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Yeah, we need to become a more powerful Wizard Lord, and possibly get specialized Battle Magic training, before tackling Battle Magic with a modicum of safety. Probably just pick up Smoke and Mirrors with one or two other Battle Magics. Honestly, just Smoke and Mirrors might do it, since it pairs so well with Shadow Knives and our Mastered Dread Aspect. Just Mathilde, teleporting around, throwing out magic knives to kill heroes while her shadow crushes grunts nearby, Nightcrawler poof away and continue until every enemy of Man and Dwarf is dead.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Karag Nar penthouse

[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] There's a growing concentration of royalty here. Get to know King Kazador, and this 'Sky-Thane' Prince Gotri.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there
Quite a ways away from being good odds, then; although I wonder if the 'best possible conditions' include a proper staff and grounding rod, or if it was 'best possible' for what we had at the time of comment specifically.

(I hope we get a chance to fill out the lower levels of our spellbook in the near future, those unlearned spells taunt me)

Yeah, we need to become a more powerful Wizard Lord, and possibly get specialized Battle Magic training, before tackling Battle Magic with a modicum of safety. Probably just pick up Smoke and Mirrors with one or two other Battle Magics. Honestly, just Smoke and Mirrors might do it, since it pairs so well with Shadow Knives and our Mastered Dread Aspect. Just Mathilde, teleporting around, throwing out magic knives to kill heroes while her shadow crushes grunts nearby, Nightcrawler poof away and continue until every enemy of Man and Dwarf is dead.

Isn't Smoke and Mirrors the exception, seeing as how it can count as FC and not BM so long as you pair it with one of our FC spells?
Out of curiosity, how are people planning/intending to pay off the Stirland debt? Or is that something that doesn't actually need to be paid off, or....?
Thinking about it, we are doing the job of outwards focused spymaster, right?

Given that both Thorgrimm and Finubar are pretty much cemented in their roles as rulers for the next few decades, i wonder if we are going to be involved in the Aliathra affair. The whole "Getting the Everchild on a mission of Dwarven-Elven peace kidnapped out from under Karaz-A-Karaks nose by a vampire" thing. It is kinda Thorgrimms affair, but Manfred moved her to Nagashizzar - meaning he needs to go past Karak Eight Peak. We might get a chance to sword Manfred von bloody Carstein in his ugly face. I am kind of looking forward to that.
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According to the wiki, it was made by a god. So it ought to be pretty good. Probably too good for somebody who isn't already super badass.
I mean, yes. There are suggestions it's in some way sentient.

That's pretty damn good on TT,, really damn good. Auto-wounding, ignoring Armour and D3 Wounds is damn impressive.
Perhaps a better term then would be simplistic. And oddly self contained. It has no effects on its wielder. I'd still prefer the Moonbow.

No it wasn't., that rule existed as far back as 5th edition which predates the white dwarf article by nearly a decade. Those runes quite literally weren't considered master runes during the war of Vengeance and the white dwarf article explicitly states as such. Meaning that the master runes they do have will be stronger and more powerful.

The white dwarf article corresponds with 7th to 8th edition.

What that means is that during the war of vengeance the rune smiths knew how to scribe those runes in such a way as they didn't interfere with other actual master runes of the time.
So, it's not about how rare they are and instead about the loss of skill and knowledge over the past four and a half thousand years?

Minorly nitpicky things though, there was no 5th edition dwarven armybook, and the article, being from 2002 would be from 6th. Which the Dwarves arguably got two books for.

Quite a ways away from being good odds, then; although I wonder if the 'best possible conditions' include a proper staff and grounding rod, or if it was 'best possible' for what we had at the time of comment specifically.

(I hope we get a chance to fill out the lower levels of our spellbook in the near future, those unlearned spells taunt me)

Isn't Smoke and Mirrors the exception, seeing as how it can count as FC and not BM so long as you pair it with one of our FC spells?
If I'm remembering what was stated correctly, Smoke+Mirrors can also be cast as battlemagic alone, or you can weave it into an FC or battlemagic spell and get no extra miscast chance. Lore traits must be hell to add to quests like this.
If you had two copies of the same guy fight, and you gave one of them the widowmaker, and the other the fellblade, who would win, and how big would the explosion be?
I'm pretty sure Widowmaker is explicitly the most powerful weapon in the setting. Full stop, do not pass go, move over Everchosen, etc. Granted I think we've only ever seen Aenarion use it not counting End Times- but everything from him rolling over Greater Daemons without the Vortex nerfing them to the horrific bloodline curse activated just by wielding it suggests it's the real deal. I mean even the Fellblade only kills it's user.
Thinking about it, we are doing the job of outwards focused spymaster, right?

