Oriko returns with a tray bearing a steaming pot and cups for everyone, setting it down and pouring tea for everyone with an easy, practiced grace.
You know, Oriko must be overjoyed to have two arms. :V

You and Mami and Kirika and Yuki and Rin and Sakura too, the latter of whom gives the cup a suspicious look before sipping.
OK, at this point I'm pretty sure you're exaggerating, Sakura.
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What about Santa Claus? — Santa Claus is a Satanic imposter, designed by wicked people to steer children away from the Lord Jesus Christ. Santa is a fictional character who is given the powers of being omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. This is blasphemy against God (Jesus Christ), Who is the ONLY One Who possess such divine qualities. No parent should ever deceive their child to believe in Santa. Not coincidentally, "Santa" rearranged spells S-A-T-A-N. Santa Claus is of the Devil. Christian parents should teach their children the honest truth, i.e., Santa Claus is a demonic hoax, intended by unsaved heathens to keep children from coming to Christ.
Source: source: crazy ramblings

The fuck? Santa Claus is a corruption of Saint Nicholas. Santa gets his info from god.

The fuck?
So here's something: For acquaintances, you'd refer to them by "Surname-san", which I transliterate as "Miss/Mr Surname". Consider, then, what happens when you have two people of the same surname (relatives, spouses, etc).
You pick one of them to be first-name-san instead of surname-san. Or, rather, considering the case where there are three people sharing the same surname, you pick one of them to be surname-san, and everyone else gets to be first-name-san. Or I guess they could all become first-name-san, but I feel like that custom wouldn't evolve? You'd want to retain the ability to specifically honor the most important person, who'd be something like the head of the family or the oldest person in the family or something.

Either way, Yuki, by calling Oriko "Oriko-san" instead of "Mikuni-san", implied that calling Oriko by the "surname-san" convention would have caused ambiguity. Which is only possible if her surname is shared with someone else in the room, which would obviously be Kirika. And for bonus points, Yuki probably implied that Kirika is the head of the house.

Given that we introduced her as Oriko Mikuni in the last update, Oriko obviously knows that she can blame us for this. Somehow.
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Regarding Anri, I do think Sabrina should confirm if she wants Yuuri cleansed first. I mean, unless Sabrina makes regular check-ups, Anri won't get another chance for a few days minimum. Granted, Clear Seed Yuuri would be a more tantalizing option for theft or destruction, but Grief Seed Yuuri would end up fed to Kyubey if stolen. Ultimately, I think it would be better for Anri if Yuuri is cleansed, but obviously she won't react well if Anri doesn't approve first. So Sabrina should really make the offer, either herself or via Oriko.
We got the "arm and a leg" line, and it achieved what I hoped! I am pleased. Also I am pleased that Oriko is well aware we are introducing her and Kirika as basically married. If it honestly bugs her, she'll tell us to stop, but I suspect it's along the same lines as the "Oriko's idea of feeling pleased at something is denying it and expecting you to cajole her into it" (Onmur on previous page, @Onmur, in line citation for better spacing) thing, anyway. Edit: Although as Onmur points out two posts down from this, perhaps actually asking at some point would be polite and a good thing to check anyway.

Although we did end up mentioning Homura's reservations, unfortunately; I agree that @The Phoenixian was right about it probably having been better to avoid mentioning them. Still, hopefully that detail is buried a bit under the entirely reasonable fact that Yuki can see Homura's a veteran, and one of the main ways a meguca survives long enough to become one is presumably by being reasonably paranoid about former enemies.

So, voting.

Well, we have to say something to Anri... Polite explanation of what we're doing and where she'll be staying for the near future? Possibly start with a "Me," agreeing mildly, as opposed to enthusiastically or hamming it up- because while those wouldn't win any points of diplomacy, I'm not sure what else she's expecting with a "You," like that, really. A mild agreement in response to what she said to start the dialogue, and then moving onto what we want to say, touches the minimum requirements for a back-and-forth exchange, rather than either seeming mocking with the hamminess or just outright ignoring her and talking over her like she's not there or worthy of response. (Edit after I got to actually making this look like a vote: Should we put in a line to be careful to watch and make sure no accidental Witchbomb happens? Because Mami is in the room.)

Edit while writing: @Kkutlord has a good point. Although we'd have to provide a good reason, at least nominally, about why we're giving the prisoner a Clear Seed. Although, I guess she's technically made a deal to stay in custody, right, so it's not quite as much of a concern as, say, giving Iowa a Clear Seed if we had any of them in custody. Still.

