Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Since this is before Kraka Drak was explored and found completely destroyed in canon, is there a good chance that you will give it your own AU spin and that in this quest it being populated by anything ranging from enduring Norse Dwarves to some new and insane variation of Dwarf/Demon hybrids is possible? The current state of Kraka Drak is not something Mathilde could have possibly butterflied away, but it definitely would be cool to visit an actual mystery as opposed to something that is just a mystery in character.

You have no way to know.

Did Kragg and/or Thorek have any comments regarding the dragon altar other than confirming that it isn't in fact corrupted? Were they even present for the description of what it does and how it does it?

Pretty much "yep, sounds like manling magic."
An answer to that would be a spoiler.
If the answer is "I'm not necessarily sticking to canon (though it might or might not end up with the same result)" then I wouldn't consider that a spoiler.
And if the answer is "As a general rule I'm usually sticking to what could plausibly be considered canon-compliant and only diverges insofar it has been butterflied away or is not covered by canon for your particular time period" then the whole wiki and many source materials are to be considered spoilers and that's a fair thing to know IMO.
Have you spent at least one action personally and directly involved with the task or project you were given?
Have you spent at least two actions directly or indirectly involved with the task or project you were given? (including half-actions spent overseeing others and tangential study of the topic at hand)
Have you spent at least three actions in ways related to your position, including overseeing subordinates and managing local wizards?
The currently winning plan only fulfills all three if our Anti-Chaos training course counts as indirectly involved.
Does it @BoneyM ?
Wonder if Kragg will come/is an option to convince to come? He's hit a block at the moment with Bokri. On the other hand Dum isn't something from before his time, like K8P.

I doubt it, K8P was already a very risky endeavour but at least if things went wrong an escape/retreat was somewhat feasible, especially with airlift capability. If the expedition however fails near its end (instead of say running into an large enemy force early on) escape seems damn near impossible, especially if you have to transport stuff like anvils of doom around. And if Kragg (or indeed any runepriest) had tol eave behind one of those in the chaos wastes I am pretty sure his next trip would be to the slayer shrine...
You'd explained the operation of the Menhir to King Belegar, and though his expression spoke volumes, he refrained from commenting until Kragg, Thorek, and Gunnars had all given it a thorough inspection, and all had declared it free of corruption. "I hate this," he finally says, glaring at the pool meant to be filled with heartsblood. "I hate it almost as much as I hate the idea of an unchecked Ice Dragon. Good work. I'll have it secured within the Citadel, and hope it never sees use."

As good of a reaction as I could've hoped for.
[x] Plan Keep It Classy but with AV enchanting instead of Coin
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-[x] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-[X] EIC: Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Runes and Runecraft
--[x] Enchanting
- [X] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
--[x] COIN: The Gambler

can someone explain why, when we are planning to make better-enchanted robes and a staff next turn, are we not voting to see how AV works with enchantments?

that just seems silly.
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I don't expect it to get much traction (my plans never do) but throwing my hat into the ring with a plan that helps Panormia out with her magister studies after 2 years rather than set up a target range.
What makes you think that the action is Pan's desire rather than Mathilde's desire? I recommend you re-read their dinner scene, because from that I strongly got the vibe of 'meh' from Pan, at best.

Personally, I say that if you want to help her get some 'ommph' for when she does try to become magister, windsoak mushrooms, if they do anything, might be worth her time, as something of an extra feather in her cap.

And hey, maybe she wants to put forward the entire restoration of K8P ecosystem as her mastery project? That's probably be pretty cool.

[X] Plan Keep It Classy
[X] Plan Classy Ciphers
[X] Plan Classy Navy
[X] Plan Fulfilling Obligations
[x] Plan Fulfilling Obligations v2
[x] Plan Keep It Classy But Do the Job
[X] Do you want to meet an Icewitch?

[x] Plan Classy Merchants
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-[x] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-[X] EIC: Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Runes and Runecraft
--[x] Enchanting
-[x] Seek out merchants who have travelled the Skull Road to learn what they know of it.
--[x] COIN: The Gambler

I'm kinda upset these plans don't do more to help the expedition, we can't guarantee we'll be doing more next turn. It feels like we're not doing our job properly.

Also, do these classy plans not actually have an overwork option even though they say they do? Can I not count?

Edit: I could not count, but now I can.
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can someone explain why, when we are planning to make better-enchanted robes and a staff next turn, are we not voting to see how AV works with enchantments?

that just seems silly.
Because by word of BoneyM, if AV does help with enchanting, then any benefit from that action will be applied to any enchantment projects undertake the turn it is rolled, so it's not a problem, and this way people can do a Study: Coin option this turn, and still have the possibility of adding +20 to the AV enchanting roll next turn.
Apologies for asking something that seems to have already been discussed, but whyyyyyyyyyyy the Runecraft college class? That one is deeply confusing me.
Apologies for asking something that seems to have already been discussed, but whyyyyyyyyyyy the Runecraft college class? That one is deeply confusing me.

