Lets not forget the spread of rune literacy. Like those are literally thousand future mages in making.

Even the non-magical folk like Gryphons will profiting from learning how to read runes...after all, wouldn´t you like to know if the engine close to you has been proofed against exploding or not? That´s basically what runic literacy does for civillian life - act as safety pictograms and the likes.
(But I will say we gotta meet the Diamond Dog Kingdom soon. Meeting the Caribou is nice, but not meeting the Diamond Dog Kingdom seems off given how even from the start, griffins and diamond dogs been together.)

We cant really mix our diamond dogs with those from kingdom. Like for example we cant mix Canterbury (who are on good terms with us ) and Maretonia. Yaks and Neiphon are different due to their countries being together with us from the start.
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(But I will say we gotta meet the Diamond Dog Kingdom soon. Meeting the Caribou is nice, but not meeting the Diamond Dog Kingdom seems off given how even from the start, griffins and diamond dogs been together.)
We cant really mix our diamond dogs with those from kingdom. Like for example we cant mix Canterbury (who are on good terms with us ) and Maretonia. Yaks and Neiphon are different due to their countries being together with us from the start.

I´ll admit that I am just a little bit wary of meeting the Emeralds on account of culture clash between them (independant and maybe somwaht xenophobic thanks to their history with the Caribou) and our Dogs (another equal people in a non-Dog empire and because of that rather xenophil)
The Yaks and Neighponese are our among our oldest and best allies thus far. Yet, the Yaks was the first to fight alongside us against Sombra before we met the Neighponese. Bringing them up to speed helps ourselves as much as it helps them.
Bringing them up to speed does help ourselves. I said you rushed it, however. It is not the first thing that should have been done. As a result, we now have to begin closer integration immediately rather than having time to wait before they begin looking into ways for self-sufficiency. Their king seems of a bold and proud nature from what we've seen of him. I highly doubt he would willingly let his new kingdom be dependent for too long.
As for us having invested a lot in the Crystal Religion, I actually see it more as a boon than a danger - especially regarding a possible full integration of the Protectorate into Gryphus proper that people have been thinking about at times.
Yes, the integration that will be happening decades from now, as opposed to the spread of the Crystal religion which has been happening rapidly. Stop thinking in game terms. Promoting something that keeps growing so rapidly will have consequences. We need to be more fairhanded when something like what happened with the Crystal Heart greatly inflates the speed of recruitment. We shouldn't be doing the same religion that just massively grew yet another favor.
I do agree we should focus on the Imperial Cult, and Ancient Empire Excavations. After that, it be nice to finally have Yakyakistani Runestone and Neighponese Shrines. But the previous focus on the Crystal Heart been a big boon in gaining the power of runes.
The Imperial Cult and Ancient Empire are the least important of the religious actions. The Imperial Cult is good for assuring loyalty to the royal family (at the cost of probably growing a fascist movement centuries from now if it gets too powerful), but both the loyalty to the current emperor and to his son is assured for the moment. It can be put off for a good many turns. Likewise, there really isn't a big call for reviving the old faith. It'd be...cute...to do so for lack of a better word, but our people have been just as willing to adopt other cultures's religions as opposed to requiring a species religious center. The highest priorities should have been and should still be doing the first actions for the Yak stone and the Neighpon shrine. The Yak stone for diplomatic good will and for further cultural integration between the newly-unified Yak tribes and our imperial colonies near their kingdom, and the Neighpon shrine because it has been explicitly stated to be good at adapting to fit in with any other religion. That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world.
The Imperial Cult and Ancient Empire are the least important of the religious actions. The Imperial Cult is good for assuring loyalty to the royal family (at the cost of probably growing a fascist movement centuries from now if it gets too powerful), but both the loyalty to the current emperor and to his son is assured for the moment. It can be put off for a good many turns. Likewise, there really isn't a big call for reviving the old faith. It'd be...cute...to do so for lack of a better word, but our people have been just as willing to adopt other cultures's religions as opposed to requiring a species religious center. The highest priorities should have been and should still be doing the first actions for the Yak stone and the Neighpon shrine. The Yak stone for diplomatic good will and for further cultural integration between the newly-unified Yak tribes and our imperial colonies near their kingdom, and the Neighpon shrine because it has been explicitly stated to be good at adapting to fit in with any other religion. That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world.