Then I think the vote in abeyance is fine... Maybe make sure to ask Oriko about the graffiti after Yuki and Anri and Rin and Sakura have left, since it's very clearly a separate side thought that I don't think belongs even in the tail end of a business-type meeting, even when everyone's trying to friendly-talk.

Enchantment practice... I'd say having Madoka and Hitomi come along is probably fine, since we want to keep them in the loop and this is a good time to unwind-ish and update them on how the talks went. And everyone together like this will be a generally more reassuring feeling, even unconsciously, for the discussion, just because everyone's together and safe together, probably being the largest show of force in one place for many miles around, and not worried about the new friends and having everything handled. And they get to see everyone being productive, and maybe we can bounce a few thoughts off them about how to address the meguca-doing-business-things thing, and get their perspective. Keeps them involved, and it really is useful to have as many eyes out for ideas there as possible.

We're working with Mami about trackery-things. What is Sayaka wanting to be doing, again?

Probably ask Homura and Sayaka for that talk after enchantment practice. Since we're planning to work on tracker-y things and tripwires, yeah? So we'll have the full measure of what we have to work with, not just "skills we're going to be working on tonight", to attempt to convince them with. What time is it that we're doing the enchantment practice, again? Like, is this before dinner, then work until dinner, then break to whatever we choose for nighttime activities? Because if that's the case, then probably ask to talk to Homura and Sayaka after dinner, and privately ask to speak to Homura a bit before Sayaka. (And maybe tell Mami privately that we're going to be having this conversation, before we actually start the dialogue with the two of them to plan having it, just in case she points out any glaring flaws in our approach...)

Approach... Homura with the "now we can track them everywhere, and if nothing else, letting them out to get groceries with an explicit tracker on them that each of the rest of us can check whenever we want is probably better for upkeeping their usefulness to us, and now viably safe to do" argument is probably the best way to go, yeah. Reassurance is the goodness, when one is paranoid about things that can go wrong when you're not staring directly at them. I definitely know the feeling.

For Sayaka... the bit about how house arrest isn't really being helpful anymore... did we ever explain fully what happened with Oriko, what she saw, and what happened with her dad and everything? I dunno, I feel like a full picture of "what was up in the Mikuni house", er, possibly a bad choice of words, would be good for getting Sayaka to seriously consider our arguments. After the whole "Homura had a number of good reasons for being unfriendly" thing, I feel like this Sayaka is probably more willing to look at the why of people doing things, and evaluate with that in mind. Though yeah, burned down house is still rather, a lot.

Maybe want to have the explaining the everything to Sayaka separately from Homura, just so it doesn't seem to Homura like we're trying to apply those arguments to her and pressuring her to care about them by implying her reasons aren't good enough? Not even remotely what we mean, but the nagging parts of the mind do catch on that sort of thing. And also, small separate Sayaka talk will keep from giving Sayaka an unclear evaluation of Homura's thoughts on the matter, which she'd get by looking for Homura's expression or lack thereof if she were there for this explanation. Eh, not actually sure this is a good idea, or what order we'd do things in, though.

... I wonder... Not really something to bring up now, but it came up a bit in another PMMM quest recently- does Homura just sort of raid doomed timelines for everything that's not nailed down before she leaves, sometimes? Be interesting to know if she has any of Sayaka's destroyed stuff from another timeline, not for now, but if ever explaining everything is a thing that happens.
Edit: Reasoning in a spoiler because it's like two whole screen real estate's worth of vertical space, which is like half of this post.

So, for the moment, let's see..

[x] Airi
-[x] "Me," agree mildly, neutrally, politely.
-[x] Polite explanation of what we're doing and where she'll be staying for the near future
-[x] Address her replies
-[x] Telepathically ask about clearing Yuuri's Grief Seed
-[x] Keep conversation well away from Witchbomb, if it starts drifting that way

[x] Vote in abeyance
-[x] Make sure to ask Oriko about the graffiti after Yuki/Anri/Rin/Sakura have left; for reasons of good business protocol
-[x] Check with Oriko to make sure she's not actually bothered by the 'Kures' thing.

[x] Enchantment practice
-[x] With Madoka and Hitomi
--[x] Update them about how the talks went
---[x] Be reassuring
--[x] Ask generally for ideas about meguca-business ventures
-[x] Tracking magic with Mami
-[x] Tell Mami about oncoming talk with Homura and Sayaka re: O&K
--[x] Ask for any advice she has
-[x] Ask Homura and Sayaka for a word after dinner
--[x] Ask Homura privately for a moment of her time just before that meeting

[x] O&K loosening restrictions talk
-[x] Homura: Constant time tracking argument
-[x] Sayaka: House arrest isn't helping argument

This is actually just an obscenely long post, and I'm definitely missing things with the attempt at a vote. Streamlining and additions would be very welcome someonepleasehelp. Definitely someone add in whatever Sayaka is supposed to be doing during enchantment practice, if it was us with ideas about that, and anything that we're supposed to be doing that I forgot...

