Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
it's generally bad form to change a plan once voting has started. (as that could trick someone into voting something they don't want just for not following the thread all day.

they could make a v5, or you could. but don't edit the current plan
I won't edit the current plan.
I'll make a new one if a very good suggestion comes along.
I get that Karak Azgal might not be as fortified as the others, but isn't it also a bit out of the way? I will say that I'd much rather see us fortifying up and taking Thunder Mountain or Karak Drazh.

Its south of azul and not by very much so its in the neighbourghood kind of as a southern hold, about the same distance that azul is from eightpeaks so it should be retakeble with local resources and maybe a few recruited mercenary bands. And my guess it wasnt retaken cause there wasnt a pipeline for immigration to resettle it i guess since azul was very isolated before the campaign started for it to make any sense after the dragon was killed is my best guess and it having no real surviving clans or the royal clan atleast to focus the resettlement around.

And a auxillary benefit would be reconnecting the waystone network so thunder mountain and iron rock shouldnt be taken before the reconquests are done first in my opinion is a thing to consider as option outside the reconquest angle.First take azgal wich is a minor campaign, then either ungor or silverpeak in whatever order u can do so and the high king is interested in . Then after those two gunbad probably , wich position is kinda exposed but was already taken like thousand years ago and it fell again and after that do black crag aka drazh as probably the hardest one to take.

drazh should be a bit weakened for now but the fight would be hellish and i think it should be last reconquest since its one of the main greenskin forts in the world asfar i can tell. But not weakened enough maybe is my thought against it. Half the reason to take azgal is it should be a minor reconquest and shouldnt require massive resources and time.

We might be able to redirect part of the capital dwarfs to rebuild it after they leave here maybe since they are here for like 3 years i think.
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We can, but i'm not sure what we'd say other than "the dragon killed skryre, mors drove out eshin, and we killed mors," and we don't need a gambit for that, I don't think.
Isn't there the "The Skaven have no way to know you are here so you should prioritize your own comfort" gambit?
[ ] Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
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[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish and AV preliminary research done. V3
-[X][MAX] See if you can find more Queekish within those books: All Under-Karagril Clan Moulder books not bound in leather or written on vellum or parchment. Awaiting translation.
- [X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
- [X] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-[X][EIC] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-[X] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[X] Try to convince him outright to teach you spoken Queekish.
--[X] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
-[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Waystones and Waystone maintenance
-[X] Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation.
-[X] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-[X][PENTHOUSE] Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[X][SERENITY] Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (FRESH)
-[X][COIN] The Deceiver: Skaven Gambit

and approval voting AV:

[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4
[X] Plan: Save the History! also AV and Job I guess...
[X] Plan: Rat Spider Snake and Wolf
[X] Plan Dictionaries now, Runelord checks out AV stuff and jazz
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish with better gambits

if your plan has AV, you have a vote.
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[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish and AV preliminary research done. V3
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4
Both of these seem fine. Normally I'd be against plans that keep dedicating only one action a turn on our actual job, but this is different. Taking it slow is the right move here.

Also, @BoneyM Can we get an option for "Check up on how the We are settling in with their new understanding and values as part of the Karak-We"?
I usually post on this site via phone, but the "chapter" reviews just require firing up the arcane contraption that is my home computer. Anyway, warning for ramblings ahead.

With her task complete, the Priestess of Esmerelda is released from the Karak's payroll, but she mentions that she'll still be visiting them between her responsibilities to the Halflings because she feels there's still a possibility of making a conversion.

It feels like something of an abandonment to you, but the We have the means at their disposal to take charge of their own education, and purchase books and the services of teachers as they see fit. They are sentient beings - or, arguably, one single sentient being - and they now have the freedom to chart their own course in life.

Unexpected. However, I can't readily fault the logic of it without being exceedingly paternalistic.

After sending off the Cathayan books to be translated and sending word to Zhufbar via Prince Gotri about the Stirland Repeater

Heh. Hehe. Hehehe. Ehehehehe. Sorry, I am just remembering the fantastic roll the "Anton's Usual", and am eagerly awaiting the results.

Cathayan books also tickle my imagination, though having in my mind that the Eshin were former owners, I semi-expect them to be records of exotic poisons.

