Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
No. Wouldn't want to risk the constant vibration of a gyrocopter in flight with fragile materials, some of which are full of demon-snake, and a liquid of unknown properties and sensitivity.
The shadow horse obviously doesn't care about vibrations or terrain. What if we carried the box on our horse, and we had the horse get in the gyrocopter? :V
It's actually even more flexible than that in practice, there are magister lords permitted to study the Empire's copy of the Liber Mortis and presumably other similar texts because they are trusted not to use the lore to wield dark magic, though of course that is not an exception one would ever wish to make public for obvious reasons.
Hey, moratorium on discussing that book! :wink:


Realized I hadn't actually gotten around to voting.

[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

Mathilde said at exam she'd be here a while, and she has a unique position to take advantage of, as The Wizard Dwarfs Actually Like.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

But that doesn't mean I want to entirely neglect the Empire where she grew up, and her friends there.

[X] Try to follow Johann, to see what he's getting up to.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
I'd like to see what the liquid does.
Isn't it obvious?
twelve gallons of spicy snakejuice
Revolutionary Spicy Southern-Style Halfling Cuisine!
"Early days yet," the Halfling says, "but promising. A lot of our crops won't grow this far south but we've sent word back to Barak Varr for seeds from Tilea - we're about as far south as Luccini by my reckoning,
If people keep voting for just the Visit Friends vote or the Scouting vote, they may soon overtake the Get Snakejuice vote.
Examining the SnakeJuice won't be put off again. I don't care if it means letting giant Skaven robots run rampant, we've been waiting on it for more than a year. And the first step to not putting it off anymore is bringing it to our fancy new wizard house.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Though your future relationship with the spiders is still unknown, they do appear to be a new species and you do have a number of corpses available. Have Esbern and Seija help you autopsy the creatures for a paper.

[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
Last edited:
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Make a full report on the geopolitical troubles among the Dwarven Empire, even though some of it was said to you in confidence.
[X] Though your future relationship with the spiders is still unknown, they do appear to be a new species and you do have a number of corpses available. Have Esbern and Seija help you autopsy the creatures for a paper.

You know, deliberately putting this in a different font from everyone else makes it appear separately in the voting tally and is annoying to constantly account for.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Sinsystems on Oct 1, 2019 at 5:19 PM, finished with 1072 posts and 231 votes.
Examining the SnakeJuice won't be put off again. I don't care if it means letting giant Skaven robots run rampant, we've been waiting on it for more than a year. And the first step to not putting it off anymore is bringing it to our fancy new wizard house.
Ah Qhaysh juice voters, about to be denied at the goal line once again. I know your pain, Quest-siblings! I too know how it feels to be part of a consistent minority, to always have that sweet victory just outside of reach!

Though our factions may be different, I promise you this! After this vote I will make the snakejuice one of my top priorities, on the same level as studying our beloved book and bringing various ships together! I may only be a single voter, but you shall have my voice and my X from now on!

This quest has been on hiatus for 15 months. That time shouldn't be considered in any measurement of the voter's unwillingness to do something.
It is, however, a perfect measurement for how long you may have to wait when the thread is unwilling to do something.
Speaking of which...
@BoneyM - If the "visit" vote wins, will we have a chance to bring Anton and Wilhelmina some fancy Dwarfish gifts? Because now that Mathilde is both rich and very popular with the Dawi, it seems like that would be something she would do. And maybe something interesting for Regimand, too.

RvH just gets a massive headache for her Stewardship advisor due to the influx of rich Stirlanders wanting land. Sure, it's a worthwhile headache, but it's likely to result in much paperwork. And, best of all, requires no effort from us. :D
latest vote tally including the latest compilations of votes for the future of matilde:
Adhoc vote count started by Kornet on Oct 1, 2019 at 5:32 PM, finished with 1076 posts and 231 votes.
[x] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.

Been looking back through some old posts and found this little gem:
Were the Birdmen on the list? Or the Giants of Albion?
...Gotrex and Felix?
Yes, all of the above. I would have had to get creative for Gotrek and Felix, though - they don't meet for a few decades yet.
If we become the Learning advisor we may, possibly, be able to justify hiring the Birdmen of Catrazza. And may, with sufficient bribery, convince them to share how they make their wings and parachutes.
Unlike Stirland K8P has the money for that sort of 'research'.
Been looking back through some old posts and found this little gem:
If we become the Learning advisor we may, possibly, be able to justify hiring the Birdmen of Catrazza. And may, with sufficient bribery, convince them to share how they make their wings and parachutes.
Unlike Stirland K8P has the money for that sort of 'research'.
I'd say we could do that in any post. Especially if the sky-thane is on the council.
It's actually even more flexible than that in practice, there are magister lords permitted to study the Empire's copy of the Liber Mortis and presumably other similar texts because they are trusted not to use the lore to wield dark magic, though of course that is not an exception one would ever wish to make public for obvious reasons.
Well, maybe? It's never made clear who is allowed to study the Empire's copy, but it's not under the control of the colleges, which is interesting.
Well, maybe? It's never made clear who is allowed to study the Empire's copy, but it's not under the control of the colleges, which is interesting.

Given that Mathilde as a journeyman read the censored version in this quest I think it is a very fair assumption that Lord Magisters can get the real deal. In fact that may have been why the former patriarch of the former patriarch of the Amethyst order was casting with +40 vs Necromancy.
Given that Mathilde as a journeyman read the censored version in this quest I think it is a very fair assumption that Lord Magisters can get the real deal. In fact that may have been why the former patriarch of the former patriarch of the Amethyst order was casting with +40 vs Necromancy.
That doesn't necessarily follow. By censoring it, logically the list of people who can read it get expanded. Especially as the book wasn't exactly hers anyway.
---Once we work through our existing research materials it doesn't offer many chances for more R&D.
Some might see this as a good thing, since it means we don't get yet more stuff added to our backlog.

---Without Ritualist, and with our barely developed Enchanting outclassed by dwarf work, our contributions outside of finding trouble to shoot is going to be relatively limited.
Could make cloaks of invisibility once we learn that spell. They'd be pretty useful for the rangers and they're not stuff the dwarfs can make.
Right, voting.

[x] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[x] Give them away...
- [x] To the Amber College
[x] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
[x] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[x] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[x] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[x] Make a full report on the geopolitical troubles among the Dwarven Empire, even though some of it was said to you in confidence.
[x] You've been out of touch for a while. Linger in Altdorf after you visit the College and catch up with what's been happening in the Empire.

I wonder if the Stirland socialization action or material retrieval will include talking with Julia (who you may recall is Ambitious and the daughter of a trading family, as well as still in the employ of Stirland, and crazy ambitious trading schemes are right up her alley) and Heideck (the only full priest of Ranald we actually know). I'd be interested in seeing scenes with either of them. Heck, I might even be interested in poaching Julia and taking her south to run things for us once again, if she's got any interest at all.

It's a little baffling that it would be necessary or useful to spend an action on getting our snake box when it's clear that we have ample gyrocopter access, making the retrieval process a matter of a few days, tops, and an entire monthly slot would need to be spent on research. We'd lose what, 20% of our time for research at absolute most? It feels like the sort of thing that should be below the game's level of abstraction. I guess it's more important as a statement of intent than actual practical achievement.
I think this is simply an issue of the quest format. Same way it took us an entire action to excavate one room of the old Sunken Palace, one action is one action, whether it would make sense to take a month or not.

Hopefully we're at least schlepping all our loot along, and we're not spending a month-long action to move one box. Our desk is lonely without our Singing King skull paperweight.
Voting is open