Sorry,I will try to avoid being so insistent in the future.Seriously, stop it. I can sort of understand tagging us once on topic that seems to be of import to you but the second time is pushing it.
He said it was going to be in the next update.Was there supposed to be an info section about the Empress and her unborn baby dying due to a nat 1 in the previous update? Or was it expanded upon / retconned somewhere else and I just missed it?
Counterpoints.That the college has specialists who can research them just fine, leaving us to do other things.
Besides, if it IS something mathilde would find useful, we can just use 1 of those favors to take an enchantment lesson and get it that way.
Can people explain their thoughts with the choice of Zhufbar vs Eight Peaks? I didn't expect the low-stakes, low-reward option to be so overwhelmingly favoured, especially after Eight Peaks had the edge in the last round.
Well, the mask is fairly easy to model in this system; it's an enchant of Dread Aspect, since that spell grants Terror to the user. So pretty difficult, since that's a complex spell and 2 tiers above the level of things we can enchant.@BoneyM How difficult would it be to create the Terrifying Mask of Eee!? Similarly, could Mathilde create magical war banners? These are drawn from the tabletop game ('magic items so common it's reasonable for every army to have access to these'), and while I'm trying not to take other mediums as gospel I hope you don't mind me taking them for inspiration. Furthermore, on the topic of spell creation what do you think of creating 'living shadows' to spy and deliver messages as a possible spell?
The Eastern Imperial Company
Outstanding Debt: 1,400 gc
Your share of EIC Profits: 50 gc / turn
The Eastern Imperial Company
Outstanding Debt: 1,290 gc
Your share of EIC Profits: 60 gc / turn
I wasn't in any of that 100% or rather I would be considered to be in both 'liked hold reclamation' and not 'wanting to do domain ruling' but neither truly fits what my voting goals were. I wanted to go on an adventure (I picked all the adventure options) or if not that then become an advisor again (not even included as a voting percentage apparently).Others answered this but from assessment of voter preferences, you had something like:
-20% liked the branch college idea
-30% just wanted something based in Stirland, where all our assets and contacts are
-20% liked the hold reclaimation
-30% wanted literally anything BUT the branch college/domain ruling stuff
So when it was College or Dwarf, Dwarf won, but on the clarification vote, the option to stay closer to Stirland naturally had a bigger lead, because those who wanted to stay in Stirland but didn't like the college now had an out.
I wasn't in any of that 100% or rather I would be considered to be in both 'liked hold reclamation' and not 'wanting to do domain ruling' but neither truly fits what my voting goals were. I wanted to go on an adventure (I picked all the adventure options) or if not that then become an advisor again (not even included as a voting percentage apparently).
There were also a number of other votes for becoming a mercenary, becoming Negash 2.0, becoming an advisor, doing something cool with dwarfs and I expect at least some of the people who votes to look around in Sylvania were genuinely interested in doing so rather than just sticking near Stirland.
Also the vote's fairly even between the two dwarf choices so I think the original question is fairly defunct since it's clear many voters are genuinely interested in joining the expedition to the Hold.
????? How come we aren't spending money to increase fief income?
The Steward will be subject to the same cost modifier as they hire managers to perform whatever the task at hand would be.
[*] Plan Dame Weber
-[*] Improve your land near Sonningwiesse.
--[*] Rebuild the local manor house, complete with fortifications to shelter the locals should danger threaten.
--[*] Closely investigate the area for any mineral wealth.
--[*] Build farms and import farmers to compliment the herdsmen.
We should supervise the construction of our own house, since it's our house, but we can do that when we get back. Also, I would argue against the dwarf favors on the grounds that the fief wouldn't have that much money to set them up anyway even if the rolls are good, so we might as well wait on it.Actually, here's an idea for a sub-vote specifically for the Weber Estate:
[ ] Estate Plan: Last Minute Improvements (Free Actions)
-[ ] Build a large home for yourself, with plenty of spare rooms to expand into. (6 rooms, 150 gc)
-[ ] Build a bailey for your subjects to shelter in and to encompass other structures. (100 gc for wood)
-[ ] Improve the road between the Estate and Sonningwiese. (50 gc)
-[ ] Purchase a loom, erect a building for it, and invite weavers to start calling your estate home. (100 gc)
-[ ] Set up a dairy and recruit skilled cheesemakers from among the locals to work in it. (100 gc)
-[ ] Bring in dwarvern prospectors to search for minable metals (-1 dwarf favours)
-[ ] Bring in dwarvern farmers to investigate the farming possibilities of the land. (-1 dwarf favours)
With +50% up-charge, the total cost of the above five improvements amount to 750 gc, leaving 166 cg in the kitty. This means that the above actions can be added/incorporated into any of the currently proposed plans. Even those taking the most expensive option of using a Free Action to hire a Steward (150gc with the +50% up-charge), this plan would still leave enough Earmarked Funds to cover it without dipping into Matty's personal cash.