You know i really dont get why are you so insistent with imperial cult being fachist due to warhammer (like same was with stereo type of Caribou that was happening ). Its more along the line that people will go monarchist (given the fact that their supposed God had children from two different species) which will be good if certain ideology that so happens thrives under industrial revolution appears.

As for Yak and Neiphon religions, it helps integration but it also helps with growth of the influence those countries have on us, its double edged sword and having same religion doesent protect you from conflict and wars, nor does different religion means bad relationship. What we need is already strong religion in form Ancestor worship that will give Hardbeak proper due.
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Yes, the integration that will be happening decades from now, as opposed to the spread of the Crystal religion which has been happening rapidly. Stop thinking in game terms. Promoting something that keeps growing so rapidly will have consequences. We need to be more fairhanded when something like what happened with the Crystal Heart greatly inflates the speed of recruitment. We shouldn't be doing the same religion that just massively grew yet another favor.

The Imperial Cult and Ancient Empire are the least important of the religious actions. The Imperial Cult is good for assuring loyalty to the royal family (at the cost of probably growing a fascist movement centuries from now if it gets too powerful), but both the loyalty to the current emperor and to his son is assured for the moment. It can be put off for a good many turns. Likewise, there really isn't a big call for reviving the old faith. It'd be...cute...to do so for lack of a better word, but our people have been just as willing to adopt other cultures's religions as opposed to requiring a species religious center. The highest priorities should have been and should still be doing the first actions for the Yak stone and the Neighpon shrine. The Yak stone for diplomatic good will and for further cultural integration between the newly-unified Yak tribes and our imperial colonies near their kingdom, and the Neighpon shrine because it has been explicitly stated to be good at adapting to fit in with any other religion. That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world.

Even if the integration takes decades still, it pays out making preparations. I will admit that we´ve been pushing the Crystals a bit hard over the last turns, but always with good reasons - just now we got basic runic literacy for our populace outta it.

As for the other religions, I´d rather not strengthen the Cult any more than I have to thanks to their inherent creepiness and the fact they named their "Holy Scripture" Lectitio Divinitatus of all things...anyone even remotely familiar with 40k will know why I am wary of that name.

I´d be fine with the other ones getting boosted, although I disagree on Imperial Pantheism not being that important - a nation without their own beliefs and identity to fall back to tends to get twitchy, you know?

Also, I might at times think in game terms but you said it yourself:

"That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world."

Since we are a head-of-state, it helps to think a bit pragmatic and keep an eye on cost-vs.-gain
I´d be fine with the other ones getting boosted, although I disagree on Imperial Pantheism not being that important - a nation without their own beliefs and identity to fall back to tends to get twitchy, you know?

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Nothing good will come from ignoring our culture, be it old Pantheon or Ancestor worship.
Agreed there with you, any rail line uses them more than us so our favour should be specially for tech transfer and providing work force and parts. We certainly wont shoulder the costs ourselves and if we do it will be via credits and loans (tariffs will depend on their relationship with us).

Lets not forget empowering our home religions as well, like ancestor worship to balance Crystal heart at home. Generally i prefer that all main religious seats of power be at home.

Honestly it's a bit of a shame that the Yaks simply don't have that much to offer to us, beyond orichalcum and generic trade.At this point their prophecies are literally the ONLY thing they can offer to us that would really make a difference.

I don't really care that much about empowering our own religions, honestly.

They're just not as interesting, and they're kind of proven to be fake in my opinion.

let's see them all in order:

1)Griffon Pantheon: ...where were those gods when Discord attacked? If we get some kind of vision/visit from a spirit god I MIGHT be willing to reconsider, but right now i tend to believe that they were simply made up. Or maybe they once lived, but they're now dead.

