[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
A Markgraf exists to transform troublesome land into a land of productive and obedient tax-payers, usually after said land has been conquered. Historically, it also apparently exists to create rivals to the Elector Count that appointed them, which is probably why the letter made it so clear that no inheritable position would accompany the title of Markgraf. It still remains a position of extreme power, prestige, and influence, second only to the Elector Counts themselves. And it would be quite a feather in your cap if you could one day boast to have pacified Sylvania.
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
With Karak Vlag returned, the only pass through the World's Edge Mountains that is not dominated by an existing Dwarfhold is Mad Dog Pass. It seems that Barak Varr wants to change that. Many have tried to make something useful of the sprawling, anarchic lands known as the Border Princes over the year, and one of the few times it was managed was almost two thousand years ago, when Emperor Sigismund the Conquerer established the province of Lichtenberg. With Dwarven support, perhaps you can follow in his footsteps.