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If the expedition leaves in three years this will bankrupt them.
Nah. If we manage to pin down a departure date, then they only need to pay him for the ~four months total that the expedition lasts - if they leave in three years, they don't need to keep him on retainer the whole time, he's fine to hire his services out to others during the intervening time.
I don't really imagine Borek has the funds to hire a mercenary that bankrupts small nations with his fees, whether for three years or four months.
Incidentally @BoneyM if we do end up making one or two extra staffs before we are satisfied with the result can we sell them off to the Grey College for minor favor seeing as they do not have a staff turner?
I like this plan a lot.
Boney confirmed we can do a broad, scattershot invitation across all the Colleges first, so it's probably better to do that, and maybe fill any gaps in later.

Ooh, sounds good. I'll put it in.

Any plans that do not break the spirit of the deal with the gold collage? I do not want to make a enemy of them for Mathilde.
If it would piss off Feldmann, I'd have said so in the notes of the update.
Honestly, I think the branhulune sword style is more important to us than the staff even if we manage to get +1 to magic from the staff, if we have to do one or the other we should do the sword style training.

I strongly disagree. The staff helps with magic control, which is both something that the Chaos Wastes fuck with and something that will make enchanting easier. I'd go so far as to say that the staff upgrade is more important than the armor upgrade before heading north.
Rolling the Wizard Gacha is pretty intimidating, since we're potentially talking about taking random untested Journeymen into the Chaos Wastes. At least if we go for priests, they don't miscast when they flub a roll.
I am very confident that we can look at any Journeymen volunteers and go "fuck no". As in, I am confident that Mathilde will do that IC. I do not hold what you said about 'risk of journeymen volunteering and we have to take them' as being something we should be concerned about.

And my post makes no mention of priests so I don't understand why you are mentioning them:
I was asking why people would want to spend two half AP to risk Johann and Max on this, when we get a full gacha roll for each of the colleges for one half AP (With room for further signups (passivly) each turn), for more skilled mages; that we care less about.
Nah. If we manage to pin down a departure date, then they only need to pay him for the ~four months total that the expedition lasts - if they leave in three years, they don't need to keep him on retainer the whole time, he's fine to hire his services out to others during the intervening time.
... The point of putting someone on retainer is that they will be free when you need them.

What happens when he is burning orcs in Tilea and the departure time rolls about?

@BoneyM Can something as favorable as Redshirt is implying be done with Asarnil?
Nah. If we manage to pin down a departure date, then they only need to pay him for the ~four months total that the expedition lasts - if they leave in three years, they don't need to keep him on retainer the whole time, he's fine to hire his services out to others during the intervening time.
Does that guy ever take vacations? I can't imagine that he even really cares about the money at this point. We have trouble finding things to buy and I doubt we even make a fraction what he charges.
Honestly, I think the branhulune sword style is more important to us than the staff even if we manage to get +1 to magic from the staff, if we have to do one or the other we should do the sword style training.
The main reason for prioritizing the staff is that it will help us when we want to enchant the robes. We know from Boney's comments that actually turning the staff will be one of the "last" actions taken in the turn, since it's going to spend months steeping in Ulgu first (I can provide citation for that if you like). So, if we want to do an ambitious enchanting project next turn, we should craft it this turn so the enchanting project can benefit.

I strongly agree that we should work on Branulhune's style if we want to go personally on the expedition, but other than "before we leave for the expedition" there's no hurry, whereas the staff directly benefits another, future action.

@Redshirt Army You have my sword bow axe pedantry vote.
I think we should not risk dragon parts on a first attempt on a staff.

otherwise, I think the sword style is a better choice.
I mean, that was why @TotallyNotEvil's "two pieces of dragonbone" bounty won several turns ago: so that if we screw up with one piece of dragonbone, we have another. This way, if we get a good result on the first try we're set and if we get a bad result we have a backup, whereas if we got a good result with a wood staff we'd still need another action to craft a dragonbone staff. This was an exchange of money for AP, which worked out quite well.
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I strongly disagree. The staff helps with magic control, which is both something that the Chaos Wastes fuck with and something that will make enchanting easier. I'd go so far as to say that the staff upgrade is more important than the armor upgrade before heading north.

I don't think it does, the Staff helps with power allowing you to draw more of the winds of magic to you. It doesn't help with fine control. Remember that the magic stat is an abstraction of power and control.

I strongly agree that we should work on Branulhune's style if we want to go personally on the expedition, but other than "before we leave for the expedition" there's no hurry, whereas the staff directly benefits another, future action.

We're liable to need 3-4 actions on sword training to get it done, that means if we don't start it now chances are we don't have it when we leave.
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Guys, come on. Max is a blacksmith. A magical one, sure, but a blacksmith nonetheless.

His martial training is about shooting orcs from an helicopter while blasting music from Gotri's runic boombox, not going to the outskirts of hell and fighting daemons.

To say nothing that we have a superbly interesting magical sword, and a gold wizard who wishes to specialize in making magical swords, and are about to lose access to it.

