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While all that is true, it was said based on a scenario where Grey Journeymen would be thrown in the general direction of the EIC in the hopes that a spy network would happen as a result. Having a single Grey Perpetual operating at the top of an already-existing network is a lot less visible, and many Perpetuals operate without revealing their nature as Perpetuals.

Journeymen exist as a concept not just to get them Wizards to the Empire, but the Empire used to Wizards. If they operated unseen it would defeat the purpose. But Perpetuals fly under the radar as a matter of course.
I figure we'd just sneak the Grey Perpetual into a useful high level secretary or clerk position and let their skills do the rest.
The best Grey Perpetual apprentice is one they don't know is there...and Perpetuals are exceedingly unlikely to have noticable Arcane Marks so a long term deep cover position is well secured.
BoneyM has also ruled we can recruit Gretel into the EIC as an alternative too and we know she has skills. We've seen it firsthand. And wealth is her motivator.
I'm kind of scratching my head at the chain of logic that led to Gretel being nominated:
1) People are concerned that the EIC may do anything for money in the future, misusing its control of the economy and/or its armed escorts against the founding principles we instilled.
2) Therefore we should get a trustworthy agent in place as a secret auditor.
3) Therefore we should get Gretel, who is very skilled at intrigue and is motivated by wealth.

Why WOULD Gretel ever WANT to stop the EIC from making more money at the expense of others when she can get extremely wealthy by doing so?
Maybe this has been discussed previously and I'm about to get pleb filtered, but what exactly is the benefit involved in being able to create a small level of high magic when the requirments of doing so are so high? I get that the most powerful magics in setting all involve high magic, and that being able to refine it down is possible on the cards, but it just seems to present a risk of near constantly exploding all the damn time we want to use it in a way that's possibly worse than miscasting even battle magic, and requires a really intricate series of prerequisities before that as well.
Its not a Power thing, strictly speaking. If you just wanted raw dakka True Dhar is where its at.
Each Wind of magic has strictly delineated things which it can do, which it can do poorly, and which it cannot do at all.

High Magic, as a balanced and harmonized form of all eight Winds can essentially do anything. Thats ultimately the true reason to want it.
I have to admit; I'm a little unsure what this option is going to do.

Our very first AV investigation back in Turn 21 focused pretty heavily on what induces a transformation. Then the "expose Vitae to living beings" option we just took also did a lot to figure out what will induce a transformation.

What exactly is left to experiment with along those lines? I presume BoneyM has something in mind, but I can't think what we haven't already covered.
The still open questions I can think of immediately are "what rules govern the transformation", "what if multiple factors known to cause transformation at a higher power are applied simultaneously at low power", "how fast is the transformation and can the rate be modified", "are there intermediate states in the transformation" and "do different transformations produce different results"
Look how fast we are to march to Algard's orders, even before the Book of Grudges were consulted regarding the Eonir

Waystones is something that interested us a long time ago, but we always lacked the time to dedicate actions to it.

Once we became the K8P loremaster, actually once we decided to stay a while with Belegar, we knew we would study them, even before all the failing dwarf personal network and Eonir shenanigans entered the picture.

Also, thread forgets, but Mathilde is both legally and by her own personal preferences as a character bound to follow Algard's orders, even when they are cloaked as suggestions.

Anyway, I hope fellow voters start taking our backlog seriously. Yes, we will always have it, and we should always have it, but there's backlog and backlog.
So I decided to compile a list of all the Skaven secrets we have stolen or will probably steal relatively soon. The list is:
  1. Written Queekish
  2. Spoken Queekish
  3. Insight into Skaven psychology/game theory
  4. Confirmation of Eshin sorcerers
  5. Knowledge of a Skaven civil war
  6. Eshin internal intelligence
  7. Skaven knowledge of Chaos Dwarf anatomy
  8. Knowledge of skaven strategy and tactics(technically from Liber Mortis)
  9. Schematics for pretty much all of their technology
  10. Skaven food ooze
  11. Ability to make gas masks, countering Skaven chemical weapons
  12. Fluorescent lighting
  13. Adorable Rat-puppies
  14. Newton's cradles
There will come a day when the full scale of our intelligence coup is realized by the Eshin and it will be a day full of aneurysms and the birth of new Queekish expletives derived from our name.

Note that this list does not include anything that might be learned from the following items as we don't know enough about them to predict if the information learned from them would be useful:
  1. Black Gem
  2. Cathayan books
  3. Clan Moulder books
  4. Preserved Rat-mother bodies
  5. Eshin throwing star
  6. Eshin sorcerer crystal sword
  7. Eshin sorcerer amulet
  8. Electric whip
  9. Moulder vials
  10. Captured Moulder devices
  11. Warptech Lightning cannon
  12. Brass orb
  13. Organ vat
I wonder what rolling a 1 would look like, since I have no doubt we have priority access to this class, so scheduling problems cannot be an issue.
Well, the dice do tend to represent luck rather than actual skill in such situations, for which I am thankful (people are far more skillful than a 1/100 chance of automatic failure per action represents), so the Waystone teacher might get taken out by a rampaging clown after taunting the Azyr college too much, or something.
So I decided to compile a list of all the Skaven secrets we have stolen or will probably steal relatively soon. The list is:
  1. Written Queekish
  2. Spoken Queekish
  3. Insight into Skaven psychology/game theory
  4. Confirmation of Eshin sorcerers
  5. Knowledge of a Skaven civil war
  6. Eshin internal intelligence
  7. Skaven knowledge of Chaos Dwarf anatomy
  8. Knowledge of skaven strategy and tactics(technically from Liber Mortis)
  9. Schematics for pretty much all of their technology
  10. Skaven food ooze
  11. Ability to make gas masks, countering Skaven chemical weapons
  12. Fluorescent lighting
  13. Adorable Rat-puppies
  14. Newton's cradles
There will come a day when the full scale of our intelligence coup is realized by the Eshin and it will be a day full of aneurysms and the birth of new Queekish expletives derived from our name.

