Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Karag Nar penthouse
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to deal with the spiders in the Chiselwards.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
Remember the whole debate about priests in the Cult of Ranald? Well I dug up some relevant information in 4e Rulebook pg 208
4th edition is a dubious source, as BoneyM didn't really read it. We seem to be going mostly by 2nd edition WFRP and 8-ish edition army books, with occasional elements from other sources.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.

[X] Karag Nar penthouse
The first possibility that leaps to mind is the uppermost dwelling of Karag Nar, with a beautiful 360-degree view and a commanding position. The Black Orc Warboss' reasons for taking it for his own are obvious, and though it will take some time and effort to clear out the possessions that hadn't been safely stowed in the King's Armoury, it is bursting with potential and would allow you to keep a careful eye on the Undumgi and Death Pass.

[X] There's a growing concentration of royalty here. Get to know King Kazador, and this 'Sky-Thane' Prince Gotri.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with foreign relations, as a Spymaster focused on threats outside the Karak.

[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a Spymaster focused on threats within the Karak.

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.

[X] Karag Nar penthouse

Besides prior discussion, I want this because I think it'll be easier to get a branch college established here than the secondary peak- remember, that one is the option to be closer to the dwarves, so expanding would be... Resisted, I think.

[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to deal with the spiders in the Chiselwards.

I honestly really like the idea of them heading off on kittybird adventures, but the ethics of this attempt convinced me. Keep them here one more cycle.

[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.


[X] There's a growing concentration of royalty here. Get to know King Kazador, and this 'Sky-Thane' Prince Gotri.

I like how much the world expanded with the last choice on this tree.

If they don't pay attention to Stirland, Sylvania, or the Dwarves, they've never heard of you.

Sounds like we need some hype men back in the empire. I bet the ambers and the archers would be great.

I am really all for just giving up the eggs, honestly. In our hyper-dense schedule, rising five not-Giant Monster Tier dinos is just too much. Ambers will do just fine rising them.

Agreed. In fact, I'm in favor of giving personal gifts to a few others as well. I think passing our torq to the Archer commander where it can be well-used against Sylvania in the future would be cool, and maybe the helldrake scales to Max, who we would like to see developing into making cool gear + feeling indebted.

Panoramia, Johann, and a request to the colleges for a bright journeyman (give them the citadel tower) and a grey who can handle college business while helping with our research. Celestial if anyone think's that's worth it, but we do have a peak at a southerly laditute relative to the capital.

Canon suggests that Dwarves lack sex drives and procreate out of duty rather than desire.

...and I suddenly understand how chaos dwarves can have such a huge relative population after two near-extinction events. Forget grudges, a bit of lust and the dwarf empire would grow like gangbusters.

They're not pokemon to be collected. If the thread can't agree on what they should stick around for, they should be heading off on Lionbird Adventures with the Knights.

Yes! Send them away to have adventures and make allies and when we need to call for them they're going to be AMAZING reinforcements. Plus, they out of everyone saw us most human and vunerable this expedition- we came to them for teaching and playing with our pup. If course they like us.

But the Amber Wizards are leaving next turn, so I'd like to understand the rationale for essentially losing them - I've seen alot of arguments for keeping them, but I don't recall seeing any for ditching them yet beyond they consume an action. Writing the papers loses it's synergy if we cannot get the Amber Wizards to stay at least for the duration of the paper-writing.

I want them to deal with the spiders, but I don't think the ambers are good here long term. Let them go catch up with the knights.

I'd personally prefer the Karag Lhune secondary peak to advance long term plans for a chapter house.

I think a peak away from the primary dwarf settlement is an easier expansion in the face of dwarven approval than just having pre-existing chambers. We can request construction services, getting approval for a bunch of wizards so close to the 'dwarf' peak will be harder.
Hmmm. Assuming the current top choices win, what do you guys think we should do next? I'm definitely interested in building a temple to Ranald, and retrieving our stuff from Stirland also appeals to me—we could just grab it later, but I suspect that we won't be able to stick it in the King's Armory in that case.
Generally from reading the thread I think we're generally trending to a Kill Stick costing between 15 and 20 favor, with a smaller subset pushing it between 10 and 20?