Not harmfull, and they seem to promote good values, but i kind of dislike the idea of worshipping gods that either don't exists, are dead, or abandoned us. I might feel a bit guilty about it if they actually confronted Discord and were defeated like, say, the celestial dragons of Neighpon, but that's a problem for if/when we discover more about them.

2) Crystal Heart: it's both useful AND mostly harmless. They venerate an object, which means it can't actually order them to go against us. And that object has shown multiple times to actually have sort of a benevolent will. I would honestly be fine with this one becoming THE religion of our country. Who knows, maybe if we love it enough it will develop sentience, just like the Tree of Harmony did in Mlp. Maybe it could even tell us who created it and why.

I would prefer that our appreciation for the crystal heart was more about gratitude and respect than FAITH (i kind of dislike blind faith on principle) (the heart really deserves respect though, especially if it has/develops a will/sapience/sentience), but I can live with that, and negative consequences are relatively unlikely.

3) Yak's shamanism. Mostly about venerating the ancestors (reasonable as long as it doesn't get too far) and nature. We don't know exactly how much of it is true (shamans' ability to see the future might very well be an ability of the yaks themselves completely independant from outside factors/spirits, but It's not harmful. Shamans are usually wise people, and I'll note that they were the one who pushed for good relationships with us, as after fighting Sombra our soldiers became, by their own laws and traditions, blood-brothers of theirs.

I don't expect them to become a problem, except in the fact that they might be hesitant to accept some of our innovation, and change in general.

4)Neighpon's spiritualism. Specifically mentioned as being usually paired with other beliefs by the believers, we have at least partial proof of them being right about there being spirits that might be either good or evil. The Windigos are a good example of the evil ones, while the Tree of Harmony and the Crystal Heart themselves might very well count as example of good ones, even if they're somewhat artificial.

Also described as separated by any moral system or judgement, this is literally neutral in respect to everything else. I can't see any problem coming from this one.

5)Church of the Lady: While i like this one, and we already have some proofs of her existance (the visions, the blessings on her knights...), there's one big problem with it.

The leader of the religion is also the leader of another country, even if an allied one.

While I don't expect problems from them, they're maybe the most likely to become one at some point, unless the Lady herself chooses to show herself to either the queen or us and declare us good people and allies worthy of respect.

We should be carefull about how much we favour them, though that's no good reason to be hostile to them. Not yet, and hopefully not ever.

Who knows, if we go far enough their action chain we might get a vision and blessing ourself. Wouldn't that be interesting?

6)The Imperial Cult: We're not gods, and I'm not really comfortable about any faith proclaming a person to be one. I won't act explicitely against them because they have a right to believe whatever they want (as long as they don't harm anyone else), but I'm wary of favouring them too much.

Heck, numerically the Yaks and Neighponese are equally friendly towards us...the only thing of any real difference is the fact that we got a defense treaty with Neighpon only...something worth rectifying (after all, our three nations stood side-by-side against Sombra already...Gryphus, Neighpon and YakYakistan making their partnership legally binding would be only fitting)

As for us having invested a lot in the Crystal Religion, I actually see it more as a boon than a danger - especially regarding a possible full integration of the Protectorate into Gryphus proper that people have been thinking about at times.

eh, it's only a matter of time and a few actions before we solidify our relationships with the Yaks. They ARE a really young nation after all, they need some time to figure things out.

Our trade deals with the Orichalcum and cannons, our shared history with Sombra, and our past gifts were a wonderfull start. A show of respect with the yak stone and some more actions devoted to them (maybe even the rails' proposal) and we'll be golden
Bringing them up to speed does help ourselves. I said you rushed it, however. It is not the first thing that should have been done. As a result, we now have to begin closer integration immediately rather than having time to wait before they begin looking into ways for self-sufficiency. Their king seems of a bold and proud nature from what we've seen of him. I highly doubt he would willingly let his new kingdom be dependent for too long.

(we are fine with gifts of appreciation though!)

