Maybe "exfiltration" for leaving quietly and keep "escape" for 'oh my god, oh my god, they're right behind me' emergency escapes.
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I think Task Group is still a tad similar to Task Force.
Perhaps Call them SOE (Special Operations Executive) Teams? to make them more distinct (and given the covert nature of this part of the game, seems fitting, and we do need an office Twenty, now that I think about it :p)

I do think it should be Exfil and Evac (with the latter being more of an imperious need to be elsewhere)
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I look forward to seeing those logs!

Spec Ops Teams:
  • Commonwealth Army Commando Team
  • Teams Alpha, Bravo, Charlie
  • Kinetic 2, Subdue 2, Infiltration 1, Health 4, Escape 3*
  • CMF Prosperity
  • Capacity 5, Infiltration 5*, Escape 8
Are these some standard mass produced commandos or something? If anything, I would expect Padani elite combatants to be second only to our Rangers or Warplates in killiness.

The omnidisciplinary stats of the Tiger Teams also seem like a weird choice to me, one would think that specialists would be more useful in such matters. I am probably missing something there though.

In my plan below, I start off slow. I want to spend the first quarter finding new leads and building assets. It's not yet time to stir the hornet's nest with extremely provocative actions like destroying the Singer Hub or intercepting ships. Let's see if we can pick up more of their network without driving them to high alert.
Don't we have many more targets then we can hit already? Also, we do need disruption. It is our defense against Singer counterattacks.

Also, our actions such as the maximum Firewall level and increased HBZ garrison should tip them off that we know too much and are up to something.

Singers might not yet realize just how ****ed they are, which could give us a easy turn before they pull out their big guns, but relying on that seems... unwise. What with their traditional massive overreactions, and the degree of penetration they have achieved.

I think hit hard right now along with setting up assets, find targets next turn, then try balance targets found with targets resolved.
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If we want to go for the throat via that Singer node, gonna have to push my plan over Sunrise's, or for Sunrise to edit his plan. Sending Sunglass (investigation 2, SophInt 5, Infil 5) to the (investigation 1, SophInt 1) mission and Wave (Investigate 4, Infil 3, SophInt 5) on the (SophInt 2, Infil 2) mission makes no sense. At a minimum, they should swap.

Based on the feedback i got i am updated my plan and using the same format as Briefvoice so the plans are easier to compare i am also swapping targets based on Briefvoice's remark that a Harmony health clinic might give us leads on the harmony implants.
[X][OFF] Plan sunrise

I am also aproval voting for the other plan deploying the rangers as starting slow after they have caused the death of starfleet personnel and the abduction of Thuir feels wrong
[X][OFF] Plan Hadanelith

Deploy following missions

Federation Border:
Patrol Sweep
  • Trigger a Mapping Event that the HBZ fleet will handle, with a reward of target identification. (You do not need to assign a Task Group to select this mission) - NO TASK GROUP NEEDED
Edel-Noshad Waystation, an independent station in the Opindi System in the HBZ run by semi-scrupulous Honiani.
  • Mission: Investigate by sending a team to look for signs of Harmony using this as a stop-over. (Req: Investigation 1, SophInt 1), Target ident ASSIGN TASK GROUP WAVE
A Harmony Supply Ship is headed to a suspected listening post at Alpha Apris III.
  • Mission: Raid the supply ship with a HBZ ship. A risky escalation. (Sci-T event for a HBZ ship), 4 Disruption (You do not need to assign a Task Group to select this mission). - NO TASK GROUP NEEDED

Bolian space:
Patrol Sweep
  • Trigger a Mapping Event that the Paddah Sector fleet will handle, with a reward of target identification. Chance of Harmony confrontation. (You do not need to assign a Task Group to select this mission) - NO TASK GROUP NEEDED
Set up Agent Cell on Bolarus - ASSIGN TASK GROUP SUNGLASS
  • Set up the bones of a local Bolian group. Next quarter can be expanded into an operational mission team. (Req: SophInt 2, Infiltration 2), Disruption 1, generate new assets