Given that both Thorgrimm and Finubar are pretty much cemented in their roles as rulers for the next few decades, i wonder if we are going to be involved in the Aliathra affair. The whole "Getting the Everchild on a mission of Dwarven-Elven peace kidnapped out from under Karaz-A-Karaks nose by a vampire" thing. It is kinda Thorgrimms affain, but Manfred moved her to Nagashizzar - meaning he needs to go past Karak Eight Peak. We might get a chance to sword Manfred von bloody Carstein in his ugly face. I am kind of looking forward to that.
We would fucking die. We're far away from being able to handle one of Vlad's First Born's.
Hmm, I do wonder what Manny's current statline and equipment look like; If he does in fact wander past and not decide to go elsewhere/another route I'd like to see how he'd stack up to a Undumgi/ranger patrol we'd be able to cobble together on short notice (assuming we see him coming).
I totally would once we've filled out all the other slots with amazing stuff, and have the favor for it. It'll just be a pretty long time.
I'm not sure if you meant this with your phrasing but this is basically calling the Belt not amazing, which by the standards of everyone in universe and most of the thread is not the case. I mean look how good it is with just "you are literally immune to corruption". That's bonkers.
I've seen several people say that we shouldn't put too much favor into a weapon, since we won't use it much. And I think that's wrong. We've consistently chosen, going all the way back to taking the mound, to fight nasty gribblies sword to sword, to stand in the the line of battle. Isn't that a big part of why we became a knight in the first place?

In this expedition alone, there've been several times where we stood in a line of battle, no sneaking about, and we also tend to stand next to important people who fight the biggest and baddest stuff around.

Mathilde could behave in way where she doesn't need high personal combat ability. But so far, she has never shown an inclination to do so. So on that basis alone, I think getting the best weapon we can is a good idea.

Sidenote: Fighting in the van and slaying big things in personal combat are the best ways of getting dwarf favor. And one of my long term goals is becoming the most liked human ever.
At the same time, we've yet to run across anything that needed more killing than our regular, non-runic greatsword.

Our two urk warboss kills to our name are 'shot him from across the room' and 'stabbed him while he was chanting', both one shot kills.

When we were spotted during the assassination we tricked them into running face first into Burning Shadows. At no point during either of these encounters did we need some incalculably valuable sword to get shit done.
I'm not sure if you meant this with your phrasing but this is basically calling the Belt not amazing, which by the standards of everyone in universe and most of the thread is not the case. I mean look how good it is with just "you are literally immune to corruption". That's bonkers.
I know it's amazing and totally bonkers. Which is why I really, really, really want to know how it could be better. If this is 15, what would be 25? I really, really want to know.
More or less.

The dwarf army book that I called fifth edition was released in 1996, what edition would you consider that?

Any way regardless here's a scan from the white dwarf article.
Thanks for the pic. And 4th, to answer your question. Along with the '96 Dark Elf book. Same year as 5th was released though, so I can get why you'd count them as the same, but I believe Dwarves was released before 5th had its core book some out, which is when I divide the editions. Or try to at least, because it's possible I'm mistaken, and should be counting that one as 5th, and not 4th.

That is a very interesting scan btw, because it implies that either Alaric the Mad was a couple thousand years old, or that there was another, equivalent rune to the one that bears his name.
I know it's amazing and totally bonkers. Which is why I really, really, really want to know how it could be better. If this is 15, what would be 25? I really, really want to know.
In my opinion it would be a complete waste because I see no reason to ever take the belt off, in any situation.

Honestly I think it would be a personal insult to Kragg to just replace what might be one of his best works
At the same time, we've yet to run across anything that needed more killing than our regular, non-runic greatsword.

Our two urk warboss kills to our name are 'shot him from across the room' and 'stabbed him while he was chanting', both one shot kills.

When we were spotted during the assassination we tricked them into running face first into Burning Shadows. At no point during either of these encounters did we need some incalculably valuable sword to get shit done.
But had we been confident of counter ambushing our pursuers in melee we could have gotten another chance to scout.

