Just noticed...most years, we have the shipyard ops vote first, and then deployment vote. By having deployment vote happen first, we've kinda locked in Cloudburst as either doing refit this year or it's going not having any assignment (default to theater fleet), and that Typhoon is not going to be doing refit this year in any of the potential berths.
(I guess IC we can explain the delay as being due to the chaos caused by T'Lorel leaving without a replacement being picked yet...)
Just noticed...most years, we have the shipyard ops vote first, and then deployment vote. By having deployment vote happen first, we've kinda locked in Cloudburst as either doing refit this year or it's going not having any assignment (default to theater fleet), and that Typhoon is not going to be doing refit this year in any of the potential berths.
@Briefvoice , there's a pretty wide groundswell for the Scrutineers, to the point where I suspect most people would be content to pay the 5pp for them even if we don't cut anything else for them.
Wouldn't mind the Scrutineers on TF Unity either, and Hortance honestly might be a good pick for TF Boldly. Exploring the Gulf with a bunch of high S ships seems like a decent place to farm PP.
Just noticed...most years, we have the shipyard ops vote first, and then deployment vote. By having deployment vote happen first, we've kinda locked in Cloudburst as either doing refit this year or it's going not having any assignment (default to theater fleet), and that Typhoon is not going to be doing refit this year in any of the potential berths.
(I guess IC we can explain the delay as being due to the chaos caused by T'Lorel leaving without a replacement being picked yet...)
Wouldn't mind the Scrutineers on TF Unity either, and Hortance honestly might be a good pick for TF Boldly. Exploring the Gulf with a bunch of high S ships seems like a decent place to farm PP.
Does that mean we get a discount if we draw from all Federation members?
Honestly, the best way to solve the constant ship shortage is probably the creation of a Hawk/Development alliance. Expansionists want to push back the borders, which gives us more space we have to patrol, and Pacifists don't really have the drive to improve income and infrastructure that the Developments bring to the table.
Hawks want more ships capable of defending our space, and Development wants to maximize productivity before pushing back the Darkness. Might be able to bring Mercantile group in too, because the massive expansion of Starfleet means there are a lot of contracts available for someone looking to make a profit, and might serve as a balance to Development tendency to stay where they are instead of spreading out and making new firends (and finding new business opportunities.)
Who are the major players for the factions again? I might have a story idea brewing...
[x] [FLEET] Retain 16 points of ships and two cargo ships (20 pp)
[x] [TASK] Task Force: Beyond for 16pts of ships
[x] [TASK] Task Force: Boldly for 16pts of ships
[x] [TASK] Task Force: Forward for 16pts of ships
[x] [TASK] Task Force: Royal (the Gorn Task Force) for 16pts of ships
[x] [TASK] Task Force: Unity (Stop coreward war.) for 16pts of ships
[x][BREEN] Breen Task Force for 16pts of ships
-Mission: [Discourage attacks on the Trill]
-Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter; NEW Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter. NEW Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage. [FORWARD] NEW Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter. [FORWARD] REMOVED Starfleet Intelligence field team.
Explorers: 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar (B)]
Cruisers: STO Audacious [Serene], 2 STO Constrictors, NEW 1 Renaissance [Torch (pa)]
Can we pull two mirandas from garrisoning to bring this TF to 12 ships and assign a rear admiral instead of Checkov? I think It should be a noticeable increase in effectiveness.
Can we pull two mirandas from garrisoning to bring this TF to 12 ships and assign a rear admiral instead of Checkov? I think It should be a noticeable increase in effectiveness.
That seems like a waste to me. Task Force Forward will, barring bad luck, probably roll up in Q2. Forward has averaged around +69 Relations per quarter and while some of that is spill over to [Aloof] we're still at 201/300 on [Discourage Attacks on the Trill]. Two more quarters, especially since [Aloof] is close to completing (75/100) and so probably won't be a concern in Q2, of work should be enough to clear it. Especially when you consider most that work was done with just six ships.
We know when the war with Ittick ka starts I think? There was a date when we first learnt of it if I remember correctly.
-Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
We can maybe temporarily draw down Beyond and add this?
-Molchenek-Danashad Consulting: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
Are our corewards neighbors capitalists?
-Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
Probably best for unopposed diplo TFs.
-Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
Great combo with first diplo roll boosters and small diplo TFs.
-Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
Beyond could really use this. Its a +1 to a number of rolls equal to the number opposing ships!
Only thing we might want to save a few pp for is to grab the colony sites in the Adrazzi Gulf, so that the Cardassians can't. Everything else is a distant second to having enough ships available for all our TFs this year.
I'm not sure if that's a good idea in this case since we know it the Gorn TF may be rolling against an opposed TF from the Cardassians, and we do know from the HoH TF that failing rolls against opposed TF's will mean negative progress. In that respect, if we can't send enough ships to oppose the Cardassian fleet, then it would be safer not to send a TF at all.