Note that this list does not include anything that might be learned from the following items as we don't know enough about them to predict if the information learned from them would be useful:
  1. Black Gem
  2. Cathayan books
  3. Clan Moulder books
  4. Preserved Rat-mother bodies
  5. Eshin throwing star
  6. Eshin sorcerer crystal sword
  7. Eshin sorcerer amulet
  8. Electric whip
  9. Moulder vials
  10. Captured Moulder devices
  11. Warptech Lightning cannon
  12. Brass orb
  13. Organ vat
The best proof of being a badass is by making your name itself a curse used by your enemies.
Well, the dice do tend to represent luck rather than actual skill in such situations, for which I am thankful (people are far more skillful than a 1/100 chance of automatic failure per action represents), so the Waystone teacher might get taken out by a rampaging clown after taunting the Azyr college too much, or something.
this makes me wonder how in the college holds the title for most ridiculous petty revenge prank.
this makes me wonder how in the college holds the title for most ridiculous petty revenge prank.
I don't know about petty revenge, but I'd call tricking half a million Greenskins into marching to their death pretty ridiculous. Or snatching a god's power out from underneath them when they carelessly left it lying around. Or setting off a massive thunder dome brawl that emptied a Karak of enemies by knocking over some glass vials. And nobody can prove that Mathilde didn't plan every last one of those.
1how long does it take you to write a update? Because your updates tend to be thousands of words long and well written.

2 Any advice for someone with writers block?
1how long does it take you to write a update? Because your updates tend to be thousands of words long and well written.

Usually about six hours if I'm uninterrupted.

2 Any advice for someone with writers block?

I wish I had a reliable solution, back when I regularly wrote prose it often got the best of me. The quest format actually bypasses a lot of it. I set up the world like a pinball machine, and the thread fires Mathilde off towards the ramps and bumpers. From there, all I have to do is map the trajectory, and I very rarely have to stop and wonder what happens next because it's all cause and effect.
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4 with Better Max and Better Paper

I simply prefer the sorcery paper while its FRESH.
I'm kind of scratching my head at the chain of logic that led to Gretel being nominated:
1) People are concerned that the EIC may do anything for money in the future, misusing its control of the economy and/or its armed escorts against the founding principles we instilled.
2) Therefore we should get a trustworthy agent in place as a secret auditor.
3) Therefore we should get Gretel, who is very skilled at intrigue and is motivated by wealth.

Why WOULD Gretel ever WANT to stop the EIC from making more money at the expense of others when she can get extremely wealthy by doing so?

Wealthy enough to what, buy a 99 year lease on a mountaintop? She's already done that. She's settling in. Presumably, she'll be living here long enough to gain our blend of dwarven ideals through sheer osmosis if nothing else, and I'm sure we'd put additional emphasis if we go through with it.

What we want from a EIC 2IC is competence and loyalty. At 21 Intrigue and 17 Learning, competence is more or less a given for what we want to achieve with the EIC, since we're not actively going after money-generation. As for loyalty, we've given her both magical and religious advice. We saved her from a miscast and snuffed out a giant Waaagh in front of her eyes. It doesn't really get much better than that.

What we want and what she wants are not mutually exclusive. In fact, when we were instilling those aforementioned values to the EIC, the entire point was that the Empire was necessary for wealth to be a thing. If anything, supporting EIC values in Gretel, who likes wealth and is already going to be around, is a good thing. Certainly less risky than hiring a thief to manage the Watch.
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Certainly less risky than hiring a thief to manage the Watch.
That wasn't a taking risk, though, to Mathilde. Aside from the 'set a thief to catch a thief' adage, she was far more focused on other threats to the people of Wurtbad and Stirland, specifically Vampiric infiltration.
"So, I take it you've heard of news with the Watch?"

He looks around the inn nervously - it's usually crowded, but not this early, and there's nobody within earshot. He lowers his voice anyway. "You're fighting the War Below."

"The War Below," you say musingly. Overly dramatic name for fighting against vermin and smugglers, but it has a nice ring to it. "The Watch is looking for an new leader. Ideally, someone with the creativity and inside knowledge to bring it success as it expands across Stirland."

"You want me to betray those I work with," he mutters.

"If I thought you would, you wouldn't be worth hiring. Besides, I envision the Watch as an organization with it's attention elsewhere." As you talk, you dip a finger in your mug of small beer and draw an X on the table. Jack looks down at it thoughtfully as you wipe your mouth with a napkin, and then you place the napkin atop the X. "There are many threats to the good order of Stirland and the Empire, and a few thieves are the very least of them."

"I... think I understand," he says.
"Ah, yes, of course, the 'War Below'" bluffed the Dämmerlichtreiter.
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@BoneyM just out of curiosity since we rolled a 98 regarding dragon and it translated to a confirmation that he was known, that he has no grudges with neither the Dwarfs nor the Humans and that it was en enemy of our enemies...

What would have happened if we rolled a nat 100, we would have discovered that he was a friend of Gotrek Starbreaker or something like that?

Forget about it, @chocolote12 is probably right.
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@BoneyM just out of curiosity since we rolled a 98 regarding dragon and it translated to a confirmation that he was known, that he has no grudges with neither the Dwarfs nor the Humans and that it was en enemy of our enemies...

What would have happened if we rolled a nat 100, we would have discovered that he was a friend of Gotrek Starbreaker or something like that?
Let's not talk about what-ifs. They're either boring, or would make us envious. We don't win either way.
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4 with Better Max
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4 with Better Max and Better Paper
Voting is open