List of Ships with EC Panel Captains
Current list of ships with EC captains (as of 2324Q4):
USS Frontier (Gregor Mannigan)
USS Lakota (Stol)
USS Odyssey (Nalae Veraniss)
USS Pleezirra (Maria Volkov)
USS Salnas (Xuggaed)
USS Gerzzi (Goluzu)
USS Seleya (T'Arvit)
USS Thejal (Zesh sh'Rannax)
USS Hawking (Tersu Lakun)
USS Emancipation (Arthur Acheson)

Other EC Panel captains:
Sorek (Starbase)
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@SynchronizedWritersBlock there are some issues with your deployment plan.

Supported By: SBZ, LBZ, HBZ???
2324 Q1: Starbase 10, Rigel; Reformation, Renaissance (G); Yravas, Centaur-A (G); Sevaijen, Centaur-A (G)
2324 Q2: Starbase 10, Rigel; Reformation, Renaissance (G); Chinook, Centaur-B (G); Sevaijen, Centaur-A (G)
Notes: In 2324.Q2, Chinook arrives from Alukk, Yravas goes to refit

I don't know what is going on in Rigel sector.... Yravas is not going into refit this year per the build plan we voted on. Why are you acting like it is?

I don't understand what the hell "(G)" means and you have it everwhere!
Tally Time.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jul 9, 2018 at 10:01 AM, finished with 136 posts and 41 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jul 9, 2018 at 10:39 AM, finished with 145 posts and 42 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jul 9, 2018 at 1:55 PM, finished with 161 posts and 45 votes.
Current list of ships with EC captains (as of 2324Q1):
USS Frontier (Gregor Mannigan)
USS Lakota (Stol)
USS Odyssey (Nalae Veraniss) (reassigned from Torch)
USS Pleezirra (Maria Volkov)
USS Salnas (Xuggaed)
USS Gerzzi (Goluzu)
USS Seleya (T'Arvit)
USS Torch (Zesh sh'Rannax) (reassigned from Valiant)

Other EC Panel captains:
Sorek (Personnel Command)
You are missing the big E and amby.
The votes for plan big dream are split into 2 groups of 14 and 6 else it would be the leading plan.
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Jul 9, 2018 at 9:34 AM, finished with 130 posts and 37 votes.
After thinking about it just a bit, going to go with Briefvoice on this, just because I don't like the idea of dealing with the Dreamers when we have the Cardassians to contend with.

[X][EC] Assign Courageous

[X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice 2324 Garrison

[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
-[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
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[X][EC] Assign Courageous

[X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice 2324 Garrison

[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
-[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
[X][EC] Assign Courageous
[X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
[X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
-[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
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[X][EC] Assign Courageous

[X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps

[X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment

[X][TASK] Plan Dream Big
Let's go through this. This is SWB's deployment plan compared to mine. My plan is here and his is here.

OVERALL: I want more Keplers for TFs than he does. Attaching a Science ship to TFs if good practice if you can, and they're also a good diplomatic vessel. But he wants them on garrison instead.

Tailwards Theatre - Two Renaissances in Theatre fleet (will not be responding to events so are basically unused) // My plan had none
Sol Sector - One of our busiest sectors, often gets two or three events a quarter. 5 ships, no Excelsior // My plan had 5 including an Excelsior
Vulcan - FEDERALIZED SECTOR. Only 3 ships, fucked if an Event missed. // My plan had 4 ships
Andor - FEDERALIZED SECTOR. Only 3 ships, fucked if an Event missed. // My plan had 4 ships
Rigel - 3 ships and Messed up. Has a ship going into refit that is not going into refit. // My plan had 3 ships
Okatha - 3 ships. // My plan had 3 ships
Paddah - 3 ships // My plan had 3 ships
RBZ - No Excelsior, down to 4 ships // My plan had 5 ships. (did give up Excelsior for Goodfoot)
KBZ - No Excelsior, down to 4 ships // My plan had 4 ships (gave up the Excelsior).
LBZ - 4 ships // My plan had 5 ships. Also I did not have a Kepler because I wanted it for Task Forces.
HBZ - 5 ships // My plan had 5 ships. Also I did not have a Kepler because I wanted it for Task Forces

Tailwards Theatre - Two Renaissances in Theatre fleet (will not be responding to events so are basically unused) // My plan had none
Tellar Sector - FEDERALIZED SECTOR. Only 3 ships, fucked if an Event missed.
Amarkia - 3 ships // My plan had 3 ships
Ferasa - 3 ships // My plan had 3 ships
Alukk - 3 ships; makes a substitution that is unnecessary and incorrect since he thinks a shit in Rigel is going into refit when it isn't. // My plan had 3 ships
SBZ - 4 ships // My plan had 4 ships. Also I did not have a Kepler because I wanted it for Task Forces.
Ruby Eyes - 4 ships, one an Excelsior // Identical to my plan

SpinwardsTheatre - Two Renaissances in Theatre fleet (will not be responding to events so are basically unused) // My plan had none
Apinae - 3 ships // My plan had 3 better ships because Apinae has more worlds than most sectors.
Rethelia - 4 ships // My plan had 3 ships; I presume he's making the mistake of not taking into account reduced event rate from the new border zone.
CBZ - 5 ships // My plan had 5 ships. Also I did not have a Kepler because I wanted it for Task Forces.
GBZ - 5 ships, but he switched in an Oberth. // I have 5 ships, but left the Oberth as a Miranda.
S-CBZ - 5 ships // My plan had 5 ships. Also I did not have a Kepler because I wanted it for Task Forces.

