Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
If we wanted to apply Maximum Effort to uncovering the secrets of The Suspect Axe (might even be worth it; what with the possibility of recovering a rune) we could put deciever on, and tell Kragg/the council of runelords that the gold order has an entirely mundane method to determine the material make-up (and nothing more, no sir!) Of an item, in such a way that it could be compared to axes of similar providence to determine where it came from.

Like, send it off "for testing" (Johann uses breach the unknown on it) and give it back to them saying "high carbon content, lots of trace gromril" and they'd go "hmm, that sounds like north/east work, from what we know of each place's metalworking"
@BoneyM Do the dwarves have some concept of Concertina Wire? I think this would pair nicely with the grapeshot emplacements Gotri is creating in the tunnels. If they don't, could we use a duckling action to get Panoramia to make thorned vines/bushes in the tunnels instead for a similar purpose?
I think after we dedicate one more private action to AV (the safety action), many of the people that voted on holding off on presenting to Belegar will change their mind.
If we wanted to apply Maximum Effort to uncovering the secrets of The Suspect Axe (might even be worth it; what with the possibility of recovering a rune) we could put deciever on, and tell Kragg/the council of runelords that the gold order has an entirely mundane method to determine the material make-up (and nothing more, no sir!) Of an item, in such a way that it could be compared to axes of similar providence to determine where it came from.

Like, send it off "for testing" (Johann uses breach the unknown on it) and give it back to them saying "high carbon content, lots of trace gromril" and they'd go "hmm, that sounds like north/east work, from what we know of each place's metalworking"
I am extremely against using our divine blessing to orchestrate a systematic deceit of someone we consider a genuine friend about the thing he cares the most about in the entire world so that we can solve a problem he didn't ask us to help with.
If we wanted to apply Maximum Effort to uncovering the secrets of The Suspect Axe (might even be worth it; what with the possibility of recovering a rune) we could put deciever on, and tell Kragg/the council of runelords that the gold order has an entirely mundane method to determine the material make-up (and nothing more, no sir!) Of an item, in such a way that it could be compared to axes of similar providence to determine where it came from.

Like, send it off "for testing" (Johann uses breach the unknown on it) and give it back to them saying "high carbon content, lots of trace gromril" and they'd go "hmm, that sounds like north/east work, from what we know of each place's metalworking"
The problem isn't how, it's What. And what this is is an entirely mundane way of stealing dwarven metallurgical secrets, if nothing else.

It's better to just not throw the dice on this. Any way we could determine the origin of this axe would have far worse implications than the axe's benefit.
[X] [TOWER] Complete
[X] FIEF: Leave the current and future money be.
[X][PURCHASE] Firkin of top-quality dwarf ale for LM Olenus (5gc)
[X][DWARF] No purchase.
[X][COLLEGE] No Purchase
[X][COLLEGE] Item of Boon of Hysh - 5 College Favor
[X] Plan Present Concerns
[X] Plan Present Concerns With Cartography
The problem isn't how, it's What. And what this is is an entirely mundane way of stealing dwarven metallurgical secrets, if nothing else.

It's better to just not throw the dice on this. Any way we could determine the origin of this axe would have far worse implications than the axe's benefit.