The Imperial Cult and Ancient Empire are the least important of the religious actions. The Imperial Cult is good for assuring loyalty to the royal family (at the cost of probably growing a fascist movement centuries from now if it gets too powerful), but both the loyalty to the current emperor and to his son is assured for the moment. It can be put off for a good many turns. Likewise, there really isn't a big call for reviving the old faith. It'd be...cute...to do so for lack of a better word, but our people have been just as willing to adopt other cultures's religions as opposed to requiring a species religious center. The highest priorities should have been and should still be doing the first actions for the Yak stone and the Neighpon shrine. The Yak stone for diplomatic good will and for further cultural integration between the newly-unified Yak tribes and our imperial colonies near their kingdom, and the Neighpon shrine because it has been explicitly stated to be good at adapting to fit in with any other religion. That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world.

I do agree with Yak stone being the best choice for next turn, ESPECIALLY if we consider the yak rail option (or more yak options in general).

Neighpon shrine is probably the second one, though depending on what the second yak option turns out to be (or what happens between us and Canterbury) either yak shamanism or Lady of the Lake might become my priority the second turn.

As I said above, I don't really care that much about our Pantheon or the Emperor's cult.

I´d be fine with the other ones getting boosted, although I disagree on Imperial Pantheism not being that important - a nation without their own beliefs and identity to fall back to tends to get twitchy, you know?

It can work though. See the Romans, they basically assimilated the gods of all the people they conquered, and it worked more or less fine.

Also most of those gods/spiritual being are kind of proven to exist IC, but not the griphon patheon (yet). And we KNOW we're not gods (and we're reasonably certain we're not "touched by the divine")
1)Griffon Pantheon: ...where were those gods when Discord attacked? If we get some kind of vision/visit from a spirit god I MIGHT be willing to reconsider, but right now i tend to believe that they were simply made up. Or maybe they once lived, but they're now dead.

Not harmfull, and they seem to promote good values, but i kind of dislike the idea of worshipping gods that either don't exists, are dead, or abandoned us. I might feel a bit guilty about it if they actually confronted Discord and were defeated like, say, the celestial dragons of Neighpon, but that's a problem for if/when we discover more about them.
Considering how insanely power-scaled this world's Discord is, there is no factual proof that they weren't simply unable to do anything once he popped in and instantly wrecked the original griffin empire, instead of nonexistent or "abandoning" us.
Considering how insanely power-scaled this world's Discord is, there is no factual proof that they weren't simply unable to do anything once he popped in and instantly wrecked the original griffin empire, instead of nonexistent or "abandoning" us.

Agreed, even heart wasnt able to do much against him, nor anyone to our ic knowledge for the matter.
Considering how insanely power-scaled this world's Discord is, there is no factual proof that they weren't simply unable to do anything once he popped in and instantly wrecked the original griffin empire, instead of nonexistent or "abandoning" us.
Agreed, even heart wasnt able to do much against him, nor anyone to our ic knowledge for the matter.
Still, if Discord killed them it might simply be useless to restart that faith.

Though I admit there's a chance that, By worshipping them again, they might come back.

I would LIKE being proven wrong, but as long as we don't discover more about them or get some kind of sign I'm not really that interested in them beyond the minimum of "one action sometime to not let them get TOO behind the other ones"and find the other faiths more interesting.

Also, @Questor I don't remember if it was ever explicitely stated, but was the crystal heart capable of protecting the Crystal Ponies against Discord?

Did they live in their own little bubble while the world outside went to chaos?
Still, if Discord killed them it might simply be useless to restart that faith.

Though I admit there's a chance that, By worshipping them again, they might come back.

I would LIKE being proven wrong, but as long as we don't discover more about them or get some kind of sign I'm not really that interested in them beyond the minimum of "one action sometime to not let them get TOO behind the other ones"and find the other faiths more interesting.

Also, @Questor I don't remember if it was ever explicitely stated, but was the crystal heart capable of protecting the Crystal Ponies against Discord?

Did they live in their own little bubble while the world outside went to chaos?

