That would cause more magical girls to witch out, making it less than absolutely moral.
Like they said, finagling and compromise.
Given that we've had more time to talk, I'm tempted to gem her but not kill her just to make a point, but the odds that we wouldn't be able to gem her that fast followed by the odds that she would take it a second a commencement of more lengthy hostilities rather than a single point being made are unacceptably high.
If we do start a fight here, we want to win it in literal fractions of a second (not accounting for timestop of course).
That and there are the diplomatic repercussions to think of.
I like the tone of the votes that lean towards expressing disappointment and asking why she's so willing to just back off and leave. I will remind people though, she came here expecting a
false grief cleanser because that's all she ever knew before. She literally did come to kill us on the expectation that our powers were a lie.
Now that she's been proven wrong, she really doesn't have anything else to do here. She didn't come for infinite cleansing, she came expecting to be performing a debatably-righteous smiting and has now been informed that said smiting is unnecessary. Paladin arrives, finds out there's no justice to be dispensed, but gets asked by a local mayor if she wants to stick around and do healing instead of carrying on their wandering campaign of smites.
Actually to be fair to the metaphor, we haven't brought up dewitching yet, so it's less 'heal instead of smite?' And more 'stop smiting' with an implicit 'or else' in there.
When you look at it like that. Is it any wonder she's saying no?
So yeah, let's bring up dewitchification first.