Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
As for the creed:

He actually follows it better than Marthilde does at present. He studies, assesses, plans...then uses a decisive violence to close the case

Derpwizard indeed.
That's one way of looking at it. However, you could also think:
He's lamented he doesn't get to 'just hit things' anymore a few times, IIRC.
He has a sloooow methodical, fine-toothed grinding mind. Not wits.
He uses both armor and a sword.

Anyway, they'd be Ranalds favourite ship, so a few minor creed infringements hardly matter...
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[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a home in town near your residence. Somewhere where people coming and going at odd times won't draw a fuss.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff. It'd also involve independently expanding the networks as funds and opportunities allow after she has settled in.
-[X] The only ones who are supposed to know her position should be Van Hal, yourself and anyone you specifically cleared for this. For anyone below her, she's to present herself as a messenger or other relay.
-[X] For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.
--[X] If she agrees to a potential Mindhole sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.
[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only. No Ranald Edition
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly request some assistance with construction(not necessarily his personal assistance, but a recommendation to a skilled and trusted artisan could be valuable) since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items

Maybe not try to convert Van Hal. He'll recover his faith in time.
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[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a good quality inn room in town near your residence, with the intent of moving her to your underground place once you have fully secured her loyalties.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff.
-[X] For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.
--[X] If she agrees to a potential Mindhole sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.
[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only. No Ranald Edition
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly some assistance with construction since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items​
[X] Do you hire Julia Antoinette Massif? If so, describe her duties, as well as where she'll be living and working.
-[x] At the inn at first, until Mathilda can secure her loyalty, give her advance payment, with slight increase, as you have a important task for her.
-[x] Her duties are to first, familiarize herself with the surroundings and events that have happened, the current council members, their agendas, the elector count of Stirland Val Halen, Mathilda will give her a summarize version. the agendas of each council members, the agenda of Val Halen, his beliefs, and personality.
-[x] Her other duties, are mostly to act as your liason, secretary, accountant for handling finances going towards the people in your information network, and any other nondangerous but time consuming jobs you can think of that she can perform easily and substitute for you in council meetings in case you are absent. You will help her brush up on how to run a information network and hire more informants.
-[x] For now, you have 2 tasks for her to complete, first is to contact a widow of the man that died, and offer the widow a steady job, at the castle or rather if the widow accepts have her report to you to be vetted, and checked, before she can work on her job. Julia is to tell the widow that a friend of her husband, heard about what happened and recommended her as potential servant for hire.

-[x] The second is more complicated - Everyone has their own agendas and ideas of how the world works and what the best solution to problems are. Take councilor Kashmir, and the grand theogonist, they wanted to spread the worship of Sigma, and you believe that they genuinely believed that by making the people of Stirland worship Sigma, their souls would be saved, and in the process protect Stirland. and since Sigma is both a emperor and a God, that would make the other gods subservient to Sigma, You do not begrudge their goals, and even respect them for wanting to do good, Val Halen in the meantime wants to protect Stirland, normally that would be a mutually beneficial goal, however Kashmir failed to take some matters into account.

1. Kashmir didn't take into account that the army is made up of people with different beliefs and customs, even the local Sigmites of Stirland would be more willing to listen to the local Chaplains then a imported Chaplain.

2. You can't be forced to join a religion and worship a God, it has to be done willingly

3. Under the previous administration the Sigmarites pulled back to the major population centers and left the villages and small towns without spiritual guidance. But the Shallyans and the Morrites and even the bloody Ulricans and followers of a dozen other of our Gods stepped up and filled the void before anything else could, and saved a million souls in the process.

With what happened during the previous administration, its only natural that the people will embrace the Shallyans, Morrites, Ulricans and the various other Gods.

There in lies the conflict, Kashmir wants to convert the majority if not all of Stirland to Sigma, however the people's devotion belong to other religion and Gods.

4. Val Halan wants to build ties to the knights of Morr,
Without any Morrites, it would alienate the knights of Morr.

With everything that happened Val Halan, is beginning to think that Kashmir is sabotaging his efforts to protect Stirland, his words "I'm thinking: to hell with the Grand Theogonist. If he's stopping me from protecting Stirland, then surely he can't be doing the will of Sigmar." I don't know if Val Halan and Kashmir confided in each other, and I have no idea, if even if they did , will it really change the outcome. Both men do have the same objective of protecting Stirland, but have different ideas, Kashmir flaws is not considering the consequences of his actions, thinking his solution is the best one without thinking of what the other people would consider their best solutions, by not allowing any other fate, the mix army would be offended, and his goals would clash with Val Halans. Regardless you or rather she will try to prevent the fracture with the Theogonist.

-[x] she is to gather some representatives from the greatswords and army, the representatives are composed of Ulricans, Morrites, Shallyans, local Sigmarites and the various other gods, the army has. She can get Markus and some greatswords to help, and prepare them for a meeting with you and Kashmir.