TF Beyond
SWB takes away one of Thuir's ships, a Honiani Reliquary. He's also playing silly buggers with drafted ships, pulling them in and out mid-year so he can send newly completed Keplers from Member fleets. I'd prefer not to pull those shennanigans.

TF Royal
SWB gives Leaniss one less ship; a Centaur-B. I switched out the "intelligence team giving you ship designs" for the "harder raid events" asset, since we have Yan-Ros and all.

TF Righteous
SWB does not send the Basilica of Lakepht instead leaving it in Beyond and sending another Excelsior. He does not give them the following two assets, which I think could be very useful:
  • Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
  • Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
TF Security
SWB tries to have cake and eat too by basically making the anti-slavery team go do the Ashididi mission first. I think that's a bad idea; designing a TF for a mission other than the one it's doing. I also want to have the STO cruisers on the anti-slavery mission, because C is an important score. No Kepler either.

TF Goodfoot
Again, no Kepler until Q3.

TF Dreamer
Spends ships we can't afford on it.

TF Chorus
I packed it with Starfleet ships to take advantage of Vol Chad's bonus, but he doesn't do that.
Last edited: know what, @SynchronizedWritersBlock 's plan is fine. It's fine.

I'm playing it a little more conservative here and here, and I worry about not giving some TFs all the pushes they need or some sectors all the ships they need, but it's just a difference of opinion. I'm not predicting any huge disaster if you vote for it; I just want to be a little more cautious.

He does need to fix that bit about the ship he thinks is going in for refit that isn't, but I'm sure he'll do that when he is able to attend to this again.

I do wish he'd put the Starfleet Intelligence Events team on Righteous, though. If the Obsidian Order starts fuckign with them, it would be hard to go back and add it later.
So I just noticed the Basilica of Rangers, if it's Yan Ros crewed does it count as having a built in raid attachment? Probably not but I do pity anyone who pulls one of those attempted hijacking on it like we used to get.
Adhoc vote count started by Raw90 on Jul 9, 2018 at 11:33 AM, finished with 146 posts and 42 votes.

  • [X][EC] Assign Courageous
    [X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice 2324 Garrison
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
    -[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
    [X][EC] Assign Courageous
    [X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
    [X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment
    [X][TASK] Plan Dream Big
    [X][EC] Assign Courageous
    [X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
    [X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment
    [X][TASK] Plan Dream Big
    -[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
    -[X] Maintain the following PP attachments:
    -[X] Maintain the following RP attachments:
    -[X] Maintain the following BR attachments:
    -[X] Purchase the following attachments:
    -[X] Total Cost: 176pp, 58rp, 10br
    -[X] Task Force: Beyond
    -[X] Task Force: Royal
    -[X] Task Force: Righteous
    -[X] Task Force: Security
    -[X] Task Force: Goodfoot
    -[X] Task Force: Dreamer
    -[X] Task Force: Chorus
    [X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
    [X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment
    [X][TASK] Plan Dream Big
    [X][EC] Assign Courageous
    [X][ODY] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
    [X] [SQUAD] 2324 Major World, Theatre Reserve, and Kepler Outward Deployment
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
    -[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
    [X][RETIRE] Briefvoice A – Mothball All 12 Connies
    [X][FED] Briefvoice A – 2 Excelsiors, 9 Renaissance, 13 Centaur-B, 4 Centaur-A, 1 Miranda-A
    [X][FY] Briefvoice 2324 Shipyard Federalization
    [X][BUILD] 2324 Plan A – 11 Kepler, 3 Centaur-B Refits, 2 Engineering Ships
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2324 TF Plan
    -[X] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)

Adhoc vote count started by Raw90 on Jul 9, 2018 at 11:34 AM, finished with 146 posts and 42 votes.
We can affiliate the Dreamers with a mere Diplomatic push. I don't see why there's a particular need to get them as allies at the cost of other stuff. And there will be a cost.


This is a really good point and I'm surprised that people haven't been talking about it. Take a look at it:
Dreamer Collective: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 85/100]
-[Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 3/300]

That's 15 points. A single diplopush will bring them over into affiliation, which means the diplopush will roll over and continue for the rest of the year. Functionally, a TF for their 300 point tag won't finish for two or three years, and meanwhile we'll need to diplopush them this year anyways if we want to make the Dreamers affiliates. We can still make progress on allying with the Dreamers by diplopushing them this year and in the future, but sending a TF their way should probably wait for now.

[X] Briefvoice

I really wish we had vote moratoriums for some of the votes in this quest. This is the largest, most complicated, and most important vote of the in-game year, but with no vote moratorium, most everyone doesn't have the time to make their own plans or compare plans to each other. SWB took 2.5 hours to make their plan, and that's only by piggybacking off of Briefvoice's extensive efforts. And, not to get into it, but it really shows in how SWB's plan was mostly made by way of modifications. I know I sound like a broken record, but a simple 24 hour moratorium would really help everyone with this kind of vote. Both more time to allow more people to make their own plans, and more time to discuss plans and improve them.

I know sometimes plans are made and posted ahead of time, but discussion never kicks off until it's the actual vote that's happening and anyws those plans still have to be changed and adjusted when the vote comes around anyways.
Unfortunately, I think it's just a name.

Given their naming scheme, it could actually be a unique ship class. "Basilica of Lakhept" is a unique class of ship, so "Basilica of Rangers" might be the same.

Missing the X.