My interest in "Gryphotrú" is more about giving our people their own identity, their own "soul" as it were...so that they can say "we have a spiritual origin of our own, even if it by now ran its course now one way or another"
My interest in "Gryphotrú" is more about giving our people their own identity, their own "soul" as it were...so that they can say "we have a spiritual origin of our own, even if it by now ran its course now one way or another"
i understand it, but disagree. We don't really need a home-made religion to get a cultural identity, and I see no problem in adopting the spirituality of our allies as long as it doesn't go against any of our other beliefs (and moral decency)

I'm not actively hostile to our own religions, but I AM mostly uninterested, at least until something changes.
You know imperial i really dont get why are you so insistent with imperial cult being fachist due to warhammer (like same was with stereo type of Caribou that was happening ). Its more along the line that people will go monarchist (given the fact that their supposed God had children from two different species) which will be good if certain ideology that so happens thrives under industrial revolution appears.
I don't play Warhammer and I have only mentioned the fascist thing twice, and I don't even think it's that big a deal either. My thought process was more equating to Imperial Japan mixed with the Roman Imperial Cult, given that both of those along with our own literally has them worship the emperor as a god. For that matter, a fascist movement would be a fun thing to deal with in the future.
As for Yak and Neiphon religions, it helps integration but it also helps with growth of the influence those countries have on us, its double edged sword and having same religion doesent protect you from conflict and wars, nor does different religion means bad relationship.
That's the point yes. We need the Yak nation to be closer to us. Making our cultures more accepting and integrated into each other reduces the chances of growing apart, and also makes it more likely that we will have more immigrants from them. The Yak national identity is still new, and likely still prone to in-fighting on tribal/clan lines. If we get immigrants coming in, that also doubles in making it so that they will be less likely to call for war against the country of their extended clan, simply by association.

I didn't argue different religion is equivalent to a bad relationship.
Even if the integration takes decades still, it pays out making preparations. I will admit that we´ve been pushing the Crystals a bit hard over the last turns, but always with good reasons - just now we got basic runic literacy for our populace outta it.

As for the other religions, I´d rather not strengthen the Cult any more than I have to thanks to their inherent creepiness and the fact they named their "Holy Scripture" Lectitio Divinitatus of all things...anyone even remotely familiar with 40k will know why I am wary of that name.

I´d be fine with the other ones getting boosted, although I disagree on Imperial Pantheism not being that important - a nation without their own beliefs and identity to fall back to tends to get twitchy, you know?

Also, I might at times think in game terms but you said it yourself:

"That would be a good trait to syncretize culturally into our own empire, given that we're playing Pokemon with the species of the world."

Since we are a head-of-state, it helps to think a bit pragmatic and keep an eye on cost-vs.-gain
It does, yes. You guys are doing the exact same thing you did last turn where you're treating my arguments about when we should take actions, as being arguments against ever taking certain actions. The fact that the integration is so far away means that we can afford to give some time before strengthening and spreading the Crystal Religion further. Part of creating a federal empire of nations as we appear to be doing is that we need to balance interests. We cannot let one become so clearly dominant without even a token effort towards others.

I don't see how my mentioning of syncretization is a game terms thing. That is pretty explicitly a narrative consequence, even if the decision is not made from an in-character perspective. I was referring to Pittauro pulling up the chart. The charts and data we have are arbitrations of what is going on, not the narrative itself. We need to pay attention to our actions in more than just how they affect numbers on a chart. Also, I would argue I have been the most pragmatic here so I don't know why you seem to think I am not.
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Fun fact.

DISCORD was not the one who did all the dangerous chaos stuff. His abusive GF was the one who made the dangerous stuff. Discord just made the ultra annoying parts that made you go crazy from frustration
Fun fact.

DISCORD was not the one who did all the dangerous chaos stuff. His abusive GF was the one who made the dangerous stuff. Discord just made the ultra annoying parts that made you go crazy from frustration

If she even is part of this quest´s lore, that is...After all, she is a comic char and the comics have a bit of a wonky relationship with the show canon-wise
I don't play Warhammer and I have only mentioned the fascist thing twice, and I don't even think it's that big a deal either. My thought process was more equating to Imperial Japan mixed with the Roman Imperial Cult, given that both of those along with our own literally has them worship the emperor as a god. For that matter, a fascist movement would be a fun thing to deal with in the future.

