Starfleet Tactical Defence Readiness Report
Harmony of Horizon Analysis
Amended 2323
Courtesy of:
Vice Admiral Victoria Eaton, Director, Starfleet Tactical
Rear Admiral Kimberley Pragur, Chief of Staff, Starfleet Tactical
Commodore Sanok, Director, Starfleet Tactical Theory Command
Captain Alexandria Kuznetsova, Chief, Starfleet Tactical Tiger Team
Research-Supervisor Kenat Inon-Allac, Technocracy Interstellar Ministry
The Harmony of Horizon is a legitimate peer military power we should be very careful of engaging. Analysis from the Federation Diplomatic Service suggests that their ability to sustain a morale effort is likely to be "as required or desired". We have developed a much stronger understanding of their fleet strength, far higher than initial estimates suggested. Remaining in a diplomatic, rather than kinetic, environment is strongly recommended for the Federation.
The exact nature of any war with the Harmony depends heavily on the distribution of the local powers. We are assuming that we will secure the alliance of the Tauni, and have successfully acquired the accession of the Ked Paddah and Starkin. However, there are a number of diplomatic possibilities that could throw all of this in disarray: failing to secure allegiance of any of the minor powers in that area could lead to a dangerous salient and intense fighting across a number of new fronts within the Coreward Theatre. We should also be aware that the elongated nature of the space in dispute means that frontier raiding is likely to be a danger on either flank. Any of Solace or Scientist cruisers, or even an older Fleet Tender with corvettes, could prove a deadly wolf pack.
Throwing a further wrench into proceedings is the potential wildcard of the Interstellar Commonwealth, which revealed an old and treacherous past with the Harmony. Starfleet Intelligence is aware of persistent build-up attempts to undertake some manner of disabling strike in future.
Standard Harmony Peacekeeper Expeditionary Group:
1 x Sanctuary Tender
- 12 x Corvettes
1 x Choreographer Tender
- 9 x Corvettes
3 x Liberator Battlecruisers
1 x General Cruiser
One Major Theatre with Two Major Front-Zones:
Coreward Theatre:
Honiani Front
Tauni Front
Padani Front
Spinward Frontier
Tailward Frontier
Potential Flashzones:
Wumei Front
Gad Front
Expected Fronts:
Please be aware that we are still identifying minor colony worlds and systems of concern that may complicate the approach to Horizon. However, our understanding of the broader layout of Horizon space and their major hubs has greatly improved.
Honiani Front
Nature - Heavy Forces, Direct Engagement - Presumed to be the main line of advance.
Exposure - Limited, a lot of defensive depth
Logistics Vulnerability - Low
Local Member Readiness:
Honiani - Well prepared
Rigel - Well prepared
UESPA - Federalising
Horizon- Capital world of the Harmony of Horizon
Everand - A minor colony that has been developed to cover the rimward approach to Horizon. Any attack on Horizon will be spotted well in advance.
-->Haven - A Major world with shipyards
Starfoam - A minor colony world, mostly Horizonite in population, but also a fortified outpost sitting between Horizon and Mist
-->Pren Jeorg* - A black hole is slowly eating its binary companion in this system, and the resultant radiation makes detecting systems in, or exiting, the system, extremely difficult
Mist - A major Horizon world
Telqua - A well-populated civilian colony with extensive mining
Ruperet - A pelagic minor Horizon colony noted for heavy rains
Becarra - A major world and shipyard site for the Honiani, and key step on the approach to Okatha
--> Canun - A major Honiani world that occupies an awkward position for both attack and defence - a potential other option to a Becarra assault
Okatha - Homeworld of the Honiani
Sepoca - A minor colony of the Honiani
Apultha - Mining colony of the Honiani
Ucuta - A major world and shipyard site of the Honiani
Phennic - A mining colony of the Honiani
--> 2 Curacao VII - A Federation Mining Colony
Mongond - A mining colony of the Rigellians
--> Cronulla VI - A Federation Research colony
Laudon - A major world of the Rigellians
Rigel VIII - Homeworld of the Rigellians
Welleck IV - A major Rigellian World
-> Abadan - A major Rigellian World
Joburg IV - A major UESPA world, protected by an outpost, a shipyard site
Tobias' Rest - A minor colony
Subiaco - A UESPA Mining colony
Sol - Central political and industrial hub of the Federation
With the ratification of the Starkin, including Honiani, Obar, and Yan-Ros, we now have a direct exposure to Harmony space. There are only two major worlds directly in the way of our approach from Becarra to Horizon, however, there are a number of small colonies in the way, any of which could cause trouble when bypassed. More problematically, are Haven and Sanctuary that lie in position to support Horizon in the event of an attack.
Tauni Front
Nature - Heavy Forces, Direct Engagement
Exposure - Distinctly exposed on the tailward side, especially if the OSA is hostile
Logistics Vulnerability - Medium to high depending on diplomatic status
Local Member Readiness:
Tauni - Limited at present, working hard to improve
Laio - Limited at present, working hard to improve
Ked Paddah - Strong institutional experience from Licori War, but their capital fleet has atrophied somewhat.
Betazed - Federalised
Gaen - Capable, system much improved after Licori War experience
The biggest risk on this front is dependent on diplomatic outcomes. OSA or Licori hostility could lead to dire outcomes. If we keep solidarity, this becomes a very conventional push-front. Otherwise, it could become an extremely dangerous and exposed front. A potential worst case scenario could see a nominally neutral Arcadian Empire secretly offering safe harbour to Harmony wolf packs.
Horizon - Capital World of the Harmony
--> Sanctuary - A major world of the Harmony
Khitwanga - A minor colony world
Bellacoola - A minor colony world with extensive research facilities in many of the outlying planets
Japha - A major world of the Harmony
Kelowna - Homeworld of the Tauni, subjugating it is sure to be an early Horizon war aim
--> Chulak IV - A mining world of the Tauni
--> Ke'luur - A research colony of the Federation
Tolinar VII - A research colony of the Federation, but unlikely to become the scene of conflict given the existing inhabitants
Laian - Homeworld of the Laio
Ulen Gao VII - Federation Mining Colony
--> Mica III - Federation Mining Colony
Clover - Logistical hub for the LBZ
--> An Arai V - A Federation Logistical Hub
--> Costaun - A Betazoid research colony
Betazed - Homeworld of the Betazoids
Secure against possible infiltration from Arcadian Space, and OSA space.
Fortify Ke'luur and Ulen Gao, build Clover into a Starbase.
Ensure convoy escorts are ready in this area.
Padani Front
Nature - Heavy Forces, Mobility Focus
Exposure - A long distance to cross, plus the Eye of Chaos
Logistics Vulnerability - Medium to high depending on diplomatic status
Local Member Readiness:
Padani - Defensively extremely well-prepared. Offensively less so.
The exact route of battle is difficult to interpret. Less is known about the spinward border. It is likely to attempt to see a progression through Tahlan, Iskut, and Stickine, assuming it doesn't become an attempt to hit Anrimo and then grind through. But the big sticking point that prevents a detailed exploration is the ambiguity of the Felis Colonies position. They are nominally Federation affiliates, but we have little faith in their willingness to side with us. If they go neutral, then an advance will either have to take the long way around with open flanks on all sides, or have some cover advancing between Felis and Obar ... right past the Eye of Chaos. No walk in the park that. And if the Felis side with the Harmony, then the Padani would have to drive straight through them to come to grips with the main foe.
* This one will largely be on the Interstellar Commonwealth to prosecute. However, all efforts to prevent the Harmony from acquiring the Felis should be considered.