[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Count of Sylvania
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
[X] Nagarythe
[X] Research Sabbatical
The Loremaster-at-Large had several interesting things crop up! I like that. But I also like the idea of keeping to the story of Dwarfs; not of just Karak Eight Peaks alone now though, but of Dwarfs abroad. Being a troubleshooter for the Karaz Ankor will mean getting to know Dwarfs and Kings all over the Old World, and might mean eventually working close together with the High King. Especially for things like "So how is Karak Vlag doing?" and "Mt. Silverspear? Under-Ubersreirk? Karag Dum?" and others. Being able to work alongside Thorgrim, and get a better measure of him... I'd like that. It means being there and being able to slowly work away at the Thorgrim-Belegar issue, and os on. Also, working and helping out other Kings and Karaks too.
Borderlord of East Stirland, or Count of Sylvania? Man, you know what that says to me?
The return of the Dammerlitchtreither as a legend and spooky figure!
And that, too, is cool as heck! I want to go back to the lands of our first assignment, and where we first made and started our legend, and... I just want to return to that place, y'know? Coming back to it after we left, and seeing what happens from there. And also, coming back after we ourselves have become strong and famous. (Also, Baroness of Nachthafen. The humor potential. It calls to me.) Being close to Roswita and Anton and Kasmir would be good too. Being close to our first friends.
The Eonir Waystone Project... that's something we'll be approaching the Runesmiths for, on the Dawi side. And the Jade College, and possibly the Amber College, and possibly other Colleges too (the Light Wizards, for what they know of ancient Nehekharan teachings? The Grey Wizards, specifically Kurtis Krammovitch, for what the Hedge Wise know of the borderlands? Who knows!) And it'd mean working with Panoramia, or at least using her as a contact; which is good, because if we have a significant other, it'd be good to have something we share and work on together towards. And have that be part of the wordcount and "on screen" as it were. Rather than something relegated to the background.
Wissenland would be doing the Spymaster thing again, and for a good and worthy cause and against a good enemy. And we'd be in the middle of the Empire. The Naggarythe Elfcation... eh, why not. Ambassador-at-Large, same thing. Helping Dwarfs from the Empire side of things could be good.
The Ranaldian High Priest! ... I wish we'd gotten a chance to look into this job (and into Ambassador-at-Large), rather than only having one turn of top 5ish picks, but oh well. I guess I
do feel lucky, so...
The Research Sabbatical... well, I'll just list our backlog:
Accumulated Artifacts:
Ranald's Coin (note from Ranald:
Vampire skulls
Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater
Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands
Golden Arm
Ghyran Nut
Kurgan Shrine to Mannsleib
Kurgan enchanted weapons
Potential Papers:
Windsoak Mushrooms -
Ulgu (FRESH)
Windsoak Mushrooms -
Windsoak Mushrooms -
Ghyran (FRESH)
Windsoak Mushrooms -
Azyr (FRESH)
Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles (FADING)
Waaagh energy and magic witnessed during the Expedition. (FADED)
The Black Orc Warboss' worship of Only Gork, and what you saw of the Rogue Idol ritual. (FADED)
Preliminary paper on Aethyric Vitae. (TIMELESS)
Coins of Nehekhara's Fifth Dynasty (TIMELESS)
Windsoak Mushrooms (missing:
The Currency of Strygos
The Currency of Tylos
Coins of Nehekhara's Fourth Dynasty
Coins of Nehekhara's Sixth Dynasty
We have a literal
truckload of backlog to research. And if there's a paper or two in the things we just did during the Expedition that can get added to that, then... well, then it gets even bigger. Oof.
((Sidenote: I almost hope that Panoramia gets the other 4 Windsoak Mushrooms online, so that we can knock out "Windsoak Mushrooms" as a single book, rather than as 8 paper topics...
And imagine how much less College Favor that would be. And yet I still almost want to knock it out in just 2 actions rather than 8 actions, because it'd be more of a relief, even if less Favor. That's how bad the research backlog feels! It feels like I want to 'get it out of the way' rather than 'gleefully get Favor and Rating from showing novel papers to people.'))
And then there's whatever might come of our research into the Divine, or into Bok, or the Seviroscope, or diving into Morghur research in order to figure out what the hell the Karag Dum Dwarfs did.
And then there's the fact that we could try talking to the Marauder Clans and seeing what
they know of Karag Dum and getting
their input and history on things; because if we know wtf happened (and also
when things changed) then we'd have at least have an answer for stuff like this from the update:
"So the Kurgan were opposed to the Beastmen?" Belegar asks, his brow furrowed.
"It seemed more like some sort of initiation or feat of bravery than a full-blown attack, there were many more horsemen watching than were trying to press the attack. They broke off as soon as one of them was mutated by exposure to Cor-Dum, which they seemed pleased with."
"So it can't really be taken as indication that they're still opposed to Chaos."
"That's my interpretation," you reply with a nod. "They were also maintaining the flow of energy southwards, but I don't know if they had any way to know that it had been hijacked to keep Karak Vlag trapped in the Aethyr, so that can't really be taken as proof one way or the other, either."
I mean, if we had a bit more information from somebody local to the thing, we might have more of an idea about whether Dum is still hostile to the Marauder Tribes or not. To me it seemed like they were still hostile; Morghur and the Beastmen were hostile to the Kurgans, but the Kurgans were merely using him as a useful (if dangerous) resource. It was an asymmetrical situation sure, but not a friendly one -- merely perhaps an unexpected or unforeseen one. Or at least so I hope.
... I wonder if Thorek and Kragg will have any insight to give on Cor-Dum or on what went on?