I guess that makes the Crystal Ponies the Volus given they are our Protectorate.

I utterly forget if I have any unspent omake bonuses. It has been a hot minute. >_>

The list of unspent omakes is under informational.

This is where the Omake and image reward bonuses will be tallied and accounted for.

Hannibal at the Other Side of the Gates: +10
Adjusting Perspectives: +10
Alcohol, Cannons and Calculus: +20
Sombra's No Good Icy Day: +10
Hedging your bets: +10
An Old Bird: +10
Centuries after the Age of Goldenfeather: +10
Diamond in the Ruff: +15
A New Home: +10
Hannibal at the Eastern Gate: +15
The Matter of Heart: +15
Medical Triumph: +10
A Pirate's Life for Me: +10
Late Night Adventures: +10
A Luncheon Between Two Shadows: +20
Letters to an Emperor, part 1: +20
Progress: +10
An Uneasy Future: +10
Faith in the Emperor: +10
A Change in Perspective: +10
Epic Rap Battles of Griffonia: +15
Holidays of Gryphus: +10
When the Sky Fell: +15
An Observation of Talonball: +15
We Will Not Be Slaves Again!: +10
A Dream for Fools: +15
Hardbeak Vs Bohemond: +20
The Consequences of Worship: +10
Memories of the Seas: +10
A Day at the Market: +10
Dark Clouds, Dark Things: +10
Of Names and Packs: +10
Grimm Tales, Volume 1: +10
A Mailed Griffin: +10
Bloody Strange: +10
Back in Marethon: +10
An Odd Word: +20
Grimm Tales: +10
Moon Mad: +10
A Calm After the Storm: +20
An Old Bird, Part 2: +10
A Ground View: +10
The Maretonian Royal Guard: +10
Spies, Lies, and Apple Pie: +10
Fire and Fury: +10
Black Wings, Red Ground: +10
Portrait of the Royal Family: +20
Total War Disharmony-Faction Selection: +15
The Lands of Our Empire: +10
Total War Disharmony Let's Play Ep. 1: +10
Many, Many Years Later, in a Land Far, Far Away: +10
Total War Disharmony-Changeling faction Intro: +10
Total War Disharmony-Equestria factions Intro: +10
Are Sea Shanties Still Sea Shanties Above the Clouds?: +10
New and Old: +10
Tales From Goblet-Chan: +10
Wrath of the Guard: +10
Total War: Disharmony Legacy Edition Factions: +10
Let's play Total War: Disharmony-The Griffonian campaign, Ep 2: +15
Straightforward Words: +10
The Measure of Truth: +15
Ronin: +10
Total War: Disharmony Legacy Edition Elements Of Harmony Basic Guide: +10
Weight of Reunion: +10
Many Years From Now, Part 2: +15
A Princess Picking Her Passion: +10
Alternate Start Faction: Batponies: +10
Alternate Start Faction: Thrace: +10
Griffonia Preperatory Academy: +10
Dominion: 5 Nations Project: Griffonia: +20

Let me know if I've missed anything or if you'd like your bonus to apply for a particular action or be held in reserve.
He's mistaken, he thinks all your points are consolidated together instead of being separate.

He's right that max per omake is +20.

But what you have is +10 and +10 and looking for another +10 or +5. Which no problem. Questor even approved your next omake, so don't worry.
Questor said that my Dominions omakes were consolidated. He also didn't say anything about a Max Per Omake limit when I asked if I could work the last part in to increase the bonus.

@Questor What's this all? Did we both forget how omakes work? :p
He's mistaken, he thinks all your points are consolidated together instead of being separate.

He's right that max per omake is +20.

But what you have is +10 and +10 and looking for another +10 or +5. Which no problem. Questor even approved your next omake, so don't worry.

I meant "+20 is the maximum for an omake"

And it´s maximum two omakes per action to boost
Omake: Dominions 5 Nation project, part: LA Griffonia
Omake: Dominions 5 Nation project, part: LA Griffonia

LA Griffonia, The True Empire.

