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Are those safe rooms Mathilde commissioned actually that big of a deal for the Colleges of Magick, or did the Celestial Matriarch just use it as an excuse to invite Mathilde to the soiree for cryptic hinting?
They're a big deal. As the Greys and Amethysts are showing, it's a vital tool to teach Battle Mages. Learning Battle Magic pretty much guarantees miscasts, and the traditional way of dealing with it is for the teacher to stand back and pray. (Edit: Expecting that we'll see an upswing in battlemages who live long enough to see use)
I'm fully expecting that the colleges (aside from perhaps the Amber) has a very™ long waiting list for them.
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They're a big deal. As the Greys and Amethysts are showing, it's a vital tool to teach Battle Mages. Learning Battle Magic pretty much guarantees miscasts, and the traditional way of dealing with it is for the teacher to stand back and pray.

Pretty sure even with the rooms learning Battle Magic is still very risky and it is not like all that many wizards actually strive to achieve that status.
I can just imagine the Marienberg Negaverse quest, with the players thinking they can bully the Empire into stopping the canal project only to be informed the next update that Barak Varr would back the empire in breaking any blockade and the subsequent arguments being flung around by the playerbase as they try to figure out what to do.
In such a Marienberg quest I suspect that the players would be considering ways to leverage their position for final cash grabs and moving to Ulthuan. Expect their taxes on trade to go up to unsustainable levels because they can't sustain it and get want to grab as much as they can well they still can.
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Need seems hard to judge considering that if they are needed the need is for something very secret.

If you're needing the Teclis room every other week to talk with your drinking buddies, you need to either start explaining what the hell you're getting up to with them or suck it up and get frowned at.


Are the college rooms of calamity in their mono wind environments, so the Ulgu room is saturated in the wind of Ulgu and nothing else?

The Colleges don't really have mono-wind and non-mono-wind sections. They're all either completely dominated by their wind, or close to it.
By the time the Expedition had reached the Karak proper, you'd quite thoroughly winnowed your audience and it was largely split into two camps: the very young who were thrilled to hear about something actually interesting at one of these events, and those elder who had scars or bearing that suggested they'd seen something similar a time or two themselves.
I think Mathilde has sown the seeds for another uprising in Wizard Chic: Grey Wizard Edition, with this. Truly, we are a victim of our own success. :V
From Maria Stossels dialogue I have the feeling that the favorite word of most every Celestial Wizard is "could".

Bloody fortunetellers. That they are sometimes right makes it even worse.
They're a big deal. As the Greys and Amethysts are showing, it's a vital tool to teach Battle Mages. Learning Battle Magic pretty much guarantees miscasts, and the traditional way of dealing with it is for the teacher to stand back and pray. (Edit: Expecting that we'll see an upswing in battlemages who live long enough to see use)
I'm fully expecting that the colleges (aside from perhaps the Amber) has a very™ long waiting list for them.
In the main, but perhaps not for all the colleges? Say the Brights, who are stereotypically all aspiring battle wizards anyway, sure. But the Golds are kitting theirs out for alchemy (unless... they do battle magic alchemy?) and not quite sure what to make of potted plants amongst the Jades. Ghyran supply and thorny targets yes, but also ornamental pots seem less... martial.
Sally port," Wilhelmina says around a mouthful of biscuit
Does Wilhelmina have the good kind, without any sawdust?
Mark-one being the ones before the Dwarf engineer made the reliability improvements?
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In the main, but perhaps not for all the colleges? Say the Brights, who are stereotypically aspiring battle wizards anyway, sure. But the Golds are kitting theirs out for alchemy (unless... they do battle magic alchemy?) and not quite sure what to make of potted plants amongst the Jades. Ghyran supply and thorny targets yes, but also ornamental pots seem less... martial.
Fair point. I meant it more as the main draw as it means less corpses.
Then there's the obvious benefit of the room sucking away all ambient winds for experiments that mustn't be interfered with by the same.
If the rooms provide an extra reroll then they reduce the odds of miscast from

normal odds of miscast to

normal odds of miscast X normal odds of miscast

So someone with a 50% chance of miscast goes down to 25% well a person with 10% chance of miscast goes down to 1%. More importantly if someone has to use the rooms functions too much the collage can tell the battle wizard hopeful that they just aren't cut out for this and drop them from the program rather then having to depose of the radioactive remains.
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Marienburg just need to reframe things in their heads. Yes, the main rivers of the Empire get access to another seaport which will cut into their trade. OTOH, they're at one end of an inland water route that is about to go all the way to Barak Varr and the Not!Mediterranean. That's safer access to the ocean and the north than sailing round Tilea and Estalia through their port. Plus the Empire trade is still much closer to their end of the waterway than the Dwarves'.
Does Wilhelmina have the good kind, without any sawdust?

Woe betide anyone that tries to supply the EIC with substandard biscuits.

