Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Boon of Hyish has a lot going for it and was my original selection of healing spell. With Earth Blood's reliability brought into doubt and favors no longer being assigned to Second Portent of Amul, since no one has actually spoken out against getting it- only in favor of other options- I wouldn't be opposed to swapping to it. Being able to cure others and cure poison in a matter of seconds as well as fix all wounds is a very potent ability well worth the five favors, in my opinion.
I fear it'll be a hell to recharge underground where no celestial light shines but it's still a decent option.
I fear it'll be a hell to recharge underground where no celestial light shines but it's still a decent option.
Unless we're stuck in a long fight somewhere, we can probably always head to the surface rather quickly, though charging it might still be a trial.

I just don't trust Earth Blood to be usable when we really need it. Rather have something we can trigger whenever and is difficult to charge than something that can't always be used, but is easy to charge.
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Well, Earth Blood reliably heals 10 Wounds in WFRP, while Healing of Hyish is only 1d10 and would cost us an extra favor. Admittedly the latter can be used mid-combat even without having someone cover us while we take a minute or so to use the item, so it's got some things going for it, but if each is 1/day or similar then we'd get a lot more out of Earth Blood and it's cheaper in terms of absolute wounds healed.

The bit about worked stone negating the spell is a good point- I was just thinking "underground, we'd be surrounded by earth" and may have made a significant mistake. @BoneyM, comment on whether Earth Blood would be usable in a dwarfhold, please?

Boon of Hyish has a lot going for it and was my original selection of healing spell. With Earth Blood's reliability brought into doubt and favors no longer being assigned to Second Portent of Amul, since no one has actually spoken out against getting it- only in favor of other options- I wouldn't be opposed to swapping to it. Being able to cure others and cure poison in a matter of seconds as well as fix all wounds is a very potent ability well worth the five favors, in my opinion.

Other voters have opinions to share on this?
Boney said that if no item gets chosen this turn he'll do a vote on it next turn to see how people feel about it. We don't need to include it in the plan.
This is probably the best way to go about things. Okay, there'll be an opportunity to spend college favours on enchanted items before going on dwarfventures. Also means that people will know exactly which dwarfventure is being embarked upon.
Seeing as PsP is the larger voting bloc, I implore you to move behind it instead of potentially splitting the vote.
On this note now that neither of our vote is winning would you be willingy to trade the gong farmers for studying the swords ?
That way we can consolidate and everyone gets everything they consider important instead of none of it.
You'd need to be physically touching soil or natural stone. And not just a handful you can carry around in a pocket.
Right, thanks. Earth Blood is out, then.

Boney said that if no item gets chosen this turn he'll do a vote on it next turn to see how people feel about it. We don't need to include it in the plan.
While that is true, one of the selling points of my plan was that it included a healing item- even when acquiring one was guessed to take an action slot. I feel that I wouldn't be doing right by the people voting for it if I cut out that element even with the possibility of being able to later push through a vote for one on the table. If my plan wins I want the people who voted for it while wanting magical healing available to be certain that their will in that matter goes through.

Therefore, voters take note:

[ ] Plan Ready for Battle

has been modified to replace the line "[ ] Relatively Simple enchantment (two favours, Earth Blood, free action)" with the line "[ ] Fiendishly Complex enchantment (five favours, Boon of Hysh, free action)". This is because Earth Blood is not reliably useful inside a dwarfhold due to spell restrictions and Boon of Hysh is the most reliably powerful healing available.
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While I am all for compromise at this point my vote has been up long enough and has enough support that I do not feel comfortable pulling a bait and switch. Gong farmers is almost certainly not a make or break choice for many of my supporters but I cannot know for sure. I've already outlined why I did not select to study the swords previously and no argument has arisen to change my mind.
Is anti-poison magic really necessary though? I'd expect there would be experts in treating poisons available, what we want is a way to prevent a wound from keeping us down for ages or killing us slowly from blood loss or something (basically let's not go out embarrassingly like Van Hal).
They probably have good doctors...but keep in mind that for dwarfs any poison which didn't kill them instantly is treatable to a far greater extent than a human.

