Star said:
Well crown could prevent mind control thing Chrysalis pulled out on Shining Armor, maybe even stop love drainage.
I think that whether or not an anti-magic crown would stop love drainage is irrelevant (though I agree it probably would). Any infiltrator looking for a snack ain't gonna be aiming for the frickin' emprah when they could be munching on a convenient peasant instead. That, and if a Changeling is in the castle, it's main goal is probably not a meal. Nomming on anyone during an infiltration would be counterproductive to whatever their goal would be (unless the goal is to kick up an anthill while your foot is still in there).
How about a Crossbow with an oricalcum tipped arrow for us, our wife and every knight/ knight-commander. I am pretty sure sombra would disregard them as a threat, as he showed he can stop arrows, till it is to late for him to react. Oricalcumswords for everyone possible and the armours for the royals and the commanders I would suggest in term of generell armament.
I don't think we have developed the crossbow yet. If we did our archers would have them equipped instead of current bows they have. A crossbow is a harder hitting weapon after all. Not to mention it is easier to train soldiers to use it. You already need to have pretty good strength to use a bow so using a crossbow should be usable as well.

As for the airships I really like version 3.
@Questor question: does orichalchum interferes with gryphon's flight (That should be at least partly magical after all), or with Yaks/Oni/Troll magically enhanced strenght, or does it only interferes with "active" magic? Does it work on magical plants (assuming we have any of those to experiment on)? Does it dispel Kitsune's illusions? Can gwin still breath fire if she's holding the metal?

We need to understand what exactly count as "magic" in regard to the anti-magic quality of the metal.

For the ones we don't know we'd probably need a new series of experiments, but at least the one about blocking flight and fire-breathing are easy to check.

If it needs direct contact (or does not stop flight) then our knights could fight with Oricalchum weapons as long as they're not actually touching the metal blade, you just need to make the hilt of a different material.

So, we have a nice anti-magic metal. Weapons for our more elite warriors are the first thing that comes to mind (royal family, a gift for the emperor, the Grandmaster Knights, the knights of the inner circles and the normal knights (if we have enough))

After that, the second idea is manacles, shackels, handcuffs, hornrings, collars.....basically restraints for the various races.

Depending on how much we have we could make even the gates of our fortresses out of it.

And for hitting/hurting Sombra in gas form/the Windigos we could make some special oricalchum tipped arrows/Ballista projectile, and oricalchum coated cannonballs (no reason to make them COMPLETELY of it if just coating them is enough of a disruption. This must be tested too)

while waiting for Questor answer (you and me both) I think its a bit same to assume the more... simple uses of natural magic will not be disrupted, since our adopted kid flame wasn't disrupted by it and managed to affect the metal (interesting resarch options if she grows up and learn to mix some magic effect to her fires like Spike can use it to letter-sending... maybe she can shape the fires into a kind of illusion.... hmm, possible omakes ideas here). We will probably have more options regarding what to do with orichalcum soon... on a meta sense would proooobably be a good idea to avoid using a ballistae bolt into the Crystal Heart.
Also... how long until we use qinlin knowledge and ours to make some magically scented/powered alcohol? (Foofy!)

Also what would happen to the entire empire if we actually managed to put Sombra in a orichalcum cage (well, it has disrupting, not blocking abilities, so perhaps literally covering him in orichalcum will have enough effect). Definetly more research required on that... wait.

We DO need more research with qinlins in order to figure out how much mass of orichalcum is necessary. We can LOAD FLAMETHROWERS with orichalcum dust and see what happens.

How much is our actual orichalcum production?

Edit: magic disruption, magic disruption... dammit we going to actually ally with the changelings or enter a straight up war. WE HAVE A EASY WAY TO FIND INFILTRATORS.
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can we even get it in powder form? as far as i've seen we can ONLY melt it, so powder would be a no.
If we can smelt it, we can put two pieces of itself together and grind them that way. Wouldn't necessarily be easy, but we could do it. And well, the potential of filling a pass Sombra is trying to travel through with Orichalcum dust and cutting off his magic from the air itself seems like it'd be worth it.
Let's not go too crazy about Orichalcum okay? We don't really know much about it even now. For all we know it is, i dunno, long term poisonous to magical beings if ingested. Let's research it a bit more before lining our houses with it and spraying it everywhere.
don't worry I am not crazy about it... having crazy dreams about it not voting time.
In short I am being reasonably MAAAAAAAAAAAD (lightning crackles)
while waiting for Questor answer (you and me both) I think its a bit same to assume the more... simple uses of natural magic will not be disrupted, since our adopted kid flame wasn't disrupted by it and managed to affect the metal
I kinda can see the fire as being (mostly) biological, maybe just magically enhanced (so that it would work, but be weaker). And while I expect gryphon's flight to NOT be affected checking is easy, just to be sure.

