Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Suggestion: Take the black outline of the chaos-star and move the colour-code for it from black to 80% black / 20 % chaos star colour, or 90-10 or 85-15; whatever looks best. Chaos is blurry and amorphous and harder to define. Dwarves hate that.

Which says a lot about.... well, many things that it's not worth getting into.
Part of me wishes that leaving stuff undone for too long would make someone else do it instead.

Don't study mushrooms with Pan? Well Pan did on her own, no favour for you.
Don't study lightning mchanism with Adela? Adela did it solo, no favour for you.
Ignored a paper too long? Someone else wrote something similar, less or no favour for you.

Though i suspect it would cause not a small amount of complaining and screaming matches.
Uh...this does happen, its just that the specific projects are either slow, or requires Mathilde:
-The Lightning mechanism was expressedly to get Adela's name on the same paper as Mathilde. And also Adela lacked the WIndsight to study it effectively on her own.
-The Mushrooms required environments with high levels of ambient Winds. Panoramia doesn't have any such until she starts building a Tower of her own and then it'd only be one Wind. Mathilde has three Wind towers of her own and just built a fourth for the project. She'd probably come back and build the other four to complete the set.
-Johann was working for a long ass time on the Skaven guns, but was stuck with negligible progress when Breach the Unknown didn't handle it.
-Hubert is still looking for a familiar in his own time. He might find one eventually, we did let him try his luck with the birds in our private shrine.
-Adela's been studying dwarf engineering, but it was put on hold due to the Okral being grumpy, now that they're gone she'd probably be back to studying dwarf engineering, which probably cuts the Johann collaboration, especially with the Skaven guns now gone.
Suggestion: Take the black outline of the chaos-star and move the colour-code for it from black to 80% black / 20 % chaos star colour, or 90-10 or 85-15; whatever looks best. Chaos is blurry and amorphous and harder to define. Dwarves hate that.

Which says a lot about.... well, many things that it's not worth getting into.
This is a Dwarf created Emblem, I doubt they'd change their artistic style just for the sake of better representing Chaos nonsense.
@BoneyM found something in WFRP 4e that might interest you because of the canals. Just an idea to use or not, that's all.

Page 54, in the Engineer section
Chartered Engineers are the most trusted in the Empire, called upon to design, test, and build such prestigious Imperial Commissions like the complex Steam Wheel Locks, which have revolutionised the speed of travel in the canals of the Vorbergland.
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This is a Dwarf created Emblem, I doubt they'd change their artistic style just for the sake of better representing Chaos nonsense.
I was coming from the position that the representation was built into the style:

Thick/Solid = real/distinct/good

Thin/Blendy= unreal/merged (melded?)/bad

But your perspective on this also makes sense to me
There's too much dead space on the bottom of the flag. Compare it to the top where the edge is waaaaay closer to the star.

edit: idk if it actually matters but it's killing my inner OCD lol
Mmkay. I voted, then I read the thread. Now it's time to roll through the multiquote log.
Oh hey, an incredibly useful spell for cavalry. In one of the few lores Bretonnian Damsels can't use.
How much of Mousillon is swamps, bogs, and similar gribbly-infested damp bits, again?
*ponders how much Empire Favor the Bretonnians would have to spend to borrow a Grey Battle-Mage for a few months.*
Shame the Lady is unlikely to approve.
AV only really acts as an energy when it detonates, the rest of the time it acts as a liquid. You might be able to prod these mushrooms - or possibly any mushrooms - into absorbing some, but I'm not sure what use that might be.
Pies for elves, obviously.
I do wonder if this spell works differently based on convayence method. For example could Mathilde cast it on a dwarven ironclad so it could sail in six inch deep water? Or even on top of a fog bank?
Nautical Rite of Way

Nautical Rite of Way does not currently exist. I'm...not convinced it could exist, at least not in any significantly related form; water doesn't have the "too much ground loading for a given ground" problem, and the "uneven surface" problem is very different in nature.

At least for sailing in six-inch water, you might get more mileage out of Algard's spatial shenanigans- the boat's own shadow being always deep enough to float it comes to mind as a possibility, resulting in the extremely unusual case of an Ulgu spell that has peak function around noon.
I'm more impressed, honestly, that we've gotten a proof of concept for a Meta-spell.
This is very, very true. I expect we'll get a lot of mileage out of it when it comes time to work on the self-updating MMAPP table project.
When the student realised the name had been claimed, they swore furious vengeance. After long struggle, they stepped through time before the master at the moment of destiny, and spoke:
Master, I cannot let you name your spell Rite of Way, for then I couldn't name mine Rite of Whey!
The master blinked, and she answered: Why would that stop you?
And the student was enlightened.
This is lovely. You're lovely. Do this more.
Missing a title, she is Dame Thane Lady Magister Loremaster
Hmm. I wonder what the actual order of precedence of our titles is?
We are Mathilde Weber, Lady Magister of the Grey Order, Knight of Stirland, Thane of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks, The Dämmerlichtreiter, Sängerkritisch, Dawongr, Azrildrekked, the Silver Savage, Dawizhufokri.
I'm absolutely certain that this is not correct precedence. We have, as near I can tell, three types of titles; the character sheet lists "Official Titles" and "Other Titles". The "Official Titles" can be divided into Imperial and Dwarven titles, of which Lady Magister of the Grey Order clearly precedes Knight of Stirland, and Thane > Loremaster > Court Wizard of K8P, but I'm not entirely certain where the overlap is. The character sheet just lists them Imperial > Dwarven, but I suspect the actual order is something like "Lady Magister > Thane > Knight > Loremaster > Court Wizard". I'm not entirely certain about the ordering of Knight and Loremaster; Loremaster is the more important title, but it's also a position we hold, a job description if you will, whereas LM, Thane, and Knight are titles of nobility that are ours in perpetuity.