I suspect Dwarves wouldn't care but… aren't Enchanted Items safe? I recall one of the arguments for keeping the Doomfire Ring was that it had no misscast chance. Was that incorrect?
Unlike dwarf rune crafted items, most human made enchanted items can go a little awry if damaged.
Yes it's rare, but a properly made rune item won't fail until the whole item is broken beyond repair and it wouldn't be spraying random magic everywhere.
[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
A last minute attempt to merge the plans

[x] Plan Merged
On a separate note, plan ready for battle has now surpassed plan private sector. I don't suppose I could persuade from either of those plans to unite behind plan Merged, for the only plan with land surveying, snake-juice, and spell-training, as opposed to the alternatives of plan PsP's gong-farming managment formalization and personal steward hiring, or plan RfB's training non-combat stats?

I can't say for others, but I'm specifically against surveying action, so RfB, in my opinion, is better than PsP, FGID and Merged.

Well, Earth Blood reliably heals 10 Wounds in WFRP, while Healing of Hyish is only 1d10 and would cost us an extra favor. Admittedly the latter can be used mid-combat even without having someone cover us while we take a minute or so to use the item, so it's got some things going for it, but if each is 1/day or similar then we'd get a lot more out of Earth Blood and it's cheaper in terms of absolute wounds healed.

The bit about worked stone negating the spell is a good point- I was just thinking "underground, we'd be surrounded by earth" and may have made a significant mistake. @BoneyM, comment on whether Earth Blood would be usable in a dwarfhold, please?

Boon of Hyish has a lot going for it and was my original selection of healing spell. With Earth Blood's reliability brought into doubt and favors no longer being assigned to Second Portent of Amul, since no one has actually spoken out against getting it- only in favor of other options- I wouldn't be opposed to swapping to it. Being able to cure others and cure poison in a matter of seconds as well as fix all wounds is a very potent ability well worth the five favors, in my opinion.

Other voters have opinions to share on this?

I'm all for Boon.
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@DarkLight140 Could you please remove getting enchanted items from your plan given the following:
This is probably the best way to go about things. Okay, there'll be an opportunity to spend college favours on enchanted items before going on dwarfventures. Also means that people will know exactly which dwarfventure is being embarked upon.

We will have a vote following this one on what enchanted items to get, so we don't need to do so in the current plan votes. Moreover, it reduces our options if a winning plan grabs an item or two right now when we'll have a vote option dedicated to choosing enchanted items next turn. Discussion about what we want is good, but ping-ponging between different enchantment item choices when you're the writer of a plan is not good, especially since many voters won't even know what item you switched to before having the chance to participate in discussion.
While that is true, one of the selling points of my plan was that it included a healing item- even when acquiring one was guessed to take an action slot. I feel that I wouldn't be doing right by the people voting for it if I cut out that element even with the possibility of being able to later push through a vote for one on the table. If my plan wins I want the people who voted for it while wanting magical healing available to be certain that their will in that matter goes through.

You're taking the choice away from the voters by doing it this way. I don't think that a 5 favor healing item is the best choice, but I can't vote for the rest of your plan without that also being included. Meanwhile, next vote we will be able to vote on healing items as its own vote. There's no need to include it anymore, and since I don't want that much favor spent on one iem or that item in particular I'm removing my vote for your plan.
While I am all for compromise at this point my vote has been up long enough and has enough support that I do not feel comfortable pulling a bait and switch. Gong farmers is almost certainly not a make or break choice for many of my supporters but I cannot know for sure. I've already outlined why I did not select to study the swords previously and no argument has arisen to change my mind.

