It seems that for the next year we will be likely spending a few actions on Maretonia, mostly as insurance to make sure they don't bother us again. Economic Aid package for Maretonia(which some might resent, we don't exactly have the same goodwill that we had with the Crystal Ponies), and holding some sort of conference to bring all the power players to one table and hammer out a more permanent or Treaty regarding Maretonia.

That last one might provoke some interesting reactions from Equestria. It is three nations trying to come together and make a greater one... in peace. They might send someone to advise and participate... Who they could send... well Celestia, Luna, or someone else.

Outside of that I would pursue more rails. See if Yakyakistan wants a railway, or perhaps expand the railway to the Abolitionist territory. I'd suggest a railway if only for the fact that it allows us a few options, namely Trade expansion, military logistics to the wall of forts we built in West Yakyakistan, and finally trade with Equestria. There is a small land border alongside a lake that connects Yakyakistan to Equestria. Potentially in a few years we might seek to connect up to Riverpool. Furthermore this allows us to potentially bypass Canterbury access to Equestria.
Most monarchs are idiots too attached to their power then.

Especially if they have TRUE power and it's not just a ceremonial role. You don't want to risk having a senile, or even just easily tired ruler.
It's unfortunately a lot more complex then just that when it comes to monarchs and well them ruling on their throne.

To keep it as simple as I can since this isn't the place for it, but the stability of a nation from both internal and external factors were often decided on how long a monarch had ruled said nation in our past so it was often in the best interests of a kingdom if they wanted peace to keep a single monarch on for as long as possible then to have as smooth as possible transition for when said monarch passed.

Of course now there's a whole host of other reasons both good and bad and weird on why a monarch would rule until death as I said I have vastly simplified this. And of course like all people there was a fair share of power hungry and idiotic monarchs throughout history, but also a fair share of great monarchs as well.

But thankfully this is a quest meaning we don't really need to worry about the above all that much so if people do want to retire Garrick then we can and not just have him die when he's still emperor.
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I might be wrong about this, but wasn't Coppertop secretly a Abolitionist?
I myself might be wrong, but my memory serves me to say she is less of an abolitionist and more of a turncoat that wants to keep her position as a noble and chose to betray her faction for Gryphus in hopes of being in the winner's table... which she apparently has succeeded on thanks to taking command of her faction.
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I might be wrong about this, but wasn't Coppertop secretly a Abolitionist?

In general I think we should leave Maretonia alone for now, they're clearly wary of us seeking to take over or turn them into vassals/a protectorate, but frankly we don't need them. Also we look good internationally by keeping to our stated goals without trying to sneak in a bit extra. We entered the war to put an end to Pegasi faction and we did. Now we take our total victory along our stated objectives and leave.

Frankly I feel like we should be focusing more on our own development as well as diplomacy with the Yaks and Equestria.

If we don´t intervene to get Maretonia back on it´s feet, I see a high chance of at least one of three things happening:

- Maretonia breaking apart utterly under its own economic, political and sociological strain, giving rise to banditry and the like (already sorta happening apparently)
- The Dragons using its weakness to plunder what remains of its riches (has already happened a bit)
- Changerbury intervening to spread their influence (regardless of just how evil and culpable for Maretonias fall the Changelings actually are, a strong opponent "just" imploded utterly and they´d be idiots to not use that to their advantage *somehow*)

So yeah, as fatigued as many of us undoubtedly are from that story arc, we can´t afford to sit idle now.

As for the whole "Garrick needs to retire" business, I see no need for that right now. Sure, we are getting on in years, but much of *our* projects like tidying up Maretonia is still undone and foisting it all on our Heir at once would make things very difficult for him.

Now, us officially appointing Gawain Viceregent just one step below us and his mother would work for me on the other hand on account of being a far more gradual thing.
Rulers tend to rule for life, so he might still be King even then. Unless of course we're given the option to have him step down.
Oh, we'll certainly be given the option, unless he dies suddenly.

Garrick is starting to get tired, Gawain is starting to prove himself, and we'd likely want to establish a nice precedent of peaceful transitions of power.

Maybe not quite yet, as Gawain basically only had TWO big jobs (maretonian talks and equestrian's meeting), but it shouldn't take that long.

Have him talk more to the equestrians, maybe take charge in future "what will happen to Maretonia" talks, or have him go on a tour of the various countries... He'll be ready in a decade at most, possibly sooner than that.
Equestrian Interest: The return of the Crown Prince's diplomatic expedition to Equestria causes quite a stir amongst the citizens of the Empire. The story of the Equestrian explorers and their rescue by their Imperial counterparts has already entered the annals of Gryphus' military achievements, and the public has been eagerly awaiting news of the rescued ponies homeland. Though not all details of Prince Gawain's journey are publicized (such as the discovery that the rulers of the kingdom have been using the petrified remains of Discord as a lawn ornament) what does find its way onto the pages of newspapers across the country is enough to draw the interest and attention of both the general public and the nobility, the possibility of trade and further contact with another foreign culture driving excitement and speculation across the region.
With this, plus all the talk about Gawain stepping up...