IF this is the same material the obsidian throne of Chrysalisnwas made from the changeling magic won't be affected...or maybe it would stop the from changing but without disrupting their current form...

All this calls for more experiments!

By the way I'm not sure if it was fanon, but somewhere they said spike's teleporting fire was actually the result of an enchantment/spell from Celestia,

NOT spike's own ability. I might be wrong.

on a meta sense would proooobably be a good idea to avoid using a ballistae bolt into the Crystal Heart.

IF the dark orb is the crystal heart it might work. It would be nice to get it, but we don't really NEED it.

P.s. we can only melt oricalchum. How would we get it in power form?
Edtherr said:
Edit: magic disruption, magic disruption... dammit we going to actually ally with the changelings or enter a straight up war. WE HAVE A EASY WAY TO FIND INFILTRATORS.

I don't know about easy on the whole, but finding infiltrators in high security locations where guards would be expected to be wearing/carrying orichalcum should be technically reasonable. Note that Changelings might be able to transform illusionary armor on themselves to pass off as a guard. The only thing they need to worry about then would be touching actual orichalcum... so no touching other guards, weapons, possible Pony!Sauron statues, and such.
I don't think we have developed the crossbow yet. If we did our archers would have them equipped instead of current bows they have. A crossbow is a harder hitting weapon after all. Not to mention it is easier to train soldiers to use it. You already need to have pretty good strength to use a bow so using a crossbow should be usable as well.

Well the Crosbow is a smaller balista, so I just assumed we did not use them large scale in our army because their range is rather limited and the reload speed is atrocious compared to the bow. usefull for maybe the first Volley, but after that they are useless, except for surprise oricalcum bolt to the FACE.

We might have a way to capture and save a few crystal ponies for Intel!
So... Intrigue option next turn? Try putting an orichalcum circlet on an isolated crystal pony, and have a medic ready to keep their heart beating ect.

IF the dark orb is the crystal heart it might work. It would be nice to get it, but we don't really NEED it.
The crystal heart is the key to either the potential survival/allegiance of crystal ponies or the alliance/allegiance of changelings. It's worth doing everything we can to keep it intact, especially when we can probably just encase it in orichalcum instead of destroying it.

P.s. we can only melt oricalchum. How would we get it in power form?
Grinding with a rasp or millstone made from orichalcum.

ingot underneath the yurt of a Yak Shaman. As he'd hypothesized, the shaman began complaining of difficulties "tapping into the ethereal plane"
If they know what to look for, magic users can sense orichalcum deposits below them by the disruption of their connection to the "ethereal plane"! We can map the size of our current deposit and potentially survey Griphonia for more!
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I kinda can see the fire as being (mostly) biological, maybe just magically enhanced (so that it would work, but be weaker). And while I expect gryphon's flight to NOT be affected checking is easy, just to be sure.

IF this is the same material the obsidian throne of Chrysalisnwas made from the changeling magic won't be affected...or maybe it would stop the from changing but without disrupting their current form...

All this calls for more experiments!

By the way I'm not sure if it was fanon, but somewhere they said spike's teleporting fire was actually the result of an enchantment/spell from Celestia,

NOT spike's own ability. I might be wrong.

IF the dark orb is the crystal heart it might work. It would be nice to get it, but we don't really NEED it.

P.s. we can only melt oricalchum. How would we get it in power form?

I am a bit concerned on the part of the crystal heart having a connection to the entire population of the crystal ponies (if I recall correctly) and then disrupting that could end up poorly.
on the PS part... yeah thats a point, though @jjffjhjf mentioned we could grind it against itself. wow this thread is so active we barely have time to answer and more messages pop up

I don't know about easy on the whole, but finding infiltrators in high security locations where guards would be expected to be wearing/carrying orichalcum should be technically reasonable. Note that Changelings might be able to transform illusionary armor on themselves to pass off as a guard. The only thing they need to worry about then would be touching actual orichalcum... so no touching other guards, weapons, possible Pony!Sauron statues, and such.

well yeah, we can't protect the entire population but we can make (if or once we know about them) do quick checks in critical assets. It will severely undermine their ability to influentiate our State, while allowing more crude methods. But for the changelings themselves (depending on how quest!chrysalys sees it), orichalcum can either be a casus belli by itself since it needs no knowledge to be used, anyone with it can use it and disrupt other infiltrators and we can spread it to any culture and say "hey, you concerned about a changeling infiltration? How about i sell you this amulet that reveals any changeling that touches it reeeeal cheap" or it can be, in a more optimistc sense, tell them to take us seriously as peers and not prey
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The crystal heart is the key to either the potential survival/allegiance of crystal ponies or the alliance/allegiance of changelings. It's worth doing everything we can to keep it intact, especially when we can probably just encase it in orichalcum instead of destroying it.
if we can, gladly. Though right now we know NOTHING IC about the heart. We'd need a few ponies rescued for Intel about it, what it is and what it can do.
Magic users can sense orichalcum deposits below them by their disruption of their connection to the "ethereal plane"! We can map the size of our current deposit and potentially survey Griphonia for more!

