This was an interesting update, with knowledge of new parties, one hinted at hoarding Orichalcum.

What is the next innovation of warfare that we should work on?
I am of same mind with Ser Gawain here.
If these...barbarians would not wish to treat with us...
In mutual respect and decency...
Then we, as learned men and women...
Must bring to bear our Manifest Destiny to rid our side of the world...
Or the Manifest Destiny of our compatriots to rid their side of the world...
Of barbarity and slavery.

Though, on an economic standpoint, we have a new resource spot...
On a political standpoint, I think we need to get the Yaks truly on board with us...
Think Game of Thrones kind of deal.
They have their own empires or kingdoms of course...
But they inadvertently answer to a High King of sorts...
It's a crap shoot but it may be doable.
I am decidedly uninterested in a preemptive invasion against the Yetis, deposits or no. The possible effects of a united Storm Country attacking Equestria and a Griffonian response should be determined on more accurate information. Besides, we can simply find a route to Equestria by sea and engage in proper first contact with them, and warn them of the Orichalcum deposits and the Yetis overall disposition, and let them make their own decisions on that.

Besides, we'd have to either go through frozen waters or the Yaks if we wanted to do anything with them. Neither of which will be easy, especially if its a war of agression.
Patchwork World Map
Well... I tried stitching together a world map from the maps we have. Hope this helps some people orient themselves. Keep in mind we have no idea where the "Equator" is or how much there is unexplored to the east. There was a reference thought that there is nothing further north at some point and there's just an icecap there
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Did someone say OIL (Orichalcum In need of Liberating)?!!!!!! :D

Did Questor just give us a knowledge of a country that has a ton of that precious resource we can't get enough of, has hostile terrain and inhabitants that will give us a difficult fight, AND the moral justification to fight them? Is it Christmas already?!!!

Alright, first off we should learn as much as we can about them. I suggest that we put as many actions as we can spare into investigating this new country. Then we can start thinking up what tactics we should use against them. They sound like they'd be best suited to using guerrilla warfare tactics while fighting in their country, as the terrain and monsters will likely wear our army down quickly. That means we'll need some serious logistics in order to be able to operate in their country at all. I suggest we focus our Learning and Military actions into improving our army's scouting and logistics capabilities. That means airships, as well as anything that could give us better communications technology.
Well shit, time to Manifest us some Destiny!
damn straight its war time baby!

We can probs convince the Yacks to join us too! :D

but ya full military mobilization for conquest ASAP. Not only is that land our best bet for a trade route to Equestria but its also got massive deposits of our unobtanium? KILL! CONQUER! DESTROY! MOOOHAHAHAHAHAHA

....Ahem did I say destroy? I meant Create! as in create a massive series of forts and defensive positions to hold our new mining villages! :D
This is interesting, but I really want to know why the Yetis are hostile to everybody.

I wonder how Celestia and Luna will affect our religion. Once the public learns that the Alicorns defeated Discord and are immortal benevolent rulers that control the Celestial Bodies surrounding Earth, I wonder how it will go.
Also, I wonder how Canterbury will take this. A more advanced Pony Civilization that is unified and has their own physical gods.
To be honest, when we meet Equestria and establish full contact with them, we can probably effectively take out the Changelings.
With Equestria, we can attempt to catch bugs that decide to attempt to infiltrate Equestria and if the Diarchy is trust worthy, we can probably inform them since they shouldn't have Changeling Infiltation.
They can manifest their destiny somewhere else! This is our destiny to manifest, we saw it first!

More seriously though we have no real reason to believe that they're an imminent threat, so long as we're careful and spend the occasional Intrigue action on them we should be fine
The Changelings are a long term infestation that can lead to an immediate threat at anytime.
I'm afraid the Changelings will the war to their advantage as a way to gain more power in other Kingdoms and reach Equestria first.
Lets be honest though, while the Changelings are scary as far as we know they haven't actually done anything wrong

Yes they're the Canterbury illuminati and formed a false religion but in doing so they have also kept Canterbury relatively safe and relatively happy because that's what's best for them as well
Lets be honest though, while the Changelings are scary as far as we know they haven't actually done anything wrong

Yes they're the Canterbury illuminati and formed false religion but in doing so they have also kept Canterbury relatively safe and relatively happy because that's what's best for them as well
They started the Maretonian Civil War, which killed many innocents and caused us to use a lot of our money

Plus, they stole our fucking money right after our Civil war, and they intend to make puppet governments.
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To be honest, when we meet Equestria and establish full contact with them, we can probably effectively take out the Changelings.
With Equestria, we can attempt to catch bugs that decide to attempt to infiltrate Equestria and if the Diarchy is trust worthy, we can probably inform them since they shouldn't have Changeling Infiltation.
We can't be 100% sure that Equestria doesn't have any infiltrators since they seemingly share a border and the Changelings were aware of us long before the rest of Canterbury was
The Changelings are a long term infestation that can lead to an immediate threat at anytime.
I'm afraid the Changelings will the war to their advantage as a way to gain more power in other Kingdoms and reach Equestria first.
Given that we haven't found a single Changeling in our territory beyond those that had been banished when we have pretty open borders and have recently had a wave of refugees that suggests that they aren't really interested in expanding, at least not right now
They started the Maretonian Civil War, which killed many innocents and caused us to use a lot of our money

Plus, they stole our fucking money right after our Civil war, and they intend to make puppet governments.
They probably started the civil war but in doing so have given us an opportunity to destroy the slave trade, probably saved more lives in the long term and Mayberry even given us an opportunity to expand even further

And again they seemingly have no interest in expanding and while them taking the money is annoying it isn't exactly evil or even that bad considering all the awful things that they could have done if they wanted to
They don't intend to make puppet governments, they just wanted their own puppet government, which they already have.
Also they didnt steal our money they stole our rival's money before we could take it.
Still, the King were controlling is legitimately worried about becoming a puppet government and we really don't have a lot of defenses against them unless we use the Gynes.
Also, we won that money though war and could've used it for multiple reasons that would've better the nation at the start.
This situation got complicated quick. Maretonia is still having problems and Equestria might follow the same path if we wait too long to intervene. I wonder if the Intrigue options will involve finding a leader wanting to unify the Yetis yet doesn't want a war.

viscous - vicious
due the fact - due to the fact