And so you are positive that that taking a -75 pt option won't make a new tag? Hmm seems like something I can see happening. Thinking it won't is underselling the QMs.

And you're going to source your reasoning from... Where, exactly? It says that we take a specified relations hit. No mention of tags. I can claim that all it is is a relationship hit as per a strict reading of the update. You have no proof.

If it was just a numbers game, I'd completely agree with you. But even if we can pave it over easily with a diplopush, what is that -75 relations supposed to mean narratively? Remember, the Tauni having a chunk of moon fall on them and Starfleet not being able to respond was -100 relations. So I imagine that the OSA might react to this with about 3/4ths as much negativity as the Tauri did back then.

Narratively? We're trying to bring the Licori into the fold after doing everything in our power, including deploying a fleet stronger than those fielded by entire minor powers, to bring peace to the region. Arguably we stopped the OSA from taking more than relatively minor damage in so doing, as compared to the full out war they could've gotten. In time of war we refused to give anyone war material or designs.

Keep in mind that not selling the Licori weapons last time it came up gave an unlisted pp reward. It's not something with good optics.

SWB used misleading statement bereft of context! It's super effective-- o wait.

Good job, you managed to not supply any of the powers on the brink of war with military ships or technology. Gain 14 pp from relieved Pacifists.
(+14 pp)

The Laio, the OSA, AND the Licori all asked for secondhand ships. Not just the Licori. The Pacifists rewarded us because we didn't sell to ANYONE. Not just the Licori.
SWB used misleading statement bereft of context! It's super effective-- o wait.

The Laio, the OSA, AND the Licori all asked for secondhand ships. Not just the Licori. The Pacifists rewarded us because we didn't sell to ANYONE. Not just the Licori.
Yeah, it'll be perfectly fine with the Pacifists to sell weapons to a non-affiliate that's just come out of a war against a Federation affiliate. Oh wait, no, it won't be. The situation isn't literally identical, but the parallels are there.
Literally speaking, we gain enough influence to become affiliates with this action. So... Try again?

Factually incorrect.

Arcadian Empire (Licori) 71/100
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 147/300]

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to House Rithe of the Arcadian Empire (+50 br, +40 sr, -20 pp, +29 relations with Licori, +21 on [Horizon Influence] tag on Licori, -75 relations with OSA)

That would be enough to bring the Arcadians to 100/100, but the Romulan Influence tag would block affiliation. Admittedly that would potentially put us in range of a push... but not for certain! We've rolled less than 20 on pushes before.
And you're going to source your reasoning from... Where, exactly? It says that we take a specified relations hit. No mention of tags. I can claim that all it is is a relationship hit as per a strict reading of the update. You have no proof.

Narratively? We're trying to bring the Licori into the fold after doing everything in our power, including deploying a fleet stronger than those fielded by entire minor powers, to bring peace to the region. Arguably we stopped the OSA from taking more than relatively minor damage in so doing, as compared to the full out war they could've gotten. In time of war we refused to give anyone war material or designs.
The big reason I'm voting against the Connie transfer is that the Connie in question won't be going to the Licori, in general. It will be going to House Rithe, in particular. Accusations that they are in some ways just a palette-swap of House Kortennon seem to be... less untrue than we'd like, in the we know they were strongly in favor of pushing the Licori into the recent war, which frankly we'd have been better off if they hadn't.

I mean, I've been one of the most prominent voices saying the Licori had a valid reason to fight, but I'd still have preferred that they NOT fight and give us another quarter or two to sort things out ourselves. House Rithe's pro-war stance may well have been the tipping point in causing that to NOT happen. They are a regressive and potentially hostile force within Licori space. We're looking at the option to buy greater 'Licori' support (that is, more lobbying from Rithe on our behalf) by selling that house a ship that is more powerful than almost any other single unit the Licori have aside from one or two Imperial Navy battleships... Bad idea all around, if you ask me.