Feasibility would depend on the range of the magical disruption though.
Edtherr said:
well yeah, we can't protect the entire population but we can make (if or once we know about them) do quick checks in critical assets. It will severely undermine their ability to influentiate our State, while allowing more crude methods. But for the changelings themselves (depending on how quest!chrysalys sees it), orichalcum can either be a casus belli by itself since it needs no knowledge to be used, anyone with it can use it and disrupt other infiltrators and we can spread it to any culture and say "hey, you concerned about a changeling infiltration? How about i sell you this amulet that reveals any changeling that touches it reeeeal cheap" or it can be, in a more optimistc sense, tell them to take us seriously as peers and not prey

I think that assuming anything optimistic about Ms. Invades-A-Peaceful-Nation-For-The-Lulz! is rather naive. Luckily, whatever experience we gain fighting magic users from Sombra would apply to the Changelings.
The crystal heart is the key to either the potential survival/allegiance of crystal ponies or the alliance/allegiance of changelings. It's worth doing everything we can to keep it intact, especially when we can probably just encase it in orichalcum instead of destroying it.

If we intend to safekeep the Heart or ANY of Sombras magical Artifacts, I suggest a oricalcumplated Chamber DEEP inside one of our mountains and basically pulled and tai lung on the chamber (a thousand guards, INSANE traps with redundancy stack in top of redundancy and enough explosives to level the mountain in case someone manages to reach the Chamber without our say so.)
Do you know one of the best things about orichalcum? It could help research magic that much easier! Yes, long-term goal, BUT with this we can find how magic affects reality (to extend). And it could turn out that 'magic' is a form of [quantum] science that we ("non-magical" beings) can replicate artificially with technology {([unlike the biological/natural/instinctual of ponies and some other "magical" species])}.

<-=hmmm, wonder if orichalcum can hurt Windigos... let's experiment! =->

In Hex: Shards of Fate, Humans need gems to channel and do magic as opposed to the other races just doing it.

They may need gems to do it, but they can do it well like the other species if one wants to be a wizard.
In Hex: Shards of Fate, Humans need gems to channel and do magic as opposed to the other races just doing it.

They may need gems to do it, but they can do it well like the other species if one wants to be a wizard.

two words: magic-enhanced talons ((ok, fine can be three words!))
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Hey @Questor does the Imperial family/empire have a pantheon of gods? I can't recall reading that or not and if we even get the chance for some divine favors to occur.

At present the Griffons don't really have something that could be termed a religion. They venerate their ancestors and look to heroes and great people of the past for inspiration, and almost everyone believes in some kind of vaguely defined afterlife, but they don't believe their ancestors can intercede on their behalf or anything like that. They certainly don't have an organized religion with priests or a supreme spiritual leader.

@Questor question: does orichalchum interferes with gryphon's flight (That should be at least partly magical after all), or with Yaks/Oni/Troll magically enhanced strenght, or does it only interferes with "active" magic? Does it work on magical plants (assuming we have any of those to experiment on)? Does it dispel Kitsune's illusions? Can gwin still breath fire if she's holding the metal?

The Orichalcum only affects "active" magic. So things like Gryphon flight, Yak Strength, Dragon Fire-breath, etc, aren't disrupted by the mere presence of the stuff while things like Kitsune illusions or Yak future-sight are.

question for the future, can you use omake bonuses for archives rolls?

Sorry, no. The archive roll is kind of like a random event roll. Besides, I can't have you guys digging up ancient technology every turn.
Sorry, no. The archive roll is kind of like a random event roll. Besides, I can't have you guys digging up ancient technology every turn.
I'm so glad I did that while I still could. :p

Speaking of Orichalcum- Witch Hunters. Or an anti-mage squad. Will require more research into magic and anti-magic, but having a group of elite warriors who will shrug off magic and avoid non-magical effects of magic (like an unicorn lobbing a bolder at you, but less obvious than that) would be awesome.
I'm for just small Elite squad with weapons. Like our knight and wife, basically they are Elite who's job is to engage Sombra.
@Questor If we make weapons and armor out of Orichalcum will that affect our allies during battle?
It will protect the equipped troops from magic, but unless they are standing right next to the magic users in your own army it won't do anything to affect them. It resists magic, but it doesn't act like a constant magical EMP across large distances. It only disrupts active magic in a small radius around it.
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