Yeah, that's an action I've wanted to take for a while... though maybe it's not the right moment.

I mean, we're ALREADY getting plenty of pony immigrants.

On the other hand, an immigration action focused on experts of their fields would be much better.

For example, Qilin shipbuilders to combine their knowledge with ours, and magic-users of any kind.
From a more cynical and selfish perspective encouraging immigration may result in even more Maretonian's fleeing the ruins of their home to move to the Empire which would increase the likelihood of them having to accept Protectorateship
This campaign gave me a thought for an action.

We have trouble with getting arty to hit high things, yes?

Well, Griffons can fly, and they are not exactly small.

Would a crew of Griffons carrying a light cannon or flame projector , be able to fire it while flying?

Like good Heinliens Mobile Infantry. Rapid aerial dakka on tap. Obviously doesn't hit as hard, but some dakka beats no dakka, eh?
This campaign gave me a thought for an action.

We have trouble with getting arty to hit high things, yes?

Well, Griffons can fly, and they are not exactly small.

Would a crew of Griffons carrying a light cannon or flame projector , be able to fire it while flying?

Like good Heinliens Mobile Infantry. Rapid aerial dakka on tap. Obviously doesn't hit as hard, but some dakka beats no dakka, eh?
the arty is very heavy and while the griffins may be able to lift a cannon, aiming and firing it would be another matter. not to mention even if they did manage that, its quite likely that the ones carrying it would have their limbs ripped off by the recoil of the cannon firing.

There is a reason that even in the real world and cannons were made extremly light for river barges, they still tied them to the side to stop them from being pushed off the otherside of the boat/ship
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the arty is very heavy and while the griffins may be able to lift a cannon, aiming and firing it would be another matter. not to mention even if they did manage that, its quite likely that the ones carring it would have their limbs ripped off by the recoil of the cannon firing.

There is a reason that even in the real world and cannons were made extremly light for river barges, they still tied them to the side to stop them from being pushed off the otherside of the boat/ship
Point, it could only be light flamers. But still, could be useful?

(That and it leads slowly to MUSKETS)
This campaign gave me a thought for an action.

We have trouble with getting arty to hit high things, yes?

Well, Griffons can fly, and they are not exactly small.

Would a crew of Griffons carrying a light cannon or flame projector , be able to fire it while flying?

Like good Heinliens Mobile Infantry. Rapid aerial dakka on tap. Obviously doesn't hit as hard, but some dakka beats no dakka, eh?

Probably not. They're likely too heavy to be carried while flying.

IF we want flying artillery our best bet would be military airships, and they're already something we want to develop (together with civilian airships for passengers and goods), though it depends a lot on how fragile they'd be.

Still, even if they ended up being unsuitable for artillery, they'd still have value for logistics, so we'll find a use for them no matter what.
the arty is very heavy and while the griffins may be able to lift a cannon, aiming and firing it would be another matter. not to mention even if they did manage that, its quite likely that the ones carring it would have their limbs ripped off by the recoil of the cannon firing.

There is a reason that even in the real world and cannons were made extremly light for river barges, they still tied them to the side to stop them from being pushed off the otherside of the boat/ship

Here is my solution:
We create a rigid platform lifted by rope and harness.
On the underside of the platform is a turn wheel with a corrosponding wheel on top of the platform from which it can be turned.
Hanging from the underside wheel is a long rectangular platform that has a set of winches used to angle up and down by either end a second equally sized platform underneath where the actual cannon is housed at one end.
Both ends have barriers carefully sized to keep the cannon from sliding off, the other two sides have walls, and this bottom platform even has it's own roof.
The cannon upon firing slides back on wheels both on top and bottom secured inside of steel rails while a harness and a set of pulleys and geared winches act as brakes helping to dissipate recoil before the cannon can hit the back of the platform fast enough to damage anything.
The cannon platform is accessed by a set of side doors, containers tied down and secured on the sides of the platform act storage areas for ammunition, and rope mounted containers on the ceiling act as ballasts. Harnesss on the sides help griffins stay in place while the cannon is aimed.

To prevent a fire from breaking out due to Sparks from the rails the interior of the cannons housing is lined with clay coated cloth.

We can fire the cannon down at an angle from a platform without the ball falling out prematurely and going straight down by having the cannon be breach or rear hatch loaded, the barrel be ever so slightly wider towards the rear, and having the cannon balls have deformable protrusions that are bent back when the firing charge goes off.
Why would you want to be able to fire a ball down at an angle? To minimize the time needed to move a cannon into a good position to fire, to minimize required trajectory estimations or calculations, and to allow easy firing on anything that manages to approach from below.

This platform is capable of being lifted and operated by a team of griffins, however due to weight only when mounted on airships can this be used often or in substantial numbers.

