Nascent Transhuman
Giving evilguca chances to walk around murdering people is also inhumane. And that is what you are advocating for right now, because I believe that we do not have the time, attention, resources, patience, or care that would be necessary to humanely imprison a conscious Rionna, and that keeping her conscious does nothing except give her a chance to murder people we care about. You say that we have antimagic and Yuki and all these other resources, and I say that we still don't know if Rionna's shades were dispersed or just left leaderless, that we don't know what kinds of persistent effects she may have set up in the time she's had access to every power she wanted and enough Grief Seeds to keep an expensive power up 24/7, and that she's evil enough that every conversation she could possibly have with anyone other than a trained psychology would result in nothing but violence. Look back at the conversation we had with her. How long do you think it'd take her to convince someone to take a swing at her? Do you think she'd just die, or would she sacrifice the appropriate arm or leg and immediately steal her assailant's soul and go on a rampage? Do you think that those kinds of conversations would be healthy for her or for anyone subjected to them? Do you intend to sentence her to indefinite solitary confinement? Even if she can't convince someone to attack her, she's a magical girl; it can't be that hard for her to tear her own arm or leg off and then sneak-attack one of her jailers.Putting meguca on ice is inhumane. We can't do that when we have the safety measures we got.
I agree that it'd be nice if we had a better solution than gemming her. I don't think that we do. I think that keeping her gem is more likely to keep her and everyone around her safe both immediately and in the future. I think that giving her more chances, no matter how well-intentioned, is dangerously misguided and cannot have a good outcome.
You want a slippery slope? Look at the arguments that were being advanced in the thread to excuse and justify Rionna's actions. Look at what would happen if we gave everyone infinite chances. Look at what would happen if we insisted that there was no such thing as a person that had to be stopped. Sometimes, unless you're a Culture Mind, the only available fix is to remove someone from the world.
Remember, when Mami went tetris, Madoka killed her.
"You have enough," Mami says, voice like ice. "She's a monster. And she- she did something back there, near the end. I'm not sure what."
"She's dangerous," Homura says. Her frown deepens into a scowl. "She tried to attack you."
"She attacked you," Mami says simply. "In our city."
"Yeah!" Sayaka says. "I mean... is it even a question? Like... whatshername. Anri, or Yuuri, or whatever her name is. Take her down, and then we talk to her."
"That doesn't make any difference," Mami says instantly. "She used her powers on you."
"Yeah," Sayaka says. "That's like saying... she didn't shoot you, just jabbed you with a gun to make you give way. That's dumb, Sabrina."
If you want to spout off about WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK, maybe you should actually think about what people WOULD ACTUALLY THINK? We don't have people worry about us being too harsh. We don't have people telling us to give her another chance. We have people that we care about, that we interact with every day, telling us that she's a monster, she needs to be in jail, and that she's evil. Waking Rionna up won't make people think that we're extra-benevolent or any such shit. It'll make Sayaka conclude that we are an idiot, it'll make Homura think that we're dangerously stupid, it'll stress Mami out constantly.
Sabrina isn't making this decision. Sayaka and Mami and Homura, and I'm damned sure Oriko and Kirika and Nadia and Madoka and Hitomi once we ask them, are all telling us that Rionna belongs gemmed. There is no slippery slope. There is no unilateral "empress Sabrina"-ing. We have taken a vote. The vote was unanimous and obvious.
Is this really the hill you want to die on?
[x] Kaizuki
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