Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.

[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
[X] [ROMANCE] Break up with Panoramia in favour of remaining single.

[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.

[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
Mathilde weber: Pansexual
While narratively Panoramia would have veto rights, questitively you can infer from me holding this vote in the first place that the possibility at least exists.

This quest, this group story will never happen again - there are no reloads or start-overs.


[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
Just uncomfortable due to the insane age difference.
[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin

[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] [ROMANCE] Break up with Panoramia in favour of remaining single.
Cute as the Pan scenes have been I still don't want more words dedicated to romance.

[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
That said if we are having romance I would much prefer to just continue with Pan rather than adding further complications. I would much prefer to lock things in rather than make changes and then have yet another 'lock/change' vote next turn.

[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
We are long past due to speak with Hluodwica.

[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
A dragon is fine too.

[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
See how our semi-voluntary lodger is getting on.

[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
Hand that rocks the cradle and all that.
That said if we are having romance I would much prefer to just continue with Pan rather than adding further complications. I would much prefer to lock things in rather than make changes and then have yet another 'lock/change' vote next turn.
That all sounds about right, I especially share the same sentiments here.

[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.

[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
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[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Break up with Panoramia in favour of seeking a relationship with a new partner.

My preference here has not changed.

[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.

But including Panoramia is a tolerable compromise, should that prove necessary.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] Break up with Panoramia in favour of seeking a relationship with a new partner.

[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin

[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.

Thus far, I feel like Panoramia is a good fit for Mathilde. I'd prefer to see polyarmory, but monogamy is fine too. E Think I have to narrow the vote to support of just one option, alas~

[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann

Because these two also strike be as possible good fits, in different ways.

[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.

Spoiled for good choices here, really.
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[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.

I really do think the Dolgan are worth it guys. This is our only chance to see Chaos worshipers up close and personal just living their lives.
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.

I like Cython, but only as a wise dragon mentor.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
A bit of a mixed bag, roll wise, the ones we saw anyway. Seemed to go OK with the Kurgan.

Book learnin' was a bit rocky, whether reading or writing, but when just getting down to enchanting by feel, things went better. That said, I'm a bit uncertain how it's all hanging together.
the scales are about as well-utilized as an atlas being used to pin down one corner of a map. But the overall effect is much greater than the sum of its parts:
Were (all four dinner plate sized) scales actually necessary for the endurance robes as enchanted? Or are they simply cosmetic? Perhaps this is an artefact of the low theory roll?
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[X] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
[X] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.

I like everything here
[X] [ROMANCE] Continue a monogamous relationship with Panoramia.
[X] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II

I would prefer remaining on the current course, romance wise, but in case of polyamory these either one of these two are my pick.

[X] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.

We've checked in with practically everyone from the old Stirland gang already, so I want to see what Julia's up to. I'm curious about how Eike's doing as well.

[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.

Curiosity reigns here as well. Well, that and possibly headpats.
Voting is open