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She had an hourglass with a dead god's ashes in it, my theory was that she offloads her aging to the immortal-but-eternally-dying remnants of a god. Probably would be Bad End if somebody got it off her.
Hmm, off-loading mortal burdens to an immortal-but-eternally-dying creature sounds really useful, actually. Shame we don't have one of those hanging around.
It is, I specifically asked about that spell.

I was thinking:
Killy Fog BM - Gambler
Fog Path
Enchant Robes
Branulhune Style
Recruit (Azul Smiths, Light College)

If we will have Melkoth for free, at a hefty 10 favor discount, I figure it's as good a time as any to double dip on advanced Ulgu actions. If we are making Ulgu BM, he is very much the best to have around.

Then T33 is Scouting x2 or Scouting X1 and finishing a spell. With Asarnil + Fog Path + Winter Wolves + Dammerlichriding the need for scouting drops significantly we are two and a half times faster than the very best the wagons can do, on average we are over three times faster.

A lot of annoying obstacles should be bypasses by our shiny new spell, too.
I don't think we'll have time to develop more than the fog path spell. I could very definitely see it taking more than one more action to complete, so I doubt we'd get any other new magic even close to ready in time for the expedition.
Are there any specific spells or skills Max/Johann are missing that are worth prompting them to get, rather than leaving them self-directed?
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Oh, you want to create a second Battle Magic spell. Sorry, I misunderstood.

I think I'd prefer to do our scouting next turn, because it means the expedition has time to change their supply loadout based on anything we find. I also don't think we can count on the Fog Path spell being finished in 1 more action, though I think it's likely.
Are there any specific spells or skills Max/Johann are missing that are worth prompting them to get, rather than leaving them self-directed?
Johann would do well to pick up Armour of Lead, but I think it's likely he will anyway. It fits within his wheelhouse.
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I don't think we'll have time to develop more than the fog path spell. I could very definitely see it taking more than one more action to complete, so I doubt we'd get any other new magic even close to ready in time for the expedition.
It's a definite possibility to get it working tho. We want Fog BM regardless, and having Melkoth around would be massively, massively useful for it.

Throw one AP at it, maybe we get lucky and finish it in two. Maybe we just lay massive amounts of groundwork with his help.
Are there any specific spells or skills Max/Johann are missing that are worth prompting them to get, rather than leaving them self-directed?
Maybe suggesting Max picks up some melee skills, but other than that I don't think so. Johann's pretty good all round, and Max is just plain nasty if he gets any chance to exploit his ranged spells.
It is, I specifically asked about that spell.

I was thinking:
Killy Fog BM - Gambler
Fog Path
Enchant Robes
Branulhune Style
Recruit (Azul Smiths, Light College)

If we will have Melkoth for free, at a hefty 10 favor discount, I figure it's as good a time as any to double dip on advanced Ulgu actions. If we are making Ulgu BM, he is very much the best to have around.

Then T33 is Scouting x2 or Scouting X1 and finishing a spell. With Asarnil + Fog Path + Winter Wolves + Dammerlichriding the need for scouting drops significantly. We are between two and a half a and five times wagons.

A lot of annoying obstacles should be bypassed by our shiny new spell, too.
We should not start creating a new battle magic next turn. We just started one this turn, it wasn't finished in one action, we don't really know if it'll even be finished after the second action, and we have no indication that this is abnormal. We should be putting an additional action towards Fog Path and planning our next turn with the expectation that we may need to spend one or even two actions finishing it on T33.
Oh, you want to create a second Battle Magic spell. Sorry, I misunderstood.

I think I'd prefer to do our scouting next turn, because it means the expedition has time to change their supply loadout based on anything we find. I also don't think we can count on the Fog Path spell being finished in 1 more action, though I think it's likely.

Johann would do well to pick up Armour of Lead, but I think it's likely he will anyway. It fits within his wheelhouse.
Which scouting actions are you thinking about? I'm leaning Steppes and Road.

Also, what kind of change do you envisioning specific results bringing to their loadout?
Are there any specific spells or skills Max/Johann are missing that are worth prompting them to get, rather than leaving them self-directed?
We'll learn in the Duckling social, they'd report in and brag.
Hmm, off-loading mortal burdens to an immortal-but-eternally-dying creature sounds really useful, actually. Shame we don't have one of those hanging around.
Naw, thats the Shyish way to do it, you need something dying.

The Ulgu way to do it is probably to unmoor yourself from the timestream or something.
Consequences may be difficult.
Are there any specific spells or skills Max/Johann are missing that are worth prompting them to get, rather than leaving them self-directed?