The Shrine is tricky. Considering the security your Penthouse requires, you can't simply fill it with gamblers and cats and call it a day. But on what might be a whim, you asked a question or two of the local Rangers about the black-feathered and yellow-beaked birds you've seen alighting on your balcony to chirp at you and try to convince you to share your snacks and ale, and learn of the mountain chough, a cousin of the crow that makes its nests far higher than most birds can reach. A concealed opening is excavated with a thick steel grate just large enough to allow through these birds, and around a life-size wooden depiction of a crow carved by Qrech, the choughs cautiously begin to explore the sheltered little nooks and the trickling waterfalls of clean water that line the walls. A week later the first nest had begun construction, and taking inspiration from the mated pair, you send word and a few coins to the University of Altdorf's oft-neglected Division of Arts. After being startled by a few sketched proposals that lean hard into reinterpretations of the nature of Shallya's Tears and the Goblet they were drunk from, you commission a lovely painting of Ranald and Shallya sitting together in a field, surrounded by a mixed flock of crows and doves, and when it arrives you hang it across from the laudably fidelious choughs.

Crows are sacred to Ranald? I didn't know that.

Qrech was being useful. No, not only that, he made a real piece of art. He's actually been making it for some time now, but only now do I realize the significance.
What a unique thing that must be, in a world outside of Skavenblight, and how tragic in its implications.

Oh. Oh, my. If the Division of Arts's proposed sketches imply what I think they imply, that's entirely too much hardcore romance for the poor, sheltered Mathilde. Shallya's priesthood definitely probably wouldn't approve, and even wiping out all the Necromancers in the world wouldn't save Mathilde from Morr's wrath.

I do like the end result. It sounds very peaceful and wholesome. Beautiful imagery.

You've heard several versions of the story of Ranald's ascension, and several of them don't sit very well with you. You'd very much prefer to believe the best of your oldest friend.

Nobody likes thinking that their old friends are sometimes kinda bottom-feeding scumbags, Mats.
Jury's still out on Ranald, though. Mathilde just might be spared the potential heartache.

For the first time, King Belegar sits at the head of a meeting of the Council with a completed crown. Once, you would have believed that this King Belegar would have been one reborn, with the four thousand year Grudge of his family finally righted. But if anything, King Belegar is more bound by duty now than he ever was. He is responsible for more citizens of the Karak every day, and he has a responsibility to the Karaz Ankor as well, to his seven fellow Kings and to his High King. With the War for Karak Eight Peaks won, King Belegar's duty has only become more complicated.

I would say that Belegar needs a lay, but most dwarf males being what they are, that would just make him only more grim and stressed. What he needs is a hobby. Or a hot-bath massage. Or to get roaringly drunk.

The meeting takes place once more in what has come to be labelled the Room of Riven Stars, centered by the table built from the fragment of the former ceiling of the Hall of the Moon, which is no less meaningful for being a symbol of the abstract stakes rather than the immediate danger.

I love it. These little details, the inherent symbolism, the naming scheme, I just love all of it.

"Needless to say," he begins, "the past months have been tumultuous. Everything changed in a single day, and thanks to every Dwarf and man and Halfling but especially thanks to Loremaster Mathilde, we did not only survive, but we have won. The Karak is ours." There is a circle of emphatic nods from everyone in attendance, and you bask in the understated but very real approval from your fellow councillors.

While this feels appropriate for a official meeting for the highest levels of the state, I was kinda hoping that we would get a jubilation scene of Eight Peaks Triumphant somewhere somewhen.
Something like when Mathilde got drunk with a Dwarf Thane and his sons, interrupted Titus's partytime, shang-haied several comrades into being her accomplices and held a Ranald's ceremony disguised as a celebration gone wild.

Is something similar, or at least a grand state ceremony of triumph still on the table? @BoneyM

"First things first: keeping what we've retaken. Thane Dreng?"

"We have three immediate threats," he says. "The first is Black Crag, centered upon what is being called the Gauntlet. The greenskins have stopped attempting in earnest to storm the defences, but they still constantly probe it with those that end up on the losing end of internal squabbles. It will need to be guarded and fortified for the foreseeable future. Second, and much harder to defend against, are the Skaven. We don't know how likely they are return, which Clans might make the attempt, or what direction they might come from. All I can do about it is set patrols through the lowest levels of the Karak. Third is the dragon, and now that it's awake I've asked for permission to take precautions against-"

"We'll not provoke the beast if we don't have to," King Belegar says firmly.