Not opposing that TF would mean a much bigger negative progress.
@Briefvoice I will trust your judgment here, but while the alternative plan leaves several TFs dangerously understaffed, this one leaves our PP pool empty enough that we probably wont be able to afford necessities, such as all the diplopushes and colonies. Are you sure that those extra ships are worth that?
@Briefvoice I will trust your judgment here, but while the alternative plan leaves several TFs dangerously understaffed, this one leaves our PP pool empty enough that we probably wont be able to afford necessities, such as all the diplopushes and colonies. Are you sure that those extra ships are worth that?
We need those ships. Make no mistake we need those ships. We can probably get away with 4 Diplo pushes and 3 colonies at the snake pit if we are lucky. The colonies are to keep the mines closest to the Cardassians out of their hands. The two that are behind them closest to our borders can wait. One of the important colonies is the sensor research option which we absolutely must grab.
We need those ships. Make no mistake we need those ships. We can probably get away with 4 Diplo pushes and 3 colonies at the snake pit if we are lucky. The colonies are to keep the mines closest to the Cardassians out of their hands. The two that are behind them closest to our borders can wait. One of the important colonies is the sensor research option which we absolutely must grab.
Problem is that the more ships we draw, the more they cost. 100PP for 8 points of ships is an enormous amount, and not paying it might cost us little more then some setbacks we could compensate for later with the federalization.
If we need them for things that absolutely need to be done right now, then necessary sacrifice, but it is one that we really should be careful making.
i see the general view is spend a lot of pp now and hope no wars start V spend less and try too setup something that could help if war starts
i am trying too look longer term but maybe i am over looking things.
the 100pp plan to me sounds like overkill, but again thats my opnion on things
i see the general view is spend a lot of pp now and hope no wars start V spend less and try too setup something that could help if war starts
i am trying too look longer term but maybe i am over looking things.
the 100pp plan to me sounds like overkill, but again thats my opnion on things
i see the general view is spend a lot of pp now and hope no wars start V spend less and try too setup something that could help if war starts
i am trying too look longer term but maybe i am over looking things.
the 100pp plan to me sounds like overkill, but again thats my opnion on things
It's a possible war between one of our allied minor powers and the Licori, against an affiliate. I'd rather we go full ham on trying to prevent it rather than preparing for it's inevitability.
Can we use the Gaeni Tech-Cruiser-A in Boldly as its flagship freeing up the Excalibur or swap the Excalibur with a cruiser in one of the other taskforces?
Or even us it to start a TF to look after the dreamers together with 2 miranda's from the GBZ
The Explorer will do most of the talking the miranda's are there to help guard them.
An other option is taking the Shield from the RBZ and bon viante from the LBZ
We can grab the Torbriel from the KBZ as that is a D1 ship so it will not respond to other sectors and can help talk to the dreamers
IF we want to send the Excalibur elsewhere or keep it in bodly we can take a constution-B from the GBZ to lead the dreamer taskforce.
i just do not like the thought of over focus on this and then missing things elsewhere that could be done.
but it looks like i am going to be outvoted anyway so i don`t see a reason to argue it really.
[X] [TASK] Develop better means of communication with the Dreamers
-Mission: Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a sterling science score to develop new methods for communicating with the Dreamers. A respectable presence score will also be useful for coordinating work with the Collective. Finally, with the Breen near, and with the Dreamers having intervened against the Breen, a respectable combat score may be useful for protecting the Dreamer Collective.
-Commander: Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
I picked Vol Chad as commander as the TF includes 6 non blooded ships, the Torbriel is there to keep track of the breen in the area and work on communications together with the Vigour and the miranda's to keep the TF and the dreamers save.
For the rest follow Briefvoice plan:
[X][EC] Assign a vessel to support attempts to stop the Coreward Border War between the Licori, Laio, and OSA. - Assign the Sarek
[X][OPPO] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
[X] [FLEET] Call up 24 points of ships (100 pp, call up three cargo ships)
[X] [TASK] Task Force: Beyond
[X] [TASK] Task Force: Forward
[X] [TASK] Task Force: Unity (Stop coreward war.)
[X][BREEN] Breen Task Force (Briefvoice)
@anon_user I noticed while reading the TF summary for the Trill TF that it's only covering the 300pt tag, not the 100pt Aloof tag, even though we have gotten boosts to Aloof before. Will the TF attempt to complete Aloof as well, or will it just target the 300pt tag and disband once that one is completed? If the latter, can we modify the TF to work on the Aloof tag as well?
Would the All Pyllix Geological Institute Team. 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed mapping roll each quarter be of use for TF boldly?
We are using multiple FDS Diplomatic Team's are there other teams we can get more then one of?
I was thinking of adding more of the following teams if allowed(this will cause us to use up our RP stockpile in a few years but that good for the quest)
-Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
-Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
-Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
-Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter.
-Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Reroll first failed Reaction test each quarter.