By constructing the platforms primarily out of wooden beams, cloth, and rope the weight is kept relatively low. We will need to figure out which of the wood types available with sufficient strength have the best strength to weight ratio.
We will need to figure out which rope fibers perform best.

As for airships:
Considering the way clouds when magically enhanced can support solid weight, we should try seeing if we can enclose them inside of protective cloth envelopes and use them to support airships.
Does temperature effect how much weight clouds can support or for that matter their strength?
How does water density effect the strength and floating weight capacity of magic clouds?
How long can magic clouds go without magical maintenance?
Honestly if we are looking for better gunpowder innovations I think we should just be looking at handheld firearms. Carrying a cannon might be hard but a flying griffon with a blunderbuss or a firing line of muskets in the air could be one hell of a force and is a lot easier to manage.
Honestly if we are looking for better gunpowder innovations I think we should just be looking at handheld firearms. Carrying a cannon might be hard but a flying griffon with a blunderbuss or a firing line of muskets in the air could be one hell of a force and is a lot easier to manage.
Why would we have our soldiers carry a freaking cannon into the sky? Isn't that why we are making the damn military airships?

I think we were shown portable "cannons" (basically firearms) in an interlude too, by the way. They shouldn't be too far away.

In any case early firearms and crossbows shouldn't have wildly different performances

I think we were shown portable "cannons" (basically firearms) in an interlude too, by the way. They shouldn't be too far away.

In any case early firearms and crossbows shouldn't have wildly different performances
are you sure about that? I thought that even the first-stage guns (when not exploding thanks to malpractice of malfunction) sere better at armor pen than normal crossbows?
The one thing handheld gunpowder weapos failed at was their accuracy - and methinks even inaccurate musket fire would end up horrible against Bronze armored dragons that are kinda huge targets.
are you sure about that? I thought that even the first-stage guns (when not exploding thanks to malpractice of malfunction) sere better at armor pen than normal crossbows?
The one thing handheld gunpowder weapos failed at was their accuracy - and methinks even inaccurate musket fire would end up horrible against Bronze armored dragons that are kinda huge targets.
ok, after a quick check I can admit I was a bit misinformed.

The Surprising Reason Why Bows Were Replaced With Guns

Why do you need to upgrade your archers to musketeers in Civilization? Actually, why were bows replaced with guns? Let's have a look.

so, what I got from this:

1)Bows are better, but much harder to use/longer to train soldiers for. Also good arrows are harder to make/more expensive than bullets. Maybe they could still be good options for elite/experienced soldiers, like our knights? At least until firearms progress some more.

2)Crossbows are easier to train for and use than bows. Depending on specific kinds they can have shorter range and lower accuracy though.

3)Firearms are even easier to train/use, bullets are cheaper, the sounds they make are good for the psychological impact. Even relatively bad firearms might be good weapons for our militia I think, or for when we need to expand our army REALLY quickly and can't train soldiers adequately for other weapons.

4)Firearms have more penetration, which is especially good against armored foes. This would likely make them massively better against, say, dragons, or maybe armored yaks. Bows and Crossbows might be better against more fragile enemies though, like for example pegasi and other flying units (I'm assuming their armors, if they even have any, would be much lighter than ground units')
Turn 30 Rumor Mill
Uneasy Peace in Maretonia: Celebrations are held throughout the Empire as the Imperial Army returns triumphant, the warlord Pegicles slain and House Storm utterly destroyed, the removal of the strongest contender for the throne of Maretonia sending shockwaves through the kingdom. Abolitionist fighters swiftly seize control of the now unguarded holdings of the mine and plantation owners who had sworn fealty to the Pegasus warlord, freeing the last of their still-enslaved brethren in what had been Storm Territory as the Royal Guard garrison the newly captured cloud city. But as the liberations and victory celebrations begin to wind down, the question of what comes next is swiftly raised...and just as swiftly answered.

Within days of the battle of Mare-a-Thon, the leadership of the Abolitionists and Royal Guard announce a permanent truce, unwilling to fight against those who they had shed blood with against the mutual threat of Pegicles. Soon afterwards, rumors of a coup within the remnants of House White Star emerge, the infrequent and rambling missives from Duke Haygle ceasing as the few remaining nobles in the splintering and diminished faction rally around Countess Copper Top, who joins her fellow Maretonians in calling for peace and a restoration of order to the war-torn country, ordering the release of the few slaves still in the service of the White Star nobility as a peace offering and gesture of good faith. Those that refuse to give up their "property" are swiftly cast out of the faction, their estates overtaken by Abolitionist fighters shortly thereafter. Within a matter of weeks, the institution of slavery within Maretonia ceases to be.

And thus, after five long and bloody years, the Maretonian Civil War finally comes to an end.