That's the point yes. We need the Yak nation to be closer to us. Making our cultures more accepting and integrated into each other reduces the chances of growing apart, and also makes it more likely that we will have more immigrants from them. The Yak national identity is still new, and likely still prone to in-fighting on tribal/can lines. If we get immigrants coming in, that also doubles in making it so that they will be less likely to call for war against the country of their extended clan, simply by association.

I didn't argue different religion is equivalent to a bad relationship.

It does, yes. You guys are doing the exact same thing you did last turn where you're treating my arguments about when we should take actions, as being arguments against ever taking certain actions. The fact that the integration is so far away means that we can afford to give some time before strengthening and spreading the Crystal Religion further. Part of creating a federal empire of nations as we appear to be doing is that we need to balance interests. We cannot let one become so clearly dominant without even a token effort towards others.

I don't see how my mentioning of syncretization is a game terms thing. That is pretty explicitly a narrative consequence, even if the decision is not made from an in-character perspective. I was referring to Pittauro pulling up the chart. The charts and data we have are arbitrations of what is going on, not the narrative itself. We need to pay attention to our actions in more than just how they affect numbers on a chart. Also, I would argue I have been the most pragmatic here so I don't know why you seem to think I am not.
I do agree that all faiths need at least a token action or two at the very least.

While I explicitely said I'm not that interested in the emperor cult and gryphon pantheon, I do believe they deserve at least the starting actions that basically makes them a viable religion. What would be the point of even having them as part of our council otherwise? I just think they don't really deserve to be prioritized over the others.

As of right now, my order of faith actions would be

2)neighpon or lady of the lake, depends on what else we're doing
3)the one we didn't do the previous turn
5)emperor cult.

And of course i might change my mind depending on what new actions we get.

Basically, to me here religion is often a tool of politics and diplomacy. The carrot to make ourselves easer to deal with by our allies, as it shows we respect them.

Also i really REALLY want the crystal heart to get an avatar. If the Tree of Harmony did it the heart can do it too!
I do agree that all faiths need at least a token action or two at the very least.

While I explicitely said I'm not that interested in the emperor cult and gryphon pantheon, I do believe they deserve at least the starting actions that basically makes them a viable religion. What would be the point of even having them as part of our council otherwise? I just think they don't really deserve to be prioritized over the others.

As of right now, my order of faith actions would be

2)neighpon or lady of the lake, depends on what else we're doing
3)the one we didn't do the previous turn
5)emperor cult.

And of course i might change my mind depending on what new actions we get.

Basically, to me here religion is often a tool of politics and diplomacy. The carrot to make ourselves easer to deal with by our allies, as it shows we respect them.

Also i really REALLY want the crystal heart to get an avatar. If the Tree of Harmony did it the heart can do it too!
I would switch the positioning of Imperial and Pantheon and guarantee Neighpon the 2nd spot, but I otherwise agree with everything here.

No avatar though. Sounds fun but that would make balancing faiths even harder.
Caribou Culture
What do the Caribou know about other lands?

How many kingdoms do the Caribou have?

Are the Caribou religious?

What was life for the Caribou like under Discord's rule?

What would it take for someone to unite all the Caribou into one group?

What foods do they grow?

What do the caribou eat?

1. They are of course very familiar with the Emerald Isles, considering how often their raiders have assaulted its holdings...until the recent colonization of part of its shores by a particularly ambitious chieftain complicated that situation politically.

During your diplomats time amongst the Caribou, they asked for their knowledge of other cultures, if they had encountered any. The Kings and Dukes expressed little knowledge, their focus and attention upon matters closer to home, but the sea-faring merchants of the coastal settlements spun tales of vast grasslands and burning deserts in the lands beyond the grey mountains that form a border between Olenia and whatever lies to their South. Supposedly these lands are inhabited by a great many races, from black and white Equines to felines that walk upon two legs. Attempts to trade with these peoples were initiated, but were more often than not ruined when a band of aspiring Vikingers got wind of the new lands and decided to pay them a visit.