It seems that Belegar isn't planning to capitalize on Greenskin's weakness at this point of time. Fair enough, it's his call to make, even though there's a part of me that thinks that a new joint Dwarf Expedition in near future could do a world of good.

As for anti-Skaven defensive measures, that's something we should propose to Belegar later on for Mathilde to research.

And Dreng, don't poke the Dragon. Not while it's sleeping and being good and quiet.

Speaking of the dragon, Prince Kazrik?"

"I've found a definitive match in the records of Barak Varr."

"Blast. What did it do?"

"Records, not Grudges. There's an archipelago off the coast of Araby they call the Sorcerers' Islands. A few centuries after Barak Varr razed Ulthuan's colony on them during the War of Vengeance, the dragon made its home there. For three hundred years, anything the Naggarothi had short of a Black Ark had to go all the way around the western side of Ulthuan, because if they passed between Ulthuan and Araby they'd either go too far east and be assaulted by the dragon, or too far west and run aground on the Shifting Isles. Eventually it either left or was driven out by Araby, but for a long time it was an important strategic advantage over the corsairs."

"It never attacked a Dwarven ship? And that's all you can find on it?"

"Only ever the Naggarothi. And there's not many Ice Dragons in any records of the Karaz Ankor, and they all tend to be fairly distinctive. That's the only time we've previously encountered it."

I feel a lot better now. Honestly, I was somewhat hoping for it and Skryre to take each other out, but since the Big Ice seems to have its priorities straight, good neighbourly relations seem to be in the cards.

When the Okral arrives

First time seeing this term. Context-wise, I guess it refers to Dawi from KaK, but does anyone know the exact meaning of the word?

concentrate on getting them settled in and to work, and make sure there's no trouble between them and us. Some of the major figures in Karaz-a-Karak's guilds have a sense of superiority towards the other Karaks.

A good pick. Keep everything copacetic.
Something to keep in mind, this implies but doesn't outright states that Eonir diplomacy isn't a priority.

Prince Gotri, how went your project?"

"It would have done a great deal to secure our parts of the Karak against the other forces within it," he says, only a slight grumble to his voice. "But it is absolutely unsuited for defending the entirely retaken Karak. So I've archived the blueprints."

"Such is war," King Belegar says. "Are you happy with the defences of the Gauntlet?"

He ponders that for a while, with an Engineer's natural distaste for declaring anything sufficient. "It would be more secure with flame cannon," he eventually says. "But I can't imagine a frontal assault succeeding against that weight of lead."

I am sure that it's more than a bit frustrating for Gotri, having to archive that defensive weapon project of his like that, especially as it was bound to be a radical and fascinating innovation, but at least it's being shelved for all the best reasons.

Also, I hope K8P gets flame cannons and trollhammer torpedoes soon. It just doesn't feel like a Dwarf Karak without them.

Expand the Gyrocopter hangars, and when the Okral arrives, put the Engineers to work on building up it and the Aircorp.

Gotri, do the thing. It's high time for a proper Airfleet, no this half-assing Aircorp thing. Call Anton in for his supernatural touch, he owes you a favor anyway.

rincess Edda?"

"The Barrows are fully mapped and cleared, it had only the usual mountain beasts. We've begun to extract ore, which we're stockpiling." Her tone is not quite discontent, but there's a tone of a question in it.

"The Okral will be restoring the smelters of Karag Rhyn. Take charge of the Miners and Prospectors amongst them, and plumb and restore the old mines - Flamestone and Ghuzhur first, Uzkul and Diamondhelm after. Nothing will draw settlers like ore waiting for picks.

The Barrows are... iron ore? Silver ore? I can't remember. I hope at least one of the old mines is a gromril one.

Gunnars, is the Temple of Grungni complete?"

"Physically," he says. "The dedication ceremony is awaiting the arrival of a High Priest amongst the Okral."

"Very well. Turn to Karag Rhyn, see if the old Temple to Smednir there can be restored, and if it can't, build one anew."

"And Valaya, your majesty?" Gunnars asks carefully.

"Valaya's flock currently resides in Grimnir's Karag. When Karag Mhonar is restored, so too will be Her Temple."

