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This statement is almost entirely detached from the reality of things.
A Karak is prime real estate to:
-Always Dwarves
-Often Goblins
-Often Dragons
-Often Skaven
-Sometimes Orcs
-Sometimes Vampires
-Rarely Humans
-Rarely Sorcerors
-Rarely Beastmen
-Very rarely Elves
-Very rarely Nomads(of any type)

A Karak's value to Chaos forces is denying it to the dwarves inside.
A fallen Karak's value to nomadic, mounted chaos warriors is negative, the Winds and the Gods are harder to reach, their mounts have little room to move in, the place is dark and requires extra effort or mutations to work in.

And finally, Chaos and Destruction forces in general have limited attention spans unless its the subject of a greater scheme. They'd be able to stay cohesive while there's a champion who wants in, they're making visible progress, or there's some form of desirable return in loot, piety or carnage.

Odds are very good that if they killed the visible population of the Karak they'd wander off within the year, if they're mainly nomads. Really, the most likely things keeping them on task would be the odd dwarf sallying out to retaliate at them.

In which case what you'd find in there would be some kind of horrible gribbly that appreciates a big dark hole in the ground to shelter in, but not in large quantities, as said gribblies are infamously unfriendly to each other.

This is just wrong, from what I can tell. There are multiple known inhabited cities and fortresses in the Chaos Wastes, plus lesser settlements around monoliths and things like clusters of sorcerers' towers, etc. Chaos Warriors aren't all nomads. A giant Waystone that's also a place of likely a major victory should be prime real estate.

The Kurgan who live on the steppes south of the Wastes are nomads, but you can find all sorts of things in the Wastes, as you'd expect.

Chaos Champions and Daemons run the full set of human natures. Some have limited attention spans. Some don't, and are inhumanly patient and prepared to wait centuries for their plots to come to fruition.
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You see inconsistent lore, I see the greatest gambit the tacticians of Karag Dum ever pulled off, Decoy Karaks! So many decoys, not even the inhabitants know where Karag Dum is supposed to be, much less Chaos. Are we headed towards the real Karag Dum or will we arrive to discover we have come all this way for a giant cardboard cutout of a mountain?
The real Karag Dum was inside us all along
Karak Azul Runesmith recruitment drive

1: None
2: Apprentice Swarm assistance (preparations only)
3: Thorek assistance (preparations only)
4: Journeymen Swarm
5: Thorek
6: Thorek + Anvil
Boney threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Probably still a better story than In Another World with My Smartphone.

Plot summary: Skryar Strongsmart, a brilliant, dashing, muscled techno-sorceror of Skryre, deploys an experimental weapon on the Dwarf Hold of Karak Vlag, sending it, and Skryar, into the Warp and on to another world. In the process, Karak Vlag was turned into a beautiful, Amazonian Skaven with long fiery plaits and an eternal love for Skryar as thanks for turning her into a Skaven.

With his 100% loyal, formerly mountainous rat-fu, Skryar spends some time terrorizing the new world, building a power base in order to return to the Old World and bring glory to the Horned Rat. The Horned Rat is suitably impressed and she, yes she, appears in front of Skryar and offers to return him to the Old World, on one condition. He is to bring about the end of the Overworld, by turning their prominent cities into his Skaven wives. Skryar accepts, and begins his reign of terror on the Old World and, eventually, the New, all in the name of the Horned Rat. Prominent location featured include Altdorf, Nuln, Couronne, Mousillon, Zhufbar, Karaz-a-Karak, Zharr Naggrund, Kislev, Lothern, and Naggaroth.

Clan Cratics - 6/13 - Great-Good variation on standard another world-dimension concept, rat-fus have good-good design, too many architecture descriptions.
Dawi - Infinity Grudges, plus 500 Major Grudges for declaring the Elf cities superior to Dwarf Holds.

Karak Azul Runesmith recruitment drive
One time where not getting a 6 could be considered a good thing.
Karak Azul Runesmith recruitment drive

1: None
2: Apprentice Swarm assistance (preparations only)
3: Thorek assistance (preparations only)
4: Journeymen Swarm
5: Thorek
6: Thorek + Anvil
Disappointing that we won't have Runesmiths coming with us but considering two of the three outcomes which had Runesmiths coming with us had Thorek coming with us, the same Thorek who said,
I'd already be levelling accusations and tearing the Guild asunder.
if he found proof that the official narrative of Karag Dum didn't line up with reality, perhaps it's for the best.
If the apprentice swarm help rune up the expedition, does that make us responsible for the loss of any runic items they create?
Light Order recruitment drive

1: Nobody
2: Call goes out for volunteers (bonus to Light Wizards from earlier call)
3: Magister Egrimm van Horstmann
4: Lady Magister Elrisse and Magister Verspasian Kant
5: Choirmaster Stephen and his Choir
6: Magister Patriarch Alric, the Saviour of Apesto
Boney threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
Light Order recruitment drive

1: Nobody
2: Call goes out for volunteers (bonus to Light Wizards from earlier call)
3: Magister Egrimm van Horstmann
4: Lady Magister Elrisse and Magister Verspasian Kant
5: Choirmaster Stephen and his Choir
6: Magister Patriarch Alric, the Saviour of Apesto


I think we'll be getting another gilded post soon.

Also, fuck, we've been doing the romance votes too early, clearly van Horstmann would have been the perfect husbando.
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