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- The Star Kingdom of Manticore
[X] Magister Patriarch Algard
Especially love the way the list of long, complex titles ends with the simple mic drop of 'Queekish'.Chemical Properties and Possible Applications of the Autoignitive Saliva of the Lustrian Salamander, By L.M. Stanisława Skłodowicz (Gold), M. Hans Scheunacht (Bright), M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), 2483.
Internal Mechanisms of the Ratling Gun, and How to Foil Them, By M. Grey (Grey), M. Gold (Gold), 2483.
Winning the War Below, 2483.
An Eyewitness Account of a Distinct and Hitherto Unknown Variety of Skaven Sorcery, 2483.
Queekish, 2483.
It also wouldn't have cost him anything (if people knew he had it they would assume he'd read it, much like they do with Mathilde and I just did), and given him a bonus when commanding armies against the undead. A not insignificant bonus at that.
Except, again, most of that came from the diary aspect which, unless he knew beforehand wouldn't be a reason to read it since he simply didn't know. He gave it to Mathilde because he trusted her so completely that either he thought she would resist the temptation to read it, or would resist the--honestly even worse--temptation to use the knowledge for evil even if she did. And much like Mathilde originally thought that the book itself was just a tome of necromantic lore and therefore most likely useless to anyone not a wizard, chances are they would not, in fact, assume he read since they would guess he had nothing to gain from it. The only real advantage I could see enticing him to read the book is Bunrnote's last point, and I'm just not sure that would be enough to make him read a highly illegal tome of foul necromancy.I cannot imagine he would've given it to a wizard if he didn't read it. And of course it contains useful information. We wrote papers on the strength of Freds tactical insight, and knowing what spells your enemy can cast is super important too.
He got it from someone, presumably his parent. They probably weren't dying when they gave it to him, and instead went "Here's our tragic family history. It will help you understand were we come from, and also how to fuck up undead".Except, again, most of that came from the diary aspect which, unless he knew beforehand wouldn't be a reason to read it since he simply didn't know. He gave it to Mathilde because he trusted her so completely that either he thought she would resist the temptation to read it, or would resist the--honestly even worse--temptation to use the knowledge for evil even if she did. And much like Mathilde originally thought that the book itself was just a tome of necromantic lore and therefore most likely useless to anyone not a wizard, chances are they would not, in fact, assume he read since they would guess he had nothing to gain from it. The only real advantage I could see enticing him to read the book is Bunrnote's last point, and I'm just not sure that would be enough to make him read a highly illegal tome of foul necromancy.
I did too. That glimpse of future imperfect was touching, my thanks.
I mean, maybe? Unless he found it on one of his many exploits as a hero of the Empire, which is what got him the Elector Count job to begin with.He got it from someone, presumably his parent. They probably weren't dying when they gave it to him, and instead went "Here's our tragic family history. It will help you understand were we come from, and also how to fuck up undead".
It also makes for a very good warning that using dhar just plain doesn't work.
That, on the other hand, is actually a pretty good point. Still not enough, in my opinion, to make the man read the book, but I'll admit it's possible. And it's possible he may have shared knowledge of the Skaven with Roswita, despite never telling his own spymaster that such a threat existed. On the other hand, even assuming of this is true... Roswita still would have difficulties actually using Queekish, since Skaven are no longer a direct threat to her holdings, and getting a hold of those who need it would still be a process. It's just... extraneous, and runs the risk of breaking the Conspiracy of Silence by complete accident, no matter how small a risk you may believe it.There is also the fact that we know there is a witch hunter excised version of the Liber Mortis in circulation that contains insights on how to fight undead. Van Hall would have had every reason to wonder if the original contained more such insights which got purged from the public version by some over-zealous priest.
All you'd meet is the person that Heidi allows to think they are the Spymaster and operate her intelligence network.
I do wonder how we do a one up on unlocking the queekish language, it's kind of hard to go one better than that for the next visit.
Ahem. Working Elfcation.A small smile twitches in the corner of his mouth. "You've discovered that the Naggarythe Shadow Warriors are set to take a swing at Malekith, perhaps?"
"So I came across a Grey Seer and during my interrogation, I learned about a secret tunnel to where the Council of Thirteen convenes..."I do wonder how we do a one up on unlocking the queekish language, it's kind of hard to go one better than that for the next visit.
Sail up the Reik with a stolen Black Ark? Cut off... oh, what's Malekith's mom's name? It escapes me at the moment. Anyways, yeah, cut off her hed, since there's no way we're taking the guy himself anywhere soon. Maybe pick up some deep and powerful lore while we're in Naggarythe or taking excursions to Lustria to fuck with Druuchi. You know, things like that.I do wonder how we do a one up on unlocking the queekish language, it's kind of hard to go one better than that for the next visit.
Sail up the Reik with a stolen Black Ark? Cut off... oh, what's Malekith's mom's name? It escapes me at the moment. Anyways, yeah, cut off her hed, since there's no way we're taking the guy himself anywhere soon. Maybe pick up some deep and powerful lore while we're in Naggarythe or taking excursions to Lustria to fuck with Druuchi. You know, things like that.