The ancient rivalries once weakened the efforts of Griffonia. Pushed back to Griffonia once more during the previous ascension war, all griffons paid in blood to face the onslaught of invaders, cleansing most of the old feuds in the crucible of war.
As the fighting came to a close and the new Pantokrator proclaimed the ascension wars over, the griffons were yet still sanctioned - all survivors of the chaos mages put to death, plummeting them back to a magicless age, and the griffon clans destroyed for their heretical ideals.

Grim, the griffons were prepared to face the magics of their neighbors as in the days of old: with blade and grit.

One last civil war would strike Griffonia, the results of which changed Griffonia forever.

The Golden-Feather dynasty, the only surviving bloodline that could link itself to the Emperor's of old, stands. Through charisma, war and subterfuge, the unity long sought once again graces Griffonia.

Diamond Dogs, thought previously as nothing more than savages by griffons, have rallied behind their feathery alpha's.
They Bring with them access to the magics long denied to the Griffons. Earth and sometimes fire is channeled
Their packs mine the land for resources, while their sappers and saboteurs prepare their explosive concoctions to tear down walls and eliminate key targets.

Crystal Ponies, survivors of the once prosperous Crystal Empire, bow before the griffons as saviors from the most terrible fate under Sombra's Reign.
Their mages of earth, astral and snow leave their cold sanctums, while sacred Crystal knights - dedicated to the Crystal heart, an ancient divine artifact - charge in lockstep, lances ready.

From laboratories and factories of Griffons, new inventions now rumble to the battlefield. Griffon soldiers field steel armaments', while alchemists turn otherwise useless magical energies into fuel for their contraptions as giant machines driven by steam crush the enemy underfoot.

The Royal Bloodline, once numerous, stands now as a few - but House Golden-Feather doesn't much look at the blood of one to proclaim them one of their own. Orphans that have either shown promise or otherwise caught the eye of one of many Golden-Feather, from any race, can find themselves in the lines of succession - at the very end of it true, but still considered part of the extended lineage.

A Pretender calls forth the summons.
The griffons answer.
This time, not alone.


Race: Size 3 flying griffons, size 2 Diamond Dogs, size 2 Crystal Ponies.

Military: professional griffon soldiers and - knights in all forts. Polearms, sword-and-shield and crossbows. Knight Commanders act as basic leadership, sacred Knight Grandmasters as thugs with anti-magic blades and magic resistant armor (No longer slow-rec). Recruitable commanders have lost all retinues.
Competent Griffon spies can ignore walls and also act as inexperienced assassins. Cap-only Knight's Lion bodyguards.

Stealthy Diamond Dog sappers, soldiers and - knights in all highlands, hills, mountains and caves with a fort. Two-handed hammers, axe-and-shield, mining picks and throwable explosives. All Diamond Dogs have almost perfect night vision. Digger Commanders can slip by undetected with small squads of soldiers. Griffon Saboteurs can ignore walls and also act as inexperienced yet explosive assassins.

Cap-only Crystal Pony knight sacreds, armed with magical lances and - rapiers.

Magic Strong Earth, Astral and Water, weak and sporadic Fire from a Diamond Dog mage random. Further random access through multi-heroes.
Diamond Dog Ground-Watchers available in all diamond dog forts. Crystal mage-priests available in all forts, but slow-to-recruit.
Recruit-everywhere, magicless Griffon Inventors with Mundane Researcher and Inspiring Researcher can lead magical research. Inventors do not require labs to be recruited.

Priests: weak-to-moderate. Weak griffon battle-priests. Crystal pony priests also mages.

Buildings: Very Advanced Forts via multiheroes and Griffon Inventors with Mason. Diamond Dog Forts give increased resources.

National peculiarities:
A very low change for national events to happen if Griffon Inventors are in the same province as non-hero mages. Good events spawn different griffon war machines, bad events lead to either the mage or inventor dying. Good event chance increased with Luck - and Drain scales. Bad event chance increased with Misfortune - and Magic scales.

