[x] Airi: Be mild, neutral, polite.
-[x] "Me."
-[x] Explain what's going on and where she'll be staying.
-[x] Telepathically, non-specifically: You'll keep working on what Oriko discussed.
-[x] Address her replies. Avoid witchbomb.
[X] Mami: Thoughts about O&K, freedom, parole.
-[x] Homura and Sayaka's security, justice, punishment concerns.
-[x] Potential solution/concern alleviation: O&K tracking, monitoring methods? Technology? Magic?
[X] Practice session.
-[X] With Madoka and Hitomi, if they want.
--[x] Update them about alliance. We're reasonably optimistic.
-[X] Homura: Suggest protective magics to share. Artifacts, safety alarms, beacons?
--[x] Indicate her shield ("defensive affinity") as cover for reasoning
-[X] Assist Sayaka with power testing
-[X] Confer with Mami on enchantments. Consider:
--[x] Practice analyzing/copying enchantments?
--[x] Dimensionality/quantization of grief. True 3D fractals?
--[x] Non-witchy clone work?
I don't like "avoid witchbomb" because it reads like
we're the ones who are at risk of dropping it, rather than Anri. Clarity is important and I don't want to go so far only to mess up now because we failed to consider anything before we walked in the room and were unclear afterwards.
I feel that the talk of Homura's concerns could be more efficient.
I'm fretting that we're also: the talk on basics has been cut entirely here and other stuff is getting short enough to lose context.
Also this:
--[] Dimensionality/quantization of grief. True 3D fractals?
Is grief-science, not enchantment.
Honestly, I'm wondering whether we should be suggesting enchantment stuff to Homura at all. She presumably knows what she'd focus on.
The thread has been going
quite fast, moreso than I can type, so for now I'm going to do:
[x] Anri: Be mild, neutral, polite.
-[x] "Me."
-[x] Explain what's going on and where she'll be staying.
-[x] Telepathically, nonspecificly: You'll keep working on what Oriko discussed.
-[x] Address her replies. Ensure she doesn't spill witchbomb beans.
[X] Vote in abeyance.
-[x] Ask Oriko's if she's okay with the 'Kures' thing.
[X] Telepathy Masami and Hiroko about Ono, progress finding Kuroki.
[X] Mami: Thoughts about O&K, freedom, and Homura. Discuss viability of tracking/monitoring O&K
for assuaging Homura.
-[X] Thoughts on Sayaka?
[X] Practice session.
-[X] Let Madoka and Hitomi attend if they want.
-[X] Nudge Homura towards protective/tracking magics. "
Her shield might indicate an affinity for it."
--[X] Confer with Mami on your enchantment curriculum.
---[X] Should you practice analyzing/copying enchantments?
---[X] Default to replicating basic elements of your power.
---[X] Non-witchy pocket Brina, and components thereof, (sight, coloration, etc.)
-[X] Assist Sayaka with testing her powers.