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Can someone spoonfeed the uneducated about this van Horstmann?
In canon he's a famous traitor. He joins the Light College, he's an absolute genius so he grows mighty and his career goes very far, and then he backstabs everyone using the secret Chaos powers he's been hiding because it turns out he was a Tzeench-worshipper all along!
He's crazy powerful, as befits someone who gets his own novels.
The details are IMO a little stupid, so forget about them. In any case, BoneyM has said that in this quest he might actually be a loyal and powerful spellcaster without any secret Chaos-worshipping going on, just to troll us.
@BoneyM, how does possession of the Anvils work? Kragg has "his" Anvil as does Thorek, but what does that mean?
1) Runelord in question made that Anvil, so of course it is his
2) He did not make it, but it is his property because he found or inherited it
3) It's collective property of the Runesmithing Guild, but some number of top Runelords get to use the Anvils for free
4) It's collective property and Runelords are expected to contribute (basically, pay favor) to use the Anvils, Kragg's and Thorek's are just those that they most frequently rent.

Number 2. An Anvil is useless if you haven't also been taught how to use it and make the Runes for it. None have been made since Karag Dron fell, both because a volcano is required and because everyone that knew how has died.
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@BoneyM , I've been a bit confused about how Anvils of Doom work. Based on your portrayals, I tend to imagine them as big anvil-shaped hunks of metal with shallow indentations into which plates can be slotted or otherwise fixed into place. The runes are on the plates, so that they can be removed for recharging, maintenance, or replacement. This is because when we talk about, say, recharging an Anvil rune with elixir vitae, we don't talk about having to move this giant anvil into our recharging chamber.

Does that sound right?
@BoneyM , I've been a bit confused about how Anvils of Doom work. Based on your portrayals, I tend to imagine them as big anvil-shaped hunks of metal with shallow indentations into which plates can be slotted or otherwise fixed into place. The runes are on the plates, so that they can be removed for recharging, maintenance, or replacement. This is because when we talk about, say, recharging an Anvil rune with elixir vitae, we don't talk about having to move this giant anvil into our recharging chamber.

Does that sound right?

I think you have the anvil, and the runesmith just takes out a piece of metal shaped into a rune, puts it on top of the anvil, and strikes it with their hammer, releasing the energy inside.

That's what someone looking from the outside sees. The runes are completely separate objects to the anvil.
@BoneyM , I've been a bit confused about how Anvils of Doom work. Based on your portrayals, I tend to imagine them as big anvil-shaped hunks of metal with shallow indentations into which plates can be slotted or otherwise fixed into place. The runes are on the plates, so that they can be removed for recharging, maintenance, or replacement. This is because when we talk about, say, recharging an Anvil rune with elixir vitae, we don't talk about having to move this giant anvil into our recharging chamber.

Does that sound right?

Yes, here's a picture I found of the model I've been basing it off. Thorek there is holding the rune on the anvil in a pair of tongs and about to whack it, while his assistant gets another ready.

(other versions of the model have the Runelord physically standing atop a wheeled Anvil and presumably rolling around the place and shooting magical bolts out of his eyes or something, which, uh, yeah)
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Well, Van Horstmann coming along is certainly incentive to keep our Intrigue and Diplomacy scores increasing...
Somewhere in the warp, Ranald is holding the symbolic representation of Mathilde and Horstmann.

He gently bumps them together and whispers: "And now, kiss!"

Or it could be Tzeentch. Sometimes you just can't tell.
Pictured, Tzeentch standing over a table of infinite dimensions. On it, face down, are portraits of every single sapient being on Mundus(and likely beyond).

He looks at the field, considering. He then closes his eyes and other mystical senses, spins around nine times clockwise, and grabs a random portrait. He spins nine times counter clockwise grabbing a second portrait, eyes still closed.

He opens his eyes, and gazes upon the portaits: "Together! Mwahahahaha!"

Some decades later, the Hortzmann-Weber children are asking about how their parents got together.

"Oh I don't know, it must have just been fate I guess."

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Red is the Skull Road, the trade route from Kislev to Cathay. Blue is the two Expedition routes, the original on the left and the current on the right. Purplish-brown is a pretty huge cliff - the Western Steppes are at a higher elevation than Zorn Uzkul, which is itself at a higher elevation than the Dark Lands and the Old World.
So what I take from this is that either the 'Pack Ice' is permanently frozen to the point where you are rely on having thousand ton steam-wagons roll over it, or said steam-wagons are somehow amphibious.
Given Dwarfs, I would not be surprised by the latter.

Karak Azul Runesmith recruitment drive

2: Apprentice Swarm assistance (preparations only)
Well at least the Journeymanlings can spend their Boons on runic bling more easily now. 'Apprentice' is very much a relative term with Runesmiths.

Light Order recruitment drive

3: Magister Egrimm van Horstmann
Ranald is screwing with us.

Lady Magister Elrisse
Magister Verspasian Kant
Choirmaster Stephen
Magister Patriarch Alric, the Saviour of Apesto
My greatest regret is that we don't get to learn about all these people.
You know one of the things that felt the most forced about canon Horstman was the 'evil all along' part. I mean come on no one noticed he was covered head to toe in Chaos tattoos from the start? So maybe this version of him is Chaos-curious let's say and that is why he wants a journey to the Wastes. Perhaps we can direct him towards a less destructive trickster god.
Karak Azul Runesmith recruitment drive

1: None
2: Apprentice Swarm assistance (preparations only)
3: Thorek assistance (preparations only)
4: Journeymen Swarm
5: Thorek
6: Thorek + Anvil
Light Order recruitment drive

1: Nobody
2: Call goes out for volunteers (bonus to Light Wizards from earlier call)
3: Magister Egrimm van Horstmann
4: Lady Magister Elrisse and Magister Verspasian Kant
5: Choirmaster Stephen and his Choir
6: Magister Patriarch Alric, the Saviour of Apesto
I blame the fact that Boney seems to have gotten wise and rolled these separately. How can we get boxcars if there's only one roll at a time?
You know one of the things that felt the most forced about canon Horstman was the 'evil all along' part. I mean come on no one noticed he was covered head to toe in Chaos tattoos from the start? So maybe this version of him is Chaos-curious let's say and that is why he wants a journey to the Wastes. Perhaps we can direct him towards a less destructive trickster god.
I'll put that down to historical revisionism IC.
Better for the colleges to believe he was bad from the start and slipped through undetected than the most devout and pious College have someone fall to Chaos.
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