I really can't stand this argument because it amounts to 'these dangerous choices we've made have yet to blow up in our face, why bother mitigating them'- just because we didn't need a tune weapon there doesn't mean it wouldn't have been incredibly useful or given us one hell of a fallback plan.

And there are things orders of magnitude scarier than a Goblin war boss or a Black Orc completely lost in prayer. Trying anything on vampires for instance would be beyond stupid as things stand.
We would fucking die. We're far away from being able to handle one of Vlad's First Born's.
I mean, we are, but is Belegar's Throng we're leading that far away? :V

There's no way Belegar wouldn't send people with us to try and salvage Elf-Dwarf reconciliation if we personally are getting involved in that issue.
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In order to pass time, I am going to speculate about the role of greatsword in Mathilde's life.

There are many things a greatsword symbolizes - her blazon, the symbol of her order, one of the swords of the EETC - but one, I believe, was not mentioned. A greatsword (blade) is the badge of office of a Greatsword (trooper). And the in a sense, Mathilde considers herself the last Greatsword of Stirland and the only one who didn't fail her duty.

When she started training with the Greatswords, they accepted the adorable but deadly serious little girl as one of her own. They didn't reject her or make fun of her as she feared, but instead treated her as an equal. The Greatsword champion became something of a father figure to her, one of several, perhaps, but a father figure nevertheless. Perhaps the most caring one, given the personality of Regimand (her other, more significant, but also a more stern and sarcastic father figure) and the fact that Abelhelm was something different. Her greatsword is the very same greatsword Marcus gifted her and taught her how to use.

During that fateful battle at Drakenhoff, she was dealt not one, but two blows: Abelhelm died, and Marcus and the Greatswords failed their sacred duty of protecting their charge. The greatswords have but one true duty, and when it was necessary they were not their - all but one, the youngest and smallest Greatsword of Stirland. And despite doing her very best, she was not enough - and she couldn't forgive Marcus and Greatswords for that, their failure wounding her deeply because of their closeness. And neither they could forgive themselves, so they chose to go out in suicidal charges, joining the Slayers, and so Mathilde became the last Greatsword, and while she wields that blade the company still lives.

And that's not a good thing.

Stirland has a new countess-elector, and she has a new greatsword company - one raised in Altdorf and having no links to Mathilde's broken company. Abelhalf is dead and his Greatsword company no longer has a purpose and should be disbanded. Mathilde needs (and arguably has) to move to acceptance of his death, and in my opinion, her setting aside the particular flamberge she is wielding now would be the final symbolic gesture. Not cast aside, but hang respectfully in her living room. The Ablehelm's Greatswords have served their purpose and belong to history. In truth, I don't care if the weapon she replaces it with is a greatsword, greataxe, or something more exotic - I just believe that for the sake of her mental health she must set her current one aside and get a new one.

Well, that, or we should all join Omegahugger faction. Either works.

I would support siding with the one who Hugs the End.

Necromancy, Ulgumancy! Everything a mancy!
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Thanks for the pic. And 4th, to answer your question. Along with the '96 Dark Elf book. Same year as 5th was released though, so I can get why you'd count them as the same, but I believe Dwarves was released before 5th had its core book some out, which is when I divide the editions. Or try to at least, because it's possible I'm mistaken, and should be counting that one as 5th, and not 4th.

That is a very interesting scan btw, because it implies that either Alaric the Mad was a couple thousand years old, or that there was another, equivalent rune to the one that bears his name.

I suppose the simplest lore explanation is that Master runes do interfere with each others operation as pre the book rules (instead of it just being a game mechanic) and that Those master runes are actually devolved recreations by later rune smiths trying to reverse engineer lost rune smith lore and making a rune that can't work with other runes of similar power.
I suppose the simplest lore explanation is that Master runes do interfere with each others operation as pre the book rules (instead of it just being a game mechanic) and that Those master runes are actually devolved recreations by later rune smiths trying to reverse engineer lost rune smith lore and making a rune that can't work with other runes of similar power.
Yeah. Or simply that whether the Runes interfere with each other is how they define Master Runes, and the loss of knowledge and skill has led to lesser runes becoming Master, as they no longer know whatever tricks there are to make runes work together better.
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