Note that while there's been absolutely no indication of such it is at least conceivable that one could interpret the "first obedience" bit of the Articles of Imperial Magic to require Imperial Wizards to place Imperial titles ahead of non-Imperial titles, which would explain the ordering in the character sheet.

The "Other Titles" are really just nicknames and probably wouldn't be used at all on formal occasions. I doubt they have a strict order of precedence in any case; whoever's using them will do so as they please, but after the official titles.

tl;dr my best WAG for Mathilde is that she would probably be announced in formal occasions as,

Lady Magister Mathilde Weber of the Grey Order, Thane of Karak Eight Peaks, Knight of Stirland, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks(, optionally insert one or more courtesy titles here if they're trying to flatter us or the occasion is relevant to one of those titles).

Lady Magister Thane Dame Mathilde Weber, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks
is also possible, using the prefixes for the nobility titles and the "so-and-so of such-and-such place" for the positional titles? I'm not sure.

After introductions, we'd be Lady Magister Mathilde in Imperial contexts and...probably Thane Mathilde in Dwarven contexts?, as the senior relevant titles. Note that- as we saw a couple updates ago- the dwarves are likely to continue trying to come up with a good term for "a Grandmaster"- as distinct from the Grandmaster- "Mhornokri", and once they do I have no idea where Grandmaster vs Thane ranks in their own internal precedence.

Can you make Mushroom beer or ale?
As this is (thankfully!) not Dwarf Fortress, I'm gonna go with the real-life answer, which appears to be "yes, but only by adding quite a lot of sugar".
But if he managed to get Teclis in melee, Settra would beat him like a drum.
If Settra can get to melee with Teclis through Azyr divination, Hysh Speed of Light, and Ulgu Steed of Shadows, I wish him joy of it. And that's without even looking at what bullshit exists in the Qaysh spellbook, or the fact that the set of "things Teclis can do" and the set of "things" are very nearly equivalent.

Edit: Also, @Shovern, @chocolote12, @Redshirt Army, and everyone else who contributed to the Karag Dum avatar: it's fantastic work, thanks very much.
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tl;dr my best WAG for Mathilde is that she would probably be announced in formal occasions as,
Precedence of title is highly contextual, it seems.
"Context, Eike," Wilhelmina says gently. "She is here as a partner in the EIC, so her title in Stirland is foremost."

"At your service, Dame Weber!" She says in a rush, as if trying to catch up.
I'm not sure there is definable, absolute order of precedence, even if you allowed a split by Empire/Karaz Ankor.
See also people choosing which of our titles to address, particularly picking one that most directly relates to their own (thinking of Soizic and Ruprecht here, especially).
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That suggests...only one prefix title (Lady Magister Weber, Dame Mathilde, Loremaster Weber, etc) at a time, with which one depending on context? And if it's a sufficiently formal occasion for them to read out the others, they all go behind the name?
A formal occasion, like being introduced at the Imperial Court is a different context from a social call or other one-on-one conversation. There, yes, I'd expect all formal titles to be observed.

Still, for those, the Herald would probably have quite a complex headache to work it out, especially given our multiple sources of title (College, Noble, Dawi) not typically held by one person.
The bright-blue-glowy one kind of feels and looks like an eyestrain. o. O

I don't feel like the bright, blue, and glowy, is a good look for the avatar or picture.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[ ] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] Spell name - Rite of Way
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.
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I'm honestly wondering what came out of the whole saving most of the Okral now that Protector has been retroactively turned on, aside from that new title that is.
Huh, there's another pun I never noticed before. Zhufroki, IIRC is basically "torrent crafter", right? Owing to the metaphorical nature of the Winds or something? Hence the whole Dawizhufroki being "crafter of a torrent of Dwarven lives" stated by the omake it originated in. But torrent means, ironically, "a strong and fast stream of moving water". Like, you know the Skull River. So it's a twofold pun. We saved a torrent of Dwarven lives, and we saved Dwarven lives in a torrent. was that an accident @picklepikkl ?
[X] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[X] Stirland, to see for yourself how the war against Sylvania is progressing.
[X] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[x] Spell name - Rite of Way
[x] Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
[x] Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
[x] Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.