"Valaya is patient," Gunnars says, in what would be approval if he hadn't very carefully avoided saying anything that could be considered a judgement of the King's decision.

It's odd for Belegar's mindset, and foolish imho, to ignore Valaya as that. Especially as Mhonar is safe and empty, save for Bok. Out of all the Ancestor-Gods, Valaya's domain is the one most in tune with Belegar's aim.
I hope he has a plan in reserve that explains his reasoning.

Gunnars also doesn't seem at ease with Belegar's decision.

Finally, King Belegar turns to you. "Mathilde, a lot has changed of late, but the importance of your current task has not. Continue with it." Curiousity is plain on the faces of your fellow councillors, but everyone refrains from asking.

Hm. While I understand need to know basis, and it's no longer of immediate tactical importance, I am a bit surprised that Dreng at least has no idea.

While that's the end of the formal Council meeting, King Belegar announces that he will be breaking the seals on the surviving treasure vaults, and all present are welcome to come and watch. After that, it would take siege weaponry to pry any of the Dwarves away from King Belegar's side, and you're more than a little curious yourself. The Council seems to transform before your eyes into children on Sigmartag, as they enthusiastically speculate on the contents, passing on legends and rumours they'd heard.

They are not the only ones. I sympathise completely, legendary artifacts and lost mysteries ahoy!

"The Hall of Ghosts was emptied during the Time of Woes," King Belegar says as you walk through the echoing halls of Karag Zilfin, "and the vaults of Karag Rhyn collapsed under what looks like an attempt to break in - our miners are working on it."

Ugh. It hasn't started well. One's a complete bust and the other is unaccesible for the moment? Its content yet to be determined in the future?

"Someone - probably Clan Skryre - broke into Karag Zilfin's Treasure Vaults, but they didn't complete the job. Kragg theorizes that so many Skaven died while they were breaking through the layers of defences that by the time they got to the last few chambers, any attempts to use their Techno-Sorcery caused the dead to manifest and attack their former Clanmates, and without it they couldn't breach any further Runes."

So, the third vault got partially looted by the Skaven. Unfortunate, but not unexpected.

In other news, apparently, throwing mad nightmare-fueled machinery and piles of bodies at a problem doesn't solve all problems? Who would have thunk?

Dwarves take it one step further, with shelf after shelf of carved grooves for cylindrical stacks of coins to nestle neatly within. At least half of them are empty, but the remainder still contain the gleam of gold, untarnished by the passage of time, in more than sufficient quantity to plump out the storage racks of the current treasury. King Belegar takes one of the stacks and considers it for some time, before returning to the doorway and passing a coin to each of you. Looking down, you find yourself returning the disapproving gaze of a Dwarf who, judging by the coin's inscription, is High King Gotrek Starbreaker.

"Two hundred years of war, and still there were coins unspent," he says sadly. "We have so far to go to match the glory of the past."

Gold reserves. Useful, but not everything I hoped it to be. At least now there's no way for Belegar to run out of bling for a couple of centuries.

I also giggled at the thought of Gotrek Starbreaker staring disapprovingly at Mathilde and Mathilde staring disapprovingly back at him.

The Vault of Ancestors proves to be an equal disappointment, as you were hoping for ancient Runic weapons and instead found it full of furniture that was antique before the Karak fell, and though you understand that this 'wutroth' is important to the Dwarves you can't really match the excitement of your fellow councillors over carpentry.

Mathilde, you peasant. Your Stirland goatherder upbringing is showing. Nevermind the fact that it's made of an extremely rare material, that furniture represents priceless relics of art, civilization and history.

So as you make your way to the third stop, your expectations have been well and truly tempered and you're mentally planning for the rest of your day instead of getting worked up over what might be concealed in the hidden vaults of the Grand Urbaz - the trade hall that once played host to merchants from the rest of the world. The only thing keeping a flicker of curiousity burning is that King Belegar left the others to continue cooing over the antiques, so now it's only the two of you.

"It was sealed two hundred years before the Skaven attacked," King Belegar says, "and they never unsealed it. I understand their reasoning, but..." he shrugs.

"Do you know what it contains?"