[X] You have a squad of Greatswords assigned to you as bodyguards. Do you keep them somewhere nearby while you're at home, or do you leave them in the Castle?
-[x] some of them are to guard Julia and help her with her tasks, if possible have them in disguise when going out in public.
-[x] The rest can just stay at the castle, and be ready on your call.

[] Write in your report
[] Write in a one-on-one report (optional)

Possible orders for the next turn:

[] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
[] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.

[] The Stirlandian League is a gold mine of information, and it must be yours.
[] If you had proper facilities, you could do better work. Would Van Hal fund renovations to a base he's never seen?
[] You've got a whole bunch of friends now, but you could always use more!
[] You've got the town of Biderhof eating out of your hand. If you could think of a reason to justify it, maybe all the taxes from it's lumber sales could flow into your pocket instead.
[] The Wurtbad Thieves Guild is basically a church group right now, instead of an actual organization. If you started throwing your weight around, that could change. Imagine the power you would wield if the criminal underworld reported to you. However, imagine how much more damage they'd do to Stirland if they were united... and you're not sure that Van Hal would be easy to convince.

[] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
[] The spell used by the informants is like nothing you've heard of before. You want to investigate it, and see if you can detect or replicate it.
[] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.

[] Other (write in)
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[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a good quality inn room in town near your residence, with the intent of moving her to your underground place once you have fully secured her loyalties.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff.
-[X] For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.
--[X] If she agrees to a potential Mindhole sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.
[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only. No Ranald Edition
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly some assistance with construction since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items

sounds good to me
Okay, @veekie, I'm liking most of this, but another wave of comments in an effort to polish things up:

[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a good quality inn room in town near your residence, with the intent of moving her to your underground place once you have fully secured her loyalties.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff.
-[X] For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.
--[X] If she agrees to a potential Mindhole sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.
On the living arrangements, I don't like the "with the intent of moving her to your underground place" bit. Aside from the issue of whether our buried palace is actually suitable for being an office building for the Stirland intelligence agency rather than our personal home and laboratory, and the question of whether we want to weaken its security by increasing the number of people who know where it is and can be tailed to it, the vote should address what we're doing now instead of writing about future plans that we may or may not implement. What would be the trigger for "okay, now I've fully secured her loyalties", anyway?

For the moment we should just buy her a fairly nice house in town (from the discretionary budget) that she can live in and use as a fairly subtle place to receive reports and conduct analysis work. Maybe move in a reliable guard or two with her. The alternative is to move her into the castle, which is far more protected, but then everyone knows about her instead of just Van Hal.

Actually, we should have the "her job" part of this make clear exactly who is allowed to know who she is and that she works for us- Van Hal, obviously, but Anton introduced us so we can't squeeze him out, and we probably want at least a handful of people who recognize her and know that she's one of our agents in case she needs to communicate with someone urgently and we're not around.

Are there any other topics that we should bring up during the mindwipe-okay interview? Assassinations (of anyone up to and including really annoying priests), kidnappings (of high nobles!), enticing demons (it's authorized by Van Hal I swear), aiding us in wizardy nonsense, dissecting the undead, torturing prisoners, general skullduggery... as long as she's signing off on that thing we might as well give her the full scope of what our job and thus hers may entail. It'll show us where she flinches, if anywhere.

[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
This seems fine. If we have Julia live anywhere other than with us (and I don't really want her living with us) then she/her office will need guards, though. We can't let someone kidnap and interrogate our analyst or break in and get at her reports and notes. Should we be drawing on the greatswords for that, or find some other source of (more subtle) personnel? If she lives in the castle we could dodge the problem by relying on the castle's defenses and anti-infiltration methods.

[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any significant sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.
This seems solid enough. Nothing to add that it's important for everyone to know, I think.

[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only.
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly some assistance with construction since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
-[X] Confess your religious belief in Ranald to him. Mention how the god of Luck had been looking out for and helping you along with your work so far(particularly avoiding being killed by the Shyish-kebabs, and finding leads at crucial moments), and the belief that Ranald as Protector has a vested interest in Stirland's people not being eaten by vampires and turned into abominations by necromancers. The revolutionary thing happens only in places where their lords are actively abusing the people, which Van Hal of course, is doing the opposite of!
My understanding is that due to GM policy, an order to "give him all the information" will bounce. @BoneyM, please confirm if this is so; if it is, then this plan needs to track down exactly what additional information Van Hal is getting here. I can't think of anything other than the Jade Wizard bit, to be honest.

It sounds like constructing the mirrors is going to require either hiring a specialist to do it, assigning Julia to the job, or asking Van Hal to manage it- the process was presented as something we'd need a high-Learning individual to manage. If that's the case we should probably make that clear, although I don't think we actually want to request another personal action from Van Hal.