National Construction rituals allow the Inventor to create magical warmachines without having magic paths.

Diamond Dog forts get increased Resources.

A long selection of multi-hero adoptees and lesser trueborn of Golden-Feather Dynasty. Griffons, Diamond Dogs, Crystal Ponies and rarely a human or something even more bizarre, with heroic statlines.
Some have either deep - or wide magic paths.
Some are powerful priests.
Some have a high level of Bringer of Fortune.
Some have surprisingly large retinues of different knights, or are good administrators.
A few drive into battle in a steam tank.

A list of unique heroes, including an adopted dragon.

All heroes have an increased chance of spawning.

Starting location: Griffonia
Mountain terrain.
Capital sites:
- The Golden-Feather Palace: +1 Luck to Dominion. +2 Earth gems, +1 fire gem and a small resource and gold bonus from Diamond Dog tributes. Allows Cap-only Knight's Griffon bodyguards.
- The Crystal Heart Tower: +1 Order and +1 Magic to Capital province, breaks if conquered. Some earth, astral and water gems. Allows Cap-only recruitment of Sacred Crystal Knights.

- Normal conquest
- Mad science with max Drain & Luck.
- Cheap science constructs come late-game, such as construction ritual steam tanks.
- Hero carry
- Explosive Assassination techniques
- Astral communions with mages with 3 magic paths.
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Starting location: Griffonia
Mountain terrain.
Capital sites:
- The Golden-Feather Palace: +1 Luck to Dominion. +2 Earth gems, +1 fire gem and a small resource and gold bonus from Diamond Dog tributes. Allows Cap-only Knight's Griffon bodyguards.
- The Crystal Heart Tower: +1 Order and +1 Magic to Capital province, breaks if conquered. Some earth, astral and water gems. Allows Cap-only recruitment of Sacred Crystal Knights.

- Normal conquest
- Mad science with max Drain & Luck.
- Cheap science constructs come late-game, such as construction ritual steam tanks.
- Hero carry
- Explosive Assassination techniques
- Astral communions with mages with 3 magic paths.
Very interesting, and one of the less predictable of the three, set up to go mass tech, mad science, or lots of respectable heroes, combined with decent spy units, with explosive assassination options available.
Hey guys what would a hetalia of MLP nations would look like

Equestria Girls?

No I'm not kidding, from the hearth's warming episode the 6 "founding factions" of Equestria were similar to the Mane 6. So this means that Rarity did represent the Unicorn Kingdom, Rainbow did represent Cloudsdale, and Pinkie was Puddinghead. Oddly this means that the person/pony most likely to be Equestria? Sunset Shimmer, cause her cutie Mark is the sun but with that yin yang element. Clearly EqG Sunset as Equestria-hetalia her cutie mark represents the diarchy but that it is clearly more Celestia dominated than Luna. EqGMoondancer would likely be any sort or "Lunar Republic", Flurry Heart EqG would represent the young nature of the comparatively YOUNG Crystal Empire.
Omake: Risen From the Ruins [Abolitionist Anthem]
Risen From the Ruins [Abolitionist Anthem] @Questor

From the ruins risen newly,
To the future turned, we stand.
Let us serve your good soil truly,
Maretonia, our homeland.
Triumph over bygone sorrow,
Can in unity be won.
For we shall attain a morrow,
When in our Maretonia,
|: There are no chains. :|

May both peace and joy inspire,
Maretonia, our homeland.
Peace is all the world's desire,
To the ponies lend your band.
In fraternity united,
We shall crush the ponies' foe.
Let all paths by peace be lighted,
That no mother shall again,
|: Mourn her son in woe. :|

Let us plough and build our nation,
Learn and work as never yet,
That a free new generation,
Faith in its own strength beget!
Maretonian youth, for whom the striving,
Of our ponies is at one,
You are Maretonia's reviving,
And in our Maretonia,
|: There are no chains. :|

Set to the anthem's tune below, I felt as if the Abolitionists needed an upbeat rallying cry that looked towards the future instead of the past. I envisioned that with the destruction of Roam, it was a blazing signal of the death of the old order and now instead of creating a new set of nobility (as Ambrosia slyly suggested several minor nobles on her side) the Abolitionists are heading towards an egalitarian society.