Mark-one being the ones before the Dwarf engineer made the reliability improvements?

Yeah. Army of Stirland gets the mark-twos, which means the EIC has a bunch of mark-ones coming back in as they get cycled out. Wilhelmina turned them into profit and protection.
Has thanquol even been born yet?
No idea, but Grey Seers do live longer than normal Skaven due to a combination of magic and better living conditions. Also likelymuch easier access to whoever makes the skaven juvnat so conceivably.

Marienburg just need to reframe things in their heads. Yes, the main rivers of the Empire get access to another seaport which will cut into their trade. OTOH, they're at one end of an inland water route that is about to go all the way to Barak Varr and the Not!Mediterranean. That's safer access to the ocean and the north than sailing round Tilea and Estalia through their port. Plus the Empire trade is still much closer to their end of the waterway than the Dwarves'.
Yeah, but these guys are super capitalists.

They don't care about that they care that they're not making all the money right now **** everything else.
Marienburg just need to reframe things in their heads. Yes, the main rivers of the Empire get access to another seaport which will cut into their trade. OTOH, they're at one end of an inland water route that is about to go all the way to Barak Varr and the Not!Mediterranean. That's safer access to the ocean and the north than sailing round Tilea and Estalia through their port. Plus the Empire trade is still much closer to their end of the waterway than the Dwarves'.
Mmm. Sort of? It's going to give some benefit to Marienburg, but much much less than they'll lose. Sailing to Tilea, Bretonnia or Estalia isn't exactly dangerous. It's only going past Sartosa that'll bring problems. On the other hand, it breaks their monopoly, which means they're going to lose a great deal of money and power.
Fair point. I meant it more as the main draw as it means less corpses.
Then there's the obvious benefit of the room sucking away all ambient winds for experiments that mustn't be interfered with by the same.
That would be a room of utter neutrality we didn't give them that. Rooms of calamity aggressively take all magic out the room which is very disruptive to experiments. Can't do magic experiments in a anti-magic field saturated with strong dispelling for good measure.
In the main, but perhaps not for all the colleges? Say the Brights, who are stereotypically all aspiring battle wizards anyway, sure. But the Golds are kitting theirs out for alchemy (unless... they do battle magic alchemy?) and not quite sure what to make of potted plants amongst the Jades. Ghyran supply and thorny targets yes, but also ornamental pots seem less... martial.
IIRC, two of the Jade Battle Magic spells are instant ultra-growth and animating trees to attack people. Best to practice on smaller plants.
though it turns out they did miss at least one.
who apparently commutes from Nuln on the back of an Encarmine Dragon to maintain whatever hold she has over that city.
I suppose technically a honking great dragon flying overhead everymorning and evening would remind me not to start shit.
Hell of a commute but I think travelling by dragon just because.
"I'd rather it not come to that, but if Marienburg is that willing to dig their own grave there might not be anything we can do to stop them."
*Meanwhile in the council of ten*
"So, three dwarf holds, the templars, and an Elector Countesses army..."
"We can take them."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, hear me out. How about we blockade the river."
"I like where you're going with this."
Whichever is most useful at a given time.
So he doesn't have a full time managerial position on paper? How does he get EIC employees to do what he wants?
My idea of enchanting our staff with Shadow Dagger (our mastery of Shadow Knives) to create an emergency magic polearm is viable (or at least less insane than an enchanted hand grabbing Branhulde to create a Sword Staff)?
How much do personal enchantments in our own Wind interfere with the staff's function as a +1 magic staff? Is it, say, normal for enchanters to layer their self-made staff with bound spells and other features or does anything beyond one or two simple enchantments make the thing an enchanted quarterstaff magic item instead of a wizard staff that aids in casting?
The harder answers are generally very closely kept secrets. The Golds aren't telling what the deal is with Gehenna's Golden Hounds, nor are the Jades about the Dwellers From Below. Ask an Amber Wizard about Flock of Doom, and they'll mutter something about 'Corvus the Crow Lord' and change the subject.
The only comparable thing I know of among the Grey is the Put of Shades. Do the Grey actually know the answers to what hides within their own mystery spell?

And that concludes my pre-chapter questions.
Mmm. Sort of? It's going to give some benefit to Marienburg, but much much less than they'll lose. Sailing to Tilea, Bretonnia or Estalia isn't exactly dangerous. It's only going past Sartosa that'll bring problems. On the other hand, it breaks their monopoly, which means they're going to lose a great deal of money and power.
Basically if they were reasonable capitalists they'd accept the competition with open arms and use it to better themselves.

But since they're shit capitalists who have been playing on easy mode and abusing it, as soon as someone comes along with a threat they seem to instantly start getting super pissed.

It'd be one thing if they were monopolists and used that monopoly responsibly, but well...they're not.

Unless I'm wrong (and please correct me if I am) Marienburg are some of the least helpful people in the setting, with a "got mine **** you" attitude to most things.
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