We haven't commited to going, why send our precious underlings there? There are battlewizards and plenty of other magisters to try and draw from.
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I don't think it does, the Staff helps with power allowing you to draw more of the winds of magic to you. It doesn't help with fine control. Remember that the magic stat is an abstraction of power and control.

It does both. One of the big benefits of a staff that Boney has emphasized repeatedly (when explaining why you can't shrink the form factor down to a wand) is being able to ground miscasts.
I'm undecided when it comes to Max, but Johann? Our whole schtick with Johann is that we go off on crazy, dangerous adventures together. He's not a delicate flower, he's built for this and the whole bond of trust thing we've got with him makes him an excellent person to have by our side on the expedition, in combat or for morale.
Max I'm opposed to. Very opposed to. The man's just turning Magister.

Johann I can see but am not entirely happy about, but can be convinced, but this is not a question of "Johann: Yes/No", this is "What do we spend our JOHANN action on, and I am very strongly inclined to take the gas mask option: He wanted it so that he could take other people with him, and still use his gas-bombs, and getting it is what lead to us winning K8P. This is almost certainly the last chance we have to do that study, and we can pick the Johann: Recrit action next turn if we are inclined.
oh, @BoneyM you asked me to remind you about adding an option to learn all the leftover spells in one go.


I don't really imagine Borek has the funds to hire a mercenary that bankrupts small nations with his fees, whether for three years or four months.

He also didn't have the funds to build the Steam-Wagons. He's being bankrolled by the Karaz Ankor.

Incidentally @BoneyM if we do end up making one or two extra staffs before we are satisfied with the result can we sell them off to the Grey College for minor favor seeing as they do not have a staff turner?

Yes, but not that much, since they won't get as good results as one made specifically for the Wizard that ends up with it.

@BoneyM Can something as favorable as Redshirt is implying be done with Asarnil?

For the record, I'd much rather be asked more direct questions than be asked to make a judgement on what you see as the implication of someone else's post. But yes, an arrangement can be met for Asarnil to be on hand for the departure, whenever that ends up being.
It does both. One of the big benefits of a staff that Boney has emphasized repeatedly (when explaining why you can't shrink the form factor down to a wand) is being able to ground miscasts.

The control I'm talking about is fine control and spell structuring. Miscast protection we have from a grounding rod and I'm pretty sure the staff wont help with that I think you might be confused on this one but lets ask BoneyM because it's quite possible i'm wrong here as well.

@BoneyM could you confirm?
It's unlocked the AV option related to it, but there's no immediately obvious course for further poking at the Gods so if the thread wants to do that, it'll have to come up with the how.
  • We know Ranaldite priests. We can go poke at them! Can they do magic? Can we watch?
  • We have a big fancy library. Can we bribe a Verenan priest to test our trickery magic against their own Divine Lore?
[ ] Plan Redshirt v2
-[ ] MAX: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
-[ ] JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
-[ ] DUCK: Study an artefact with one of the Journeymen: Lighting Mechanism with Adela
-[ ] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[ ] Try to contact the Ice Witches of Kislev in the hopes they can provide clement weather for the Expedition.
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
-[ ] Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition: General Colleges of Magic, Asarnil the Dragonlord
-[ ] Learn the secret behind Gehenna's Golden Hounds.
-[ ] Turn a staff from the bone of a Shard Dragon.
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -125gc for 5 rooms.
-[ ] SERENITY: The We Book (2/2)
The exact plan I want.
Might want to specify Magisters and up for the Colleges?

[ ] Plan Before the Artifacts Go
various other Skaven focused plans
Taking an option because it will expire soon has never been a good idea. Doubly so for such low utility actions as studying Skaven artefacts, which are basically just laundering AP into College Favour.
Max I'm opposed to. Very opposed to. The man's just turning Magister.

Johann I can see but am not entirely happy about, but can be convinced, but this is not a question of "Johann: Yes/No", this is "What do we spend our JOHANN action on, and I am very strongly inclined to take the gas mask option: He wanted it so that he could take other people with him, and still use his gas-bombs, and getting it is what lead to us winning K8P. This is almost certainly the last chance we have to do that study, and we can pick the Johann: Recrit action next turn if we are inclined.
The Gold college will be able to make gas masks just as well or better then we can. Then we just buy one or 2 from them.
Guys, come on. Max is a blacksmith. A magical one, sure, but a blacksmith nonetheless.

His martial training is about shooting orcs from an helicopter while blasting music from Gotri's runic boombox, not going to the outskirts of hell and fighting daemons.

To say nothing that we have a superbly interesting magical sword, and a gold wizard who wishes to specialize in making magical swords, and are about to lose access to it.

We haven't commited to going, why send our precious underlings there? There are battlewizards and plenty of other magisters to try and draw from.
And it's even not against the spirit of the agreement with Feldmann, in that the lore and resources of the Gold College are being applied, just as he said.
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