[X] [TOWER] Anti-Air: Azyr
[X] [TOWER] Anti-Air: Ulgu
[X] [TOWER] Grey Battery
[X] [TOWER] Far Sight
[X] [LIBRARY] Enchantment: Imperial Antiquarian (100gc, 2CF), Divine Magic: Imperial Antiquarian (100gc, 2CF), The Empire of Man: Dwarf Antiquarian (100gc, 2DF)
[X] [DWARF] Rooms of Calamity for eight colleges (10DF + 10 gallons AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Firkin of dwarven ink for Grey College Docent (5gc)
[X] Plan Gingganz
[X] Plan Red
[X] Plan Full Spectrum no AV
Main concern points on the vote that I can see:
-The desire to burn Favors because we have them - Um, what. We aren't exactly hoarding favors. We have large windfalls, which we then spend down when we spot useful and relevant things to spend on.
-The desire to spend Favors on Steam Tanks - To date Mathilde's sole relationship with Steam tanks was talking to someone who once operated one. Steam Tanks are big, and while dwarf favors are rare, they aren't so rare that nobody else in the Empire wouldn't be able to afford it.
Additional tanks are valuable but not revolutionary, a big part of the problem is that the Empire's logistics for supporting more Steam Tanks are pretty limited so long as things are being done artisanal, theres just too many complex parts which requires a top level expert in the field to build and maintain, doubly so if you must purchase additional or replacement parts expensively from a dwarven Engineering Guild.
So we could possibly do it, but I think Adela on her current route of straight out apprenticing to a Dwarf Engineer might be a better narrative resolution that deals with that.
-The desire to intervene in Marienburg - This seems like sticking an oar into the situation when the Chancellor seems to have matters in hand. If Marienburg escalates...then maybe. But until then it seems as likely to go worse as better.
-The desire to intervene in Black Water - Mathilde
would make a superlative surveyor, and possibly allow for accelerated construction. Not critical but not a bad option. Good solidarity for Belegar in any case, Barak Varr backed him up, he backs Barak Varr up.
His entire career is wrangling Greys, he probably wasn't even thinking of other Colleges.
Lets see, what would a Journeyman of a given College likely think of Waystones:
-Bright - Passion and impulse and a ready supply of lots of magical energy with the ability to turn lots of magical energy into lots of kill. Probably just don't mention it at all so they don't try.
-Gold - You can bet your ass some budding enchanter or alchemist would try to use them to achieve magic concentrations above what they can personally achieve outside the College on Journey. Sternly warn them away. They'd probably listen. Probably.
-Celestial - Professionally nosy. May be best not to mention the stones at all, though if they tried something stupid the divinations probably would drop hints before they went through. probably.
-Amethyst - Basic lessons in what not to do, necromancers, ghosts and specters like to congregate around Waystones and about all they need to learn is not to damage the stone in the process, and do emergency mitigation if a necromancer does something stupid.
-Grey - Basic lessons in what not to do, necromancers and sorcerors like to congregate around Waystones. So much the same as the Amethysts, except Greys like to skirt the rules, so its best not to let your Grey Journeymen know until they're practically planning to do something to it.
-Light - Similar to Amethysts and Greys, their likely jobs would associate them with such. However, less temptation, Hysh Choirs aleady provide similar functions with less fuss.
-Jade/Amber - They have pre-imperial traditions of managing the stones and evidently have not exploded. Dish out the classes for the Journeymen, besides, most of the Stones are in their stomping grounds, can't avoid it.
Can we help Panoramia with her magisterial exam? She is a good girl and deserves magisterial praise. Also waystones.
Panoramia is utterly unconcerned for magisterial praise. Helping her is nice, but she doesn't actually care, her ambitions are completely unrelated to her College rank, the halflings are already giving her the respect and pay of a Magister.
The only reason she'd go for the exams at all is that her Master might prod her a bit.