But though peace finally reigns once more, it is a tense and fragile one, the nation's future still very much in question. Much of the kingdom has been reduced to ruin by the rampaging Storm army, the Capital of Roam a burnt out husk and the coast still flooded in many places. Tens of thousands lie dead, with countless more displaced or dispossessed of their homes. The nation's economy has collapsed alongside much of its agricultural base, and while all three of the major factions are working to restore some semblance of law and order within their respective territories, gangs of bandits still roam the countryside, looting and raiding in an attempt to hoard what little remains of the country's wealth. And while the Nobility, Abolitionists, and Royal Guard are no longer at war with each other, the Kingdom is still divided between them, and none have yet dared to voice their thoughts on how it should be put back together...or if it should be put back together at all.

Though their gaze has softened, the eyes of the world are still very much upon Maretonia as its leaders debate the future.

The Sugar Republic: Between years of aggressive foreign investment on the part of Gryphus, Neighpon and the Minotaur Republics, and the recent influx of raw capital courtesy of Hoofbeard and his theft of the bulk of House White Star's treasury, Libertalia and its people have experienced an unprecedented level of prosperity even as they transition to an export-based economy, sugar plantations and rum distilleries popping up across the island nation to meet growing international demand. With the economic revolution has come a political one as well, the council of captains that had informally governed the island for decades slowly morphing into a more formalized structure that mixes the enlightened nobility of Neighpon and the Empire with the democratic traditions of Minotauria. As the richest and most influential person on the island, as well as the pony many see as most responsible for the nation's prosperity, Hoofbeard himself is informally recognized as the closest thing Libertalia has to a ruler, his people entrusting him with the task of negotiating with foreign powers and serving as Libertalia's de-facto head of state. Exactly what the new political strongman will do with his newfound influence, few can say.

Emerald-Neighponese Alliance: Ties between the Emerald Isles and Neighpon are deepened further this year, as the Emperor Koryù and King Rex the Second sign a mutual defense pact, vowing to come to each other's defense should their neighbor be attacked unprovoked. Most view the signing of the treaty as a mere formality, as Neighponese warships had already been patrolling the waters off the Emerald Coast to defend their trade partners from the threat of Olenian raiders. Some commentators within Gryphus have expressed concerns, stating that the treaty signing is a clear provocation towards Olenia, and fearing how the Caribou may respond to the alliance of island nations.

Equestrian Interest: The return of the Crown Prince's diplomatic expedition to Equestria causes quite a stir amongst the citizens of the Empire. The story of the Equestrian explorers and their rescue by their Imperial counterparts has already entered the annals of Gryphus' military achievements, and the public has been eagerly awaiting news of the rescued ponies homeland. Though not all details of Prince Gawain's journey are publicized (such as the discovery that the rulers of the kingdom have been using the petrified remains of Discord as a lawn ornament) what does find its way onto the pages of newspapers across the country is enough to draw the interest and attention of both the general public and the nobility, the possibility of trade and further contact with another foreign culture driving excitement and speculation across the region.
Hmm we'll probably have to step in on the Maretonia problem not to decide on who should rule next but just to make sure they don't fall into civil war again and get on the road to recovery.

With the discovery of a most likely less then friendly and raid happy dragon nation on their border it'll behoove(heh) us to have a strong buffer state against them.
Hmm we'll probably have to step in on the Maretonia problem not to decide on who should rule next but just to make sure they don't fall into civil war again and get on the road to recovery.

With the discovery of a most likely less then friendly and raid happy dragon nation on their border it'll behoove(heh) us to have a strong buffer state against them.
Idk, feels like an opportune moment for Garrick to retire.
So, as far as I can see the 3 most influential people left in Maretonia are Jewelius Pranceus of the Royal Guard, Ambrosia of the Abolitionists, and Coppertop of the remnants of White Star.
Hmm, would it be possible for us to hire mercenaries and have them clear Maretonia of all the bandits, that way the Factions won't have to worry about us coming into their country.
Really? Most monarchs don't retire until there death.
Maybe but over the next few years diplomacy and international politics is going to be absolutely critical, ie Gawain's wheelhouse. I'm not necessarily saying to retire right now, but I do want to see if we can wind things down a bit and slowly start giving Gawain more responsibilities over the next few years. If I absolutely had to give a number, I think letting Gawain take over sometime in the next 5-10 years could be good. 25 is probably a bit too young to be in charge of a nation.
Maybe but over the next few years diplomacy and international politics is going to be absolutely critical, ie Gawain's wheelhouse. I'm not necessarily saying to retire right now, but I do want to see if we can wind things down a bit and slowly start giving Gawain more responsibilities over the next few years. If I absolutely had to give a number, I think letting Gawain take over sometime in the next 5-10 years could be good. 25 is probably a bit too young to be in charge of a nation.
Yeah fair enough and perhaps get him married as well having some more heirs through him would be ideal.