Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
it doesn't remotely explain the shame, Borek was 7willing to work with Asarnil, and there's no explanation for why the wood elves would ever work with Dwarves?

They are dwarves. They are ashamed of anything that implies trickery or asking for help. They probably have to redirect part of the waystone towards the Worldroots or something in exchange for help
I have no idea what I'm doing with the voting process.

[x] ACTION: either feign retreat while we secretly return to scout out the situation, or fort up while we scout out the situation. Scout to determine whether there are actually dwarves on the inside, whether they've gone over to chaos, and whether they would actually want to leave.
[x] ACTION: Ask the local tribes to get confirmation of how long Cor-Dum has been here, and a story of how he arrived. Maybe send some Winter Wolves and Hubert(or just Hubert)somewhere to ask, Hubert knows Khazalid right? Or maybe send Johann?
[x] THEORY: The crater and missing mountains are due to Morghur translocating or teleporting here. Physical signs point to Morghur having been holding the area against nomad raiders for a very long time, and history implies that he's not been seen in the old world since approximately when Karag Dum would have come under attack during the Great War against Chaos. He's been here this whole time. Magical signs and, less reliably, intuition about Borek, point to there being something uncorrupted in that mountain in the middle. Theory continued: Borek expected Morghur, Morghur favors Borek, Borek isn't chaos-aligned(he had the chance to prevent us from acting on Vlag, but he didn't, and was, in fact, happy about the result). Obvious conclusion, Morghur is aligned with Borek in some way apart from alignment to chaos. Less obvious conclusion: Morghur is aligned with Karag Dum because he was a dwarf. That is to say, the first incarnation of Morghur was born a dwarf, far longer ago than merely 300 years ago. And Dwarf souls that never have the rites to send them to the underearth are ejected from the aether, and reincarnated into new bodies to live another life, over and over again. Morghur was originally a secret shame of Karag Dum, his first incarnation was a dwarf that went into the chaos wastes and was changed into what he is now. Possibly someone who followed Grimnir, then had the shame of coming back alive/having his soul corrupted by chaos down to the core so as to cause disaster when reborn, possibly someone else important to Karag Dum's history, important enough to remember rather than burying or forgetting to dull the shame. They have formed a pact with Morghur to defend them and probably isolate them from everything outside, but it is still uncertain whether they've actually fallen into corruption, maybe chaos dwarves now, maybe not.
[x] ACTION: Mathilde will infiltrate the hold and look for more answers. In the mean time the convoy should circle the Steam-Wagons and avoid provoking a fight they can't win. If she has not returned within 24 hours they should turn back and attempt to make their way back to civilisation to inform the Karaz Ankor, Empire and Kislev what they found.
[x] THEORY: Karag Dum has somehow tricked or compelled Morghur to fight the Kurgan tribes.
[x] THEORY: Through either Pact, Binding or some other venue the dwarfs of Karag Dum have installed Morghur as some form of defensive guardian, supported by the fact that Morghur is treating the mountain as a giant herdstone while to my vision it is not. The confounding factor here is that the energy flowing out of Karag Dum is uncorrupted. Morghur himself would almost certainly be using it for his own ends, so it means the occupants of the hold either don't know how to use it, don't care to use it or still consider themselves part of the Karaz Ankor enough that they let the energy flow uninterrupted.
A word of caution, while I was having my wtf face after the chapter I felt a presence behind me.
some dude was watching my confused face with satisfaction.
Once noticed he escaped while laughing.

I managed to photo him before he escaped.

This can not be Cor-Dum. The area would be horrifically corrupted even if he was bound somehow (which all of Athel Loren has never managed).

Besides Karak Dum would never ally, deal with, or bind something like this. They were anti-chaos to the bone, not maximum survival.

There are more kinds of illusions than purely magical ones. I suspect that he is some kind of a golem or a gronti made in Cor-Dums image.

The bigger questions I think are Boreks reaction and the disappearance of those secondary peaks.
[X] THEORY: Karag Dum is fallen, and has made a pact with Morghur.
[X] THEORY: Karag Dum has somehow tricked or compelled Morghur to fight the Kurgan tribes.
[X] THEORY: Karag Dum has turned to forbidden arts, and Borek left in shame.

[X] ACTION: Turn back

Gonna be honest: I don't like this vote at all. Mostly because we have to come up with "theories" (Which should actually be hypotheses) with incredibly limited data and every "theory" so far has some part of it that doesn't add up with the available data. And unlike a science experiment, we've got equally incredibly limited actions and time to explore our guesses thanks to our food, morale, and location situation.

Personally speaking, I think we need to turn back, let the King know, let him (or the High King if he passes it up the chain) make the decisions from there, and if they need us to do so, lead - Iunno, a second team or a Throng or something? - them back but this time better armed and prepared. We are not prepared for this kind of situation in any way and I honestly think having Kragg with us (if we were to make a second trip, that is) would be better for our chances of understanding this mess.
They are dwarves. They are ashamed of anything that implies trickery or asking for help. They probably have to redirect part of the waystone towards the Worldroots or something in exchange for help
I am pretty sure he just saw a plan Z for survival and understood that while his hold might still be standing, the people inside are so diverged from Karaz Ankor that it would be better to let them think the hold fell.
The relatively normal forest also implies a lack of beastmen corruption.

Boney is the kind of people to mess with us and make this all a Wood Elf thing. It also explains the shame, the uncorrupted wayatone, the affection, and how we are going to get killed if we tell anyone about this because that's the reason Dum didn' fall.

They just pretend to be under beastmen siege
It doesn't explain the shame. The level of shame involved in working with Wood Elves does not at all line up with the sort of shame and secrecy Borek has been exuding.

If I understand it well, you will chose the first X most popular theories to present (where X is defined by however theories are popular enough) and only one action (the most voted on)?
There are more kinds of illusions than purely magical ones. I suspect that he is some kind of a golem or a gronti made in Cor-Dums image.
What's the utility in doing this, though? If you're holding the line with Gronti, what benefit is there to making it look like a Beastman?
No, I think it's far more likely these are genuine domesticated Beastmen, which are being manufactured/bred from the livestock population of the hold - since that would be the only sustainable source for warm bodies to hold the line.
And what in the name of Cthulhu would wood elves be doing up here in the Far North at the edge of the Wastes?Also what sort of elf would declare himself a vassal of a dwarf?

The opposite. The dwarves needed protection and became a vassal to Athel Loren. They get not to die and Athel Loren has the worldroots feed from the waystone network.
It doesn't explain the shame. The level of shame involved in working with Wood Elves does not at all line up with the sort of shame and secrecy Borek has been exuding.
Them having bound Beastman does explain the shame, at least to dwarves.

That is exactly what Dawi-Zharr do to orcs after all.
Anything that remotely compares to going a step on the road that their greatest shames did is shameful, let alone as big a step as the one they committed here.
Oh go fuck yourself.
Yes that's the only reason it could win every one else but you was to lazy.
I am bringing down the heat in this thread. I understand that some people get emotional about votes and about their consequences. But I want to be clear. If your post contains a personal attack on another poster or on other posters generally, you will receive an infraction and a 3-month threadban.

Can we chill and not get the thread locked.

Well that's not very nice, what did you expect me to take from your post, you literally said you thought the only reason it could win is if people couldn't be bothered to copy and paste a longer vote.
And you are patronizing everyone that does not want to retreat. Chlof is certainly out of bounds, but the entire discussion could chill a bit more and turn into actual discourse instead of venting frustrations in increasingly passive agressive manner.
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