I don't think "proprietary metal recipies" are a thing in this time period, rather, a steel plant produces steel with little differences, but it's not deliberate, and things beyond "more carbon, apprentice!" just aren't known, so the dwarfs being mad that it can be told that there's a microscopic amount of warpstone in this axe would be like them being mad that someone can tell it's made of looking at it's colour.
It's the same general issue, though; the problem isn't in what it does specifically, it's in the Dwarves getting wind of Humans being able to just pull secrets out of stuff at will.
It's really not the same general issue when the secrets in question are circumstances of magical items creation vs what are it's properties magical or otherwise. To the Dwarfs, the latter would land on the useful tool side of things while the first only serves to sniff out Creation Secrets.
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We literally have four ap we can spend a turn. Two of those are always ear marked towards the Task Belegar sets us as a minimum whilst we have Qrech in the prison and we need to keep him occupied for him to be valuable we have to dedicate another 2 ap. One on him directly another on acquiring materials. That leaves us 0 AP for other tasks unless Queekish is the task.
Fair enough, although I could also point out that Qrech is basically in the same situation as the AV, in that if we want them to be useful we have to spend AP on them. The only difference is that we've had AV burning a hole in our pocket for almost a decade now, while Qrech is a--if only barely--flight risk. Personally it's my opinion that we've used up most of his immediately actionable intelligence, and we've taken about as many precautions as wizardly possible to keep him from disappearing or going insane from boredom. Letting him abide a turn or two wouldn't be any more dangerous than risking a Dragon rampage without easy access to Ancestor Runes for a turn or two, or any of the other possible messes that could jump on us which the AV might help with. I also doubt BoneyM would penalize us for not actively using him, at least not without at least one turn's worth of warning. We aren't required to do anything with him, just like we're not required to study AV. It's a choice of what people want, plain and simple.
Spending favour to get others to contribute means they're not expecting or getting any of the credit for doing so, which is why you have to spend favour in the first place. If it's your official task instead, then any costs in money, supplies or favours are covered by your employer, and you're being paid for your time as well. 'Magister Weber discovered X' versus 'in a project lead by Court Wizard Weber, K8P has discovered X'.
Fair enough. That's where my mental dissonance was, I think, namely being reasonable in looking at a situation and considering what was actually done, not why and how. In a modern world most people would probably look at either situation and just conclude that Mathilde is a genius either way, and Kragg is a genius either way, and them working together is beautifully effective regardless of the circumstances so they should be thankful it happened, but this ain't a modern world. More's the shame, really.
It's not about Belegar guilt tripping us, so much as it's about doing our job; the thread is obsessed with doing our duty (in a good way), and it'll always come before personal goals, and then we have to stick one or two of our hundred our nice-to-haves into the cracks if we want to fit them in.
I was mostly being facetious about the guilt-trip line, although it should be considered that this is basically the same thing. We want to please Belegar so we put in--as noted by others--an excessive amount of effort into our official projects, instead keeping some of those AP to diversify our personal efforts. On the other hand, the point still stands that if people really wanted it to get done, it would get done, even if they had to shove all their personal AP at it. It shouldn't matter whether it's official or not, it would still happen, so basing arguments on it being official 'shaking loose AP' is ridiculous. Either it gets done or it doesn't, and everybody seems to want it to get done. If people wanted to argue about the worth of oversight versus resources, or even the credit due for pulling this off on our own initiative--which I will fully admit I was wrong about and retract the relevant statements in the original post--then I wouldn't mind. But at the time I commented people were going round and round about whether getting the job would affect people's willingness to spend AP on something. That's a conversation that should be kept for when people are, you know, actually spending the AP, and not based on theoreticals of how one voter thinks another voter will react to a certain set of circumstances. It was a very weird version of putting words into people's mouths that just came off as stupid and pointless.
Tl,DR: Relevant arguments should be held for relevant votes, and people shouldn't try to tell others what they will do if a certain thing happens. It's just comes off as condescending and rude, and I for one don't want to read a dozen pages of it while trying to follow the main topics of conversation.
*looks at Liber Mortis* But surely not us!
Hey, we did take enough precautions, or Mathilde would be conquering Eight Peaks with her own undead army right now.
I am extremely against using our divine blessing to orchestrate a systematic deceit of someone we consider a genuine friend about the thing he cares the most about in the entire world so that we can solve a problem he didn't ask us to help with.
To unpack a little why I'm so violently opposed to this:

Kragg is so dedicated to his purposes, so convinced of his values, so sincere about being himself that he laughed off Death itself and has just kept on going, because he didn't have space in the Story Of Kragg that he was telling the world for trivial things like "dying of old age".

We're of Ulgu. We tend to see everything, including truth, in shades of Grey. I'm not saying that we're wrong to be ourself. But I still think it is worth admiring that sort of incredibly ontologically-formidable sincerity and not act in such a way as to disrupt it, at least not for something so trivial. The rune matters to him less than runecraft: the sacred charge handed down by Thungni, a literal religion of which he is one of the high priests.

I'm not saying we can't take any action on this. We can ask Qrech about it; if he recognizes it, that's strong evidence that it's a rune of Chaos Dwarf origin rather than Norscan, and we can tell Kragg that to set his mind at ease. But if he hasn't asked us for an umgi-magical solution, it's probably because he doesn't want one, and we do not have the right to decide we know better than he does, and we certainly shouldn't taint his fifteen hundred years of being true to his values with a divinely-fiated deception.
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'Magister Weber discovered X' versus 'in a project lead by Court Wizard Weber, K8P has discovered X'.

Most of all what bothers me with this, is the angle of how if Mathilde does this as a councilor it won't be her discovery. Nor will it be Mathilde sitting down with her kinda friend Kragg to figure out what Ranald threw into her lap.

