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I've expressed that we are overly concerned about "AP efficiancy" before so... no I'm completely serious.
there is the merger of game mechanics and lore though. at this point it can be said that 'workahoic' is as much a in character flaw as hatred of sigmar.

I don't really feel like it would make sense for her to stop unless something smacks her in the face from it.

and ya, learning that she isn't paying enough attention to her kid could be that smack, but it has to happen first.
Pivot to considering 'raising a child' to be part of work; Mathilde needs an apprentice she can trust and it's hard to get more in-house than your own kid so obviously she's going to pack them as full of vampire-killing lore, fightyness and dwarf-friending as she can.
And then pretend not to be disappointed when they don't demonstrate they can use magic so she can't show off the really cool stuff
To be honest, a lot of the factors that would effect how "connected" Mathilde is to her child on a personal level... well they probably fall below the level of abstraction in the quest. For example, Mathilde has a very minor commute, practically living in her place of work and possessing really fast transport, and is usually careful to not overwork herself—there's an entire mechanic centered around it, even—and thus would have at least some free-time a day. Said free-time would probably shift from whatever it is she does now to baby-care, but it presumably does exist, and for the rest of the day there are more than a few people capable of taking up the slack, just as happens with even modern-day. Children in daycare and whatnot. Assuming we're not constantly and consistently traveling long distances—which is actually mitigateable with that teleportation tower, interestingly enough—we would at least be around as much as any modern day parent with a job outside the house is, if not more.

Then there is however much more attention the questers decide to give, which probably depends on how well Boney writes the process of child-rearing and how interesting a baby we have, followed by personal investment in things like building Mathilde's legacy. Things like teaching them, whether it be how to be a sneaky-stabby person extraordinaire or magic, would definitely act as a bonding experience, or even just taking them along with us when we go visiting friends. There are plenty of ways to be a parent that don't impact your work schedule, it just takes other parts of your life.

... Thread knowledge check: If the child doesn't have any magic, is there any kind of reason not to read them the Liber Mortis as a bedtime story?
Besides not scarring your child for life with the mad ravings of a man whose entire country is slowly being devoured by rat men and filled with undead armies? Not really, no.
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That's just standard for children's stories. We all had one of them in our youth.

Mine ends with the protagonist getting chopped to pieces and thrown into a fire while lamenting their wasted youth.
... I now understand so much more about you. Although I should protest that my equivalent I wasn't actually supposed to see, and blame my siblings rather than my parents, but that's fair I suppose.
Pivot to considering 'raising a child' to be part of work; Mathilde needs an apprentice she can trust and it's hard to get more in-house than your own kid so obviously she's going to pack them as full of vampire-killing lore, fightyness and dwarf-friending as she can.
And then pretend not to be disappointed when they don't demonstrate they can use magic so she can't show off the really cool stuff
didn't mathy have an entire mental rant about how bad an idea for parents to teach magic to their own kids when it looked like pans mom was her master?
Pivot to considering 'raising a child' to be part of work; Mathilde needs an apprentice she can trust and it's hard to get more in-house than your own kid so obviously she's going to pack them as full of vampire-killing lore, fightyness and dwarf-friending as she can.
And then pretend not to be disappointed when they don't demonstrate they can use magic so she can't show off the really cool stuff
Even if dragonborn don't have magic as a racial trait (which would be suprising), then they still have natural armor and probably an amazing base statline.
Do as I say, not as I do.
didn't mathy have an entire mental rant about how bad an idea for parents to teach magic to their own kids when it looked like pans mom was her master?
As I recall, her main problem there was that parent Wizards are more likely to coddle their children by not sharing the true dangers of their work and things like miscasts, or something like that. Mathilde, on the other hand, would be the kind of person who intervened even if her kid was being taught by somebody else just make damn sure they understand. Her idea of "protecting" is more proactive than most.
Pivot to considering 'raising a child' to be part of work; Mathilde needs an apprentice she can trust and it's hard to get more in-house than your own kid so obviously she's going to pack them as full of vampire-killing lore, fightyness and dwarf-friending as she can.
And then pretend not to be disappointed when they don't demonstrate they can use magic so she can't show off the really cool stuff
A question for the Lore experts : would turning the child into a Vampire allow them to use magic if they couldn't already?
A question for the Lore experts : would turning the child into a Vampire allow them to use magic if they couldn't already?
I think becoming a Vampire would allow any human to use magic.

There is one example I'm aware of of someone turned as a child, but she was already magical. (Fun fact, being turned also seems to have stopped all growth)
You know we could just not be such workaholics. We do control how much time Matty spends doing "work" things.
Wait, you want to, like, spend actions on a thing that won't give us usable results for ~28 turns? When we don't even know if it will pay off properly? Where is your minmaxing spirit? One social to conceive, one mandatory loss of action for the giving birth thing (though maybe that can be lowered with enough college favor towards the Jades), one to hire some NPC to take care of the asset until we know if it can be shipped off to the colleges, and one to ensure loyalty by making them see two different copies of our will. That's how it's done.

@BoneyM, if it wouldn't spoil things, would you mind saying whether or not the coming update (the one in progress now) is going to end in the turn plan vote for T28? If it is, I'd like to go back and refresh my memory on the plates we had spinning, but if we've got something else between now and then, I will cool my jets.
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