Licori space:
Patrol Sweep
  • Trigger a Mapping Event that the LBZ fleet will handle, with a reward of target identification. (You do not need to assign a Task Group to select this mission) - NO TASK GROUP NEEDED
Set up Agent Cell on Morshadd - ASSIGN TASK GROUP GUARDRAIL
  • Mission: Set up the bones of a local Licori group. Next quarter can be expanded into an operational mission team. (Req: SophInt 2, Infiltration 2), Disruption 1, generate new localised assets
Known Singer Hub on Narravonn (Gammon's moon)
  • Mission: Destroy (Req.: Kinetic 3, Escape 3). Disruption 4. - ASSIGN TASK GROUP WATERFALL

Felis space:
Patrol Sweep
  • Trigger a Mapping Event that the HBZ fleet will handle, with a reward of target identification. Chance of Harmony confrontation. (You do not need to assign a Task Group to select this mission) - NO TASK GROUP NEEDED
Harmony Health Clinic on Puriurairaru
  • Mission: Information Hack (Req.: Computer 5, Analysis 2). Disruption 2; one new target per Analysis success above 2, d2 new missions against the clinic - ASSIGN TASK GROUP SEASON
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I fundamentally disagree with the idea that the Ranger Team is a resource that should be deployed every single quarter, no matter what. The very high pp cost is a clue that they aren't intended as a normal team that you use as much as possible.

So we're just not going to agree here, but I guess that's why we have a vote.
Using the Ranger Team every quarter would cost 80pp a year. We're probably going to have many options to spend pp against the HoH this year, and 80pp is not cheap. Compare that to the 40pp that gets us twenty-six member fleet ships for our Task Forces this year. Even if there's no option to directly exchange pp for a Task Group team, I seriously doubt 20pp for only one quarter's use is worth it. Especially since we're going to get another Task Group in Q2 for free, and another in Q3. We should only use Task Group Waterfall when we absolutely need them for a mission that will have a very high benefit.
Are these some standard mass produced commandos or something? If anything, I would expect Padani elite combatants to be second only to our Rangers or Warplates in killiness.
I believe the logic is that the Federation equivalents have been seeing a lot of action as of late, while the Commonwealth hasn't. At one point in the design process they'd had a higher Health to fit the focus on survival and reduced the other stats as a result, but the stat scaling for Health was reduced, with the difference falling beneath the resolution of the system (since they're more durable than ordinary commandos, but not as durable as Yan-Ros).
The omnidisciplinary stats of the Tiger Teams also seem like a weird choice to me, one would think that specialists would be more useful in such matters. I am probably missing something there though.
The Tiger Teams consist of specialists in various fields. The level at which they're putting together specialists is one level lower than the system is built for, which is in-keeping with the accidental theme for the Padani of being wrong-genre savvy for the systems in TBG. :V

Jokes aside, when it comes to ground-assets, the Padani have a rather strong focus on combined-arms units which are then generally capable when put to whichever task they'll be needed to fulfill. Before Padani Tiger Team Charlie was assigned to Task Group Season, the Commonwealth unit would have had the following stat-block:

Mission Skills Kinetic 9, Subdue 9, Infiltration 9, Computer 6, SophInt 6, Analysis 9, Investigation 9

Which would've been enough to guarantee at least 1 success in Computer/SophInt tasks, with an average of 3 successes, and a minimum of 3 successes at other tasks (average of 4). The comparative lack of Computer/SophInt skill for the unit makes perfect sense too, as those are the fields most likely to run into the Commonwealth's comparative lack of familiarity at dealing with alien societies.
The Tauni Gate teams are pretty fun. They're a much smaller population, but they sent us their best and they know from dealing with the Harmony.

Looking at them, Gate Team One's speciality is actually Escape. No matter how sticky the situation, they find a way out of it.

Uh, not assigning Wave seems like you're leaving capabilities on the table, Sunrise.

Are you looking at version of the page you haven't refreshed since yesterday? I had Wave unassigned for about five minutes after I posted, then realized I had forgotten to assign them and edited my post to put them on the Supply Ship hack job.

Misread; didn't see it was addressed at sunrise.
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Looking over the more proactive plans, Hadanelith seems more coherent than Sunrise (among other things, it doesn't make much sense to employ Waterfall but not Wave), so I'm switching my vote.

[X][OFF] Plan Hadanelith