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Dammit, Cython, it was just a thought experiment!!Come End Times, Mathilde's back and incredibly salty that she has to use Hysh now.
Dammit, Cython, it was just a thought experiment!!Come End Times, Mathilde's back and incredibly salty that she has to use Hysh now.
Given how we even got the Protector for saving the Okral, I would say it's probably going to get the biggest workout of all of them. He's definitely made it count.
It's said that the deepest level of Buddhist Hell is so horrible that you start to experience the suffering it will inflict upon you before you actually get there. Not as in you receive spiritual candy grams reminding you that tomorrow's the day, but as in the torment is so terrible that it travels backwards in time.I wonder if we'll get to see how Boney depicts the sheer horror and awesomeness of Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons?
What makes their trebs better than normal?
Only if the players are actual Slaaneshi. Then again, Borek!Quest and Belegar!Quest has been portrayed several times with players judging stuff like a Dwarf would, so who knows.Slaaneshi!Quest would likely be split between the lewd faction and the perfectionist faction.
English isn't my first language. Does this in practice mean that he's standing around, telling obvious stuff to working people and generally being kind of in the way? Well, there drops my opinion of him again. Lots of jojoing in general when it comes to my opinion of him.
World-building wise sure. But if a human QM decides to run a Slaanesh quest and then internet dwellers self-select themselves for participation and all of this happens in a forum that doesn't by default completely ban a significant aspect of the focus religion's portfolio (gratuitous sexual displays) then how nuanced and maturely portrayed (let alone chaste) do you think the main character will be and what kinds of memes do you expect the player base to develop?Slaanesh is more then just sex.
There's perfectionism, art, music, literature, food, general dare devil stuff, etc, etc.
There's a strong sex focus, yeah, but Slaanesh is about excess, and passion, and perfectionism, and that's a lot more then just sex.
You could easily have a celibate Slaanesh worshiper/daemon pc.
Just have your cake and eat it too by emphasizing the holy number of Slaanesh!
I meant fantasy Bismark based more on his historic actions and less on his fluff and looks.Though we already have fantasy Bismark, we even got to talk to him during part of this quest when he asked for advice on the Dwarves.
Hours would have sufficed for that.EDIT: Well actually I guess the obvious answer is: "Because if it takes them days to return, that means Mathilde can get all the way back to the expedition, before the Daemons even get out."
And another drop in my confidence in him. That dude...
What kinds of social events don't they use ale (or beer) for?
Wasn't that more of a player theory?But on the gripping appendage, a 6 on the Grand Theft Divinity moment would have drawn Slaanesh in to shake Ranald down for his winnings.
Those are magic items. Mathilde's magic items aren't Grey either.He does have Narya—the Ring of Fire—and wield the Flame of Arnor...
It's hard for a quest narrating backwards causality when the rolls for whether it happens or not haven't been rolled yet.It's said that the deepest level of Buddhist Hell is so horrible that you start to experience the suffering it will inflict upon you before you actually get there. Not as in you receive spiritual candy grams reminding you that tomorrow's the day, but as in the torment is so terrible that it travels backwards in time.
The spiritual corruption greater daemons inflict upon the world is of an equivalent magnitude, at least according to the Tome of Corruption. Artists and Poets become divinely inspired, and then demonically so; omens of its impending evil manifest across the land; animals act erratically, at turns scared and furious; and even physical matter alters and warps, the world subtly changing shape and color in accordance with the being's preferences; in this case, objects become smoother and softer, and tend towards pinkish and purpling hues, but anything with an edge instead becomes much sharper. All emotions flare, and people gain a taste for bloodlust.
Before a Greater Daemon enters the world, the world first becomes a place that can conceive of its all-encompassing evil.
Or, at least, that's the cool interpretation.
I think we'd have noticed before if we were using the reality warping version, so these probably aren't going to be anything like that. In terms of narrative impact, my fake internet points are on something more along the lines of 'a daemonette, but two or three stories tall, and also it has the Lore of Slaanesh'. A combat danger (and the Chaos Lores are really strong), but not the closest thing Chaos ever gets to delivering on its otherwise unearned hype of cosmic horror.