If I recall correctly, the first thing we got for the Expedition to Eight Peaks was the Seed. I think it would be worthwhile to nudge them towards similar means of ensuring their own survival, though Johann's probably already covered with his gilding.
I don't think we'll have time to develop more than the fog path spell. I could very definitely see it taking more than one more action to complete, so I doubt we'd get any other new magic even close to ready in time for the expedition.
Eh, it depends on how it plays out. For the Fog Path, we've essentially invented two spells—or will have if it all works like Boney generally laid out in Mathilde's plans—the cheaper Skywalk and then the control spell that we have yet to touch. Of course, Kill Fog could also end up being like that, or take more time for other reasons, but there's also a fair chance it's just one turn since it's a bit simpler.
Personally, I would back killfog, but that's just me.
The flip side to that is that very small amounts of Winds are much more malleable, to the extent that their identity can be completely lost. This is sometimes referred to as Earthbound Magic as small amounts of it can be drawn out of almost any mundane object, and this undifferentiated magical energy is believed to be what allows for witches, hedge wizards, the Hedgewise, and Elementalists to create magics that don't align with the Teclisean model. It's also believed to power the Runes of the Dwarves, which take in whatever Wind is available and somehow break it down into undifferentiated magic, which would be believed impossible to do in large quantities if the Dwarves weren't so clearly doing it.
I love this bit because it provides an explanation of how a Hysh user can cast Sleep, which is pretty antithical to the Lore of Light, that at low energy levels the Winds start acting like each other. This behavior is also reminiscent of Qhaysh, the "wind" that can cast anything. Hedge mages and elementalists can cast impossible spells because they're kinda sorta using High Magic, which isn't restricted to the themes of individual winds. I wonder if High Magic is a technique that allows for this low-energy behavior to be extended up to high energy levels, the winds not turning to dhar because they're too similar to interfere with each other. Unfortunately I doubt the elves would be willing to share and the only other practitioners of high-energy undifferentiated magic are dwarven runesmiths and dwarves are about as touchy as nitroglycerin when it comes to runelore.
We should not start creating a new battle magic next turn. We just started one this turn, it wasn't finished in one action, we don't really know if it'll even be finished after the second action, and we have no indication that this is abnormal. We should be putting an additional action towards Fog Path and planning our next turn with the expectation that we may need to spend one or even two actions finishing it on T33.
If it gets finished, then fantastic.

If not, then we still get to enjoy Melkoth's presemce and lay groundwork side by side with the greatest human Ulgu battle wizard.
you know what, for the hell of it.

The 'how did Settra get a title, and how good of a title is it game.'

1: Great King: made Nehekhara a unified kingdom, the first king of the first dynasty 10/10 very accurate. (as long has you don't mix up 'great' and 'nice')

2: The Imperishable: fair enough, a bit on the nose if he got it after he came back 5/10, but slam dunk if he had the name before the immortality business 10/10.

3: Khemrikhara: I think this is just another way to say 'high king' so... 6/10 redundant.

4: The Great King of Nehekhara: very redundent 3/10

5: King of Kings: ... 1/10

now the next person does 5 names.
What if we put the Coin on a Create Battlemagic action next turn, as he will be here anyway and that's precisely his expertise?
I don't think we should be doubling up on Melkoth and the Coin for continued spell creation. We just saw that Melkoth didn't end up providing a bonus with the Skywalk modifications because Mathilde rolled well enough on her own and didn't end up needing help.

For reference, Mathilde ended up rolling a 62, 54, and 93 in that order - two middling rolls and then one pretty darn good one. I'm not convinced that constructing the IF->THEN bit of the Fog Path that will figure out when/where to cast the Skywalk macro will be all that much more difficult than creating said macro (I can't actually remember seeing any commentary on the matter whatsoever) which would indicate that even middling/decently better than average rolls would be enough to succeed.

Adding in either the Coin or Melkoth (assuming Melkoth is ~as potent) to cover for decently bad rolls with a +20 (for a total of +55) bonus isn't a waste of resources, but doubling down on it seems much less reasonable, because we start to be looking at better than even odds one or more bonuses would wasted.

Edit: This also applies for attempting to create a second Battlemagic spell - we just had a case of Melkoth's bonus not applying due to a lack of need rather than applying to shorten the process, so trying to concentrate bonii in order to make spell development go faster isn't very likely at all.
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I'm envisioning try for Killy Fog much like how we are going for Branulhune style: it's laying the groundwork.

While the opportunity cost for Branulhune that makes it attractive to do now is that we can field test it extensively and it may save our hide in a sword fight, the idea behind doing one or two actions on Killy Fog is that we get a "free" 10 favor tutelage to go with it for at least the next turn.
Which scouting actions are you thinking about? I'm leaning Steppes and Road.

Also, what kind of change do you envisioning specific results bringing to their loadout?
I am torn about the scouting actions; I think Steppes for sure, but I'm divided on "vicinity" "Road" and "nothing". The vicinity seems high risk and high reward; the Road seems to be of strong utility but possibly redundant with the info we already have from Qrech and LM Grey.