This is a personal project for Mathilde, she were hounded by that Snake daemon for years. With the luck of the dice and smarts to figure out how to solve it.

It truly grates if Mathilde won't be acknowledged as the woman behind this extremely lucky find.

Heck the Vitae weren't even discovered in K8P! It were discovered in Stirland and her hidden Ranald base.
@BoneyM Do the dwarves have some concept of Concertina Wire? I think this would pair nicely with the grapeshot emplacements Gotri is creating in the tunnels. If they don't, could we use a duckling action to get Panoramia to make thorned vines/bushes in the tunnels instead for a similar purpose?

Without more advanced automation it takes a lot of time to make wire. Every Dwarf has a shovel or a pick to build ditches and banks that do largely the same job. Panoramia's thorn-plants don't last very long.
To unpack a little why I'm so violently against this:

Kragg is so dedicated to his purposes, so convinced of his values, so sincere about being himself that he laughed off Death itself and has just kept on going, because he didn't have space in the Story Of Kragg that he was telling the world for trivial things like "dying of old age".

We're of Ulgu. We tend to see everything, including truth, in shades of Grey. I'm not saying that we're wrong to be ourself. But I still think it is worth admiring that sort of incredibly ontologically-formidable sincerity and not act in such a way as to disrupt it, at least not for something so trivial. The rune matters to him less than runecraft: the sacred charge handed down by Thungni, a literal religion of which he is one of the high priests.

I'm not saying we can't take any action on this. We can ask Qrech about it; if he recognizes it, that's strong evidence that it's a rune of Chaos Dwarf origin rather than Norscan, and we can tell Kragg that to set his mind at ease. But if he hasn't asked us for an umgi-magical solution, it's probably because he doesn't want one, and we do not have the right to decide we know better than he does, and we certainly shouldn't taint his fifteen hundred years of being true to his values with a divinely-fiated deception.

Yeah, it would be terrible to put deceiver on and then just go "oh yeah, this is northern dwarf work, you can tell by the pixels" but that's not what the suggestion was; the lie was just there so we'd have an angle to actually verify where it's from without the danger of the dwarfs suddenly grudging the whole of humanity because they're cheaters who have the capability to break copyright laws over their collective knee.
Yeah, it would be terrible to put deceiver on and then just go "oh yeah, this is northern dwarf work, you can tell by the pixels" but that's not what the suggestion was; the lie was just there so we'd have an angle to actually verify where it's from without the danger of the dwarfs suddenly grudging the whole of humanity because they're cheaters who have the capability to break copyright laws over their collective knee.
Yeah, I get that. But if he doesn't want manling magic's help, we should not try to trick him into it.
There's Lore of Verena spell "The Past Revealed" that is better suited to the situation with the axe. If Kragg's considering outside help for the axe situation, Verena's cult is the best bet.
Most of all what bothers me with this, is the angle of how if Mathilde does this as a councilor it won't be her discovery. Nor will it be Mathilde sitting down with her kinda friend Kragg to figure out what Ranald threw into her lap.

This is a personal project for Mathilde, she were hounded by that Snake daemon for years. With the luck of the dice and smarts to figure out how to solve it.

It truly grates if Mathilde won't be acknowledged as the woman behind this extremely lucky find.

Heck the Vitae weren't even discovered in K8P! It were discovered in Stirland and her hidden Ranald base.
Yeah, but most people wouldn't know that. They just know she did something for the sake of her Karak, and that's that. That combined with the fact that she got help not because she was worth the effort--I.E. spent her own personal favours on it--but instead had the way paved for her by Belegar getting a bunch of experts onto the job with her.
[X] [TOWER] Complete
[X] FIEF: Leave the current and future money be.
[X][PURCHASE] Firkin of top-quality dwarf ale for LM Olenus (5gc)
[X] Plan Alphabetical
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X][COLLEGE] No Purchase

[X] Plan Present Concerns with Snek
-[X] PROJECT: Queekish
-[X] PROJECT: Skaven Politics
-[X] PROJECT: Dragon
-[X] PROJECT: Karag Mhonar
-[X] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
@BoneyM On the Fief: Would something like: Keep saving for improvements/in case of disaster, but once you have 200/300/400 coins saved, start sending us the rest? So that if he doesn't have an idea for improving the keep, the rest is kept in a just in case fund, while the overflow gets to Mat?
Voting is open