[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] That said, the castle itself is off limits. You're certain you aren't up to the task. But you can try to send feelers into their periphery villages if Van Hal feels the risks is worth it.
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
--[X] He's likely involved in the matter of the servant infiltrators and the Stirland League. Rolling him up is the next step now that your castle is secured.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.
--[X] There's alternative ways to verifying faith and beliefs than having a priest interrogate them. You could task your city and rural informants to focus on their local practices to identify if theres anything untowards happening religiously.
I would like to explicitly give Van Hal a recommendation for our action this turn- there's been a lot of recent focus on the undead but we've determined fairly solidly that their threat is not immediate, so unless he strongly objects I think it's time to try and hunt down our predecessor. Also, the current predecessor action says that he's likely involved with the servant infiltrators, but we just learned that they were dispatched from Drakenhof and there was no mention in our interrogation of the former spymaster at all, so that seems like something we don't want to say (unless you've got a justification for it?).

The "this religion business" option might actually be a place where we could go "I can spread a bunch of Ranald cults deliberately and have them report to me; it'll increase crime a bit but they're pretty good at catching other cultists". If you're actually telling him that we worship Ranald and have thief-priests on our payroll that makes exploiting such resources in order to make up for a lacking Piety advisor viable.

That said, we don't know if he's going to walk into the meeting and tell Kasmir he's fired or what, so.
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--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.

I feel like we shouldn't do this yet. It would be more prudent to wait until we've worked with her more (at least two turns) and gotten to know her. Also investigate her, and built up her loyalty (relationship score) first.

For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.

This seems like a strange thing to do. After all, it's not like Ranald's priests even tell people they're priests of Ranald. In fact, I can't imagine any reports or information she would be analysing would even include mentions of Ranald, so I don't see why you would even consider this action.
On the living arrangements, I don't like the "with the intent of moving her to your underground place" bit. Aside from the issue of whether our buried palace is actually suitable for being an office building for the Stirland intelligence agency rather than our personal home and laboratory, and the question of whether we want to weaken its security by increasing the number of people who know where it is and can be tailed to it, the vote should address what we're doing now instead of writing about future plans that we may or may not implement. What would be the trigger for "okay, now I've fully secured her loyalties", anyway?

For the moment we should just buy her a fairly nice house in town (from the discretionary budget) that she can live in and use as a fairly subtle place to receive reports and conduct analysis work. Maybe move in a reliable guard or two with her. The alternative is to move her into the castle, which is far more protected, but then everyone knows about her instead of just Van Hal.

Actually, we should have the "her job" part of this make clear exactly who is allowed to know who she is and that she works for us- Van Hal, obviously, but Anton introduced us so we can't squeeze him out, and we probably want at least a handful of people who recognize her and know that she's one of our agents in case she needs to communicate with someone urgently and we're not around.
Hmm, good idea here. I'd go with the House plan.
Are there any other topics that we should bring up during the mindwipe-okay interview? Assassinations (of anyone up to and including really annoying priests), kidnappings (of high nobles!), enticing demons (it's authorized by Van Hal I swear), aiding us in wizardy nonsense, dissecting the undead, torturing prisoners, general skullduggery... as long as she's signing off on that thing we might as well give her the full scope of what our job and thus hers may entail.
I think most of these we'd be doing on our own here. The big deal with her is that she has to manage our informant network.
This seems fine. If we have Julia live anywhere other than with us (and I don't really want her living with us) then she/her office will need guards, though. We can't let someone kidnap and interrogate our analyst or break in and get at her reports and notes. Should we be drawing on the greatswords for that, or find some other source of personnel? If she lives in the castle we could dodge the problem by relying on the castle's defenses and anti-infiltration methods.
Her best defense is secrecy, but we could probably second a pair of Greatswords for her escort?
My understanding is that due to GM policy, an order to "give him all the information" will bounce. @BoneyM, please confirm if this is so; if it is, then this plan needs to track down exactly what additional information Van Hal is getting here. I can't think of anything other than the Jade Wizard bit, to be honest.
Not quite. I checked, the reason "give all info period" will bounce is that we ARE keeping secrets like our loyalties, our religion and our secret base. In this case give all info on a given topic is not an issue
It sounds like constructing the mirrors is going to require either hiring a specialist to do it, assigning Julia to the job, or asking Van Hal to manage it- the process was presented as something we'd need a high-Learning individual to manage. If that's the case we should probably make that clear, although I don't think we actually want to request another personal action from Van Hal.
I'll clarify
I would like to explicitly give Van Hal a recommendation for our action this turn- there's been a lot of recent focus on the undead, so unless he strongly objects I think it's time to try and hunt down our predecessor. Also, the current predecessor action says that he's likely involved with the servant infiltrators, but we just learned that they were dispatched from Drakenhof and there was no mention in our interrogation of the former spymaster at all, so that seems like something we don't want to say (unless you've got a justification for it?).
Will clarify.