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What about our nation of the empire


Can't believe this is a write up I'm doing

Twilight Equestria: A Lavender alicorn ponygirl with a starshaped cutie mark. Known for having a a pair of glasses, bookish and generally quite a bureaucrat. She formed after the fall of Queen Platinum, Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Puddinghead. Despite attempts at reform the unicorns still drifted to the top and as a result Twilight was the dominant persona before "ascending" to an alicorn upon the formal acts of Union which integrated Cloudsdale legions into Equestria's military. She survived several of the early rounds with Discord but soon fell. She is considered "Momma Equestria" to "Sunset Equestria"

Sunset Equestria: A yellow alicorn ponygirl with red and yellow hair with a cutiemark in the shape of a sun. The defeater of Discord, the uniter of the Elements of Harmony, Moves the Sun and the Moon and believes herself to be the greatest nation ever (she does have a bit of an ego). Known for having an odd wardrobe of mostly white with black trim. Mentally she has... issues she is not dealing with, namely crippling self-doubt, indecision and some autocratic tendencies. Sometimes this manifests as a separate personality... which is

Moondancer Equestria: A pale Yellow alicorn with red and purple hair and a cutie mark in the shape of the moon. Known for being similar to Momma Equestria, but is much more of an introvert. Moonancer insists on wearing black but unlike her counterpart is slow and methodical.

Flurry Crystal: A young crystal ponygirl who was saved by Nee-san Garrick from the Evil Sombra. She is a young nation, but is more and more standing on her own two feet... but sees no need to move out of Nee-san Garrick's house

Fleur-Chrysalis: An elegant white unicorn ponygirl in bespoke refinement and wears a pair of rose-tinted glasses. She is also a changeling but is unaware of this as a white pony form.

Lightning Dash Storm: A pegasus pony girl of light turqouise color and blond hair. Frequently seen decked out in stolen Centurion Armor that she found "lying around" and is fond of flying just out of reach of her enemies

Glimmer White Star: A unicorn ponygirl of a pale light heliotrope color with purple hair decked out in the finest and most elegant gowns of the age. She speaks fondly of her political causes and ignores any inequality in the systems she espouses... as long as she's on top.

Garrick Griffon: A dashing teenage griffonmale wearing a Tuxedo and sipping a mushroom martini, and holstering an orichalcum pistol. Ever since kicking his brother Brochard out of the house he has gone on to develop further, tinkering in his workshop. His adopted younger dogbrother Sirius, and younger sister Flurry Crystal live with him.

Adult Spike Koryu: The neighbor across the sea from Garrick who has his own housemates to deal with

Zephyr Libertalia: A ponyboy of aquamarine color who made a living picking pockets until he met Garrick and decided that was a bad idea going forward.
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Honestly looks pretty good
Sunset Equestria: A yellow alicorn ponygirl with red and yellow hair with a cutiemark in the shape of a sun. The defeater of Discord, the uniter of the Elements of Harmony, Moves the Sun and the Moon and believes herself to be the greatest nation ever (she does have a bit of an ego). Known for having an odd wardrobe of mostly white with black trim. Mentally she has... issues she is not dealing with, namely crippling self-doubt, indecision and some autocratic tendencies. Sometimes this manifests as a separate personality... which is
And love how the twin conflict is represented.
Garrick Griffon: A dashing teenage griffonmale wearing a Tuxedo and sipping a mushroom martini, and holstering an orichalcum pistol. Ever since kicking his brother Brochard out of the house he has gone on to develop further, tinkering in his workshop. His adopted younger dogbrother Sirius, and younger sister Flurry Crystal live with him.
And while others may have a vague idea of his skills, he is surprisingly very good at sneaking around.:D