[X][OCTO] Do not arrange the transfer. (Gaen scraps the two Tech-Frigates)
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
[X][RELIEF] Do not approve the program
We should do this but can not afford it this year as we also expect new research teams at the snakepit from our new members
[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program
To expensive.
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to House Rithe of the Arcadian Empire (+50 br, +40 sr, -20 pp, +29 relations with Licori, +21 on [Horizon Influence] tag on Licori, -75 relations with OSA)
Pushing affiliates has a greater results then pushing the Licori, it is also general rep for progress on the Horizon Influence tag.
[X][LAIO] Transfer the technical design package for the Excelsior-A design to the Laio. (-75 rp; -25 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2325.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; Laio will build a 2.5mt berth at Laian starting in 2327.Q1)
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Most of the proposed transfers and programs can wait a year while Starfleet reevaluates its ability to contain the Ashalla Pact; below is a fairly low-impact set of options. Next year I absolutely want to grab the relief package, but we also have other claims on Starfleet R&D resources to consider.

[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin long-term to Refits / Replacements
[X][PRIORITY] Indorian short-term to Build Renaissance-A (next year).
[X][PRIORITY] Anyone interested in some Starfleet BR for your SR?

[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program

[X][RELIEF] Do not approve the program

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

I'm a single-issue voter, and this is my single issue.
Vermillions - happy to give them a Connie or the frigates, but not both.
Maiden, want it - currently voted against it purely on the rp cost of everything else, but if the relief package is considered highly likely to still be present next year, may swap that vote.
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

I'm a single-issue voter, and this is my single issue.

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)

If you're in favor of these, it would help to vote "No" on the other research point expenditures. Voting for any CONNIE option counts as a no vote for those you don't vote for, but RELIEF actually has to be voted against.
Chekov ignores the PADD, leans his head forward, and speaks, "Serfdom. Better than slavery, but not by much. You know, serfdom on Earth was invented in my home region of Russia. Not one of our inventions I'm proud of. To get rid of it required a bloody red revolution."
I expect starfleet officers to be better educated than that. Serfdom was invented in Ancient Rome. Spread through all of Europe. And so on.
I agree with briefvoices logic IN GENERAL but I'm willing to gamble a bit for the sake of what's basically a half strength academy expansion for cheap.

The Entertainment ship is nowhere near a half-strength academy expansion. It's 0.02 vs 0.5 OET/year.

Still going to point out that, efficiency wise, a Licori transfer basically affiliates them with a push instead of requiring two pushes, at the cost of a half-push on the OSA. In exchange for a rapidly becoming obsolete cruiser that will be eclipsed by the Rennie-A in a few years and will be next to worthless in comparison to it's crew cost in 5.
I expect starfleet officers to be better educated than that. Serfdom was invented in Ancient Rome. Spread through all of Europe. And so on.
... Have you never watched The Original Series? This is entirely a Chekov thing to claim everything originated in Russia, from Scotch to Democracy itself.
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[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Space Probe Agency of the Vermillion Connectivity (-9 pp, +19 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity; -35 rp for technical assistance)
[X][CONNIE] Convert one to a Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship (-15 rp to facilitate conversion into a SEES, +5 pp, +0.02 OET throughput annually)
[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program
[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)

[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin long-term to Refits / Replacements
[X][PRIORITY] Indorian short-term to Build Renaissance-A (next year).
[X][PRIORITY] Anyone interested in some Starfleet BR for your SR?
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I expect starfleet officers to be better educated than that. Serfdom was invented in Ancient Rome. Spread through all of Europe. And so on.
It's Chekov thing.

Also ... I think serfdom as a distinct thing from slavery with a separate name that coexisted with slavery may actually have originated in Russia, and I KNOW the term itself is of Russian origin.
The easy stuff:

[X][TOL] Train with Irregular Ops (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C5 S5 H4 P3 N8)

[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program

[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

The choosy stuff:

Assuming that the relief thing is going to be available later on, we can shelf it for a year.

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
[X][RELIEF] Do not approve the program

I agree with Forgo's assessment on the Licori sale, assuming that we can keep any narrative consequences fairly contained.

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to House Rithe of the Arcadian Empire (+50 br, +40 sr, -20 pp, +29 relations with Licori, +21 on [Horizon Influence] tag on Licori, -75 relations with OSA)
I'd rather not lose 3.5T of crew to the Orion Navy unless 'temporary' means it comes back to us somehow, but otherwise no big deal.
Temporary is temporary - as in, for about 2 years. More to the point, the intent here is that the crew comes from federalized member fleet personnel who didn't make the cut for Starfleet.
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Also ... I think serfdom as a distinct thing from slavery with a separate name that coexisted with slavery may actually have originated in Russia, and I KNOW the term itself is of Russian origin.
IIRC term Serf originates from Servile. And 100% is NOT of Russian origin because Russian term is "Крепостностной" that have nothing in common with Serf in how it pronounced.

First European Serfs-Serfs and not Serfdom-resembling-Slaves were Roman Coloni in 3rd century AD which is waaaay before Russia. Carolingian Serfdom is 10th century. Russian transition of free peasantry to Serfdom started 12th century, though indentured contracts and slavery existed beforehand.
Temporary is temporary - as in, for about 2 years. More to the point, the intent here is that the crew comes from federalized member fleet personnel who didn't make the cut for Starfleet.

Oh! Well that's fine then.

IIRC term Serf originates from Servile. And 100% is NOT of Russian origin because Russian term is "Крепостностной" that have nothing in common with Serf in how it pronounced.

First European Serfs-Serfs and not Serfdom-resembling-Slaves were Roman Coloni in 3rd century AD which is waaaay before Russia. Carolingian Serfdom is 10th century. Russian transition of free peasantry to Serfdom started 12th century, though indentured contracts and slavery existed beforehand.

As other people have said, it's a Chekov joke that he claims everything originated in Russia even when it's blatantly not true.
[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)
I was actually wondering if there would be more discussion/debate in the thread about some of the mission details Pavel discussed with our PC.

I think the take on how the Cardassians are likely to react is pretty solid. TF Righteous is on a timer, and Chekov needs to get something done before a Cardassian warfleet hunts him down. The Cardassians have no reason to play nice way out there.

I also think there's absolutely a lot of unknowns on this mission.
So much for getting another utopia planitia style shipyard this year but I am okay with that in light of everything that is going on right now. Maybe next year we can do it.
Other than diplopushes what are our must-haves for the Snakepit?

Do we need research teams, academy expansions, or any other big ticket items like that?
This was admittedly a tough vote to think about, so I'm at least thinking on this to go with. I'm honestly thinking the SEES might be a good option since it would help in terms of picking up the O/E/T throughput for just a one-time thing of 15rp. EDIT: After arguments made, I'll cut the SEES Connie conversion.

[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)

[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)

[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)

[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)

[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
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