Please Don't be like that, you are ignoring half the reason plan voting existis and doing you votes a greate disservice.
People vote for plans because mostly don't have time to wathc everything that hapens in the threath so they trusted you to push certain actions, and since situations change plans do all the time, people make an announements so those that are can at and that is it.
Yes you can't be sure no one would care about the gong farmers but I dare say based on the arguments for then and the way the thread is going we can be at least 90% sure of that, do you realy think you would be doing your ultmost to fullfill the trust your voterase put on you if instead of making sure everyone of them get everthing important you know they care about you make sure they get none of that whatsoever because of 0,10 doubt that one of them may care that much about gong farmers ?

Also why didn't you vote for the swords I seen to have missed that ?
@DarkLight140 Could you please remove getting enchanted items from your plan given the following:

We will have a vote following this one on what enchanted items to get, so we don't need to do so in the current plan votes. Moreover, it reduces our options if a winning plan grabs an item or two right now when we'll have a vote option dedicated to choosing enchanted items next turn. Discussion about what we want is good, but ping-ponging between different enchantment item choices when you're the writer of a plan is not good, especially since many voters won't even know what item you switched to before having the chance to participate in discussion.

You're taking the choice away from the voters by doing it this way. I don't think that a 5 favor healing item is the best choice, but I can't vote for the rest of your plan without that also being included. Meanwhile, next vote we will be able to vote on healing items as its own vote. There's no need to include it anymore, and since I don't want that much favor spent on one iem or that item in particular I'm removing my vote for your plan.
While I appreciate your concerns, my vote has been promising its supporters that it would include a magical healing item since a couple hours after it was first posted. The GM only gave the information necessary to specify a healing item very recently, and has been releasing further information on the topic that makes the optimal choice shift; I need to stick by what people thought they were getting when I made the vote while also optimizing it.

Based upon our options from Realms of Sorcery, discounting Earth Blood due to unreliability because it's terrain-dependent, and discounting Drain Life because it allows enemies targeted with it a will save, as far as I can tell there are only two options for healing we really have if we want to be able to heal a stab wound: the 5-favor Boon of Hysh (full heal including poison and disease) or the 3-favor Healing of Hysh (partial heal). Those are the only two options for healing we realistically have, so options are limited and I'm pretty sure that the five-favor option is the better one in terms of cost/benefit.

What I am willing to do in light of your concerns, though, is to return the vote to specifying that we get a magical healing item without saying what it is, since we do have GM word that we will be able to have another vote on this. That should guarantee that people get what they've been voting for over the past half-day-plus (since the vote for a healing item will go through, so the rest of the voting base won't be able to then turn around and vote to not get a healing item of some sort because they'd rather spend all their favor on fireballs or something) without locking them into specifics that they couldn't have known and which I've been trying to quickly optimize via the input of whoever is online and some GM questions over only the last couple hours.

Does that seem reasonable to you?
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What I am willing to do in light of your concerns, though, is to return the vote to specifying that we get a magical healing item without saying what it is, since we do have GM word that we will be able to have another vote on this.

I think that does make sense, yeah. "Generic magic healing item" is what your plan was origionally, so I think going back to that is perfectly sensible.
I think that does make sense, yeah. "Generic magic healing item" is what your plan was origionally, so I think going back to that is perfectly sensible.
Okay, done.

Voters, take note:
[ ] Plan Ready for Battle

has replaced "[ ] Fiendishly Complex enchantment (five favours, Boon of Hysh, free action)" with "[ ] Commission a magical healing item from the Colleges (-favours, specific spell deferred to a later vote, free action)", in order to take advantage of GM flexibility in allowing people to choose specific items while keeping to the original intent of the vote.
Please Don't be like that, you are ignoring half the reason plan voting existis and doing you votes a greate disservice.
People vote for plans because mostly don't have time to wathc everything that hapens in the threath so they trusted you to push certain actions, and since situations change plans do all the time, people make an announements so those that are can at and that is it.
Yes you can't be sure no one would care about the gong farmers but I dare say based on the arguments for then and the way the thread is going we can be at least 90% sure of that, do you realy think you would be doing your ultmost to fullfill the trust your voterase put on you if instead of making sure everyone of them get everthing important you know they care about you make sure they get none of that whatsoever because of 0,10 doubt that one of them may care that much about gong farmers ?