"Oh yes," he says. "I left it last for a reason. Didn't even suspect it would still be here until the Ranger I sent just in case reported back, I had assumed it would have been looted, as it didn't have nearly the calibre of Runic protections of the other Vaults, so it was a surprise to hear it was untouched. Nobody even suspected it was there, I suppose."

Ooh, a mystery box. I am getting hyped again. An enigmatic vault shrouded in secrecy, sealed even before the Skaven invasion? Do I smell a cache of elf artifacts?

"Normally, trade is done by representatives of the Guild in question," he says, "but trade with non-Dwarves doesn't fit into that mould, so it was a matter for the Royal Clan. Kept second sons busy." He draws his hammer, and holds it against the larger depiction of it in the oversized sigil. For a long while nothing seems to be happening, but King Belegar's patience holds you there watching him, and eventually there's a click, and then a loud, echoing boom that shakes the ground beneath you. Slowly, the sigil rolls to one side, and with no ambient Dhar in the air you take the liberty of throwing out a Magic Light into the darkness within, and what you see freezes you in place.

Damn it, the suspense is killing me. What is it?! Is it a Hoeth Archmage staff? Is it a lost Hierotitan? A sleeping Ind Godling? Inquiring minds need to know!

The wealth of Treasure Vaults was impressive, but you'd seen larger amounts - you'd slept on larger amounts. But the hall revealed is enormous and resembles a library, except with riches instead of books, and instead of uniform stacks of coins it takes every form imaginable - coins of all kinds of metal, ingots of a dizzying array of shapes and sizes and compositions, a rainbow of precious stones, each portion of wealth neatly demarcated from its neighbours.

Oh. It's a treasure vault. In the most classical sense possible. That's... good? Underwhelming, but good. Did I say that Belegar isn't running out of money this century? I meant this millenia.
Also, exotic metals and gems might have some additional value beyond mere monetary one. So, good.

Ea-Nasir it says, using the stilted form it uses when phonetically spelling non-Khazalid words. Copper merchant. Tylos. Account opened 11.5.2702. "We were second only to Karaz-a-Karak, and we were much more welcoming to the humans," King Belegar says. "We gave them good prices for food and ore, and sold them weapons and goods at reasonable prices. Many of them came to think that Karak Eight Peaks was the most dependable and defensible place to store their money, from regular craftsfolk to some of their wealthiest nobles and traders. And, I suppose, history proved that trust well-placed."

Makes sense. Nehekhara would be a prominent trading partner at the very least. I wouldn't be surprised if there were Ind and Cathay valuables in there as well due to K8P's location.

He picks up a coin with a gaunt, fanged face on it. "Strygos fell to greenskins.

Dwarfs traded with Strygos? Despite them being ruled by Vampires? That's very surprising. Strygoi were the most benevolent of the vampire lords, it's true, but for them to have traded with Dwarfs? Very strange.

Tylos and the Karak nearby. Or was Tylos a human-dwarf settlement, I can't remember.

Nehekhara to their own Undead ancestors.

I don't think there's quite anything more horrifying to a Dwarf than being slain by one's own desecrated ancestors.

So we sealed the Vault, and the debate over what to do with it all was put aside when the Skaven attacked us."

"I take it you don't continue to rekindle that debate," you say, considering the Classical lettering on the coin.

"There is no debate," he says firmly. "Shall I turn the wealth over to the Tomb Kings? To the Strigoi? Or worst of all, consider the Skaven inheritors of Tylos? No. Once the Okral have gone, we will use the smelters they will have built to reforge every coin and ingot, and none will think to question the rediscovered wealth of the Karak."

I do find it the curious that Dwarfs would accept trading with Strygos, but not Strygoi.