If any other House were asking for the same thing, I'd be less opposed to this transfer. But between the major relations penalty and the disadvantages of selling a semi-modern light cruiser to Worst House to do ??? with, I'm against it.

SWB used misleading statement bereft of context! It's super effective-- o wait.

The Laio, the OSA, AND the Licori all asked for secondhand ships. Not just the Licori. The Pacifists rewarded us because we didn't sell to ANYONE. Not just the Licori.
That doesn't mean selling to House Rithe right now is a consequence-free or cost-free decision.

This isn't a system you can game. It isn't bound by the restrictions of programming. The QMs read this thread. They are thinking beings. Literally speaking, your argument depends on a lack of nuance that has never been the case in this quest. People keep falling into this trap of thinking that outcomes in a gamemastered RPG are purely mechanical when making arguments in this quest. It needs to stop.
Hey, heads up: I don't remember anyone noticing these changes:
Shanpurr: 173/300
-[ISC Alliance: 0/300]
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]
Gorn Hegemony: 69/100
-[Great Power Ambitions: 0/NA (blocks alliance, but not affiliation)]
-[Distant Stars: 50/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[Secret Police: 0/100]
-[Militarist Foreign Policy: 174/300]
-[Dickensian Nightmare: 0/300]
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]

The Shanpurr have a new 0/300 tag with the ISC, which mostly isn't a problem for us, but may make a TF to poke our heads at the Interfering tag harder. More importantly for us and the Gorn, the Great Power Ambitions tag has transmuted into a 0/NA tag while our points have gone towards the new Militarist Foreign Policy tag.

As for why I was looking throught the tags again: The Vermillions are at 252/300 general relations and have the tag -[Obsolete Technology 0/300], but the Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate and the Ur'razzi also have the same 0/300 tag while the Lamarck have a 0/100 version. My thought being that it's the kind of issue that could qualify for a long-term Task Force to help with. We've dealt with two solved 100/100 Obsolete Technology tags before with the Tauni and the Laio, so we kinda have experience with doing this. But, it's 1,000 relations total, and certainly doesn't even make the bottom of our priorities list right now. Less like how like how the Azsi's -[Continent of Goo 100/100] was a global problem that needed outside help and more of being realistic of how it'll take a long while to catch up to the Federation's general standards of tech level.
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Hey, heads up: I don't remember anyone noticing these changes:

The Shanpurr have a new 0/300 tag with the ISC, which mostly isn't a problem for us, but may make a TF to poke our heads at the Interfering tag harder. More importantly for us and the Gorn, the Great Power Ambitions tag has transmuted into a 0/NA tag while our points have gone towards the new Militarist Foreign Policy tag.

I'm guessing the Gorn won't be able to progress beyond affiliation until the looming issues of their war with the Ittick-ka, the internal power struggle, and possibly also their mastery over the Dawiar.
So currently we're transferring a Constitution to the Vermillions, and I'd like to advocate against that. Instead, we can have the Gaeni transfer over two ships, for less RP. Yes, they're Gaeni ships, but we're explicitly making the warp cores safe, and we won't get the chance again. The Connie, however, will still be available for transfer next year.
So currently we're transferring a Constitution to the Vermillions, and I'd like to advocate against that. Instead, we can have the Gaeni transfer over two ships, for less RP. Yes, they're Gaeni ships, but we're explicitly making the warp cores safe, and we won't get the chance again. The Connie, however, will still be available for transfer next year.
According to the latest tally we aren't making the Connie-B Transfer to the Vermillions. Any Connie transfer needs 50% of votes to agree for it to go through. As the highest voted transfer has 36 votes while the Vermillions only have 15, they'd need to get to at least 18 total for their transfer to happen, assuming no extra votes get added for the leaders, which would require them get even more.

