[X] Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
This one takes a bit of explaining (well, not really, but I want to explain my reasoning regardless).
So, I kind of want to go to Zhufbar, because I was originally in favour of staying in Stirland, and risks have a way of backfiring with the accursed dice in this quest. But at the same time, I went back and reread when Belegar Ironhammer first brought this up, and this was what happened:
Finally, as the day that your new boss arrives approaches, word reaches you from Altdorf. The Elector's Meet, originally called to discuss the possibility of Imperial contribution to the Dwarven reconquest of Karak Eight Peaks, has turned completely from that to address the growing crisis between Middenland and Nordland. Entire towns between the rivers Salz and Demst have been razed to the ground with their populace disappeared, and though no evidence is present Nordland is accusing Middenland, who in turn neither claims nor denies responsibility, are instead are once more accusing Nordland of stealing land they have no claim to. The Elector Counts near came to blows in the Meet, with the Ar-Ulric and the Grand Theogonist almost following suit as they backed their respective sides. The Empire seems to teeter on the brink of civil war, as the Elector's Meet stretches on and the Emperor tries to soothe tempers.
Belegar Ironhammer, heir to the throne of Karak Eight Peaks, has abandoned Altdorf in disgust and is calling for any who seek their fortune to join him.
The attempt at getting them empire's support for the conquest was a total failure, in the eyes of the empire's people.
The majority of humans assisting in the conquest are going to be mercenaries or minor nobles with motivations similar to Mathilde's own (that is, personal ones toward the dwarves, rather than duty to the empire). The empire is the midst of another internal freakout, and the dwarves will be seeing no aid on that basis.
So what happens when the single largest (
surviving) hero of the Reconquest of Sylvania arrives to help, in person? Probably a big swell of support, as people realize that this isn't simply a "weird dwarf thing", but something
BIG is going down. And even if it doesn't drum up more support, the humans involved would get a morale boost from it, even if Mathilde is a creepy wizard. She is, after all, a
successful creepy wizard, which is a different kind of thing that people can generally respect and fear in equal measure (rather than just fear).
It's not the safe option, but it's absolutely the best possible use of Mathilde's skills and reputation.
Even if it does take us far from Stirland. Even though that makes me sad.
Shyish swords:
[X] Donate them to the Amethyst Order (+2 College Favours)
Let someone else take a crack at them.
Mirrorcatch Box:
[X] Leave it behind; have Heideck come in and replace the containers as they fill.
Ask him to offer up a glass to Ranald. See if magical snake juice can give a God a pleasant buzz. Ranald knows not to get sloshed on something like that... right?
Liber Mortis:
[X] Bring it with you, safely locked within the enchanted box Abelhelm kept it in.
Not leaving THIS behind, nope.
[X] Plan Private Sector Preparation
I want a Steward, and to see the Gong Farmers become fairly independent, which this would do. Selling fertilizer is big business in fertile Stirland.
Really, everyone here has done a fantastic job setting things up to run independently of Mathilde. The Watch, the Gong Farmers, the Spy Network... it's a really altruistic attitude to have in a medieval/renaissance setting, where your land and influence are often the only thing standing between you and a lifetime of abject poverty.