Belegar continues to be quite pragmatic, if not outright utilitarian, even. It's the right choice in this situation, though I hope he keeps having a leash on it. It can be quite a dark path.
But I trust Belebro more than anyone else with such decisions. He has earned such trust.
EDIT: I also think the Eshin Sorcery paper is useless and I don't see the point in writing it. I don't care if it's Fresh and decaying, we saw it cast one spell. There are better things to do with our time.
I think this is actually a bit more important then people are giving it credit for, at least in combination with giving the Colleges Queekish. Maybe not monumentally so but still kinda of important. Eshin Sorcerers are something the Colleges even debate whether they exist, and if some Wizards start poking around the Skaven with their new knowledge of Queekish I think it's a little important that they know Skaven magical spys and assassins do in fact exist with their own Lore dedicated to the task and aren't just tales and rumors. We might not be able to give them much information on what they can do given our limited interaction but just confirmation that yep they're a thing should hopefully mean some precautions are taken.
[x] Plan Redshirt v2
-[x] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Lexicon
-[x] JOHANN: Study an artefact: Black Gem.
-[x] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
-[x] EIC: Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-[x] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
--[x] Gambit: Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
-[x]Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there x2:
--[x] Waystone Fundamentals
--[x] Practical Diplomacy
-[x] Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Lexicon
--[x] COIN: The Gambler
-[x] Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation.
-[x] BUILD: Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[x] SERENITY: Queekish-Reikspiel Lexicon (1/2)
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish and AV preliminary research done. V3
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4
Both of these seem fine. Normally I'd be against plans that keep dedicating only one action a turn on our actual job, but this is different. Taking it slow is the right move here.

Also, @BoneyM Can we get an option for "Check up on how the We are settling in with their new understanding and values as part of the Karak-We"?

I'll add it as a social option. Remind me if I forget.

While this feels appropriate for a official meeting for the highest levels of the state, I was kinda hoping that we would get a jubilation scene of Eight Peaks Triumphant somewhere somewhen.
Something like when Mathilde got drunk with a Dwarf Thane and his sons, interrupted Titus's partytime, shang-haied several comrades into being her accomplices and held a Ranald's ceremony disguised as a celebration gone wild.

Is something similar, or at least a grand state ceremony of triumph still on the table? @BoneyM

Belegar's going for a message along the lines of 'the job's not done until we've rebuilt'. There's likely to be something along those lines when the Okral finish their work and depart.

First time seeing this term. Context-wise, I guess it refers to Dawi from KaK, but does anyone know the exact meaning of the word?

Plural of 'okri', which means crafter.

Dwarfs traded with Strygos? Despite them being ruled by Vampires? That's very surprising. Strygoi were the most benevolent of the vampire lords, it's true, but for them to have traded with Dwarfs? Very strange.
I do find it the curious that Dwarfs would accept trading with Strygos, but not Strygoi.

There was a time when vampires were just one oddity among many in the world, before they taught everyone what terrible neighbours they can be. And the modern Strigoi have degenerated quite a bit from the time of Mourkain.
@LightLan @Jyn Ryvia @Lupercal
--[] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
--[] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
--[ ] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
I also agree that we should try to get Spoken Queekish using the deceiver, but I must point out that the Gambit that you are using is rather weak...
So I would like to suggest this one which was discussed a while ago.
"My efforts in destroying Mors should have won me a great position and much prestige, unfortunately due to bypassing them the people who should be teaching me to speak the language (a prerequisite for the position I deserve.) are stonewalling me. They can't afford to do so forever but every day the luster of my victory fades. If I could go over their heads and speak it on my own though..."
It is similar to yours but adding the destruction of a hated enemy which will help us with Qrech, and lacing the reason for wanting to learn spoken Quekish with personal ambition and obstructive superiors that will relate to him and any skaven...
[x] Plan Redshirt v2

[x] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Lexicon
[x] JOHANN: Study an artefact: Black Gem.
[x] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
[x] EIC: Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).

[x] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[x] Gambit: Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.

[x]Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there x2:
-[x] Waystone Fundamentals
-[x] Practical Diplomacy

[x] Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Lexicon
-[x] COIN: The Gambler

[x] Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation.

[x] BUILD: Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.

[x] SERENITY: Queekish-Reikspiel Lexicon (1/2)
This is formatted suboptimally; the tally is picking all the elements up as different voting items. Could you redo it without linebreaks and with - leading the plan's elements?
@LightLan @Jyn Ryvia @Lupercal

I also agree that we should try to get Spoken Queekish using the deceiver, but I must point out that the Gambit that you are using is rather weak...
So I would like to suggest this one which was discussed a while ago.

It is similar to yours but adding the destruction of a hated enemy which will help us with Qrech, and lacing the reason for wanting to learn spoken Quekish with personal ambition and obstructive superiors that will relate to him and any skaven...
I'm not unsimpathetic but I prefer not to get to exact with things like this, I'll edit in a second version with it.

Edit: New plan made.
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