The Tech Frigate option is barely going to pass with 19/36 votes, as historically anything that gets 50%+ has passed in MWCD.
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Looks to me like the Tech Frigate "No" option is ahead of the "Yes" option, 19 to 18. If anyone has last minute arguments why we should do the frigate transfer, make them.
In that case, I will do so. It's one of the cheapest options in terms of RP, and gets the Vermillions, a group with no or very few ships, two. Furthermore, it's only available this year. If we don't transfer them now, the ships get scrapped.
Alright, let's see about this.

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)
Low cost of crew we don't use and only 2pp. Seems reasonable, but do the Orions need a new ship?

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[ ][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
These are free and don't really benefit us directly. Just shores up the fleet numbers, which may allow us to draw up a few more of their shinier ships instead.

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
I like the idea of SGC getting a ship, but part of me worries about them using it to deal with Harmony instead of leaving it to us.

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
Don't really see a downside to this one, save for the pp cost. Might cause some trouble down the line.

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to a consortium of independent Yrillian work-gangs (+50 br, +40 sr, -15 pp, +27 relations with Yrillia, -20 rp to facilitate conversion to haul cargo)

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to House Rithe of the Arcadian Empire (+50 br, +40 sr, -20 pp, +29 relations with Licori, +21 on [Horizon Influence] tag on Licori, -75 relations with OSA)
Want to say no to both of these because of the drama going on over there. Still worried that this could flash back into war and giving an extra ship to them seems like it's asking for trouble.

[ ][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Space Probe Agency of the Vermillion Connectivity (-9 pp, +19 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity; -35 rp for technical assistance)
Cost seems a bit high here.

[X][CONNIE] Convert one to a Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship (-15 rp to facilitate conversion into a SEES, +5 pp, +0.02 OET throughput annually)
This one is my baby, so I guess I have to argue for it. First off, it does increase crew income permanently. Not by much, but every bit helps, and it's a permanent increase. Second, it gives us some pp, as opposed to nearly all the other options, nearly enough to buy a new colony. Provided that was a research colony, it could pay for itself in a few years, making it a temporary setback.

Plus, it seems a very Starfleet thing to do, turning a weapon of war into something designed to bring joy and inspiration to countless souls.

The rest of the stuff... not sure. I'd like to keep maybe 100 rp in reserve in case something new comes up and we really want it. These are all really expensive, and while we have a lot of rp, it's not infinite.

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program
Useful, yes, but I think a new project would probably give them something more enduring than what this could create. Great short term, but in the long term I don't think it's great.

[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)
Feel like this will help up out a lot in the long run.

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
And this one is too cool to pass up.
Looks to me like the Tech Frigate "No" option is ahead of the "Yes" option, 19 to 18. If anyone has last minute arguments why we should do the frigate transfer, make them.
Mmm. The tally I was looking at didn't have a total number of individual votes listed, so I was going off the highest voted individual item.
[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Convert one to a Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship (-15 rp to facilitate conversion into a SEES, +5 pp, +0.02 OET throughput annually)

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program

[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Convert one to a Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship (-15 rp to facilitate conversion into a SEES, +5 pp, +0.02 OET throughput annually)

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program

[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to a consortium of independent Yrillian work-gangs (+50 br, +40 sr, -15 pp, +27 relations with Yrillia, -20 rp to facilitate conversion to haul cargo)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Space Probe Agency of the Vermillion Connectivity (-9 pp, +19 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity; -35 rp for technical assistance)

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program

[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
I would like to remind posters of the Priority suggestions.


[ ][PRIORITY] Star-Kin long-term to Refits / Replacements

[ ][PRIORITY] Indorian short-term to Build Renaissance-A (next year)

[ ]PRIORITY] Anyone interested in some Starfleet BR for your SR?
so can anyone tell me what the training / gear change is between 6c/2p team, the 5c/3p team and the 4c/4p team?

also these teams they started from c2/p2 right? 200% better C or 150% better C and 50% more P or 100% more C and P

wonder how that training montage would go with any of them