The potential trade partners weren't very welcoming of Caribou after that.

As for the lands that lie to their East...

They speak of a mighty blizzard that blows eternally, of winds that cut like knives as the air itself turns to ice in one's lungs. They speak of a people that live beyond this barrier, like and unlike the Caribou in ways none can properly articulate. Their origins and nature are a mystery, but plenty of speculation and rumors exist, for if any Caribou has traveled through the blizzard, then they have never returned.

2. There are four primary Petty Kingdoms, with a number of smaller counties and baronies beneath them. It is not unheard of for a count, baron or chieftain to switch their allegiance from one king to another if they feel it suits them, but this almost always ends in a war between the aforementioned kings, so this occurs rarely.

3. They worship a Pantheon of god's not too dissimilar from that of the Ancient Empire's, with a little bit of Neighponese-style nature spirits thrown in. They are rather curious in that they rarely outright reject the existence of another culture's deities, usually accepting them as aspects or "lost relatives" of their own gods. Many Caribou are spiritual rather than religious, and while there are plenty of shrines, temples and holy places scattered throughout Olenia, there isn't any religious hierarchy uniting or coordinating them. In addition, it is not unheard of for particularly religious Caribou who have chosen to devote themselves to a singular god of the pantheon to engage in conflict with those who have pledged their lives and service to "the wrong Diety", though this is rare and most other Caribou look down on such behavior.

4. The Caribou, like all other cultures, suffered under Discord, though if their oral tradition is to be believed they suffered more than others. Legend says that all Caribou were once united into a single, prosperous kingdom, blessed with fertile fields and warm waters. Then Discord came, altering the land and turning the people against each other. Now they are fragmented, their cold and harsh lands a bitter reminder of all that they have lost...or so their stories go. As far as you can tell, they don't keep many written records. Regardless, they survived under Discord's rule and most other races did: hiding from his attention and riding out the storm of madness that engulfed the world in those years of insanity.

5. It would take a true Hero to unite the varying kingdoms and cults that make up Olenia, as deadly upon the field of battle as they are adept in the halls of power and intrigue. It would need to be a truly legendary figure, one whose name would echo throughout time even before vying for the grandest of thrones.

6&7. Due to the fact that they live in fantasy Scandinavia...very little. Enough to feed themselves, sure, but there's a reason they always went after the granaries and store houses of the Emerald Isle Diamond Dogs. Thankfully what foods they do grow are hardy, and they are both capable of and willing to eat grass, though they aren't capable of subsisting off of that entirely for long periods. Turnips, Onions, Cabbages, Leeks, Barley, and other hardy food crops are staples of Caribou diets, and some even raise chickens and geese for their eggs.
Oh my god i think we found the zebras, Time to go meet whats south of the mountains of Olenia.

Edit: I wonder how the final race of the three starters has faired so far.
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think next turn we should focus on getting our navy upgrade and expanding to at least a 100 or 200 Carracks guard our coastlines and patrol the oceans
think next turn we should focus on getting our navy upgrade and expanding to at least a 100 or 200 Carracks guard our coastlines and patrol the oceans

Problem with that is that we only got one free Martial slot and I´d prefer to finally slot in "Kestrellan Knights" for some more elites that´ll even be under the table, cosidering that Knightly Orders are self-sustaining and therefore past the initial founding fee won´t be stressing our coffers anymore.

That being said, we could use some more naval prowess of our own - at least until our airforce is ready to go.
I hope our pony daughter ascends to Alicorn.

...Celestia explained Twilight's ascension as "creating new magic".

We have a coming interlude about Merlin, Pearl and " Magical Mysteries".

...maaaaaaaybe...... naaaaah....but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybeeeeeeeee...

I'm kinda still hoping WE ascend. Somehow. It would even justify the emperor cult a bit.

