 2, Scouting 3, Scouting 4, Hire Asarnil

We shouldn't be trying to get Asarnil. Ungol or lizardman cavalrymen would be better for this job. You get Asarnil for when you have a definite target that needs killing, something he can get glory out of. What we need is light cavalry for their ability to scout for and escort armies.
[X] Do you want to meet an Icewitch?
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-[x] DUCK: Study an artefact with one of the Journeymen: Lighting mechanism, stolen from Clan Skryre with Adela
-[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey. (Overwork)
-[x] Try to contact the Ice Witches of Kislev in the hopes they can provide clement weather for the Expedition.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Runes and Runecraft
-[x] Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin
--[x] COIN: The Gambler

While I don't feel it's entirely necessary to do two actions over one, I have to admit that meeting the Ice Witches actually sounds interesting for a variety of reasons, not least of which is how they might help with Divine Magic's. Considering g we're finally going to be starting on Coin study, that's really nice. Then there's the fact that we don't really need to spend a full two actions on enchanting progression. It does seem a little overkill, for all that it would be useful.
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