Justification is that the castle being infiltrated to this extent without the former spymaster knowing, with the necromancer within a day of the incredibly improbable.
I'll make it clear that this is speculation though.
The "this religion business" option might actually be a place where we could go "I can spread a bunch of Ranald cults deliberately and have them report to me; it'll increase crime a bit but they're pretty good at catching other cultists". If you're actually telling him that we worship Ranald and have thief-priests on our payroll that makes exploiting such resources in order to make up for a lacking Piety advisor viable.
Good catch. Will expand that section
I feel like we shouldn't do this yet. It would be more prudent to wait until we've worked with her more (at least two turns) and gotten to know her. Also investigate her, and built up her loyalty (relationship score) first.
Uh, she's listed as a Prospective Number 2. Which basically means that if say, Van Hal's private investigations turn her up, he doesn't shoot her out of paranoia because he knows she's working for him.

If the status changes we'd update him.
This seems like a strange thing to do. After all, it's not like Ranald's priests even tell people they're priests of Ranald. In fact, I can't imagine any reports or information she would be analysing would even include mentions of Ranald, so I don't see why you would even consider this action.
Because one of the factors she's going to be using as an informant source is literally a Ranald cult.
Do not cast spells at the magic backlash phenomenon. In a mirror.
We don't want to accidentally Mindhole ourselves and become a vegetable.

But snakes doesn't eat vegetable. :V

Loose actions up for adoption!

[X] [Hire] Yes. She will work with the hired retired soldiers to setup a tavern in Wurtbad; where she will work from and where reports will flow to.

[X] [Greatswords] They are stationed at the castle.
Good catch. Will expand that section
Changed my mind a bit on that. We probably want to see his response before we jam more info in.

[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a home in town near your residence. Somewhere where people coming and going at odd times won't draw a fuss.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff. It'd also involve independently expanding the networks as funds and opportunities allow after she has settled in.
-[X] The only ones who are supposed to know her position should be Van Hal, yourself and anyone you specifically cleared for this. For anyone below her, she's to present herself as a messenger or other relay.
-[X] For your initial meeting, first, ask her if she's willing to accept being memory wiped in the event that she disagrees with certain confidential suggestions, and write a note to herself to the effect of giving consent. If not she'd only handle the more aboveboard networks.
--[X] If she agrees to a potential Mindhole sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.

[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.Assign two of them as security for Julia

[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any significant sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.

[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only.
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly request some assistance with construction(not necessarily his personal assistance, but a recommendation to a skilled and trusted artisan could be valuable) since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
-[X] Confess your religious belief in Ranald to him. Mention how the god of Luck had been looking out for and helping you along with your work so far(particularly avoiding being killed by the Shyish-kebabs, and finding leads at crucial moments), and the belief that Ranald as Protector has a vested interest in Stirland's people not being eaten by vampires and turned into abominations by necromancers. The revolutionary thing happens only in places where their lords are actively abusing the people, which Van Hal of course, is doing the opposite of!

[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] That said, the castle itself is off limits. You're certain you aren't up to the task. But you can try to send feelers into their periphery villages if Van Hal feels the risks is worth it.
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
--[X] He's likely involved in the matter of the servant infiltrators and the Stirland League, considering you find it extremely unlikely that all these servants, with a necromancer within a short walk from the castle, were placed without his knowledge. Rolling him up is the next step now that your castle is secured. If you can catch him alive, an interrogation could be extremely fruitful.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.
--[X] There's alternative ways to verifying faith and beliefs than having a priest interrogate them. You could task your city and rural informants to focus on their local practices to identify if theres anything untowards happening religiously.

For the private report. Anyone who objects can just cut the last line and make a new plan! The entire Ranald thing is there only.

Revised version.
Why are we mindholing our lieutenant? This seems like a very bad idea
Why don't we try to ensure her loyalty the old fashioned way? We already went on a candlelight dinner with her, why not start fraternizing? Plus it would damage the rumors of us banging Van Hal if we're seen out and about with a beautiful young woman.
Come on, let's get a hot girlfriend.
Edit: You rate me funny but I'm being 100% serious
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Why are we mindholing our lieutenant? This seems like a very bad idea
We're not. We're asking her if she's okay with certain religiously questionable operations. If she's okay, then she takes up charge of those networks as well, becoming a true 2IC. If she's not okay, then we Mindhole her so she doesn't know about these operations WITH her consent.

Information control is important with borderline heresies.
I'm just going to appreciate that Mathilde is building such an extended reputation of "the wizard in grey" to cover for any disguises she might have to go on.