Indeed, she could react differently if she just acts contrary to literally every establishing character moment she's had since she showed up, ya got me there. And this argument has been made constantly whenever i was around to make it.
And it is sometimes unfair to present someone a choice they can't be expected to make- like asking someone if they want to know the witchbomb- there are situations where, without information or perspective you don't have- you can't be expected to make a good decision for your own health.
And excuse me for the expletives, but arguing with you is quite frustrating since you start calling me dishonest and then going "but what if [something extremely unlikely that's being hinted against every time the gm posts]?"
This is the first time this argument is made in such a coherent way
I have seen. I've seen
disjointed bits and pieces of it thrown around, and I can only recall them as part of this argument because for once, the argument is actually made and stated coherently where I can see it.
Perhaps this whole thing was extremely obvious to so many people that they could understand the argument without it ever being made explicit in its entirety. I could not, as I see now we disagree on a few fundamental premises.
I haven't exactly tried to call
you in particular dishonest (I think), but I admit I wasn't clear:
I have seen the argument made (on its own, disjointed from everything else) that Riona should be Gemmed
because she would prefer that. With this I disagree on a fundamental level - not that she necessarily wouldn't, or that it wouldn't be better for her, I accept those might be
possibilities, but only just. I do expect Riona to react badly, but I couldn't say for how long; speaking only for myself, I'd expect her to calm down after she realizes lashing out doesn't help - I think that
would be in character with what we've seen, and not contraty to what we've seen.
Once this argument was challenged, there was, twice, a change* to the argument that we should gem Rionna because she would choose to be concious,
and the way this was presented, to me read like this argument was based on the fact Riona would try to escape and kill others, and not at all on her own well being and health.
That, that I could only see as dishonest goal post shifting. First an argument about Riona's wants, then one which I still feel* completely disregards that to focus on security issues, but both these arguments presented as the same one, without an apparent link in between.
*In the way the arguments were presented.
You explain how you feel certain of quite a few things that I haven't seen explained in a coherent fashion until now (indeed, the times this has come up, the focus was on something else, either arguing that someone would prefer to be gemmed rather than being awake; or that Riona should be gemmed for security reasons, with quite some emphasis on denying her any freedom because, well, "fuck that").
The premises you used are not such that I can easily accept; before now, I didn't even conceive they could be seen as quite that important (I mantain that we shouldn't gem Riona unless it becomes 100% clear she will hurt herself in prison, as I feel freedom of choice is paramount). So I could straight up not understand the argument until now.
I thank you for actually expressing it in a coherent fashion, and recognize there was an honest argument beyond all this, but I have to insist the argument you presented, I don't feel it has actually being made until now; every time the focus of each part of the argument was pointing in a different direction, and not towards the path you now presented.