... Expect another omake of our my favorite discontented royal catbird soon!
Gotta feel a little bad for Gawain. Dude has a bit of a complex about not living up to his father's legacy, and here his dad wins yet another war very quickly in a manner that will be taught in military schools for years to come.
On the topic of Gawain if we do end performing a yeti campaign I would argue for him to be in command.

We have given him some enough training and he has conducted two major diplomatic mission in Maretonia & Equestria so his diplomatic chops are well established. We didn't send him on campaign this time because it was too risky and OOC we new he was more needed to make sure Equestria went smooth but I think it is time. Has proven himself diplomatically and has successfully held independent military command are the real big things that will assure everyone that yes Gawain is ready as heir. We are pretty definitely one of the most successful military commanders in the known world across multiple decades by now I think it is time for us to let the next generation take over.

With this, plus all the talk about Gawain stepping up...

... Expect another omake of our my favorite discontented royal catbird soon!
But though peace finally reigns once more, it is a tense and fragile one, the nation's future still very much in question. Much of the kingdom has been reduced to ruin by the rampaging Storm army, the Capital of Roam a burnt out husk and the coast still flooded in many places. Tens of thousands lie dead, with countless more displaced or dispossessed of their homes. The nation's economy has collapsed alongside much of its agricultural base, and while all three of the major factions are working to restore some semblance of law and order within their respective territories, gangs of bandits still roam the countryside, looting and raiding in an attempt to hoard what little remains of the country's wealth. And while the Nobility, Abolitionists, and Royal Guard are no longer at war with each other, the Kingdom is still divided between them, and none have yet dared to voice their thoughts on how it should be put back together...or if it should be put back together at all.

Though their gaze has softened, the eyes of the world are still very much upon Maretonia as its leaders debate the future.
Also purely personally this summary has really convinced me to support a protectorate. Having it laid out like that I just don't think that unless we take the reigns this loose coalition of tentative peace between factions too tired from half a decade of war will be able to last and rebuild.
Also purely personally this summary has really convinced me to support a protectorate. Having it laid out like that I just don't think that unless we take the reigns this loose coalition of tentative peace between factions too tired from half a decade of war will be able to last and rebuild.
To be fair, most nations after going through a major war or civil war tend to be in really rough shape. More so in Maretonia's case given Pegicles dropped some WMDs. Realistically, even if they resolved the conflict on their own, it would still take time for them to sort everything out and establish a new government. I'm still on the pro-independence side.
Im off the opinion that If they want more help then Basic aid(1-2 actions), then they should be our protectorate. Because otherwise we should be focused on our own territories.
I generally support that line of though, basically if they stay independent we support the basics like food/clothes and security ( guarantee against outside threats). But otherwise not much further interference if they stay independent. Also favorable loans for rebuilding in exchange for some trade concessions (Gawain will be in charge of these and building up economic/diplomatic interconnection and will act as ambassador with extended powers, basically special representative of sorts for this situation).

If they join us we take over rebuilding of infrastructure and modernization on us without loans, plus we help them deal with inside threats like bandits/monsters etc, (Gawain is put in charge both financially and militarily, as well diplomicaly to act as intermediary between various Maretonian factions and Gryphus, basically some sort of Governor until rebuilding is done).
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Also purely personally this summary has really convinced me to support a protectorate. Having it laid out like that I just don't think that unless we take the reigns this loose coalition of tentative peace between factions too tired from half a decade of war will be able to last and rebuild.

They might just split into two/three nations. That wouldn't be ideal, but it CAN work out well for them in the end.

And in that case there a not-zero chance of us annexing the abolitionist territory.

But really, we just need to see what actions we're offered next turn.