As for what preparations they could make: I can't think of what specific stuff they might change out, but Boney keeps on coming up with clever character actions I wouldn't have come up with on my own, so I am going to assume that it is possible enough that I would prefer to scout on T32 than on T33.
I don't think we should be doubling up on Melkoth and the Coin for continued spell creation. We just saw that Melkoth didn't end up providing a bonus with the Skywalk modifications because Mathilde rolled well enough on her own and didn't end up needing help.

For reference, Mathilde ended up rolling a 62, 54, and 93 in that order - two middling rolls and then one pretty darn good one. I'm not convinced that constructing the IF->THEN bit of the Fog Path that will figure out when/where to cast the Skywalk macro will be all that much more difficult than creating said macro (I can't actually remember seeing any commentary on the matter whatsoever) which would indicate that even middling/decently better than average rolls would be enough to succeed.

Adding in either the Coin or Melkoth (assuming Melkoth is ~as potent) to cover for decently bad rolls with a +20 (for a total of +55) bonus isn't a waste of resources, but doubling down on it seems much less reasonable, because we start to be looking at better than even odds one or more bonuses would wasted.
This is a solid point.
So for romance, have we had a "date" with each candidate once yet?
We had the "zeroth date" with each candidate, where we got to know them a bit more. This would be the first action where we actively indicate romantic interest.
I don't think we should be doubling up on Melkoth and the Coin for continued spell creation. We just saw that Melkoth didn't end up providing a bonus with the Skywalk modifications because Mathilde rolled well enough on her own and didn't end up needing help.

For reference, Mathilde ended up rolling a 62, 54, and 93 in that order - two middling rolls and then one pretty darn good one. I'm not convinced that constructing the IF->THEN bit of the Fog Path that will figure out when/where to cast the Skywalk macro will be all that much more difficult than creating said macro (I can't actually remember seeing any commentary on the matter whatsoever) which would indicate that even middling/decently better than average rolls would be enough to succeed.

Adding in either the Coin or Melkoth (assuming Melkoth is ~as potent) to cover for decently bad rolls with a +20 (for a total of +55) bonus isn't a waste of resources, but doubling down on it seems much less reasonable, because we start to be looking at better than even odds one or more bonuses would wasted.
The problem is that Melkoth is supposed to be a Battlemagic expert. Of course he wouldn't give a bonus to reworking Skywalk, we were essentially just creating a more complicated lesser spell, which is probably out of his wheelhouse. I would definitely expect to get an advantage when working on the much bigger control spell, and definitely for it to be at least a bit harder.
I don't think we should be doubling up on Melkoth and the Coin for continued spell creation. We just saw that Melkoth didn't end up providing a bonus with the Skywalk modifications because Mathilde rolled well enough on her own and didn't end up needing help.

For reference, Mathilde ended up rolling a 62, 54, and 93 in that order - two middling rolls and then one pretty darn good one. I'm not convinced that constructing the IF->THEN bit of the Fog Path that will figure out when/where to cast the Skywalk macro will be all that much more difficult than creating said macro (I can't actually remember seeing any commentary on the matter whatsoever) which would indicate that even middling/decently better than average rolls would be enough to succeed.

Adding in either the Coin or Melkoth (assuming Melkoth is ~as potent) to cover for decently bad rolls with a +20 (for a total of +55) bonus isn't a waste of resources, but doubling down on it seems much less reasonable, because we start to be looking at better than even odds one or more bonuses would wasted.
But if he is right here anyway, then why not? I don't see how good luck we had this time invalidates having him help avoiding a botch.

Especially when we aren't just talking a relatively innocuous platform of Ulgu, but straight up murderous battlemagic.

I'd do it with just the coins, but if we have Melkoth, we can save our ourselves AP by stacking the deck and not failing the first design phase especially. 62, 54 and 93 is not a series of rolls we can guarantee.

And when even a pretty successful result might have deleterious side effects like "it turned out as High End BM, so the staff only discounts it to normal BM" which would severely hamper it's utilization, I'd rather try and guarantee solid foundations.
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I'm envisioning try for Killy Fog much like how we are going for Branulhune style: it's laying the groundwork.
I don't think that'll fly - at least not if we want Melkoth's bill to go on Thorgrim's credit card. Boney has ruled that Dwarfs consider learning an existing skill/ability to be much more valid as preparation than trying to invent something new in only a few short months, and even if they did allow that, there's no way they'd be willing to pay for the groundwork of a spell that wouldn't be finished in time for the expedition.

The problem is that Melkoth is supposed to be a Battlemagic expert. Of course he wouldn't give a bonus to reworking Skywalk, we were essentially just creating a more complicated lesser spell, which is probably out of his wheelhouse. I would definitely expect to get an advantage when working on the much bigger control spell, and definitely for it to be at least a bit harder.
Nope. There was an AN on the matter right in the update.

- Melkoth didn't get involved in the spell creation process because he wasn't needed. If Mathilde had hit a roadblock or it turned out the Skywalk approach wouldn't work, then he would have been brought in. Same sort of thing as when you use the Coin on something and then you obliterate it in the first diceroll.
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