Don't want a Steward? No problem, we can just let the revenue accumulate and we can reinvest it when Mathilde gets back from her adventures.
Either way, this plan satisfies Plan Dame Weber, which was what we voted for when we told the Grey College what Mathilde was gonna do with all her memoir money:
More rooms, towers, fortifications to the house, and upgrading the bailey with stone can be done at a later date, if we so wish, but the minimum requirements of Plan Dame Weber are met, several new income sources are built/potentially opened, and any lingering fears of ninja accountants should be sufficiently put to rest.
The plan would also cost 4 Dwarf Favors, leaving us with 9 Dwarf Favors in the bank. That's still plenty of favors left to us, and we'll likely earn more on our adventures, but if everyone absolutely hates the idea of spending the Favors then we can safely cut the last two items from the plan, but we should think of something to spend them on sooner or later.
[ ] Estate Plan: Last Minute Improvements (Free Actions)
-[ ] Build a bailey for your subjects to shelter in and to encompass other structures. (100 gc for wood)
-[ ] Improve the road between the Estate and Sonningwiese. (50 gc)
-[ ] Purchase a loom, erect a building for it, and invite weavers to start calling your estate home. (100 gc)
-[ ] Set up a dairy and recruit skilled cheesemakers from among the locals to work in it. (100 gc)
Also, i don't imagine the bursars would complain about us not building ourselves a fancy house.That's a reasonable compromise; while I'd prefer to have any house on site just to satisfy the plan Mathilde submitted to the Grey College bursars, as @racnor points out, if there's any single action relating to the Estate that Matty should personally supervise, it'd be the construction of her home. And the Dwarf Favors will keep; though I wouldn't mind if they were spent elsewhere, so long as they get used.
Another question, @BoneyM - I know we're wrapping organisational actions up, but as a single exception, based on location, if the relevant Dwarf War action wins- is it possible we'd be able to arrange Zhufbar/EIC trade links next turn? Assuming we're able to have regular enough contact to Zhufbar to still take the time required.
It's not clear to me if Spells of Grey Magic allows for requesting instruction on a specific spell/spells, but I don't see why it wouldn't. There simply aren't enough apprentices to be teaching all of those classes at all times so the curriculum must be tailored to the students. If @BoneyM would be so kind as to clarify that and it does, I'll probably edit the plan to specify that as highest priority followed by Doppleganger, Invisibility, and Cloak Activity. Even if we consider it too unreliable to use often due to miscast chance, using it once at the right moment- or enchanting an item with it- has the potential to be utterly decisive. The DCs and result of a failed roll should be much lower taking it as a class than learning on our own from a book.
@BoneyM, if you could also rule on whether we can take the same class twice (with the assumption that we mean to learn about different areas of the topic covered) that would be appreciated. if we can just take the Spells of Grey Magic class twice we might be able to pick up 4+ spells again even without a crit, which would be pretty great and guarantee something useful even if we don't get Dread Aspect.
I'll admit, one of the things I kind of want, is to become an advisor for Belegar, but that's probably pretty unlikely or something others wouldn't want. Pretty sure joining his campaign is a prereq, though.
Also, @BoneyM, feasibility of actually getting our hands on an item that does one of the above/prices in College Favor and action slots? I would hope that we could do it without an action slot if we're going to be in Altdorf for a study action as in my plan, but that might be a futile hope if there are intense negotiations or inter-College politics involved that we have to participate in personally.
@BoneyM How difficult would it be to create the Terrifying Mask of Eee!? Similarly, could Mathilde create magical war banners? These are drawn from the tabletop game ('magic items so common it's reasonable for every army to have access to these'), and while I'm trying not to take other mediums as gospel I hope you don't mind me taking them for inspiration. Furthermore, on the topic of spell creation what do you think of creating 'living shadows' to spy and deliver messages as a possible spell?
@BoneyM, just noticed this:
I assume the uptick in Profits are a result of the EIC's growth, but is the Outstanding Debt total a result of some windfall, or just a typo?
@BoneyM Given Mathilde's experience with Greatswords, what would she estimate their average stat line to be for their jobs? Something like "Martial 14, Expert Greatsword (proficient)"?
It's Ready for Battle, not warReady For War is my preferred option, but Merged is close enough that I don't disfavour it.
This should be