Arcane Runes allow for more complex and potent enchantments to be made. We're planning on enchanting armor and turning a staff next turn, so there's natural synergy.
Because by word of BoneyM, if AV does help with enchanting, then any benefit from that action will be applied to any enchantment projects undertake the turn it is rolled, so it's not a problem, and this way people can do a Study: Coin option this turn, and still have the possibility of adding +20 to the AV enchanting roll next turn.

If it helps with enchanting that turn if Mathilde manages to get a full understanding of how it works and how to apply it from that action.
[x] Plan Keep It Classy but with AV enchanting instead of Coin

Yeah if we want to enchant stuff next turn we need to do the prep this turn.
Let's try this plan thing.

[X] Plan Coin pumped merchants and Windherder test
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him help Mat in making her enchanting project
-[x] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-[x] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey.
-[x] Seek out merchants who have travelled the Skull Road to learn what they know of it.
--[x] COIN: The Deceiver - Use to coin to maintain a pretense and get closer to your targets than you ever could without it. With it you can fake real greed, desperation, or sympathy for the Khans, Chaos, of whatever else you need to pretend to be or believe in, so long as you scout your target well and prepare the lies in advance. Use it to get as much information from the traders as you can. Especially from the kind that wouldn't want to have anything to do with a Grey Wizard/Imperial or whomever you are pretending to be at the time, otherwise.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Enchanting
-[x] Attempt to enchant an object using both Chamon and Ulgu with Windherder
--[x] Guard of Steel + Bewilder for Bewildering Guard of Steel: Upon activation, the orbs orbit as normal, but when struck in melee as they block, Bewilder strikes the attacker. Made with real steel balls, or whatever Mat and Johann come up with as best.

The coin pumping merchants should be pretty damn clear on why. Here's my argument for Bewildering Guard of Steel: We can do it with Johann. Tt's two Relatively Simple Spells, so least chance of miscast and complexity for our first multiple winds work. It's actually a useful item for any Empire Hero for duels, and Mat might be able to use it as well. It's a safe, or safeish way to test Windherder enchanting, which is the most likely way Windherder can actually be practically used.

If we prove it can be done, then we work up more ambitious projects. The Rune Lessons at the Colledge can wait. I think working on Enchanting something right after/concurrent with better Enchanting Lessons is a good idea. Either that, or staff turning.
@BoneyM, would it cost AP to commission a Lord Magister of the Celestial College to spend a couple of turns divining what it would be helpful to bring along/what threats the Karak Dum expedition should prepare to face?

And would it be possible at all?
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You have no way to know.
And more in general? What's your policy for specific canon events that have happened before Mathilde but also have happened somewhere neither Mathilde nor her allies could possibly know about it as of yet? My personal hope is that you relish in the freedom and use canon mostly as inspiration. Like in the "Axe of Grimnir" discussion, it could well be that the Axe of Grimnir is not in fact in that mountain range as far as the quest in concerned. Handling it like that might disappoint some canon fans, but it might also make future explorations much more exciting and less plagued by metagaming nonsense.

Either way, "you have no way to know" does make the idea of actually joining the expedition wholesale more interesting to me, providing Belegar allows it and there isn't some other crisis at the time.
After that is the Council meeting, which of late are starting to blur together
I assume both Dreng and Gotri are focused purely on build-up and fortification right now. What's Kazrik officially been doing these last six months?
Karag Dum was at the edge of the Chaos Wastes, but not since the Great War Against Chaos. Now the Chaos Wastes goes as far south as Praag. This means the main priority for the route is to spend as little time deep within the Wastes as possible, which is why it goes east as far as it can then goes directly towards Karag Dum.
I think I got confused somewhere. How does Karag Dum relate to this upcoming expedition?
Karak Kadrin already has maps that show this. It's only been two hundred years since it was cut off from the Karaz Ankor.
How does this jive with the Norse Dwarves having formed their own culture? 200 years don't seem enough for that to happen to Dwarves. Or did Karag Dum somehow manage to stay in contact with the Karaz Ankor for much longer than the Norse Holds, despite being further north(?) than some of them? If yes, how did they manage?
The currently winning Classy Clan does not fulfill our minimum obligation as Loremaster!
This plan drops one of the classes so we can seek out merchants for information and fulfill our obligations.

[x] Plan Fulfilling Obligations
-[x] Contains one Overwork action
-[x] MAX: Study an artefact: Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)
-[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-[x] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-[X] EIC: Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
-[x] SERENITY: Write a paper: The We book (1/2)
-[x] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[x] Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey.
-[x] Seek out merchants who have travelled the Skull Road to learn what they know of it.
-[x] Attend classes at the Grey College:
--[x] Anti-Chaos Training
--[x] Enchanting
-[x] Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin
--[x] COIN: The Gambler

The "obligations" are extremely rough guidelines that we routinely exceed. We can have a turn or two below average.
the only shield against not using enough AP is success. Else our time-sheet attracts attention and we lose reputation.
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