Does everyone sorta generally find these two ranges some where in the range of acceptable? Because if so then I think we can all be confident that we want a bit more than the conventional maximum of 10 that BoneyM mentioned, with the understanding that 1 favor equals 10 points on the table top and so we want something worth more than a 100 points.
Notably a Rune Fang is a 100pt item. AKA a 10 favour item. For these hundred points you get a weapon that wounds automatically and ignores armour.
I am entirely confident we could spend a 'mere' 10 favour and get something that at absolute worst must be acknowledged as adequate.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Karag Nar penthouse

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to hatch the supposedly Lustrian eggs and study and possibly train whatever hatches.
[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to deal with the spiders in the Chiselwards.
Notably a Rune Fang is a 100pt item. AKA a 10 favour item. For these hundred points you get a weapon that wounds automatically and ignores armour.
I am entirely confident we could spend a 'mere' 10 favour and get something that at absolute worst must be acknowledged as adequate.
And it strongly indicates that the Belt, as a fifteen is basically a legendary item you could base a story around and would stand against most any foes we could conceive of. A weapon at fifteen would then I think be reasonable to consider the same.

So I'm really not worried about our weapon if its greater than ten.
Hmmm. Assuming the current top choices win, what do you guys think we should do next? I'm definitely interested in building a temple to Ranald, and retrieving our stuff from Stirland also appeals to me—we could just grab it later, but I suspect that we won't be able to stick it in the King's Armory in that case.
Problem with those is that current votes slowly binds us to given road. Live with dwarves, helping humans, sylvania, etc. If we are retrieving our things, we are not helping dwarves. The scouting and probing assault on depths and other peeks in K8P have likely already started. We could have been helping. But so far, we have chosen to not be part of that.
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Hmmm. Assuming the current top choices win, what do you guys think we should do next? I'm definitely interested in building a temple to Ranald, and retrieving our stuff from Stirland also appeals to me—we could just grab it later, but I suspect that we won't be able to stick it in the King's Armory in that case.
I'm sure Belegar won't mind us storing stuff in the Kings Armory whenever. My choices next would be the Ranald Temple, Scouting 8 Peaks ourselves so we know OOC and IC whats going on in the others, and then its up in the air.
The earth is magically inert and magic is harder underground. For ulgu in particular we want somewhere the sunlight comes and goes and casts shadows, not somewhere it has never shone. Natural mists and fogs are good too and mountaintops are often sheathed in cloud. Likewise population centers where the confusions and deceptions of many thinking beings dealing with each other is helpful - the mixing pot of Karag Nar is probably better than the Dawi discipline and magic denial of Karag Lhune but both are better than the near isolation of the Abyss.
Where are you getting the idea that magic is harder underground? Or that earth is magically inert?

4th edition is a dubious source, as BoneyM didn't really read it. We seem to be going mostly by 2nd edition WFRP and 8-ish edition army books, with occasional elements from other sources.
Some of that is basically copied from Tome of Salvation.
Tome of Salvation said:
Seat of Power: None (tentatively Marienburg)
Head of the Cult: None
Primary Orders: The Brotherhood, The Givers of Coin, The Crooked Fingers
Major Festivals: The Day of Folly, Pilgrimage of Fingers
Popular Holy Books: The Riddles Ten, Midnight and the Black Cat
Common Holy Symbols: A hand with crossed fingers, an "X," crow, cat
voting tallying up votes on the decisions Mathilde makes upon her future supporting the new karaks faction of the dorfs:
Adhoc vote count started by TalonofAnathrax on Sep 29, 2019 at 6:42 PM, finished with 948 posts and 211 votes.
Oh, and if we do take the Karag Nar penthouse, even if we don't become the ruler of Karag Nar, we become the nearly literal Sword of Damocles hanging over their head. Mathilde is always watching.
Notably a Rune Fang is a 100pt item. AKA a 10 favour item. For these hundred points you get a weapon that wounds automatically and ignores armour.
I am entirely confident we could spend a 'mere' 10 favour and get something that at absolute worst must be acknowledged as adequate.
Absolutely true. But I personally want something stupendous and amazing, because I enjoy totally amazing gear. And 10 would be nice, but it could be much nicer, and that's sad. I'd rather not spend favors on a weapon than do it halfheartedly.
As we saw during the Expedition and the outrageous effect Matilda had during it, Mathilde strength is any and all kinds of stealth, subterfuge, and skulldiggery. Outer or Inner Spymaster doesn't matter. Both play to Mathilde's strengths.
I'll admit, that inner-facing spymaster is temping - but outward gets wider area of choices. Deep scouting of undeground to reconnect karaks? More outward than inward. Chaos dwarves? Outward. Ogres? Outward. Easter trade routes to Ind? Outward. Travels to foreign places? Outward. Etc.

There is more variety in outward facing. More choices. Better ability to see interesting things and to ineteresting deeds. I'm not saying that inward spymaster is boring. It is not. But what tempts me most is variety.
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