I expect at least a Diplo to raise the topic, intrigue to nudge public opinion in our favour further, maybe stewardship for some initial aid... Martial for bandits and learning for magic knowledge trade might also count...
The Sugar Republic: Between years of aggressive foreign investment on the part of Gryphus, Neighpon and the Minotaur Republics, and the recent influx of raw capital courtesy of Hoofbeard and his theft of the bulk of House White Star's treasury, Libertalia and its people have experienced an unprecedented level of prosperity even as they transition to an export-based economy, sugar plantations and rum distilleries popping up across the island nation to meet growing international demand. With the economic revolution has come a political one as well, the council of captains that had informally governed the island for decades slowly morphing into a more formalized structure that mixes the enlightened nobility of Neighpon and the Empire with the democratic traditions of Minotauria. As the richest and most influential person on the island, as well as the pony many see as most responsible for the nation's prosperity, Hoofbeard himself is informally recognized as the closest thing Libertalia has to a ruler, his people entrusting him with the task of negotiating with foreign powers and serving as Libertalia's de-facto head of state. Exactly what the new political strongman will do with his newfound influence, few can say.
Holla there, Not!Tropico!
Honestly with the war in Maretonia finally over and we can now foucs more on both other fronts and our homefront, I be all for Garrick to start the process of stepping down and handing power over to his son. Not right away of course, but to at least start readying to pass on the throne.

Garrick more than deserve to life out his days In peace and quiet with Gabriella. Maybe pick up an hobby in his villa, or two. Like a private garden, or something.
A gradual transfer of power makes sense. As we already talked about we can slowly ramp up Gawain's responsibilities, and in a decade he'll be the emperor in all but name!
I mean Garrick could still be the emperor until death, just he would gradually transfer most of his responsibilities to Gawain and be emperor in name only by the end of his life (occasionally stepping in when necessary), but Gawain would run things and attended the meetings of the council as crown Prince.

We as players would take control of Gawain of course and it would also be interesting mechanic where we get to interact with Emperor Graick from subjects/Gawains perspective and prove ourselves to him.
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I don't think that Garrick should retire yet, nor Gawain take more responsabilities. Mostly, because for the next few years we will probably have a lot of diplomatic options and since Gawain is really good at diplomacy it sounds like an easy way for him to get accomplishments under his belt before either sucession or the next war happens. It is also a good opportunity for the other rulers to meet him and he will have a harder time traveling once he is king.

Like, counting justout of the top of my head, the next issues we might want to handle are:

1- Stabilising Maretonia: The whole thing started because Maretonian raiders took slaves from the Crystal Protectorate and with the state of the nations there will probably be bandits raiding it again for food soon enough. We ought to stabilize the nation to prevent that and as a beffer between the dragon nation and the Crystal protectorate. Not to mention that if we can get them dependant/grateful to us, we can get an ally out of them. We would have to decide whether we want a protectorate (not a fan of the idea myself, they are in a position where they would resent it), building them up as a nation, get them in our debt economically or cultural assimilation by promoting trade. Either way, it will probably take a mix of all kinds of actions: Diplomatically to get them to accept it, Intrigue to help things along, Martial in case there are border issues, Stewardship for aid work, etc. The first steep though will be to get them to accept our help, which means diplomacy.

2- The Emerald Dog/Caribou situation. Since we are trading with the Caribou and Neighpon are our allies, it is in our best interests to mediate to solve this peacefully. Sending Gawain is probably a good show that we take this seriously.

3- Establishing relations with Equestria: Gawain was their first contact and has already touched base with them. Gettin in good with Equestria might give us the opportnity to help with the Nightmare moon situation but more importantly, it gives us an ally bordering both Canterbury and the Yeti lands from a different, which would be useful in case both of those turn violent. It also gives us another source of magic users other than Canterbury and Neighpon, and we want those to stablish our own magic tradition university with the hyppogriffs.

4- Grinding down Yak stuborness: Both so that we can move through their lands in case we have to deal with the Yetis, get them to accept help fortifying against them and as a source of Orichalcum.

5- Stablishing relations with the Emerald Isles: We are late to the party already

Seems like he will be busy as it is.
I think we should actually seek closer trade ties with the diamond dogs, after the Maretonian situation and before Equestrian focus.

They are like Neighpon in that they have luxuries while we have industrial basic goods and replenishing produce to sell. It should be lucrative for us to get a greater slice of trade going with them, if only to increase the general splendor of our nation to create more of an image of prosperity.

Could also be helpful in placating possible Maretonian surviving nobles if we do end up getting a protectorate, to also quickly supply their sense of vanity.
After this beside dealing with Maretonia i think dedicating attention to Caribous before things escalate is a must.
We should help build up Maretonia and start trading with them and hook them up with the other people we trade with to making things easier for them in the future
I don't think that Garrick should retire yet, nor Gawain take more responsabilities. Mostly, because for the next few years we will probably have a lot of diplomatic options and since Gawain is really good at diplomacy it sounds like an easy way for him to get accomplishments under his belt before either sucession or the next war happens. It is also a good opportunity for the other rulers to meet him and he will have a harder time traveling once he is king.
and isn't that basically giving him more responsibilities anyway?