...I'd kind of be ok with Hardbeak ascending in our place though

No avatar though. Sounds fun but that would make balancing faiths even harder.

eh, It's not really up to us. I'd like if it happened, and I think it's both possible, makes sense when you see how the tree of harmony did it, and maybe it has even been foreshadowed a bit by the "crystal heart has it's own will (kind of) and is possibly semi-sapient.

about neighpon vs lady of the lake, to me it really depends on our other actions. If we're doubling down on diplomacy/trading with Canterbury, I'd like to take the lake option the same turn. If we aren't, or we're focusion on Neighpon, I'd prefer the shrine.

I'm curious to see what the next crystal heart action will be, but it would have to be something truly amazing to take that again. Maybe not even then, I wouldn't want all the other faiths to start their annoyed mumbling already.

Uh, Questor infodump!

from black and white Equines to felines that walk upon two legs.

And there we have Zebrica and Abyssinia.

Sadly they're a bit too far too easily trade with, but I'm sure a few brave merchants will try anyway.

....actually... Once we complete the airship we DO have a way to trade/reach them!

alchemical and ritual knowledge from the Zebras! artifacts and luxury items from Abyssinia!

The sky is NOT the limit!
As for the lands that lie to their East...

They speak of a mighty blizzard that blows eternally, of winds that cut like knives as the air itself turns to ice in one's lungs. They speak of a people that live beyond this barrier, like and unlike the Caribou in ways none can properly articulate. Their origins and nature are a mystery, but plenty of speculation and rumors exist, for if any Caribou has traveled through the blizzard, then they have never returned.

...I think we found the original pony lands, sometimes identified in fanon with paradise valley (mlp gen1 If i remember correctly).

Beyond that there's probably Equestria.

Maaaaaaaybe if we fly high enough with our airship we can pass above the blizzards?

something to consider for an expedition after

1)we have a few airships and can spare one for that kind of travel
2)have already visited the other, easier polities, including Zebrica and Abyssinia
3)hopefully we've dealt with the Maretonian problem.

4. The Caribou, like all other cultures, suffered under Discord, though if their oral tradition is to be believed they suffered more than others. Legend says that all Caribou were once united into a single, prosperous kingdom, blessed with fertile fields and warm waters. Then Discord came, altering the land and turning the people against each other. Now they are fragmented, their cold and harsh lands a bitter reminder of all that they have lost...or so their stories go. As far as you can tell, they don't keep many written records. Regardless, they survived under Discord's rule and most other races did: hiding from his attention and riding out the storm of madness that engulfed the world in those years of insanity.

Sounds like the Discord we know of, yes. Always going for irony. From Unity to this level of separation...
6&7. Due to the fact that they live in fantasy Scandinavia...very little. Enough to feed themselves, sure, but there's a reason they always went after the granaries and store houses of the Emerald Isle Diamond Dogs. Thankfully what foods they do grow are hardy, and they are both capable of and willing to eat grass, though they aren't capable of subsisting off of that entirely for long periods. Turnips, Onions, Cabbages, Leeks, Barley, and other hardy food crops are staples of Caribou diets, and some even raise chickens and geese for their eggs.

And here we see the first main export we can offer. Food. If we manage to create runes to store food for the long voyages we could make a killing by selling "fresh" exotic food and grains.

Ships would likely be a relatively easy/cheap way to bring the food to them, and depending on cargo capacity and speed airships are an option as well. Mostly immune to pirates too!and sea monsters too!
think next turn we should focus on getting our navy upgrade and expanding to at least a 100 or 200 Carracks guard our coastlines and patrol the oceans
impossibly high number on short notice.

We're currently getting 1d4 carracks per turn, and could convert our old ships for an extra 12 or so. 100 or 200 will take a LOT more.

Still, we COULD expand the shipyards, go from 1d4 to 2d4 or 2d6 maybe. Or even consider ordering a few ships from Neighpon, as they likely have a much greater naval production than us (though I don't know if they already integrated cannons in their ships. @Questor did they?)

I'm not sure it should be our priority though, with everything we need to do.

We might also start to consider steam ships as a research option.

Honestly I don't think converting our old model ships is worth the two year action. We could simply convert them to merchant ships, or sell them to nobles (or Libertalia or the Yaks, if they're interested).