Maps of Equestria
Well this place existing is a bit surprising. Not sure if it's been mentioned before and I just missed it. Stalliongrad in EaW wasn't named as such until the Communist revolt. Before then, it was named Severnaya. Probably just an anachronism since I doubt they've had sufficient industrialization for a proletariat-based ideology to begin fermenting yet.
Why did they send an expedition north instead of east where there's more ponies?
You mean Sombra?
But it requires us to go through the YaksThe Yaks and Equestrian ponies barely touch each other.
So there is a path without going through Storm Country or Canterbury.
Let alone through the Abolitionists and the unknown.
They already told us we the first they ever metShould we ask them if they met any other creatures and perhaps what their own maps look like.