Oh boy, I have the bandwagon. Now I need to be responsible with it.
As such, please provide critique. And not just the usual vote writers, either - writing a vote here is a collaborative effort. If anyone has any issues with this vote, please bring it up! If I agree with your point I'll try to address it, and even if I don't, if others agree with you, a new vote can emerge.
[x] Internally, mentally:
-[x] Calm down. Channel some of that "excellent actress" Kyuubey accused you of being to avoid showing Rionna your internal strife.
-[x] Rionna might be refusing to "give up" her sisters shade. You need to work around that.
-[x] If her sister
is a shade, she might be denying the ethical implications of her actions to protect her own psyche.
[x] Externally, to Rionna.
-[x] Address her "giving up what I have" line. You don't want to take things away. What you want is to provide her - everyone - with what they need for more humane approaches to flourish.
--[x] Would she really keep souls trapped if, by her own judgement, it became unnecessary?
-[x] You want Rionna to stop killing people. There's other ways to stop those that abuse magic. And you'd like to examine her shades, and see if they're suffering.
-[x] Carefully, to avoid the potential sister trigger, try and get across that if she has shades she's maintaining for personal reasons, or hopes to revive, you'd be happy to help.
[X] Potential secondary topics, at brinapilots discretion:
-[X] De-Witching.
--[X] Let Riona examine Aurora.
--[X] Explain your experiments so far.
-[X] Ask after her powers.
--[X] What does your Soul look like?
-[X] Wish rejection: describe Oriko's symptoms.
-[X] Show Rionna the Feather, ask if there's anything unusual about it.