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Not Hysh?Magic is the solution to that problem, and either ulgu or hysh are the best winds to try to enchant a mirrorcatch box with.
I would have though light-manipulation comes naturally there.
Not Hysh?Magic is the solution to that problem, and either ulgu or hysh are the best winds to try to enchant a mirrorcatch box with.
read the quote again, slowlyNot Hysh?
I would have though light-manipulation comes naturally there.
Oh, that makes sense.
Dude, read it. It specifically asks if she's okay with being memory wiped, which if she rejects, we have a job for her anyways. There are two conditionals for Mindhole:Need... More.... Planners!!! Seriously, this "mindhole our first lieutenant" business is a bad idea. It'll be not good at all for our starting relationship I reckon, and I want an alternative to vote for that isn't just;
[X] veekie
-[X] No Mindhole. No mentioning Mindhole. Just, no.
agreed.Need... More.... Planners!!! Seriously, this "mindhole our first lieutenant" business is a bad idea. It'll be not good at all for our starting relationship I reckon, and I want an alternative to vote for that isn't just;
[X] veekie
-[X] No Mindhole. No mentioning Mindhole. Just, no.
Hence. It's probably not going to happen, but we DO need a plan for what do we do if she disagrees.@veekie
I don't agree with the mindholing of Julia, at least how it is. It's not a targeted thing and it does not require consent, so there is no reason to bring it up with Julia beforehand. Because if somebody you just meet asks if you would consent to being mindwiped...well that can go wrong in a lot of ways. If she disagrees with what is being asked of her, then we can just mindwipe her and go on our way. But she won't disagree. She knows she is being asked to work for the spynetwork of Stirland, she knows she might have to deal with morally nebulous things in the span of her work. If she didn't suspect that she knew what she was getting into, she wouldn't have come. Bringing up the fact we can mindwipe her before getting her to work with us is unnecessary, and potentially a dealbreaker. Better to keep the threat of mind wiping her close to our chest unless it becomes necessary.
Word of GM is that he's currently receptive with Ranald's ideals, since thats how he does things to begin with. If you disagree, I believe there's one no-Ranald vote floating around to use.Also, while I agree with being honest about dealing with Ranald, I don't agree with trying to convert people, let alone Abelhelm. He is a controversial god, and for a good reason, most of the people who follow him are criminals and Grey Wizards, not Elector-Counts or most people in good standing. In some ways, Mathilde should get a pass for worshiping him because she is a Grey Wizard, so it won't be that big of a deal. But also...I don't feel like Ranald would be a good fit for Abelhelm. Yes, Ranald the Protector might be appealing to him, but Ranald is a multifaced god that delights in irony and misfortune, including to his followers. A more fitting god would be Morr or even Verena. Oh, and most importantly, his problem isn't with Sigmar, the problem is with the Grand Theogonist and the politics and 'supremacy of Sigmar over the other gods that do work'. Trying to convert him might insult him.
"Mirrorcatch box" sounds like Sunless Sea/Fallen London if it's a reference and not just a reinvention of a fairly reasonable thing to come up with.
No. Bad. When we trap the Daemon in the mirrorbox we toss it in the nearist active volcano. You do not play around with Chaos.If we can trap what is essentially a demon in a box that opens up all sorts of interesting enchanting paths.
Under the sea.No. Bad. When we trap the Daemon in the mirrorbox we toss it in the nearist active volcano. You do not play around with Chaos.
No demon-powered engines, please. In fact, no demon-powered anythings, please.We're pretty much trapping a fingerking in a mirrorcatch box. I kinda want to see if we can turn it into an engine.
I agree. Mechanically, I recognize it is very very useful to be able to make an offer that's "off the record" by mindwipe rather than pinky-swear. But practically, it really disturbs me, both for the ethical consideration of expanding from previous usage that was mostly "ignore me" to this "I'm going to treat you like a savefile", and the bad habit of memory-wiping our own side and relying on magic rather than proper vetting, and on top of that there's the nature of magic in Warhammer which is prone to, well, Snakehunts and other stuff. So in light of the demand for planners, here's a set of alternatives. Keep in mind that veekie posted separate blocks, so you can mix and match votes for parts of both.Need... More.... Planners!!! Seriously, this "mindhole our first lieutenant" business is a bad idea. It'll be not good at all for our starting relationship I reckon, and I want an alternative to vote for that isn't just;
[o] veekie
-[o] No Mindhole. No mentioning Mindhole. Just, no.
You've misspelled commisar, and we can't have that, that's 40k's schtick!