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[Mathilde receives charge: Martial, 10+23+10(Master Swordswoman)=43 vs 7+30=37.]
the times your roll sucks only for the enemies roll to suck as well :D

Since it looks like they are using the magical energy to keep the Karak inside the Aethyr, it should realign if we somehow can cut off that energy.

But I doubt that is feasible with the amounts of stone we'd have to dig down?

If Dum still is accessible we might be able to re-calibrate their waystone to stop sending energy?
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Sometimes even the worst roll can lead to great things. Like when BoneyM rolled a one leaving us in charge K8P when the giant rumble went down. I don't know if we could have achieved those results with someone else in command.
There were some advantages to being completely in charge, but I do think it's probable that we could have pulled it off, and potentially better, if, for instance, Belegar had been there. I think we could have convinced him of taking the steps that we took, or he could have come up with better ideas. Also, any time we went off on our own, Belegar could have been doing more. It worked out very, very well in the way it did, but I think Belegar and Dreng could have contributed pretty effectively.
I think we're done here.
The time it would take to do anything useful would mean that the expedition fails.
Send messages to tell what we found, and move on, trying to stop the expedition would make every worry we have about Borek implode here and now, and is unlikely to actually help with Karag Vlag.
Well that could have gone a lot worse for us that's for sure! And hey at least the Dwarven realm will know that Karak Vlag isn't completely lost to them.
Borek shrugs. "Okay. Go reclaim it."

You know, I don't know why I'm not surprised or why it didn't occur to me. Well, it kind of did, but it was never more than a whisper of a thought, but why would we go charging into Vlag when that wasn't the point of this expedition. But the way people were talking I thought we'd be passing through close enough and the danger severe enough that we'd have to deal with on the way.

Playing it off might have been better long term. Now whatever's in there knows that people outside know of it. Now it can prepare or to to hurry up with whatever it's doing. Although, without the massive honking doors and everything else appearing out of thin air we might have had trouble convincing people, 'no really Karak Vlag is still there and something is going on, how do I know?, my magic eyes told me, wait why are you walking away?'
Holy shit, the Hold's entrance came back -- for a moment!

Holy shit, they can go directly from the Aethyr into the real world using this? Well, that's bad.

... Fuck, would we have been facing a Greater Daemon or Chaos Sorcerer Lord if we'd rolled a 6 on the 1d6 or something? D:

Also: go Snorri, those were some awesome rolls man!

... So.

How did they bring it back? Did Mathilde see anything when they did so? Hmm... Wish we had the rest of the Grey College Lord Magister roundtable around -- and the Light College too, for that matter -- that could comment on dimensional spaces. As is, we just have Mathilde, and a single Light Magister.
[Mathilde countercharge: 93+23+10(Master Swordswoman)=126 vs 67+30=107.]
Did the Daemons roll 67 or 77?

Also: *laughs nervously* ahahaha, +30 Martial for mere Daemonettes... That's scary. Those were just Daemonettes. And they were more skilled than Mathilde in a fight. (Well, more or less. Matty's better with a sword.)

Even assuming a home ground bonus boosting innate Martial rather than being another visible "+On Home Ground" bonus to a roll, Daemons are scary fighters. And if there isn't a home ground bonus, there might yet be one later; when you get deeper into the Wastes, or into Karak Vlag.

And it gets worse, because look at that "Entranced" penalty the Rangers got hit with. -20 to some of your rolls, and Martial 30 on their end? Most Slaaneshi Daemons will just absolutely shred through most mortal fighters and armies.

... Maybe we should have cast some Ulgu buffs on ourselves, like Dread Aspect and Shadowsteed. Why didn't Mathilde? We were expecting a response, and were immediately requesting reinforcement, but we didn't cast Dread Aspect and Shadowsteed?


You heft your staff warily, trying to watch the entire mountain at once while Snorri barks out quick orders to the Rangers, who spread out to different firing positions, crossbows at the ready. In the back of your mind you're trying to make guesses as to what's going on back at the steam-wagons. How long would it take someone to tell Asarnil the significance of the horn? How long would it take him to don his armour, for Deathfang to get aloft? Seconds pass
Just trails off here, with "Second pass"
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Funnily enough, we could now write a paper on this and Teclis would be interested in reading it. I don't think there is anything we can do now. While Runelords would help, we would need people with Warp expertise like a Skink or Slann, or a High Elf mage.
Are there area effect anti-Chaos runes (Rune of Valaya) on the steam wagons that might produce a field of enforced reality or similar?
Alternatively, we could go one Waystone to the north and deliberately temporarily block the leyline there in the hope that holding Vlag in the Aethyr requires an active effect. Blocked leylines aren't uncommon.Eventually the trapped magic congeals into Warpstone but that shouldn't happen quickly.

A last thought, we have various spells that access the interstitial space between the Aethyr and reality. I wonder if we could try to slip through the blocked gate by casting it in Shadow and using Substance of Shadows.
"It answers a lot of questions," Snorri says. "Karak Vlag was taken into the realm of daemons."

You nod. "And they retain the power to return it, with whatever cargo they desire. A back door into reality."

Borek nods. "Very well. This changes little. We move with caution and keep all forces close to the steam-wagons, as we planned to in Zorn Uzkul."

"Changes little? A lost Hold is right there!" Snorri says, pointing at the cliff face.

Borek shrugs. "Okay. Go reclaim it."
That was an amazing comeback, Borek.
And I agree with him. A warp-taken hold is... it's way up there, on the list of things we wish we didn't have to face.
The other hold? At least there's a chance it's not that bad (or worse).
Also, I'm very happy to be proven wrong about the Karag Vlag being just an illusion. It means there's some actual energy required to push it back out into reality.
Goddamn Excess.

Edit: Here's a thought, is that what they're using the waystone for? Powering the planar shift?
So what are the chances that this thing is going to be popping out daemons behind us and we'll be constantly harried by them the entire way north?
Holy crap, we figured out what happened to Karak Vlag, and it's probably still there. That's going to be a hell of a follow-up expedition. It's like right there, no need for these crazy landships, they can just walk an army and a bunch of wizards and runelords up to it and Do Something About It.
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