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If it is a portal, the impassable pass being clear is kind of like opening the gates of your fortress, especially if there was a magical Ancient Widow side to the snows that keeps nastiness on the other side.

High Pass is usually clear for at least part of summer. The deal with the Ice Witches was to open it up earlier so there was a long enough window for the Expedition to be able to leave and return through it in the same year.
Also toured are the exterior Sentinels and Morzund's Wall, a series of walls and watchtowers that keep a wary eye on the gaps between the southern Karags where the terrain isn't quite difficult enough to fully dissuade a determind attacker on its own.
Typo: determind -> determined
You vaguely here one of the Rangers ask something, only for Snorri to hush him.
Typo: here -> hear

So, from what Mathilde knows so far, this is a trap. I think it's better to trigger it now so that the initiative is with us, and any hostile effects isolated to our scouting group rather than risking the whole Expedition. I also think allowing more preparation time for the enemy is dangerous if we assume their objective is an ambush. Better to pre-empt them here so their efforts are somewhat foiled and easier for us to investigate their reaction.

[x] Stand your ground
[X] Act normal
I'm not convinced this is necessarily a hostile action. If the Rune Masters threw up a memetic field then it's possible that the Karag is still there, just "invisible" to us.
If everyone inside is dead then it might be so simple that no one ever got around to turn the field off.
[X] Act normal
I'm not convinced this is necessarily a hostile action. If the Rune Masters threw up a memetic field then it's possible that the Karag is still there, just "invisible" to us.
If everyone inside is dead then it might be so simple that no one ever got around to turn the field off.
If that's the case we have nothing to lose by treating it as an emergency, better to risk embarrassment than death.
[X] Act normal

Like a grey, not a bright.

Also, as a side note, I found this quest through the female protagonist tag.
[X] Stand your ground

Hah! I feel vindication! But you know what guys maybe we should check out Vlag on the way back if there is time instead! ™
I'm getting more and more convinced that this is an Ancestor Work.
What better outpost against chaos than a watchpost that can't be perceived?
what the fuck is a "subtlety"
This was hilarious.

On balance, I think the probability is that it isn't going to act right now. At least unless we trigger it. It's been building up for 2 centuries, and I don't think the expedition is passing it that quickly.

Also, testing the new voting thing. Haven't noticed that before.

[x] Act normal
Time to poke and pray because this could either save or destroy this expedition and as long as what ever happened here stays uncountered it won't matter if we save dun we'll still need to evac them.

[x] Stand your ground
You know, you're right. This conclusively proves that there's still something at Dum. There wouldn't be energy coming in from elsewhere if it was gone. And we know IC that Eight Peaks stopped sending energy when the dwarves lost it(or maybe even whenever they took the first sapphire out of the crown), and OOC that none of the other lost holds are sending energy, so Dum is alive and needs to be evacuated through this pass.
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I'm getting more and more convinced that this is an Ancestor Work.
What better outpost against chaos than a watchpost that can't be perceived?
A watchpost that doesn't disconnect itself from the waystone network without notifying anyone else first? A watchpost noted anywhere in dwarven records, so that the hold is not presumed lost? A watchpost that isn't literally, physically composed of solid stone, as evidenced by dwarven miners entering it and finding nothing but solid stone?
A watchpost that doesn't disconnect itself from the waystone network without notifying anyone else first? A watchpost noted anywhere in dwarven records, so that the hold is not presumed lost? A watchpost that isn't literally, physically composed of solid stone, as evidenced by dwarven miners entering it and finding nothing but solid stone?
If it's a perception filter then it's possible that those old mineshafts are still there and that the prospectors didn't find the original shafts. A step to the left, or a step to the right. We know that Ulgu could do this, so it's not completely out of the left-field that when a similar thing is powered by a waystone it'd be something near ridiculouslness.
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