Fretting is more of an active state of worrying. Pacing back and forth, rubbing hands together, etc. Fretting doesn't imply that he is getting in the way or micromanaging.English isn't my first language. Does this in practice mean that he's standing around, telling obvious stuff to working people and generally being kind of in the way? Well, there drops my opinion of him again. Lots of jojoing in general when it comes to my opinion of him
English isn't my first language. Does this in practice mean that he's standing around, telling obvious stuff to working people and generally being kind of in the way? Well, there drops my opinion of him again. Lots of jojoing in general when it comes to my opinion of him.
Asarnil? Badly. Asarnil atop Deathfang? Pretty well.I don't know the tabletop and lore that well. How well does Arsanil and/or cannons stand up against a greater daemon? Good match up, fairly even, or suicide?
Sure, but unlike our items Narya at least is sorta semi-sentient and can only be properly used by someone it chooses. At least that was my understanding, and it prefers Bright type people.Those are magic items. Mathilde's magic items aren't Grey either.
He's got a point. There's no realistic possibility of resupply until the Steppes, and even that's going to be tricky unless the Dolgan stick to their end of the deal. Every day spent fortifying here is one day less of wriggle-room for the rest of the Expedition.
We're not that far from Kislev right? If we know we're likely goint to be sitting here a few days we could send back for a resupply wagon train. Would keep the expeditions stores closer to where they would be without the stop.
1: No return, also ???
2: Partial return
3: Immediate return
4: Hours
5: Days
6: Days, also ???
It'd be pretty redundant. You'd probably have to commit some pretty major blasphemy just to stop him from showing up to an attempt to steal a city from Chaos.
They can be blessed to not cause friendly. In TWW at least, unfortunately GW was shit at actually updating the book but it's an obvious move forward to help buff them.
You're assigning fact to a lot of undetermined variables. We don't know how many Greater Daemons Kroak killed before 12 of them destroyed his mortal form. We don't know how strong the Old Ones were. We don't know if they fled. And finally, there's more to making an enemy flee than power.I honestly wonder whether chaos has anything in its sleeve greater than greater daemons, but keeps it hidden to give its opponents a sporting chance.
I mean, the Old Ones were more powerful than any Slann, and Kroak, the most powerful Slann, killed thousands of bloodthirsters before getting killed. Why would the Old Ones flee if that was the full extent of chaos's power? It makes sense for humans, dawi, elves, even draggons to fear them, but to the guys that can produce Slann that are a caliber greater than Greater Daemons, chaos should be a joke.
I honestly wonder whether chaos has anything in its sleeve greater than greater daemons
Alright, this is for our own good.
We're all gonna die horribly in the next update, Ranald will get eaten by Slaanesh, and there will have been survivors but our finicking will open up ways for daemons to get through to the last Dwarves of Vlag and kill them all.
There, that's a bit of counterbalance.
I'm put in mind of the old tale about the farmer that ran afoul of a boggart, the malicious being playing various tricks on him and his family, spooking the animals, making various noises and moving things around, sick of it, the farmer finally decided to pack up and move, on the road he was spotted by his neighbour, who asked "Neighbour, you moving?", only for a voice to reply from the back of the cart "aye neighbour, we are moving".
You're assigning fact to a lot of undetermined variables. We don't know how many Greater Daemons Kroak killed before 12 of them destroyed his mortal form. We don't know how strong the Old Ones were. We don't know if they fled. And finally, there's more to making an enemy flee than power.
I mean, I wouldn't call people being excited about two clearly good rolls followed by QM exasperation as "building castles in the clouds". Something really good happened, the only question is what exactly it was.There comes a time when it's best to just learn the skill of being able to scroll past pages of people building castles in the clouds. Constantly being a downer is a cure worse than the disease. The character of the thread is not going to be changed at this point.
They're trebs. RL trebs used outside of tabletop rules specifically designed for turn based army combat aren't really used in ways where friendly fire is a major concern in the first place. So to me that seems more like a minor benefit for niche strategies than actual HAX.They can be blessed to not cause friendly. In TWW at least, unfortunately GW was shit at actually updating the book but it's an obvious move forward to help buff them.
I'm imagining Greater Daemons running on Exalted rules. High level Exalted rules.