Also, I'm still not sure what time of day it is, or what time of day enchantment practice is happening.
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"By the way, Rin?" you say. The blonde looks up, eyebrows arching in curiosity. "Have you ever considered going into... well, earning money? Or earning money? I've got a... contact, friend's mother, who recently rediscovered magical girls and has Ideas."
We should make a apartment bulding or a parking garage or something else along those lines in order to rake in the dosh; once it's made it's easy money, and we can probably enchant every single componant with a mass produced self repairing/transforming into itself Enchantment so that it basically never needs to be maintained...Earthscrapers! We should make a earthscraper as one of our projects! Mush easier to make, with our powers (moving and storing large amounts of matterial), then a skyscraper; it would even make it so that balcony gardens would be easier to make.

On a side note; i think that we should really look into working with some materials like ceramic, since it would make construction projects way easier. Also the storage of substances in snowflake like structures; water crystals naturally form into snowflake like structures, so making that happen with other crystaline materials should be nice. It may require a enchantment to make the material crystalise, even though most material should be able to form something like that structure, and we may want to put a safety enchantment on the sharp part of them, but making it snow gold should make money focused people have a nice day at some point.

Alright; done with the idea dump. I just needed to get that out of my system.
[Q] Make Grief hose (and water).
-[Q] Cleanse Anri.

By the way, if we could get a moment alone with Oriko at some point, I'd like to ask in confidence if the 'Kures' thing is actually bothering her. Because, you know, maybe she's thrilled on the inside but maybe we're overdoing it by pulling it on literally anyone we come across.
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By the way, if we could get a moment alone with Oriko at some point, I'd like to ask in confidence if the 'Kures' thing is actually bothering her. Because, you know, maybe she's thrilled on the inside but maybe we're overdoing it by pulling it on literally anyone we come across.

I'm pretty sure we're overdoing it, but that's alright. It's one of those "vitriolic friends dynamic" components I've been talking about. The same as not metabombing her, because she likely knows already and it deprives her of acting smug and self-assured for knowing it despite us not telling her.

As a(n) (imagined) payback, we introduce them as "the Kures" to everyone and their little dog, thus mortally embarrassing Oriko and Kirika and probably secretly pleasing them, because we make a point to publicly acknowledge their relationship, which is very important to them. Relationship, that is. I think Oriko at least doesn't mind, because she's been taking flak for being a corrupt official's daughter, i.e. thing that she couldn't control in the least. Dating Kirika, however, is entirely her choice, and in the event she ever takes flak for that, I'm gonna bet she will even experience some gratification for it.

Well, if we ever come around doing it, sure, let's ask Oriko. It's not like I'm one hundred percent confident about my theory, anyway.
Though: Tell O&K about the possibility we might need to put tracking devices on them (maybe just gps) in order to convince Homura to let them out of the house.

Further thought: Do this in front of Yuki so she will go crazy re-evaluating Oriko's threat level if the Super Scary Unknown Veteran Magical Girl would require such methods before being comfortable with Oriko moving around.

I enjoy that even after getting shot down on releasing the arsonists/attempted murderers, people still try to push it at every possible opportunity.

Like, dang guys, give it some time before hammering your agendas into everyone. This isn't JoJo where everyone is totally cool with past enemies heel-turning into best friends.
Considering the way that the thread reacted after telling Sayaka and Hitomi about the Kures? You're spot on.

That sounds accusatory, but that feels so long ago that I don't even remember precisely what you're referring to.

Seriously, I can only vaguely recall the thread telling Sayaka and Hitomi that we accidentally mutilated Oriko and Kirika in a misguided attempt to pacify them and Hitomi almost smacking us in response. Was that it or did the thread do something else?

It's pretty strange, actually. A lot of times the thread as a whole is so smart that I can't follow at all. Other times it can be very... not smart.:V
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That sounds accusatory, but that feels so long ago that I don't even remember precisely what you're referring to.

Seriously, I can only vaguely recall the thread telling Sayaka and Hitomi that we accidentally mutilated Oriko and Kirika in a misguided attempt to pacify them and Hitomi almost smacking us in response. Was that it or did the thread do something else?

It's pretty strange, actually. A lot of times the thread as a whole is so smart that I can't follow at all. Other times it can be very... not smart.:V

... Basically. Thankfully, that was less than 50% of the thread.