Also why didn't you vote for the swords I seen to have missed that ?

That is indeed a major reason why people vote for plans, but for much of the voting period the only competitive plans were FGiD and PsP, so a vote for PsP was also a vote against FGiD. And the only situation that has changed is that PsP is not certain to win anymore.

Also, couldn't the exact same thing be said about your plan? That you could best serve the voter-base in that capacity by abandoning the sword action in favor of gong farmers to ensure that everything else went through?
On this note now that neither of our vote is winning would you be willingy to trade the gong farmers for studying the swords ?
That way we can consolidate and everyone gets everything they consider important instead of none of it.
As "now that neither of our vote is winning" now applies to me, I'm willing to say, sure. Getting everything I consider important would be much better for me and my voting base than losing this vote, and I think I can make that happen while giving you what you want.

My vote originally attracted people while having a Piety overwork action, and the overwork was dropped in light of concerns about the use of overwork expressed by @racnor when an action slot was freed up by GM ruling that acquiring a magic item would not take an action. As he is no longer voting for my plan and no one else complained about overwork his concerns drop to irrelevance, so I believe that returning the Piety action to overwork would not violate my voters' intent or trust.

This frees up an action slot, which I can use for the Swords study action, which as far as I know none of my voters are opposed to and which would therefore not contradict their desires. That seems like your highest priority, so if I do so are you willing to switch to Plan Ready For Battle?

Same question to anyone else who considers studying the Shyish-kebabs to be important, by the way. If this will bring the ~3 votes needed to give the plan the win I'll do it, since otherwise my voters get precisely zero of their voted-for action slots done and that's pretty awful.
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That is indeed a major reason why people vote for plans, but for much of the voting period the only competitive plans were FGiD and PsP, so a vote for PsP was also a vote against FGiD. And the only situation that has changed is that PsP is not certain to win anymore.
Considering how many people aproval voted for both I am pretty sure that is not the case, we simple can't state votes for PsP were votes against FGiD, specily due to how the latter was losing and so there wasn't reason to actively opose it.

Also, couldn't the exact same thing be said about your plan? That you could best serve the voter-base in that capacity by abandoning the sword action in favor of gong farmers to ensure that everything else went through?
Not realy my situation is actualy diametricaly oposede.
If you look back at plan PsP it's stance on gong farmers was that it was a convenient lose end to tie up.
From the beggining my Position was that we were going to get juice and swords done and that was the hill we were going to die on.
So while we can be mostly sure her never cared mucha about the action a and so didn't his voters for me I can be completely sure that action was the entire point from the beggining.

This frees up an action slot, which I can use for the Swords study action, which as far as I know none of my voters are opposed to and which would therefore not contradict their desires. That seems like your highest priority, so if I do so are you willing to switch to Plan Ready For Battle?
I would be wiling to aproval vote and campaign for it yes, sadly I won't be able to straigh up bring my entire voterbase since a chunk of them also want the juice but I will do my best.
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There's been a lot of conversation but only three votes in the past two hours so I'll give it until the next o'clock - 35 minutes from this post - and then I'm closing the vote.
Done, then.

Voters, take note:

[ ] Plan Ready For Battle

has modified the "[ ] Internalized Lessons: If you've been using a particular trait a fair bit in the last year, you can spend some time on it to internalize what you've learned and increase the trait (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective the more you've used the trait lately).
--[ ] Piety" action by setting it to overwork. The action slot thus freed up has been used to add the action "[ ] Shyish-kebabs: The Shyish swords are hideously dangerous as weapons, but fascinating as a subject of study. Try to reverse-engineer the lost enchantments woven into them." This has been done in an effort to compromise with other voting blocs so that we can actually hope to win the vote.
Voting is open